Trump wants Kaepernick & West for White House race summit

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

no, he was engaging in a protest protected by the First Amendment. I'm sure you've heard of that one. Or do you think it just covers cross burnings?

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

Um, it wasn't his job to arrest a homeowner in his own home. That's what you do in a police state.
It's good of Trump to take a stab at this. Maybe something positive will be the result. We'll see.

Um, yeah, here's the thing....

We are not going to solve the race problems in this country by giving two Celebrity Retards more attention than they already have. (Actually, three Celebrity Retards, if you count the Orange Shitgibbon.)

Did I say anything would be solved ?

I said MAYBE something positive will come out of it.
Did I say anything would be solved ?

I said MAYBE something positive will come out of it.

If you aren't solving the problem, then nothing positive is coming out of it.

Letting a bunch of narcissists get unwarranted attention is hardly something positive.
How do you know they have nothing?
Because it would have been leaked already. They don't leak good news for the President. Looks like Clinton will remain the only modern day president to be impeached.
How do you know they have nothing?
Because it would have been leaked already. They don't leak good news for the President. Looks like Clinton will remain the only modern day president to be impeached.
I guess I can see that argument, given the way things are nowadays, but it could just be that Mueller runs a tight ship. I just want this over, in one direction or the other.
I think he was referring to the the three of them together as learning from it since he admitted he could have handled it better. Just my opinion.

Standard propaganda technique. Be vague. Let the moderates hear what they want to hear. Let the radical racists on your side hear what you really mean.

What is really funny though is what comes out of Trump’s mouth, far more arrogant and insulting, but you aren’t bothered? Trump, the most powerful man in the world, as you noted, wants a “conversation” with a man he personallyattacked in public and another man who has publically heaped praise on Trump’s ego.

The cop that arrested the guy who was breaking into a house and was an asshole about it, was not doing anything wrong.

Obama was being a dick, when he called that cop stu

Kaepernick, was being an asshole, when Trump rightfully pointed out that he was being an asshole.

Kaepernick wasn't doing anything wrong. Trump was not "rightfull". No more than Obama for calling a cop stupid for acting like an asshole.

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

2. Trump was right to call him out on it. Too long we Americans have let assholes being anti-American assholes without any cost.

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

What Obama did was wrong. What Trump did was right.

Kaepernick did not disrespect the United States of America or our military. His was and is a protest against the people in various offices who have strayed from our national principles and values.

Yes, he did. He clarified his intent with his words for those dense enough to not understand KNEELING during the National Anthem.

And it is not disrespect to our military.

The Flag is not a symbol that represents our military.

The Flag is a symbol for the nation as a whole, ie "and the nation for which is stands".

Kaepernick did disrespect the nation as a whole and all of it's citizens.

He is an asshole and should be shunned by normal, healthy society.

Complete and utter nonsense. Kaepernick's actions are not the least bit disrespectful to our nation and us. Everyone has the right to protest the abuse of power, particularly when it results in death. Such abuse is the real insult to our nation. If you want to see disrespect for our nation, look at those bimbos who fly the confederate traitor flag right next to the Flag of the United States of America; a flag of filth within touching distance of our flag. Look at Arpaio. And as I understand it, having done it in church so many times, kneeling is a gesture of submission, not disrespect.
Complete and utter nonsense. Kaepernick's actions are not the least bit disrespectful to our nation and us. Everyone has the right to protest the abuse of power, particularly when it results in death. Such abuse is the real insult to our nation. If you want to see disrespect for our nation, look at those bimbos who fly the confederate traitor flag right next to the Flag of the United States of America; a flag of filth within touching distance of our flag. Look at Arpaio. And as I understand it, having done it in church so many times, kneeling is a gesture of submission, not disrespect.
Kaepernick is protesting what he thinks is the willful murder of blacks by the police. This is further from the Truth and the reason why his kneeling is disrespectful of lawful authority. The public knows this and responds accordingly.
It may turn out that Kap and his actions will have led to a larger discussion.

Even something as seemingly silly as a "summit" with Kanye. That could be the start of something. That could create momentum.

That's why non-violent protests can be constructive things.

Now, we just need more people with the balls to actually listen.
It may turn out that Kap and his actions will have led to a larger discussion.

Even something as seemingly silly as a "summit" with Kanye. That could be the start of something. That could create momentum.

That's why non-violent protests can be constructive things.

Now, we just need more people with the balls to actually listen.

Nope, it's still silly, Stormy Mac.

