Trump wants Kaepernick & West for White House race summit

Can't argue. But this situation is so bad, and it's continuing to decay. I'm ready to throw pretty much anything at it.

the situation is bad because one party continues to use racism to get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests.

That's why the situation is bad, Stormy Mac.

So, it's in the economic interests of Democrats to support illegal immigrants?

1.) Studies prove Blacks, and legal Hispanics (Your friends) are losing income due to wages undermined by illegals.

2.) Illegal Immigrants are killing Unions, (Your friends) as almost no Illegals are Union, they are not only saturating the job markets in many cases with non-Union workers, but even pushing the Union's downward, because they can't compete with Illegals.

3.) Illegal immigrants pay less taxes for Public school (Your friend) but if anything they sure as heck seem to put more kids in the Public school systems, this once again harms Democrat voters disproprotionately, becauseThis happens more in Black neighborhoods / Democrat cities.

4.) IIlegal immigrants are sometimes joining Hispanic gangs that fight with Blacks (Your friends) and, yes that includes killings against Blacks, and vice versa because of these Hispanic gangs being propped up by El Democrats.
Standard propaganda technique. Be vague. Let the moderates hear what they want to hear. Let the radical racists on your side hear what you really mean.

The cop that arrested the guy who was breaking into a house and was an asshole about it, was not doing anything wrong.

Obama was being a dick, when he called that cop stu

Kaepernick, was being an asshole, when Trump rightfully pointed out that he was being an asshole.

Kaepernick wasn't doing anything wrong. Trump was not "rightfull". No more than Obama for calling a cop stupid for acting like an asshole.

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

2. Trump was right to call him out on it. Too long we Americans have let assholes being anti-American assholes without any cost.

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

What Obama did was wrong. What Trump did was right.

Kaepernick did not disrespect the United States of America or our military. His was and is a protest against the people in various offices who have strayed from our national principles and values.

Yes, he did. He clarified his intent with his words for those dense enough to not understand KNEELING during the National Anthem.

And it is not disrespect to our military.

The Flag is not a symbol that represents our military.

The Flag is a symbol for the nation as a whole, ie "and the nation for which is stands".

Kaepernick did disrespect the nation as a whole and all of it's citizens.

He is an asshole and should be shunned by normal, healthy society.

Complete and utter nonsense. Kaepernick's actions are not the least bit disrespectful to our nation and us.

He is kneeling during a ritual where standing is called for as as show of respect and loyalty to the nation and your fellow citizens.

THat is actively showing disrespect and disloyalty.

Your denial of this obvious fact is utterly groundless.

Everyone has the right to protest the abuse of power, particularly when it results in death.

Strawman. No one is saying he does not have the right to be disloyal and disrespectful to the nation.

But he will be judged based on his disrespectful and disloyal actions.

Such abuse is the real insult to our nation.

Sophistry. We have been discussing and will continue to discuss all law enforcement/civil rights issues.

Kaepernick disrespecting the nation and it's citizens, is not contributing shit.

It is extremely divisive.

If you want to see disrespect for our nation, look at those bimbos who fly the confederate traitor flag right next to the Flag of the United States of America; a flag of filth within touching distance of our flag.

Your lack of knowledge of our history is noted and laughed at.

Who are you to revoke the policies of re-conciliation of our ancestors, the ones that actually ended slavery and the Confederacy?

Look at Arpaio.

YOur support of an Open Border is noted and held against you.

And as I understand it, having done it in church so many times, kneeling is a gesture of submission, not disrespect.

Are you seriously pretending to not understand that different rituals are different?

Sure. FIne. I will insult your intelligence by pretending to take you at your word.

Here is the definition of different. Learn.

not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality.

THe ritual associated with the National Anthem, is DIFFERENT, than the ritual of Prayer.

I hope you will drop that sophistry now.
Standard propaganda technique. Be vague. Let the moderates hear what they want to hear. Let the radical racists on your side hear what you really mean.

The cop that arrested the guy who was breaking into a house and was an asshole about it, was not doing anything wrong.

Obama was being a dick, when he called that cop stu

Kaepernick, was being an asshole, when Trump rightfully pointed out that he was being an asshole.

Kaepernick wasn't doing anything wrong. Trump was not "rightfull". No more than Obama for calling a cop stupid for acting like an asshole.

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

2. Trump was right to call him out on it. Too long we Americans have let assholes being anti-American assholes without any cost.

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

What Obama did was wrong. What Trump did was right.

Kaepernick did not disrespect the United States of America or our military. His was and is a protest against the people in various offices who have strayed from our national principles and values.

Yes, he did. He clarified his intent with his words for those dense enough to not understand KNEELING during the National Anthem.

And it is not disrespect to our military.

