Trump wants to greatly increase presidential authority in 2025 if he wins

Your wife is probably a CNA. And you are dead wrong. Doctors and professionals overwhelmingly say they support the vax.

No, she is an MD(Internal Medicine) and like I said, doctors say a lot of things in public but say different things behind closed doors to their colleagues and family. There is FAR more skepticism in the medical community regarding the COVID vaccine than any other vaccine. My wife is not anti-vax and fully(somewhat blindly) trusted the greater medical/science community until COVID. She still trust them to a large extent as she must in order to do her job, but is now realizes that even medicine has been politicized.
And my best pal Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson can attest to the fact of how I always have to let him win.

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket ...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but yes, my wife is an MD and yes, you don’t know anything other than what the MSM has told you.
Usual independent government agencies would be directly controlled by the president.

So much for “checks and balances” our FF wanted. Should anyone be surprised by this? Of course not. This is the same guy wanted to terminate the constitution.

From the article:

“Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

Can you imagine if a democrat was pushing for all of that instead?

When the bureaucracies and alphabet agencies are out of control and are full of leftist morons and psychopaths is it any wonder why someone who might be able to would want to

Usual independent government agencies would be directly controlled by the president.

So much for “checks and balances” our FF wanted. Should anyone be surprised by this? Of course not. This is the same guy wanted to terminate the constitution.

From the article:

“Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

Can you imagine if a democrat was pushing for all of that instead?

/----/ WOW, this is incredible. Trump is even better than I thought. These independent departments are run by unelected, bureaucrats who can create laws and regulations with no oversight whatsoever. Thanks for another reason to vote for Trump. That is why you posted it, right?
Half the GOP's platform is increasing the power of big government to go after innocent people. It's no surprise that Trump wants to make it easier.
/-----/ No, dummy. It's the exact opposite. This would limit the power of out of control bureaucrats. GEEEZE
/----/ WOW, this is incredible. Trump is even better than I thought. These independent departments are run by unelected, bureaucrats who can create laws and regulations with no oversight whatsoever. Thanks for another reason to vote for Trump. That is why you posted it, right?

It is good to see you openly support a dictatorship, no more pretending for you. Well done.
Take your bullshit and pander it somewhere else, do you really think anyone but the TDS faithful and miscellaneous complete morons fall for the absurd lies you idiots push day in and day out? :laughing0301:
/-----/ No, dummy. It's the exact opposite. This would limit the power of out of control bureaucrats. GEEEZE

No, it would move the power from independent agencies that base their actions on data and not politics to the White House where it would be nothing but politics.

Sure, it sounds great to you when it is Trump doing it, but what happens 4 years later when Trump is replaced by a Dem who now has all those powers Trump gave himself?
No, it would move the power from independent agencies that base their actions on data and not politics to the White House where it would be nothing but politics.

Sure, it sounds great to you when it is Trump doing it, but what happens 4 years later when Trump is replaced by a Dem who now has all those powers Trump gave himself?
/----/ Yeah, that's how it works. No problem here.
Y'know, back in 2016, when I first voted against Trumpism, I had this vague sense of foreboding. But I tempered it by figuring that I was going too far, and that things would work themselves out.

I would never, ever have thought that this would be happening. Not in America. I completely underestimated this.
Trump is a clown by nearly every measure. It was easy to discount him as not that dangerous. What was overlooked or perhaps not understood was his showmanship. His ability to create a following and keep them by promising any and all of their desires and his willingness to go to extremes to keep them engaged. Regardless of how depraved or anti American his proposed initiatives could be.

In hindsight he’s a dangerous demagogue with authoritarian ambitions. While that’s hugely disconcerting, I find the fact that he still has the solid support of around 30% even more disconcerting. All while his party remains complicit.
He’s shown us that the soft spots in American culture are exploitable. Not for the good of us all either.
Trump is a clown by nearly every measure. It was easy to discount him as not that dangerous. What was overlooked or perhaps not understood was his showmanship. His ability to create a following and keep them by promising any and all of their desires and his willingness to go to extremes to keep them engaged. Regardless of how depraved or anti American his proposed initiatives could be.

In hindsight he’s a dangerous demagogue with authoritarian ambitions. While that’s hugely disconcerting, I find the fact that he still has the solid support of around 30% even more disconcerting. All while his party remains complicit.
He’s shown us that the soft spots in American culture are exploitable. Not for the good of us all either.
Yeah, that's been my concern all along. This has never been about him. It's about this country. He's just a symptom. A result, a warning.

Piecing together the things they say, it seems they feel they have all but lost the country. They figure they have one final shot, and that is a literal authoritarian regime that they think will be temporary. Just enough to bring us back from the dead.

They don't understand history, and they don't understand human nature. This never ends well.
No, it would move the power from independent agencies that base their actions on data and not politics to the White House where it would be nothing but politics.

Sure, it sounds great to you when it is Trump doing it, but what happens 4 years later when Trump is replaced by a Dem who now has all those powers Trump gave himself?
Independent agencies currently staffed with non partisan career professionals who act in earnest.
The only real firewall there is against partisan fuckery.
No, they are saying what is on Trump's campaign site. They are saying what Trump is saying in his rallies.

And which are you more worried about gaining more power, the mayor of a city you do not live in or the President of the country that you do live in?

Ooooo, big scary evil Trump is going to take over forever and ever! :laughing0301: Just go hide in your closet for 4 years, you'll be just fine, isn't that what you always say? :dunno: Guess your usual drivel of how nothing is really affected by anything anyone in DC does is just all hot hair, or will the sky truly fall should Trump win again? :cuckoo:
Yeah, that's been my concern all along. This has never been about him. It's about this country. He's just a symptom. A result, a warning.

Piecing together the things they say, it seems they feel they have all but lost the country. They figure they have one final shot, and that is a literal authoritarian regime that they think will be temporary. Just enough to bring us back from the dead.

They don't understand history, and they don't understand human nature. This never ends well.
I think you’re right.
It’s the death throes of white supremacy. The die hards are willing to go all the way. Similar to the mindset that fed the rise of the confederacy. Just on a national scale.
Ooooo, big scary evil Trump is going to take over forever and ever! :laughing0301: Just go hide in your closet for 4 years, you'll be just fine, isn't that what you always say? :dunno: Guess your usual drivel of how nothing is really affected by anything anyone in DC does is just all hot hair, or will the sky truly fall should Trump win again? :cuckoo:
Maybe not the sky but certainly democracy. At least how we knew it.
Just watch: If he wins and this happens, they'll call this "draining the swamp", getting rid of anyone in government who can hold them accountable, and the rubes will buy it.

More power going to one mentally ill guy. Their Pinochet.

Oh, the drama! :rolleyes: Just go hide under your bed, the adults will do just fine. :itsok:

It does not impact my life at all so I do not give a flying fuck.

Why do you not care about the leading candidate for the office of POTUS openly and proudly talking about all the power grabs he will do?

I didn't think anything anyone did impacted your life? You've only bragged on here umpteen million times how you and your family are doing great, and that there's no boogie man in any office anywhere than can personally affect your life? I guess Trump is the only man who can accomplish fucking up your life? Please. :rolleyes:

The ones being fucked over right now are those close to retirement thanks to what the scums in office perpetrated on the country because of their covid boogie man. Talk about authoritarians, yet you defended them doing that. :cuckoo:
RUSSELL VOUGHT, who ran OMB under DONALD TRUMP: “What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them.”

Anyone who is not alarmed by that supports and/or enables anti-constitutional authoritarianism.

These people want a RULER. That's how weak they are.

What are 'pockets of independence'? Please elaborate further on your post and explain the intensions you're implying better.

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