We can't convict cops caught red handed on tape shooting people in the back.
Complete and utter nonsense. Kaepernick's actions are not the least bit disrespectful to our nation and us. Everyone has the right to protest the abuse of power, particularly when it results in death. Such abuse is the real insult to our nation. If you want to see disrespect for our nation, look at those bimbos who fly the confederate traitor flag right next to the Flag of the United States of America; a flag of filth within touching distance of our flag. Look at Arpaio. And as I understand it, having done it in church so many times, kneeling is a gesture of submission, not disrespect.
Kaepernick is protesting what he thinks is the willful murder of blacks by the police. This is further from the Truth and the reason why his kneeling is disrespectful of lawful authority. The public knows this and responds accordingly.

Just who is "the public"? How do you know what we think? He is not disrespecting "lawful authority." He is disrespecting unlawful abuses of authority by people whom We The People have entrusted with authority and who turn out to be unworthy of our trust. Also, I have given two egregious examples of disrespect shown to our nation, our people, our flag, and our values.

But as I said earlier, the whore in the Oval Office has so many people within walking distance who are perceived to be leaders in the African-American community whom he could go talk to about issues involving race if he were serious, that I think that he is being grossly insincere and desires only a meaningless photo op. Capitol Hill? He can fucking walk there. It's easy. I've done it.
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It may turn out that Kap and his actions will have led to a larger discussion.

Even something as seemingly silly as a "summit" with Kanye. That could be the start of something. That could create momentum.

That's why non-violent protests can be constructive things.

Now, we just need more people with the balls to actually listen.

Well said...
It may turn out that Kap and his actions will have led to a larger discussion.

Even something as seemingly silly as a "summit" with Kanye. That could be the start of something. That could create momentum.

That's why non-violent protests can be constructive things.

Now, we just need more people with the balls to actually listen.

Nope, it's still silly, Stormy Mac.

We can't convict cops caught red handed on tape shooting people in the back.
First you have to have the conversation.

Obama tried and the right called him racist. Trump says he wants to try. Might be just an ego stroking distraction or might start a conversation.
Standard propaganda technique. Be vague. Let the moderates hear what they want to hear. Let the radical racists on your side hear what you really mean.

The cop that arrested the guy who was breaking into a house and was an asshole about it, was not doing anything wrong.

Obama was being a dick, when he called that cop stu

Kaepernick, was being an asshole, when Trump rightfully pointed out that he was being an asshole.

Kaepernick wasn't doing anything wrong. Trump was not "rightfull". No more than Obama for calling a cop stupid for acting like an asshole.

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

2. Trump was right to call him out on it. Too long we Americans have let assholes being anti-American assholes without any cost.

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

What Obama did was wrong. What Trump did was right.

1. Kaepernick was an American expressing his rights in a respectful manner (he even talked with a veteran on the best way to do it without showing disrespect and the veteran recommended kneeling).

2. The cop was trying to do his job but did not do it well in that instance and ended up disrespecting a legitimate home owner.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

1. Kaepernick was an American expressing his rights, by KNEELING during a ritual where STANDING is done to show respect.

That is actively showing DISRESPECT, to America and Americans, and not just military service vets.

2. THe cop was called to investigate a man breaking into a house and the guy they stopped to question had a hissy fit and they properly arrested the ass.

I agree, the hypocrisy of the Left is astounding.

It's ok for Trump to call Kaepernic and "asshole" but not ok for Obama to call the cop "stupid". You guys are unreal in your attempt to justify your hypocritic stances.

Yes, Kaepernic was being an asshole.

The Cop was not being stupid.

Does the truth of a statement really mean NOTHING to you?
Some of us were alive during the Paris Peace Talks, when the importance of a round table, at which people who are proponents of various views, ideologies, policies, could sit and explain to each other and argue back and forth, was central. One of my chief complaints, perhaps THE chief one, is the lack of people willing to sit around the "round table," well equipped to be there, and explain their positions. I find that that "progressives," "Democrats," "leftists," "feminazis," etc. seem more prepared to do this and present themselves in the open. I get the impression that "Republicans," "conservatives," right-wing "Christians," (and I can't parse through the intersection between the Republican Party and these people who call themselves "Christian" and whether or not they want to set up a theocracy in the U.S.A.), are unable to do this.

With issues of race and relationships between people of different skin colors, ethnicities, relationships between heterosexual men and women, relationships between people who follow different religions, relationships between people with varying sexual orientations, why not come to the round table and talk? I don't approve of this running away and heading for the back door.

Whether the issue be sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, or anything else, the time for cowardice is over.
I think he was referring to the the three of them together as learning from it since he admitted he could have handled it better. Just my opinion.

Standard propaganda technique. Be vague. Let the moderates hear what they want to hear. Let the radical racists on your side hear what you really mean.

What is really funny though is what comes out of Trump’s mouth, far more arrogant and insulting, but you aren’t bothered? Trump, the most powerful man in the world, as you noted, wants a “conversation” with a man he personallyattacked in public and another man who has publically heaped praise on Trump’s ego.

