Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

I noticed that NONE of the right wingers on this thread have wanted to directly challenge what i stated in my O/P about Trump being a "birther" advocate of a half black president...AND how Trump was basically calling for a lynching of 5 black teenagers who were found not guilty of a crime.........

But, I really can't blame them for NOT defending the indefensible.
I noticed that NONE of the right wingers on this thread have wanted to directly challenge what i stated in my O/P about Trump being a "birther" advocate of a half black president...AND how Trump was basically calling for a lynching of 5 black teenagers who were found not guilty of a crime.........

But, I really can't blame them for NOT defending the indefensible.

Who the fuck cares about birther....he had questions, he didn't answer them until way into his presidency....Trump got him to release his birth certificate...problem cleared up.....
As for the teenagers, he shouldn't have jumped the gun, but liberals riot off of stuff like that. They shoot cops and kill people....and he stopped once they were no longer suspects, UNLIKE liberals who still hate the Duke LaCross team.....even after they proved they were innocent.
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"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.
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"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.

If true why did FDR oppose anti lynching legislation?
He's correct. What have the Democrats done for blacks?

Well...... they fought against school vouchers which helped many black families.

They want a near open-border policy to take even more jobs away from blacks.

Democrats are in charge of most of those ghettoes where there is no hope in sight.

Democrats run public schools where their only priority are teachers unions.

Democrats have long promoted single-parent homes which are directly proportional with poverty which is and has been the problem in most black communities.

So why not try something different?

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results each time."
Cleveland: Charter School Teachers Form a Union

One of the main reasons that billionaires like the Waltons fund charters is to cripple the teachers’ unions. Ninety percent of charter schools are non-union. The teachers are often unlicensed and lack certification. A large number are Teach for America and have no intention of making teaching their career. Charter teachers serve at-will and may be fired for any reason.

When Charters Go Union

The reason the GOP elite don't want unions is so they can fire people on a whim, keep wages low and not have to provide benefits.

The reason the GOP base don't want unions is because many are clearly brain damaged and are only happy when they are being taken advantage of.
Is your insinuation then, that conservatives show up to vote much more than democrats because these conservatives are mostly retired, white folks who are convinced that the darkies are taking over?

Most who vote Republican know what they are voting on. You can't drag homeless people off of the train tacks, give them a ride to the polls, and give them five or six cigarettes to vote Democrat and expect them to know what they are voting on.

A conservative will climb a mountain of rocks to get to the polls if necessary. That's because voting is so important to them. In my opinion, voting should take some effort because our country would be so much better off if only informed people voted. If it were up to me, you would have to take a simple test as well before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the Vice President? What party does he or she belong to? What party leads Congress, the Senate?

If we could create such a law, the Democrats would have a shit fit. They rely on people that only know to vote for anybody with a (D) next to their name and nothing more. And this is why they are so upset over Voter-ID. It has nothing to do with the competency of blacks, it has to do with discouraging people like the Obama Phone and Obama Money ladies from voting.

Is your insinuation then, that conservatives show up to vote much more than democrats because these conservatives are mostly retired, white folks who are convinced that the darkies are taking over?

Most who vote Republican know what they are voting on. You can't drag homeless people off of the train tacks, give them a ride to the polls, and give them five or six cigarettes to vote Democrat and expect them to know what they are voting on.

A conservative will climb a mountain of rocks to get to the polls if necessary. That's because voting is so important to them. In my opinion, voting should take some effort because our country would be so much better off if only informed people voted. If it were up to me, you would have to take a simple test as well before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the Vice President? What party does he or she belong to? What party leads Congress, the Senate?

If we could create such a law, the Democrats would have a shit fit. They rely on people that only know to vote for anybody with a (D) next to their name and nothing more. And this is why they are so upset over Voter-ID. It has nothing to do with the competency of blacks, it has to do with discouraging people like the Obama Phone and Obama Money ladies from voting.

Discouraging any eligible citizen from voting should be a felony! And anyone fomenting such unCOnstitutional activity should lose their right to vote.
A conservative will climb a mountain of rocks to get to the polls if necessary.

Well, you may be correct on the above point and that is why midterm elections often favor conservatives....BUT, my problem is with the incentives that draw conservatives to vote........It is NOT based on constitutional fervor as much as it IS based on keeping those dark-skinned people from garnering too much power.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???
Only a Democrat assumes that every black in America cares about 5 black rapists.
Only a Democrat assumes that every black in America likes Obama.
Only a Democrat assumes that Democrats have their best interests in mind. They sure showed that by going down to Baton Rouge this week.

