Trump wants to greatly increase presidential authority in 2025 if he wins

/-----/ No, dummy. It's the exact opposite. This would limit the power of out of control bureaucrats. GEEEZE

They're too stupid to understand it, or they're in favor of these unelected bureaucrats running everything because they've worked hard to get their lefty minions into those positions over the years. It would be a lot of strategy and hard work down the drain for them.
No, it would move the power from independent agencies that base their actions on data and not politics to the White House where it would be nothing but politics.

Sure, it sounds great to you when it is Trump doing it, but what happens 4 years later when Trump is replaced by a Dem who now has all those powers Trump gave himself?

The fact that you actually believe that is alarming. :cuckoo:
They're too stupid to understand it, or they're in favor of these unelected bureaucrats running everything because they've worked hard to get their lefty minions into those positions over the years. It would be a lot of strategy and hard work down the drain for them.
/----/ We could call it DRAINING THE SWAMP. Kinda catchy, ain't it?
No, she is an MD(Internal Medicine) and like I said, doctors say a lot of things in public but say different things behind closed doors to their colleagues and family. There is FAR more skepticism in the medical community regarding the COVID vaccine than any other vaccine. My wife is not anti-vax and fully(somewhat blindly) trusted the greater medical/science community until COVID. She still trust them to a large extent as she must in order to do her job, but is now realizes that even medicine has been politicized.
The data does not back you up. Excuse my earlier remarks, and accept my compliments on her training. However, the overall community does not agree with the dissidents.
So you are a fascist? Got it. Typical republican. It takes them years to realize they have been a fascist all along. They aren’t smart enough for that kind of self awareness.

They're becoming more and more emboldened. Then they'll crow about their "love" of the Constitution.

They want a modern-day Pinochet. A few of them here have already admitted it.
Don’t “fascists” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media / social media to win elections, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want to take, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they prohibit citizens from pursuing prosperity and happiness, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you backwards as fuck Twilight Zone Libs sure you know what fascism is?
Why bother. You'll deny everything and I won't believe you.

There. I just saved a bunch of bandwidth.

So all you have is some fluff that has to merit? Thanks, that did save a lot of time and confirmed my suspicions.

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