The cop that arrested the guy who was breaking into a house and was an asshole about it, was not doing anything wrong.

Obama was being a dick, when he called that cop stu

Kaepernick, was being an asshole, when Trump rightfully pointed out that he was being an asshole.

Kaepernick wasn't doing anything wrong. Trump was not "rightfull". No more than Obama for calling a cop stupid for acting like an asshole.

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

2. Trump was right to call him out on it. Too long we Americans have let assholes being anti-American assholes without any cost.

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

What Obama did was wrong. What Trump did was right.

Kaepernick did not disrespect the United States of America or our military. His was and is a protest against the people in various offices who have strayed from our national principles and values.

Yes, he did. He clarified his intent with his words for those dense enough to not understand KNEELING during the National Anthem.

And it is not disrespect to our military.

The Flag is not a symbol that represents our military.

The Flag is a symbol for the nation as a whole, ie "and the nation for which is stands".

Kaepernick did disrespect the nation as a whole and all of it's citizens.

He is an asshole and should be shunned by normal, healthy society.

Imagine, a Russian asshole telling Americans who to respect.

You divisive twits have a hell of a nerve talking about how divisive Kaepernik is. You’re the assholes here.
seems like it's just a directed reality show stunt.... :(
Maybe we can hope for the best, huh? Regardless of who gets any credit?
you actually think somethings gonna happen from it?

Candycorn is spot on with her post, imo.

Trump purposely gets Kaepernick blackballed from getting a job on the field and now wants to hear what he has to say?

I don't buy it.....

Trump didn’t get Kaepernick blackballed. He couldn’t get a job long before Trump poured fuel on the fire.
Nice. Thanks, Mr. President, this is LONG OVERDUE. Two well-known figures TALKING with high national visibility.

We need to start somewhere: President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race

I hope this happens, and I hope it starts REAL dialogue and communication and LISTENING.

Maybe they'll find a few points ON WHICH THEY CAN AGREE.

I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration.

A football player and a music star in a race summit? Let’s bill it as a cage match. Let’s get ready to rumble.

How about people who have experience with the issues?

Or...people of different races? Race issues involve more than one race.

Do race issues involve White people?
Standard propaganda technique. Be vague. Let the moderates hear what they want to hear. Let the radical racists on your side hear what you really mean.

The cop that arrested the guy who was breaking into a house and was an asshole about it, was not doing anything wrong.

Obama was being a dick, when he called that cop stu

Kaepernick, was being an asshole, when Trump rightfully pointed out that he was being an asshole.

Kaepernick wasn't doing anything wrong. Trump was not "rightfull". No more than Obama for calling a cop stupid for acting like an asshole.

1 Kaepernick was an American actively disrespecting America during a ritual to show respect, and loyalty to America and his fellow Americans. That fits my definition of wrong.

2. Trump was right to call him out on it. Too long we Americans have let assholes being anti-American assholes without any cost.

3. The cop was just a regular guy trying to do his job, and doing it well. Kaepernick was making an asshole political statement by actively disrespecting the nation as a whole.

What Obama did was wrong. What Trump did was right.

Kaepernick did not disrespect the United States of America or our military. His was and is a protest against the people in various offices who have strayed from our national principles and values.

Yes, he did. He clarified his intent with his words for those dense enough to not understand KNEELING during the National Anthem.

And it is not disrespect to our military.

The Flag is not a symbol that represents our military.

The Flag is a symbol for the nation as a whole, ie "and the nation for which is stands".

Kaepernick did disrespect the nation as a whole and all of it's citizens.

He is an asshole and should be shunned by normal, healthy society.

Imagine, a Russian asshole telling Americans who to respect.

You divisive twits have a hell of a nerve talking about how divisive Kaepernik is. You’re the assholes here.

So, Kaepernik isn't a Russian name?

You could've fooled me.
Can we agree that President Obama did not make race relations worse in this nation?

The Liberal media played the biggest role of promoting White vs Black division, and hatred.

1.) They only showed cases where Blacks were picked on by White Cops + Not Dark enough Zimmerman the wanna-be cop, to cause uproar among Blacks.

2.) They neglected that more Whites are killed by cops in total numbers than Blacks.

3.) Thus the media actually neglects Whites, while pushing Blacks to hate Whites.

4.) How are Blacks just a victim here? What about during riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, were they victims there too?
Nice. Thanks, Mr. President, this is LONG OVERDUE. Two well-known figures TALKING with high national visibility.

We need to start somewhere: President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race

I hope this happens, and I hope it starts REAL dialogue and communication and LISTENING.

Maybe they'll find a few points ON WHICH THEY CAN AGREE.

I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration.
I doubt it happens. Kaepernick strikes me as an intellectual coward.

You're being way nice to Krapernikka by calling him an intellectual.

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