Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

What does it cost to ship an M1 Abrams tank and crew 800 miles?

I think Fedex gives them a rate...

Let’s have a huge party for God loving real Americans! Salute the military and have Brother Hank put on a huge concert on the Mall and take back our nation!
Let’s have a huge party for God loving real Americans! Salute the military and have Brother Hank put on a huge concert on the Mall and take back our nation!

Memorial day picnics with fire pits and marshmallows ---------YES!!!!
To remind you.

Robert O'Neill, former Navy SEAL and the man who shot Bin Laden.

A military parade is third world bullshit. We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation.

11:53 AM - Feb 8, 2018

I suppose he hates the military.

To remind you ...

I, former High School Track and Field Competitor that won third place in the Regional high jump competition

Don't give a shit what Robert O'Neil has to say about the parade ... And I eat pickles on my hamburgers ... :thup:
How sick and sad is this? How much further into extremism can liberals go? To read these liberal responses, we should ban all parades, including high school parades. I mean, gee, if parents wanna show pride in their kids' high school, they should just go visit the high school! No need for a "fascist" parade!

At the very least, we should ban high-school ROTC groups from taking part in local parades, since that would, according to our wingnut liberals here, smack of "fascism" too.

Oh, and we'd better tell those "fascist" French to stop holding military pride parades in Paris! Who knew that the French were so "fascist"?

For that matter, the Army-Navy game needs to go bye-bye too, since that's clearly a step toward "fascism." At a minimum, we should ban the wearing of military uniforms at the game and ban the pre-game and halftime military parades that have always been part of the game, since, again, the new liberal standard is that military parades are "fascist."

It just shows you how sick and bizarre liberals have become that they cry "fascism" at the suggestion to hold a military parade on/around Veterans Day to honor our military. "No," they utter, "it's not to honor the military--it's really another step toward a fascist state, because only fascist nations have military parades." Fascist nations hold sporting events, so maybe we should ban all sporting events?

What idiocy. You know, I think if Trump said that gravity keeps things from floating into the sky, you guys would deny the law of gravity.

Funny how all the previous military parades that we've had we're celebrated by everyone and with no whining, extremist complaints from either party. But so many Dems have gone so far to the extreme left that now even a simple suggestion of a military parade to honor the military is "controversial."

You realize that Trump wants to hold the parade around Veterans Day, right?

The type of parade Trump wants is done only in extraordinary circumstances, The last time was 1991 when the Persian Gulf operation ended. Also the type of parade Trump wants would overshadow the soldiers. We don't need tanks and missiles paraded in Washington DC.
Rand Paul said it best...if only the criminal warmongering ruling class would listen. Bring ALL our troops home.

Though the martial image of high-stepping soldiers is not one I tend to associate with our nation’s Founders’ distrust of a standing Army, I’m not against a victory celebration. So I propose we declare victory in Afghanistan, bring home our 14,000 troops and hold a victory parade.
Sen. Rand Paul: Bring home our troops and, yes, throw a parade
You might want to check with our troops in Afghanistan about that.
If Obama had wanted it you would think is was a great idea.
Chucky Schumer actually called for a military parade in 2014.
But that was different.
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

This poll was an on-line poll of self selected individuals who read the Military Times (i.e. military people). There were no phone calls or any of the other bullshit you are talking about.

If you had ever spent a day in the military you would understand why the military folks do not want this parade. If you had ever spent weeks preparing for a Change of Command or a Hail and Farewell with your first sergeant yelling at you, then you would grasp why the military does not want this.

But alas, you will never be able to understand!
Figure out the cost and then spend that money on sending Veterans that are waiting for treatment to private doctors NOW.
stop giving Palestinians, Syria, UN, etc Millions of $$$$--have the parade AND help the vets
but we have Millions $$$ to give the Palestinians, Syria, all kinds of countries but not for the US military
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

I say do the parade, but just do it right after our wonderful military is pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
I say bring ALL our troops home including all the CIA and other covert fuckers.

Then do a parade for NONINTERVENTION and then cut the war department by 90%. Win win for all.
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

I say do the parade, but just do it right after our wonderful military is pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
I say bring ALL our troops home including all the CIA and other covert fuckers.

Then do a parade for NONINTERVENTION and then cut the war department by 90%. Win win for all.
I say bring some home--this would save big $$$$ and inject that money that is wasted overseas into the US
Blah-Blah-Blah ...
Even the Navy SEAL that sot Bin Laden thinks it is bullshit.

No disrespect to Senior Chief Petty Officer O'Neill (shit ... I would buy the guy a beer if he wanted one) ...
But I fail to see where his Navy Seal training or his ability to follow orders and properly do his job ... Qualify his opinion on the parade.

I would be more interested in his ideas on how to get rid of these gotdamn gophers ... They are really a pain in the ass.

Of course the military doesn't support it. This was never about the military, it's about Trump's ego.

Oh, of course. Because Trump can't do anything good and can't have noble motives for wanting anything. It can't be that Trump is patriotic and just thinks it would be an inspiring patriotic event to honor the military on Veterans Day by having a military parade. No, that just can't be.
Of course the military doesn't support it. This was never about the military, it's about Trump's ego.

Oh, of course. Because Trump can't do anything good and can't have noble motives for wanting anything. It can't be that Trump is patriotic and just thinks it would be an inspiring patriotic event to honor the military on Veterans Day by having a military parade. No, that just can't be.
anything and everything he does they hate and misconstrue
I think it is a waste of money and we don't really need to show off our military with a parade. And, I think Trump wanted one to show his loyalty to the military without thinking of the costs or that they may not be too thrilled with the idea themselves. You can say whatever floats your boat about him, but he loves this country and he loves our military. He just didn't think it through.

And, I don't trust polls.

He doesn't love this country nor the military.
Of course the military doesn't support it. This was never about the military, it's about Trump's ego.

Oh, of course. Because Trump can't do anything good and can't have noble motives for wanting anything. It can't be that Trump is patriotic and just thinks it would be an inspiring patriotic event to honor the military on Veterans Day by having a military parade. No, that just can't be.

I am glad you are catching on, it is not about those things. Everything Trump does is about Trump, nobody else.

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