Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Take the money meant for this ridiculous parade and hire some more doctors at the VA.

If Kim Kong Trump must have his dictator-like parade, let him pay for it out of pocket.
I believe that more doctors have alreaady been hired there and remedies for their problems are taking place as we speak.

Name them. The GOP's idea for a remedy is to shut the VA down...again against the wishes of Veterans.

The problems with the VA medical system is an on-going problem that spans decades and is a national disgrace that is laid squarely at the feet of both parites as neither has cared to fix it. To blame one party or the other is just being a partisan zealot and shows your ignorance of the problems.

Bullshit. While it IS true that the problems have spanned decades and both parties, that is no longer the case. Now, today, one party wants to destroy it or not adequately fund it and that party is the GOP.
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

The Military Times polled their READERS, dumbass.

Actually, they polled anyone that landed on their website LOON!
I just answered the poll....go do the same.
Poll: Do you support Trump’s military parade in Washington?
I’m OK with a parade as long as everyone in it wears a MAGA hat
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

This poll was an on-line poll of self selected individuals who read the Military Times (i.e. military people). There were no phone calls or any of the other bullshit you are talking about.

If you had ever spent a day in the military you would understand why the military folks do not want this parade. If you had ever spent weeks preparing for a Change of Command or a Hail and Farewell with your first sergeant yelling at you, then you would grasp why the military does not want this.

But alas, you will never be able to understand!

They polled anyone that landed on their webpage. I just answered the poll....Another propaganda poll with zero credibility intended to steer the thoughts of wack-jobs.
Poll: Do you support Trump’s military parade in Washington?
You don’t know me or shit about me and I only know the fairytale you tell about yourself in all the “Hey, look at me!” BULLSHIT for someone who gives a fuck.
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I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

This poll was an on-line poll of self selected individuals who read the Military Times (i.e. military people). There were no phone calls or any of the other bullshit you are talking about.

If you had ever spent a day in the military you would understand why the military folks do not want this parade. If you had ever spent weeks preparing for a Change of Command or a Hail and Farewell with your first sergeant yelling at you, then you would grasp why the military does not want this.

But alas, you will never be able to understand!

They polled anyone that landed on their webpage. I just answered the poll....Another propaganda poll with zero credibility intended to steer the thoughts of wack-jobs.
Poll: Do you support Trump’s military parade in Washington?
You don’t know me or shit about me and I only know the fairytale you tell about yourself in all the “Hey, look at me!” BULLSHIT for someone who gives a fuck.

The above is the standard for RWnuts now on USMB. "I don't like it, therefore it can't be true."
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

This poll was an on-line poll of self selected individuals who read the Military Times (i.e. military people). There were no phone calls or any of the other bullshit you are talking about.

If you had ever spent a day in the military you would understand why the military folks do not want this parade. If you had ever spent weeks preparing for a Change of Command or a Hail and Farewell with your first sergeant yelling at you, then you would grasp why the military does not want this.

But alas, you will never be able to understand!

They polled anyone that landed on their webpage. I just answered the poll....Another propaganda poll with zero credibility intended to steer the thoughts of wack-jobs.
Poll: Do you support Trump’s military parade in Washington?
You don’t know me or shit about me and I only know the fairytale you tell about yourself in all the “Hey, look at me!” BULLSHIT for someone who gives a fuck.

Glad to see you have moved past your fantasy about phone calls and the like. Still a racist piece of shit, but maybe there is hope for you.
If it were a parade to honor veterans, I would be happy to go along. This is a parade to show off military might. It is styled after the French military parades, rolling huge amounts of military hardware down the streets.

A parade can honor veterans. A parade can boast & brag about how tough we are. The first is what we, as Americans do. The second is not.


Your Local Police Departments Have Gone From This ...

To This ...

And You Stupid Motherfuckers Are Worried About The Message A Parade Sends
To The Rest Of The World ...

You never saw Home Alone did you?
If it were a parade to honor veterans, I would be happy to go along. This is a parade to show off military might. It is styled after the French military parades, rolling huge amounts of military hardware down the streets.

A parade can honor veterans. A parade can boast & brag about how tough we are. The first is what we, as Americans do. The second is not.


