Trump wants Muslim registry

So you have found the next group of people you all are going to use to spread your hate about. Lets see you done used the blacks, last month its Hispanics/Mexicans so now it's time to DIVIDE us some more because that's all the Democrat party does folks. they can't win without it.

stop falling for their BS. VOTE them out in 2016
jebbie is quite the hypocrite though, so he deserves no kudos... while chastising Trump, he wanted unwed pregnant women who wanted to give their baby up for adoption- to require they publish all the names & locations of any man they slept with that could be the potential father.

it was a virtual scarlet letter into shaming them.
He's running out of "shock value" items, and it's shows. He's gotta go more and more crazy to keep his numbers up. The problem with crazy is there is a line between crazy winner and crazy going home, and that line is really thin.
So you have found the next group of people you all are going to use to spread your hate about. Lets see you done used the blacks, last month its Hispanics/Mexicans so now it's time to DIVIDE us some more because that's all the Democrat party does folks. they can't win without it.

stop falling for their BS. VOTE them out in 2016

what an idiot , what party has the most diversity? and no , i don't mean diversity of trailer parks, single wide verse's double wides
it smacks of McCarthyism.... ahhh the good old days.............................
Apparently The Donald has never read the First or Fourth Amendments. Why not just demand Muslims sew yellow stars on their clothes and completely rehash history? Maybe we can throw them in concentration camps too while we're at it. Registering refugees is one thing, but unless he is being misrepresented by the media he is proposing to require all Muslims to be registered in the federal database. That would never stand up against constitutional muster and it's far too eerily similar to how Jews were treated 70 years ago in Germany. He also allegedly stated he wants to start allowing warrantless searches. If people are going to give in to this kind of fear and hysteria then we're going to lose our rights down the road more than we have already seen them eroded.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump voiced support Thursday evening for creating a mandatory database to track Muslims in the United States - the latest in an escalating series of responses following the deadly attacks in Paris.

'I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,' Trump told an NBC News reporter between campaign events in Newton, Iowa, according to video posted on

He said Muslims would be signed up at 'different places,' adding: 'It's all about management.'

Asked whether registering would be mandatory, Trump responded: 'They have to be.'

Donald Trump backs mandatory database to track Muslims in the U.S.

'We're going to have to - we're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,' Trump told Yahoo News.

He also suggested he would consider warrantless searches, according to the outlet, saying: 'We're going to have to do things that we never did before.'

Asked by reporters Thursday night to explain his Yahoo comments, Trump suggested his response had been misconstrued. 'I never responded to that question,' he said.
Good. Until the more "moderate" Muslims become active abd vocal enough to drown out their more radical cousins, they all need to be treated with suspicion. Just like anyone speaking a language other than English in a public place and people wearing/flying the colors of other nations.
I didn't find where Trump wants to suspend warrants. Not interested in Constitutional violations. Surveillance seems prudent. Minimizing exposure to Syrians for the immediate future seems easiest.
it smacks of McCarthyism.... ahhh the good old days.............................
the ranks of cultural mccarthyism are marching a new.

Do you even have clue what McCarthyism was? It was a political weapon for the most part. Used to quiet opposition, much like how current far lefties employ it. It was against Communists which posed no direct threat to Americans, unlike our current terrorists.
He's running out of "shock value" items, and it's shows. He's gotta go more and more crazy to keep his numbers up. The problem with crazy is there is a line between crazy winner and crazy going home, and that line is really thin.

I don't think so: I think Trump's ideas are indeed leading America and the whole West to defend ourselves. Consider that Trump leads again in the polls, and that Ryan got the courage to pass legislation to stop the Muslims flooding in here, probably from Trump. And it passed FAST. And --- Trump is very carefully staying BEHIND, not ahead, of majority rightwing opinion in this country: most of us probably simply want the Muslims to go home, back where they came from.

Trump, therefore, is a moderate.

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