trump wants Pence investigated for refusing to overturn his 2020 election loss

Well, good poster Uncensored, I had not heard or read that.
"700, still in jail, 13 months 24 sqft...with a single bulb all day'!
Crimeny!! That sounds dire.

Get's most of you Nazis hot.

Now, I stay mildly current on the news of current events, and I had not heard or read of these "700" incarcerated under such circumstances.

You're not known as one who is particularly bright nor particularly honest.

“The U.S. Marshal’s inspection of CDF revealed that conditions there do not meet the minimum standards of confinement as prescribed by the Federal Performance-Based Detention Standards.”

According to CNN, the Marshals found “horrible” conditions, “like water being shutoff in many cells for several days, clogged toilets and an inmate who had been pepper sprayed and was unable to wash the spray off for days, leading to an infection.”

In addition, CNN reports that the Marshals:

“also observed DC Department of Corrections staff ‘antagonizing detainees’ and ‘directing detainees to not cooperate with’ the Marshals during their inspection. }

Would you, for the forum's better understanding offer the members some vetting on your knowldege?
Meaning, how do you know what you know?
Is there some credible authoritative source you can direct us to so that we can do our own due diligene about this dire development that you speak of?


Can I offer you a link to an online spell checker, Chalicotherium?

As for your attempt to gaslight the board.. well, did I mention you're not very bright?

{As recently reported in Just the News, not far from the Capitol, 1,500 inmates are confined to prison cells 22 hours a day. Up until a few weeks ago, it was 23 hours a day. Many, if not all, of the inmates who were involved in the January 6 riots have been placed in “restrictive housing” and have been relegated to “maximum-security” conditions.}

Investigated for NOT joining a coup.

That's batshit crazy
His comments and attacks are getting more unhinged every day. His next maniacal outburst is anyone's guess. He is going over the edge....
According to CNN, the Marshals found “horrible” conditions,
Oh, I don't doubt whatsoever that crowded jails (and the DC jail has been known to be crowded for years and years. WaPo published a report about within the last few months where it's deficiency were well known and documented by the black activist community that objected to those conditions.)

So, if the poster 'Uncensored's' point is that some of the January 6th attackers are unhappy in their incarceration, well, I don't think the forum will offer much pushback.
However, "700" of 'em? Ummm, nope.
I'll offer pushback in the form of an ask: Please prove there were 700 Capitol attackers there earlier, or there now.

And in a 4x6 cell for 24 hrs?
Please show us credible proof.

But, if poster Uncensored can demonstrate the truthiness of his allegations, I will be the first to express gratitude. The ball is in his court now.

As for your attempt to gaslight the board.. well, did I mention you're not very bright?
Oh, I don't doubt whatsoever that crowded jails (and the DC jail has been known to be crowded for years and years. WaPo published a report about within the last few months where it's deficiency were well known and documented by the black activist community that objected to those conditions.)

So, if the poster 'Uncensored's' point is that some of the January 6th attackers are unhappy in their incarceration, well, I don't think the forum will offer much pushback.
However, "700" of 'em? Ummm, nope.
I'll offer pushback in the form of an ask: Please prove there were 700 Capitol attackers there earlier, or there now.

And in a 4x6 cell for 24 hrs?
Please show us credible proof.

But, if poster Uncensored can demonstrate the truthiness of his allegations, I will be the first to express gratitude. The ball is in his court now.


Don't hold your breath...

Even more ready made commercials that will ensure he never again takes office.

He really, really, really does not want to run a successful campaign ever again.

Even more ready made commercials that will ensure he never again takes office.

He really, really, really does not want to run a successful campaign ever again.
Sorry bout that,

1. After what Trump went through the first time in office if he were a common man he would not want another crack at it, but.....
2. There is nothing common about Trump.
3. The Motherfucker is *Super Man* compared to you!
4. He'll be Back*, and like that old Kirk Douglas movie where no one could set the string on his bow and arrow, after he was presumed dead, comes back he will take back his position of power and clean house on those fuckers who cheated him.
5. And that day I will stand and applaud President Trump!
6. Kirk Douglas in the movie had a hot wife, and many thought if they could just string Kirks Bow, then they would get to have Kirks wife, they caught an arrow in the chest, first.
7. Funny how Trump has a Smoken Hot Wife isn't it, and many creeps want her, many in office in DC.

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His comments and attacks are getting more unhinged every day. His next maniacal outburst is anyone's guess. He is going over the edge....
You liberals thought Trump said crazy things in 2016. He still won that election in 2016.
Nah, we know you Nazi vermin are fucking lying.

Trump never said anything of the kind.
You liberals thought Trump said crazy things in 2016. He still won that election in 2016.
That was before voters saw January 6th with trump and confederate flags flying along side each the mob attacked and defecated on the walls of the People's House. Al the while, allies of trump were desperately trying to get him to stop the violence. He refused and sat and watched on his TV. Hours went by before he begrudgingly told them to go home...."we love you."
Get's most of you Nazis hot.

You're not known as one who is particularly bright nor particularly honest.

“The U.S. Marshal’s inspection of CDF revealed that conditions there do not meet the minimum standards of confinement as prescribed by the Federal Performance-Based Detention Standards.”

According to CNN, the Marshals found “horrible” conditions, “like water being shutoff in many cells for several days, clogged toilets and an inmate who had been pepper sprayed and was unable to wash the spray off for days, leading to an infection.”

In addition, CNN reports that the Marshals:

“also observed DC Department of Corrections staff ‘antagonizing detainees’ and ‘directing detainees to not cooperate with’ the Marshals during their inspection. }

Can I offer you a link to an online spell checker, Chalicotherium?

As for your attempt to gaslight the board.. well, did I mention you're not very bright?

{As recently reported in Just the News, not far from the Capitol, 1,500 inmates are confined to prison cells 22 hours a day. Up until a few weeks ago, it was 23 hours a day. Many, if not all, of the inmates who were involved in the January 6 riots have been placed in “restrictive housing” and have been relegated to “maximum-security” conditions.}


Camp Auschwitz????? One of trump's special people.
His comments and attacks are getting more unhinged every day. His next maniacal outburst is anyone's guess. He is going over the edge....
Trump is a great President. Just saw the installed bullshit artist talking about cancer with his fraud folksy Pravda propaganda. More people getting paid off. A Prog's pseudo work is never done.

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