Oh, sorry, they didn't have the time to go....because it would mean interrupting their busy vacations and cut into their nap time.
Is your insinuation then, that conservatives show up to vote much more than democrats because these conservatives are mostly retired, white folks who are convinced that the darkies are taking over?

Most who vote Republican know what they are voting on. You can't drag homeless people off of the train tacks, give them a ride to the polls, and give them five or six cigarettes to vote Democrat and expect them to know what they are voting on.

A conservative will climb a mountain of rocks to get to the polls if necessary. That's because voting is so important to them. In my opinion, voting should take some effort because our country would be so much better off if only informed people voted. If it were up to me, you would have to take a simple test as well before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the Vice President? What party does he or she belong to? What party leads Congress, the Senate?

If we could create such a law, the Democrats would have a shit fit. They rely on people that only know to vote for anybody with a (D) next to their name and nothing more. And this is why they are so upset over Voter-ID. It has nothing to do with the competency of blacks, it has to do with discouraging people like the Obama Phone and Obama Money ladies from voting.

Discouraging any eligible citizen from voting should be a felony! And anyone fomenting such unCOnstitutional activity should lose their right to vote.


Only a Democrat assumes that every black in America likes Obama.

Well, lets see you may be right in that NOT "every black" voted for Obama....

In 2008, Obama got a "mere" 96% of the black vote, and in 2012, a mere 93%.....So, you're right not every black voted for him.
I noticed that NONE of the right wingers on this thread have wanted to directly challenge what i stated in my O/P about Trump being a "birther" advocate of a half black president...AND how Trump was basically calling for a lynching of 5 black teenagers who were found not guilty of a crime.........

But, I really can't blame them for NOT defending the indefensible.
I don't remember Trump doing any of this shit. I think you're just making it all up to piss off black people.
Only a Democrat assumes that every black in America likes Obama.

Well, lets see you may be right in that NOT "every black" voted for Obama....

In 2008, Obama got a "mere" 96% of the black vote, and in 2012, a mere 93%.....So, you're right not every black voted for him.
Alot of them don't even like him.....but voted for him because he was black.
Is your insinuation then, that conservatives show up to vote much more than democrats because these conservatives are mostly retired, white folks who are convinced that the darkies are taking over?

Most who vote Republican know what they are voting on. You can't drag homeless people off of the train tacks, give them a ride to the polls, and give them five or six cigarettes to vote Democrat and expect them to know what they are voting on.

A conservative will climb a mountain of rocks to get to the polls if necessary. That's because voting is so important to them. In my opinion, voting should take some effort because our country would be so much better off if only informed people voted. If it were up to me, you would have to take a simple test as well before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the Vice President? What party does he or she belong to? What party leads Congress, the Senate?

If we could create such a law, the Democrats would have a shit fit. They rely on people that only know to vote for anybody with a (D) next to their name and nothing more. And this is why they are so upset over Voter-ID. It has nothing to do with the competency of blacks, it has to do with discouraging people like the Obama Phone and Obama Money ladies from voting.

Discouraging any eligible citizen from voting should be a felony! And anyone fomenting such unCOnstitutional activity should lose their right to vote.


Yeah.......those two morons must have scared the shit out of you......

BTW, how many conservative voters have come forward and stated that they did NOT vote because of those 2 clowns???
Marry me...What the hell do you have to lose?

Ignore the fact that I have been ridiculing you
Ignore that I am offering you nothing
Ignore that I will probably make your life miserable

What do you have to lose?
I don't remember Trump doing any of this shit. I think you're just making it all up to piss off black people.

What ‘The Central Park Five’ Teaches Us About a Trump Administration
How Trump's decades-long condemnation of five innocent men proves Clinton's indictments of a non-presidential temperament.
I don't remember Trump doing any of this shit. I think you're just making it all up to piss off black people.

What ‘The Central Park Five’ Teaches Us About a Trump Administration
How Trump's decades-long condemnation of five innocent men proves Clinton's indictments of a non-presidential temperament.
Wow.....impressive. No links.
Marry me...What the hell do you have to lose?

I believe that Trump may have used the above pick-up quip on Melania........Something along these lines:
"My dear, I am filthy rich and I have small hands, so what the hell do you have to lose..."
"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

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