Trump wants to greatly increase presidential authority in 2025 if he wins

You're talking about a guy who praised the Chinese President for abolishing even the watered down democracy that China had and making himself President for life. And said that the US should make himself President for life.
You're talking about a guy who praised the Chinese President for abolishing even the watered down democracy that China had and making himself President for life. And said that the US should make himself President for life.
Unlike Biden just taking bribes and selling America out
Where is this poster calling out the LA mayor? And, before you say anything, this was a hit piece by the NYT, not from the Trump campaign. Once again, they are saying what they think is on Trump's mind.

No, they are saying what is on Trump's campaign site. They are saying what Trump is saying in his rallies.

And which are you more worried about gaining more power, the mayor of a city you do not live in or the President of the country that you do live in?
Usual independent government agencies would be directly controlled by the president. So much for “checks and balances”

WHAT checks and balances? If we still had functional checks and balances then Joe wouldn't be singularly sending hundreds of billions in cash and weapons to a third world dictatorial country on the other side of the planet with no treaty with us that we don't even have any interesting in the conflict!

And we wouldn't have a government and congress denouncing the Supreme Court every time they make a legal decision sending out their home address to be harassed and attacked while the deep state spies on our every word and action like we are all criminals while working behind the scenes to limit and ban free speech.
WHAT checks and balances? If we still had functional checks and balances then Joe wouldn't be singularly sending hundreds of billions in cash and weapons to a third world dictatorial country on the other side of the planet with no treaty with us that we don't even have any interesting in the conflict!

And we wouldn't have a government and congress denouncing the Supreme Court every time they make a legal decision sending out their home address to be harassed and attacked while the deep state spies on our every word and action like we are all criminals while working behind the scenes to limit and ban free speech.
Would we have 6 million wetbacks invited in to fuck over Americans?
WHAT checks and balances? If we still had functional checks and balances then Joe wouldn't be singularly sending hundreds of billions in cash and weapons to a third world dictatorial country on the other side of the planet with no treaty with us that we don't even have any interesting in the conflict!

Congress has approved more than $113 billion for Ukraine. He is not doing anything they did not approve.

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