trump wants Pence investigated for refusing to overturn his 2020 election loss

About half the indies and 90% of republicans believe the election was stolen, Gomer Pyle....And you smug fucking moonbats have no interesting in swaying them with evidence.
It would be a simple matter of insisting that Dominion release the voting databases and the source code, and agree to secure election double checks, like chain of custody for ballots, and all this controversy would evaporate over night.

Diehard trump supporters buy into this crap, but Indepenents are going to believe it, nor are a quarter of Republicans.
Whatever, truth still matters. Reality is based on the truth. Lies have no basis in reality. Liars should be totally irrelevant in society.
About half the indies and 90% of republicans believe the election was stolen, Gomer Pyle....And you smug fucking moonbats have no interesting in swaying them with evidence.
Well then why don't YOU & Trump sway people with YOUR evidence?

You can't because you have none. It's been a year. Let's have it.
It would be a simple matter of insisting that Dominion release the voting databases and the source code, and agree to secure election double checks, like chain of custody for ballots, and all this controversy would evaporate over night.

There's no controversy, the only controversy is in Trump's mind and those who think he's some kind of leader or god.
there was also Iranian and chinese influence…totally rigged election.

Xiden is always gonna have a * by his name
Another conspiracy theory great just what we wanted to hear from the psychopathic side.
Unfortunately it isn't. More insanity from the psychopath's own mouth.
the article said it was a email…not spoken word

which is even more suspect since trump didn’t have email

Yup, folks...that is the truth. This is not a proposed SNL sketch. He has drifted over the edge of reality.

He can be as angry as he wants. Pence was just doing his constitutional requirement. I'm sure Al Gore would love not to certify the Electoral College vote that made him the loser to GWB.
What planet are you on? Fraudelent votes are cast out in every election, every year. So you can stop your crying & the bullshit about the election being stolen because there wasen't enough voter fraud to swing the election in Trump's favor despite his demented rants & his lies.

Limited fraud was encountered, most of it was committed by trump and his ilk.
nah the intel community said China and Iran interred in the election on Xiden’s behalf

do you not believe our own intel community now?
The bragged about how they cheated in Time magazine, ferchrissakes!

They'd go to all that trouble, but illegal ballot harvesting and stuffing ballot boxes past post would be completely beyond the pale!
‘“(Congress) should be investigating ... why Mike Pence did not send the votes back for recertification or approval,” the twice impeached president said in an email statement. “It has now been clearly shown that he had the right to do so!”’ ibid

It’s been clearly shown that Trump is a liar.
And everyone that says Trump is a liar has been caught in lies repeatably themselves.
The bragged about how they cheated in Time magazine, ferchrissakes!

They'd go to all that trouble, but illegal ballot harvesting and stuffing ballot boxes past post would be completely beyond the pale!
This digs into that a little deeper. . . the Transition Integrity Project. . . was a real thing btw.

Transition Integrity Project: Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a “Color Revolution” Against President Trump?

September 4, 2020 (1y ago)

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