Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

The democrats hate Trump more than they love America....this hissy fit over a parade to honor the troops is just another example of that....
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Who pays for police, sanitation etc? I know in our city the city provides it. Lots of complaints about it
Do you have this complaint about any parade? No of course not. You are a bigot who wants to whine about gay parades specifically.

I pointed out that once again you'e clueless. Suck on it
Oh, you’re always so Christian, Sassy. It warms my soul.

You're floundering again. Being Christian and pointing out you're an idiot is in no way connected.
Being a complete bigot such as yourself is very un-Christian. In fact, being republican at all is very un Christian.

You're going off on tangents on your own thread, good grief
Do they just knee jerk love any retarded idea Trump comes up with? Is this the level of stupidity among Trump supporters that we are dealing with?
trump supporters or republicans?.....make up your mind billy.....
Republicans defend Trump regardless. Obviously polls show most are Trump supporters
Really? Like how McCain, Romney, Graham and the Bushes support him regardless? What planet do you currently occupy?
The democrats hate Trump more than they love America....this hissy fit over a parade to honor the troops is just another example of that....
It blows my mind how you people just mindlessly support anything this childish moron comes up with. You’re sheep.
Do they just knee jerk love any retarded idea Trump comes up with? Is this the level of stupidity among Trump supporters that we are dealing with?

Yes, I'm in favor of it.

To be honest, I was not for it originally until I heard that Dims were going to thrown themselves under the moving tanks.
Do they just knee jerk love any retarded idea Trump comes up with? Is this the level of stupidity among Trump supporters that we are dealing with?

Yes, I'm in favor of it.

To be honest, I was not for it originally until I heard that Dims were going to thrown themselves under the moving tanks.

But did you notice it was dem asking for volunteers? Of course a dozen dutifully raised their hands
Do they just knee jerk love any retarded idea Trump comes up with? Is this the level of stupidity among Trump supporters that we are dealing with?
trump supporters or republicans?.....make up your mind billy.....
Republicans defend Trump regardless. Obviously polls show most are Trump supporters
Really? Like how McCain, Romney, Graham and the Bushes support him regardless? What planet do you currently occupy?
sometimes billy seems like he is from Ork....
The Hell they are not.

Really? please tell me more.
Islam advocates violence and terror. MS13 the same thing. And they are killing people, what else do you need to know, besides that.

Number of Islam advocating terrorism is minor numbers if you take the whole population of Islam’s.
MS 13 are gangs advocating drugs against gangs.

But KKK and Neo NAZIs wants to eliminate ALL I mean ALL minorities & only wants white people. Just like what they did to Jews in WW2.

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1. Minor numbers my ass, the support network is firmly established, and grows daily.
2. Who is acting on what you say? Where was the last slaughter on non whites by the KKK or Neo Nazis anywhere?

1. Please provide numbers.
2. Don’t tell me you don’t know the main goal of KKK and NeoNazis that are parading inside US and Europe.
And you can't tell me there is anywhere near the number of active KKK or Neo-Nazis than there are ihadists
You are listening to another apology for Islam, saying white supremacy is just as deadly is plain stupid.
Do they just knee jerk love any retarded idea Trump comes up with? Is this the level of stupidity among Trump supporters that we are dealing with?

Yes, I'm in favor of it.

To be honest, I was not for it originally until I heard that Dims were going to thrown themselves under the moving tanks.

I was thinking the same thing, they are acting unbelievably childish.
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

A parade celebrating the might and power of this country, compared to a parade that celebrates sexual perversion, degeneration, and immorality? No contest. I know that you're on the side of perversion, degeneracy, and immorality, and you hate this country, and its might and power, but you do not speak for the majority of decent, patriotic Americans.
Hey, if they want to have the parade on 4th of July, Veteran's Day or Memorial Day, I'm all for it.

I'm also okay with a military style parade being done for victory celebrations after we win a war or conflict, or even if an incoming president wants one for their inauguration.

But just to pump up Trump's ego? No. Not cool with that. Besides, parades are a pain in the ass for those who have to participate in them. Over the 20 years I was in, there were very few gung ho individuals who would volunteer for things like this. Usually the participants were selected after they drew the short straw.

And, if you get Navy personnel, you're gonna have to get them to practice marching because marching is pretty much a thing of the past after you graduate A school in the Navy. Not much room for marching on ships.
Hey, if they want to have the parade on 4th of July, Veteran's Day or Memorial Day, I'm all for it.

I'm also okay with a military style parade being done for victory celebrations after we win a war or conflict, or even if an incoming president wants one for their inauguration.

But just to pump up Trump's ego? No. Not cool with that.
Yes, we know idiots are against things just because Trump is President.
Hey Bush92, the reason we had those parades was because we actually had something to celebrate. What is the occasion? Why should the military have a parade? Just because the Cheeto in Chief wants one?

Senator Charles New York...wanted a military parade in 2014....were you this upset then?

Schumer wanted to have a military parade in 2014, because that is when we THOUGHT that the troops were coming home from Afghanistan. Sadly, it didn't work.
A parade to welcome the troops home from conflicts is often done. Trump wants missiles, tanks and all kinds of weapons and it's for his benefit. He wants thousands to salute him as they pass.[/QUOTE]
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Hey, if they want to have the parade on 4th of July, Veteran's Day or Memorial Day, I'm all for it.

I'm also okay with a military style parade being done for victory celebrations after we win a war or conflict, or even if an incoming president wants one for their inauguration.

But just to pump up Trump's ego? No. Not cool with that. Besides, parades are a pain in the ass for those who have to participate in them. Over the 20 years I was in, there were very few gung ho individuals who would volunteer for things like this. Usually the participants were selected after they drew the short straw.

And, if you get Navy personnel, you're gonna have to get them to practice marching because marching is pretty much a thing of the past after you graduate A school in the Navy. Not much room for marching on ships.

We don’t need to waste money on a parade, inauguration, winning a war, it’s a waste with no real upside. Huge downside.
What the fuck does it matter? The country waste billions on non-citizens - and I bet all you lefties are totally cool with that. How about let the soldiers and American's have some respect for a few million for once.

Greedy fucks.
Being Ex-Army I can say I hated doing Parades. Weeks training how to properly march in Parade formation. Money and time spent in fixing your dress uniform. It's a real pain making sure everything is perfect. And no real reward for doing it.
What the fuck does it matter? The country waste billions on non-citizens - and I bet all you lefties are totally cool with that. How about let the soldiers and American's have some respect for a few million for once.

Greedy fucks.

It’s a waste of money, just like supporting illegal citizens, to wrongs don’t make a right.

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