The Flag is not a symbol that represents our military.

The Flag is a symbol for the nation as a whole, ie "and the nation for which is stands".

Kaepernick did disrespect the nation as a whole and all of it's citizens.

He is an asshole and should be shunned by normal, healthy society.

Imagine, a Russian asshole telling Americans who to respect.

You divisive twits have a hell of a nerve talking about how divisive Kaepernik is. You’re the assholes here.

1. Your excuse for not addressing my points is noted and dismissed. ALL my points still stand, I will post them again, after the 3rd point.

2. Kaepernic is literally sowing division in a ritual intended to show group loyalty. That is division.

3. Allowing anti-American assholes to get away with their shit, as we have been, has been a mistake and has normalized their vile anti-American behavior. Holding them accountable for their disloyalty, is supporting unity, not division.

My previous points, which you were unable to refute, and so dodged with a pathetically stupid rationalization, of course still all stand and here they are again, so they are not just buried by shit.

Yes, he did. He clarified his intent with his words for those dense enough to not understand KNEELING during the National Anthem.

And it is not disrespect to our military.

The Flag is not a symbol that represents our military.

The Flag is a symbol for the nation as a whole, ie "and the nation for which is stands".

Kaepernick did disrespect the nation as a whole and all of it's citizens.

He is an asshole and should be shunned by normal, healthy society
First you have to have the conversation.

Obama tried and the right called him racist. Trump says he wants to try. Might be just an ego stroking distraction or might start a conversation.

But that's the problem. Trump is always about stroking his own ego. He really doesn't want to roll up his sleeves and do the hard work.

Even I were to give him credit for good intentions, ignoring his 40+ years of public douchebaggery, I'll wait until he does something a little more impressive than just doing a photo op.
I think that would be a great summit. Hershel Walker would be a great addition.
So, it's in the economic interests of Democrats to support illegal immigrants?

1.) Studies prove Blacks, and legal Hispanics (Your friends) are losing income due to wages undermined by illegals.

2.) Illegal Immigrants are killing Unions, (Your friends) as almost no Illegals are Union, they are not only saturating the job markets in many cases with non-Union workers, but even pushing the Union's downward, because they can't compete with Illegals.

3.) Illegal immigrants pay less taxes for Public school (Your friend) but if anything they sure as heck seem to put more kids in the Public school systems, this once again harms Democrat voters disproprotionately, becauseThis happens more in Black neighborhoods / Democrat cities.

4.) IIlegal immigrants are sometimes joining Hispanic gangs that fight with Blacks (Your friends) and, yes that includes killings against Blacks, and vice versa because of these Hispanic gangs being propped up by El Democrats.

Uh, guy, the number of "Illegals" peaked back in 2009. Their numbers have been on a decline since. Crime has also been on the decline since the 1990's.

No, they are not killing unions. Government and big business did that a long time ago, along with the realization of most workers that they can do a better job managing their career than a corrupt union.

The reality is, most of the jobs illegals are doing are jobs Americans JUST DON'T WANT TO DO. Now, here in Chicago, the illegal stealing your job is more likely to be Polish than Mexican.
So, it's in the economic interests of Democrats to support illegal immigrants?

1.) Studies prove Blacks, and legal Hispanics (Your friends) are losing income due to wages undermined by illegals.

2.) Illegal Immigrants are killing Unions, (Your friends) as almost no Illegals are Union, they are not only saturating the job markets in many cases with non-Union workers, but even pushing the Union's downward, because they can't compete with Illegals.

3.) Illegal immigrants pay less taxes for Public school (Your friend) but if anything they sure as heck seem to put more kids in the Public school systems, this once again harms Democrat voters disproprotionately, becauseThis happens more in Black neighborhoods / Democrat cities.

4.) IIlegal immigrants are sometimes joining Hispanic gangs that fight with Blacks (Your friends) and, yes that includes killings against Blacks, and vice versa because of these Hispanic gangs being propped up by El Democrats.

Uh, guy, the number of "Illegals" peaked back in 2009. Their numbers have been on a decline since. Crime has also been on the decline since the 1990's.

No, they are not killing unions. Government and big business did that a long time ago, along with the realization of most workers that they can do a better job managing their career than a corrupt union.

The reality is, most of the jobs illegals are doing are jobs Americans JUST DON'T WANT TO DO. Now, here in Chicago, the illegal stealing your job is more likely to be Polish than Mexican.