Your Local Police Departments Have Gone From This ...

To This ...

And You Stupid Motherfuckers Are Worried About The Message A Parade Sends
To The Rest Of The World ...

You never saw Home Alone did you?
I know...I love how he uses the picture of a burglar to represent the way cops used to be.
Dang.. Another Great Douche Parade, will look like this.


Guess what?

Hillary wasn't at that parade was she:abgg2q.jpg:

Over 44 year after she was on the team that ran the Criminal Dicky
Nix out of office. Still, you got no criminal charges on HRC.
Keep trying to get her.

As this REAL Criminal ConMan will go down...

The idea came from a military parade Trump attended IN FRANCE. But you lefty loons just couldn't resist throwing Russia into this could you ? :rolleyes:
That’s because liberals hate the thought of pride in our military and our nation.

There is no god. We are not blessed by one.
We just kill others, mostly for the legal by
law criminal corporations of America.
They paid for these wars to be started,
So they can profit off American Terrorism

There's Little different here from what Isis and Taliban do.
Other than, they are not legally incorporated to do so by
laws. Killing people for profits.

These nice folks (Isis and Taliban) bomb civilian targets.

We (USA) have no legally declared wars now.
We, nice folks, bomb civilian targets, too.
We bomb civilians before wars are declared.
How are we better?

WWII soldiers died and were wounded for somethang.
All wars after WWII are for justifying the feeding of
the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. 99% of the U.S. dead and
wounded after WWII were used by the 1%ers, FOR Profits!
They died for nothang, really what war have we won after WWII?
Dead ones are better, that cuts down on the Long-Term Welfare cost.
As most signed up for FREE Gobmint Welfare to start. Oops!?
Some got tagged by war, they have to pay the price for the 1%ers to profit.
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Why in the world would the angry left equate a parade to honor American Military with the freaking Soviets? Is the crazy left fixated on Russia for some crazy reason?
Trump wants to out-parade North Korea. As those parades are to celebrate North Korea's leadership so ours would celebrate Trump's leadership, our parade must be a parade like no other.
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Imagine if all those millions was put into veteran programs or a new GI bill. That would be a better way to honor them.
Why didn't Senator Schumer think of that when he said a few years ago that we need to have a military parade? We have video.

It's so easy to throw shit back on you people.
It’s about team USA and national pride. If you had any you would understand this.

I have plenty of pride in my country. If it takes a parade to show yours it isn't real.

My complaint is not about the military at all. It is about spending millions of dollars on something that may lift morale for a week or so. We are trillions of dollars in debt. Spending MUST be brought under control if this nation is to survive as a world power. Our children and their children will be saddled with this debt.

And do you think Congress will pay back the $2.8 trillion they borrowed from Social Security when the debt keeps climbing?

If you think spending $23 million on a parade is being fiscally responsible, you are no conservative.
it'd be for more than a week or two. It will be for years worth of propaganda vs our enemies or anyone thinking about being our enemy. It will be used during 2020 election in commercials re-electing Trump. And you Liberals will help pay for it.

"You liberals?" I am arguing against spending $23 million on a parade, and you call me the liberal? LMAO!

Do you think any of our potential enemies don't know we have the biggest, baddest, most dangerous military? We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined.

But we are trillions of dollars in debt. Our congress has borrowed $2.8 trillion from Social Security. We have to either curb spending or we will not make it as a nation.
I think smaller countries like North Korea would be impressed.
However, it would be smart to do it on an existing holiday, like Memorial day, instead of creating a new Patriots day holiday.
I like the idea of “Patriots Day.” The liberals have “Martin Luther King Day” to rally their race baiting grass roots. Why cant we have a day to express love of country?
Love of country is way too white, heterosexual, Christian, contributory, know-all the bad stuff
My OP settled all this yesterday....the left both envies and despises our Armed Forces. That's why they sequestered funds to weaken us to the point we couldn't leave our shores. It's why Barry the Fairy wanted a "civilian defense force" with the same capabilities as our Military. It's why the left has always started wars and then voted against winning them. Don't listen to the left on this....they are vile cowards and appeasers.

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