Trump Wants Revenge — That’s Why He’s the Man for 2024

Trump should have been impeached both times, and he holds the distinction of being the only president in the history of this country to have received votes for conviction from members of his own party, and he accomplished that TWICE.

all that shows is that the Rs have traitors in their midst who are not conservative like Trump is. We've known that for decades now.

What you dimrats should be scared of... no, seriously, SCARED of

is how the Ds vote in unison like this... Not one D said No to this horrible bill that sics the IRS on middle America, not ONE.

You should indeed be scared of such... increasing the size of the IRS... Right.. that's now #1 Priority of most Ameicans, I am sure. Don't al the polls show that?

Yet if you vote for anyone other than MAGA and America First candidates this Fall, that is EXACTLY all that you will get and more of it. But before you can heal a nation, you must first punish the bad actors who created the wounds in the first place otherwise, they will just go right on doing it again and again.

The People u/stand that. They raise children, after all. When a child beats the crud out of his brother, good parents discipline him, talk to him about the consequences of his bad act.. and if he doesn't listen later and does the same thing... bigger discipline/deprivations..

But somehow we are not supposed to discipline these out of control freaks who attack our best people (Trump and Co)

We're losing it... Is it just a matter of time (and not so much of that even) before all is lost?
See the source image
If a picture is worth 1000 words..

one looks sad and disturbed and not at ease w/ self

the other one looks like Satan

(I try not to go by appearances, usually, but I have already seen how ugly on the inside these people are... so yeh... can u blame me?)
Because election fraud never happens in any nation, anywhere.. . .

. . . and as progressives remind us all the time, Americans are made of superior moral stuff, they are not prone to any evil at all.
Election fraud does happen. Just not on the massive scale needed to change the outcome of the election that you conspiracy theorists argue.
yeah so will yoj all continue to ignore it and make up another hoax when you lose?
What exactly are you accusing me of ignoring?

And it wasn’t a hoax. There’s a detailed report explaining what happened. Whether it was punishable or not has already been determined and I’ve accepted that. You guys are the ones who keep bringing it up.
What exactly are you accusing me of ignoring?

And it wasn’t a hoax. There’s a detailed report explaining what happened. Whether it was appropriate or not has already been determined and I’ve accepted that. You guys are the ones who keep bringing it up.
yeah the hoax was the russian /trump conspiracy. Mueller highlighted it wasn’t true, and now we know the dems knew it back i 2016
yeah the hoax was the russian /trump conspiracy. Mueller highlighted it wasn’t true, and now we know the dems knew it back i 2016
That’s not a conspiracy. It happened. There is an entire report outlining all of the details to it.
If they have done something illegal, then prosecute them. But revenge from the White House is just low.
Look at the words they use: Revenge, evil, Satan, fight, war, civil war.

This is an asymmetrical confrontation. They're absolutely full of rage.

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