Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Of course the military doesn't support it. This was never about the military, it's about Trump's ego.

Oh, of course. Because Trump can't do anything good and can't have noble motives for wanting anything. It can't be that Trump is patriotic and just thinks it would be an inspiring patriotic event to honor the military on Veterans Day by having a military parade. No, that just can't be.
That's can't be. He wants a parade like FRANCE!
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

OMG ... This is hilarious ... The degree the fruitcakes on the left will go ...

"Democrats on Thursday introduced legislation to bar federal funds from being used for a proposed parade."

Excellent idea on their part. Sir tiny hands can start a GoFundMe for his parade. How much can he put YOU down for?
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade
I don't care if there is a parade or not ,but you should know that the military times is a biased left wing rag any poll done by them is suspect.
Then in the next breathe we shall have revealed to us that lefties and liberals hate the military...
I think it is a waste of money and we don't really need to show off our military with a parade. And, I think Trump wanted one to show his loyalty to the military without thinking of the costs or that they may not be too thrilled with the idea themselves. You can say whatever floats your boat about him, but he loves this country and he loves our military. He just didn't think it through.

And, I don't trust polls.

He doesn't love this country nor the military.
No, you are confusing him and the last president. Obama was the one going around the world apologizing for America and dividing this country.
while i agree, trump sure isn't in a hurry to put it back together.
I believe he is trying hard. Did you hear the SOTU?
He's trying hard...on his golf game, tho I hear he cheats with that too.
I thought they were extinct and only rear their heads when a dem is in the WH??

Shouldn't you be working on your liberal hey hey ho ho chants?
I'm far from a lib Blues Never liked unions ,illegals and do like tax breaks Just don't like the way the batshit crazy repubs apply them....get ready to help drumph build his wall,,,

You are not welcome at any Democrat rally.
lol how did you like the 1032 drop in drumps DOW today? He yapped how good it was since he became presidunce and with Hill it would have gone down 50% His problem is he doesn't know when to shut that blabbermouth of his

I'm a greedy conservative remember I moved 90% to cash before the correction. After you libs finish panic selling and lose all your money I'll move back in. :muahaha:
and I sold nothing but bought more MSFT and AAPL
I think it is a waste of money and we don't really need to show off our military with a parade. And, I think Trump wanted one to show his loyalty to the military without thinking of the costs or that they may not be too thrilled with the idea themselves. You can say whatever floats your boat about him, but he loves this country and he loves our military. He just didn't think it through.

And, I don't trust polls.

He doesn't love this country nor the military.
No, you are confusing him and the last president. Obama was the one going around the world apologizing for America and dividing this country.
while i agree, trump sure isn't in a hurry to put it back together.
I believe he is trying hard. Did you hear the SOTU?

Man. I love this level of stupid.
Excellent idea on their part. Sir tiny hands can start a GoFundMe for his parade. How much can he put YOU down for?

I already provided seven years (among other things) ... :thup:
I can find better things to do with my money than the government or a politician ever will.

I kinda think it would have been a waste of money best spent elsewhere. We all know who hates and supports the military anyway. My wife is a Marine.
I think it is a waste of money and we don't really need to show off our military with a parade. And, I think Trump wanted one to show his loyalty to the military without thinking of the costs or that they may not be too thrilled with the idea themselves. You can say whatever floats your boat about him, but he loves this country and he loves our military. He just didn't think it through.

And, I don't trust polls.

He doesn't love this country nor the military.
No, you are confusing him and the last president. Obama was the one going around the world apologizing for America and dividing this country.
while i agree, trump sure isn't in a hurry to put it back together.
I believe he is trying hard. Did you hear the SOTU?
complex subject.

i do believe he's trying. i agree with a lot of what he has done, but no. not all.

i think the NEVER TRUMP is bullshit and counter productive to putting "the people" back together. i don't think trump started that game but he's damn sure not ending it and *this* is my complaint about trump. his ego must be fed and he's always in attack mode. gets old in here so it damn sure gets old with him.

but you take the good with the bad and hope we do well under what he decides we need to do and go from there.
It's ok. We don't do what we do for parades or medals.
Well, I have read the comments and I now believe that you all have been right. Those who chose to go into the service didn't do it for a parade, it is a cost that we don't need and local parafes are wondeerful where the local vets can participate.

So you know how I felt, I investigated the topic and found reasons why others felt differently and I listened. I even was swayed to the opposite of what I initially felt. How many of you, on both sides can say you are that open minded? We all have to try harder.
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

The Military Times polled their READERS, dumbass.
Take the money meant for this ridiculous parade and hire some more doctors at the VA.

If Kim Kong Trump must have his dictator-like parade, let him pay for it out of pocket.
I believe that more doctors have alreaady been hired there and remedies for their problems are taking place as we speak.
No need for a parade.

Take the money meant for this ridiculous parade and hire some more doctors at the VA.

If Kim Kong Trump must have his dictator-like parade, let him pay for it out of pocket.
I believe that more doctors have alreaady been hired there and remedies for their problems are taking place as we speak.

Name them. The GOP's idea for a remedy is to shut the VA down...again against the wishes of Veterans.
Take the money meant for this ridiculous parade and hire some more doctors at the VA.

If Kim Kong Trump must have his dictator-like parade, let him pay for it out of pocket.
I believe that more doctors have alreaady been hired there and remedies for their problems are taking place as we speak.

Name them. The GOP's idea for a remedy is to shut the VA down...again against the wishes of Veterans.

The problems with the VA medical system is an on-going problem that spans decades and is a national disgrace that is laid squarely at the feet of both parites as neither has cared to fix it. To blame one party or the other is just being a partisan zealot and shows your ignorance of the problems.
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

The Military Times polled their READERS, dumbass.
Word play is really nice isn't it?

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