Trump wants to greatly increase presidential authority in 2025 if he wins

Yeah because Biden never blames anyone else for his failure's. It cracks me up how people think stuff that is common to all politicians Democrat and Republican is unique to Trump or started with him.
Check out Trump's latest interview. He blames his cabinet for everything, says they were bad hires and he didn't know anything about government. I thought I'd die laughing.
Check out Trump's latest interview. He blames his cabinet for everything, says they were bad hires and he didn't know anything about government. I thought I'd die laughing.
Check out any Biden interview on the rare occasion he does one or any press briefing nothing bad that happened since he has been President is his fault. Taking zero responsibility is common to both sides only the blindest of partisans pretends otherwise.
No, they are saying what is on Trump's campaign site. They are saying what Trump is saying in his rallies.

And which are you more worried about gaining more power, the mayor of a city you do not live in or the President of the country that you do live in?
Why aren't you guys calling out the LA Mayor for actually doing a power grab?
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy left applauded Biden when he closed schools and placed Americans under virtual house arrest over Covid but they think Trump will expand presidential authority.
There was no house arrest, chimp.
“Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”
Sounds good to me. The stuff in the last paragraph would let him fix the Deep State problem.
WHAT checks and balances? If we still had functional checks and balances then Joe wouldn't be singularly sending hundreds of billions in cash and weapons to a third world dictatorial country on the other side of the planet with no treaty with us that we don't even have any interesting in the conflict!

And we wouldn't have a government and congress denouncing the Supreme Court every time they make a legal decision sending out their home address to be harassed and attacked while the deep state spies on our every word and action like we are all criminals while working behind the scenes to limit and ban free speech.

Check out Trump's latest interview. He blames his cabinet for everything, says they were bad hires and he didn't know anything about government. I thought I'd die laughing.
Too bad you didn't.
Check out Trump's latest interview. He blames his cabinet for everything,
You mean the cabinet of Washington insiders he was led to hire on the bad advice of others who constantly leaked and fought everything he did?

says they were bad hires and he didn't know anything about government.
They were obviously bad hires and Trump was a businessman from NYC. Got proof to the contrary?

I thought I'd die laughing.
What stopped you? Don't you trust your obummacare?
OP is clearly twisting the facts around. We're tired of the over censorship by these lefty big tech companies. Trump has a point of letting free speech stay alive.
I am glad Bob's wife did not end up in the hospital. That he did not was his own good luck nothing more.

The overwhelming vast majority of those who get this disease do not wind up in the hospital.

It's nothing more than a routine cold/flu bug, that has been massively exaggerated for political purposes.

And too many people, including yourself are stupid enough to have fallen for it, and for the whole chain of lies built thereon.
So you are a fascist? Got it. Typical republican. It takes them years to realize they have been a fascist all along. They aren’t smart enough for that kind of self awareness.
They're becoming more and more emboldened. Then they'll crow about their "love" of the Constitution.

They want a modern-day Pinochet. A few of them here have already admitted it.
Biden has plenty of support. And there are all the Trump haters. Trump haters will elect Biden again. And if that's not enough we say Trump cheated again.
True Trump derangment syndrome in plain view with this nut case. You must watch that rabid program called the view.

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