Congratulations! You hit all the Neo-Marxist-leftist-Democrat talking points!! :113:
I'd give Trump credit for trying.
Of course you would, even though Tramp has the deck stacked against Kaepernick.
Tramp has also invited his yes men Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Herschel Walker, and Jim Brown, all Tramp supporters. So it will be 6 against 1.
I'd give Trump credit for trying.
Of course you would, even though Tramp has the deck stacked against Kaepernick. Tramp has also invited his yes men Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Herschel Walker, and Jim Brown, all Tramp supporters. So it will be 6 against 1.
Who knows what it would look like for sure.

Always nice to see an open mind, hoping for the best.
I'd give Trump credit for trying.
Of course you would, even though Tramp has the deck stacked against Kaepernick. Tramp has also invited his yes men Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Herschel Walker, and Jim Brown, all Tramp supporters. So it will be 6 against 1.
Who knows what it would look like for sure.

Always nice to see an open mind, hoping for the best.
I would be hoping for the best if there were an equal number of dissenters as supporters, but at 6 against 1 it is clearly not intended to be a two sided "discussion."
But you knew that already.
The very last two things the Regressive Left wants to see are (1) race relations healed and (2) Trump getting ANY measure of credit for it. Holy shit.

This issue is at their very foundation. They'll fight this one with everything they have.

They only allow for one kind of black person and Uncle Tom the living shit out of any who aren't.

Woe be the black person who is intelligent, speaks proper English, is of a moderate disposition, and doesn't hate whitey.
I'd give Trump credit for trying.
Of course you would, even though Tramp has the deck stacked against Kaepernick. Tramp has also invited his yes men Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Herschel Walker, and Jim Brown, all Tramp supporters. So it will be 6 against 1.
Who knows what it would look like for sure.

Always nice to see an open mind, hoping for the best.
I would be hoping for the best if there were an equal number of dissenters as supporters, but at 6 against 1 it is clearly not intended to be a two sided "discussion."
But you knew that already.
I didn't know this meeting was set in stone. So that's the list? When is it?

Calm down, I was just kidding, anyway.

I know you don't have an open mind, and I sure as hell know you wouldn't want any good to come from this.
The very last two things the Regressive Left wants to see are (1) race relations healed and (2) Trump getting ANY measure of credit for it. Holy shit.

This issue is at their very foundation. They'll fight this one with everything they have.

They only allow for one kind of black person and Uncle Tom the living shit out of any who aren't.

Woe be the black person who is intelligent, speaks proper English, is of a moderate disposition, and doesn't hate whitey.
Yep, and we see what happens to them, predictably.
I'd give Trump credit for trying.
Of course you would, even though Tramp has the deck stacked against Kaepernick. Tramp has also invited his yes men Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Herschel Walker, and Jim Brown, all Tramp supporters. So it will be 6 against 1.
Who knows what it would look like for sure.

Always nice to see an open mind, hoping for the best.
I would be hoping for the best if there were an equal number of dissenters as supporters, but at 6 against 1 it is clearly not intended to be a two sided "discussion."
But you knew that already.
I didn't know this meeting was set in stone. So that's the list? When is it?

Calm down, I was just kidding, anyway.

I know you don't have an open mind, and I sure as hell know you wouldn't want any good to come from this.
You only know how to lie about me to build up yourself.

Did you know that that Andrew Giuliani, son of Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, is also involved with organizing the summit???
I'd give Trump credit for trying.
Of course you would, even though Tramp has the deck stacked against Kaepernick. Tramp has also invited his yes men Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Herschel Walker, and Jim Brown, all Tramp supporters. So it will be 6 against 1.
Who knows what it would look like for sure.

Always nice to see an open mind, hoping for the best.
I would be hoping for the best if there were an equal number of dissenters as supporters, but at 6 against 1 it is clearly not intended to be a two sided "discussion."
But you knew that already.
I didn't know this meeting was set in stone. So that's the list? When is it?

Calm down, I was just kidding, anyway.

I know you don't have an open mind, and I sure as hell know you wouldn't want any good to come from this.
You only know how to lie about me to build up yourself.

Did you know that that Andrew Giuliani, son of Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, is also involved with organizing the summit???
Don't know, don't care. Whatever happens, I hope it goes well, I hope it starts something positive, even if Trump gets the credit.

Unlike you.

That's my opinion. If you don't like my opinion, tough shit.
I think Chris Rock would be another good choice.

Why not Bill Cosby? I mean, if you want to get a bunch of Uncle Toms to tell those black kids to pull up their pants, he's been doing that for years.

Oh, wait... no, he's persona non-grata nowadays with the wingnuts who used to praise him as an "honest liberal" or some such.
They only allow for one kind of black person and Uncle Tom the living shit out of any who aren't.

Woe be the black person who is intelligent, speaks proper English, is of a moderate disposition, and doesn't hate whitey.

You are right. We totally need a black guy to tell the other darkies how to live. The kind of "Honest Liberal" you and Stormy Mac can admire.


Found one!

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