Trump wants US to partner with Putin on Cyber policing.....LOLOLOLOLOLO


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
Good idea! Who know more about hacking than the guy who got TriggeredRed to vote for Trump?
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
/-----/ "Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old "
And I wish you knew proper grammar. It should be, Donald I wish you were smart... not "Donald, I wish you was smart..."
Secondly, how the hell do you know what Puting is or isn't doing inside his gut? X-Ray glasses?
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Good idea! Who know more about hacking than the guy who got TriggeredRed to vote for Trump?
Obama literally tried to turn over the internet to the United Nations.
So, I don't think this fake news carries water.
RE: Trump wants US to partner with Putin on Cyber policing
※→ et al,

US Cybersecurity Policy is all over the road. And it is evolving much like tax law. There is no one codified set of Cybersecurity, Laws and policies that show any real logical patterns and the absolute essentials. The policies emerge peicemeal. You have to do some serious data mining and research to find them. Some are more easily to find then others (such as):


Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
(Executive Order 13694 of April 1, 2015)

Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
(Executive Order 13757 of December 28, 2016)

I'm not sure what our true diplomatic, economic, political-military relationship is with the Russian Federation. Clearly, many in Congress and the seniors of the defense machinery, executive services, and other government agencies (and the associated communities) still think and operate as if the "Cold War" is still on-going. And they just can't get past that. It will be another generation before America turns that corner. True cooperation between the former Superpowers on complex issues will probably not be achieved in my lifetime. And certainly, the Honorable Members of Congress do not have the whit to invest in the defense and protection of the internet and key cyber community infrastructure on the same level as other national security efforts. And they probably won't see the need until the lack of such focus actually impacts them in a damaging and personal nature (that is when they will sitop and take notice).

Most Respectfully,
RE: Trump wants US to partner with Putin on Cyber policing
※→ et al,

US Cybersecurity Policy is all over the road. And it is evolving much like tax law. There is no one codified set of Cybersecurity, Laws and policies that show any real logical patterns and the absolute essentials. The policies emerge peicemeal. You have to do some serious data mining and research to find them. Some are more easily to find then others (such as):


Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
(Executive Order 13694 of April 1, 2015)

Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
(Executive Order 13757 of December 28, 2016)

I'm not sure what our true diplomatic, economic, political-military relationship is with the Russian Federation. Clearly, many in Congress and the seniors of the defense machinery, executive services, and other government agencies (and the associated communities) still think and operate as if the "Cold War" is still on-going. And they just can't get past that. It will be another generation before America turns that corner. True cooperation between the former Superpowers on complex issues will probably not be achieved in my lifetime. And certainly, the Honorable Members of Congress do not have the whit to invest in the defense and protection of the internet and key cyber community infrastructure on the same level as other national security efforts. And they probably won't see the need until the lack of such focus actually impacts them in a damaging and personal nature (that is when they will sitop and take notice).

Most Respectfully,
I can't think of a more ridiculous accusation than this garbage.
Despite the fact that our FBI and CIA are less trustworthy than Russia.....I'm sure that Trump has no intention of sharing national security secrets the way Obama, Bill, and Hillary did with Russia and China.....who then shared it with Iran and N. Korea.

But go ahead and try to convince us of this.
It's not going to work, because you've been caught in too many lies for this shit to fly anymore.
Maybe if you fabricate enough of these lies and repeat them enough, there will be enough idiots out there that thinks these fakes justify impeachment. Then you can get somebody in the White House willing to play ball with the establishment.
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U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
I wonder how much classified intel Trump gave Putin during their unprecedented, top secret meeting. Most opaque administration in history.
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
/----/ Have any fake outrage over this historical fact or were you even born in 1999?
Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
At least your grammar is that of a toddler. Hey dumbass, why wouldn’t all countries work for cyber security. You always put your racist I hate whitey spin on things. You are one STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. I always laugh when I read your crap as does my wife. She is a left leaning Native American and cringes every time I read her one of your rants. Please keep it up, there is nothing good on television and it’s raining so we cant golf or play tennis.
link on official policy..........or it doesn't exist
So your hysteria is about discussions and not an actual government stance!
link on official policy..........or it doesn't exist
your hysteria is laughable.
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Can someone please locate the meds tiger is supposed to be using and give them to her.
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
I wonder how much classified intel Trump gave Putin during their unprecedented, top secret meeting. Most opaque administration in history.

the diplo<coughspiescough>mats visit<coughgaveinstructionstocomradetrump>ing the oval office...


Trump divulged to Russia details of a daring Israeli raid in Syria — report
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
I wonder how much classified intel Trump gave Putin during their unprecedented, top secret meeting. Most opaque administration in history.

the diplo<coughspiescough>mats visit<coughgaveinstructionstocomradetrump>ing the oval office...


Trump divulged to Russia details of a daring Israeli raid in Syria — report

Obviously a planted report by Hillary and Obama in a friendly publication. Vanity Fair.

Oh, and FYI......this is precisely what Obama did while he was president.
He ratted out the UK to the Russians. Obama gives UK nuke secrets to Russia -- he MUST now be removed from office and power
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U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
I wonder how much classified intel Trump gave Putin during their unprecedented, top secret meeting. Most opaque administration in history.

the diplo<coughspiescough>mats visit<coughgaveinstructionstocomradetrump>ing the oval office...


Trump divulged to Russia details of a daring Israeli raid in Syria — report

Obviously a planted report by Hillary and Obama in a friendly publication. Vanity Fair.

Oh, and FYI......this is precisely what Obama did while he was president.
He ratted out the UK to the Russians. Obama gives UK nuke secrets to Russia -- he MUST now be removed from office and power

PM indirectly confirms Israel caused Trump intel leak to Russia
Speaking to a conference of NATO ambassadors on Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu all but spelled it out.
By Yonah Jeremy Bob
January 10, 2018 23:57

4 minute read.
PM indirectly confirms Israel was source of Trump intel leak to Russia
RE: Trump wants US to partner with Putin on Cyber policing
※→ et al,

WOW!!! I'm not sure that anyone was advocating (no foreign dissemination - NOFORN) national security information beyond what the has been authorized for now or in the past (WHITE HOUSE - Sharing Information with Foreign Partners). I'm sure that if you ask any service member that has served in the Multi-National Environment in Iraq, Afghanistan or other theaters, they will recall all sorts of foreign national participants with Level 2, 3, and 5 Clearance Levels. Many pieces of intelligence and security information have been marked as "releasable to foreign nations: REL: FiveEYES, or other designated countries.

RE: Trump wants US to partner with Putin on Cyber policing
※→ et al,

US Cybersecurity Policy is all over the road. And it is evolving much like tax law. There is no one codified set of Cybersecurity, Laws and policies that show any real logical patterns and the absolute essentials. The policies emerge piecemeal. You have to do some serious data mining and research to find them. Some are more easily to find then others (such as):


Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
(Executive Order 13694 of April 1, 2015)

Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
(Executive Order 13757 of December 28, 2016)

I'm not sure what our true diplomatic, economic, political-military relationship is with the Russian Federation. Clearly, many in Congress and the seniors of the defense machinery, executive services, and other government agencies (and the associated communities) still think and operate as if the "Cold War" is still on-going. And they just can't get past that. It will be another generation before America turns that corner. True cooperation between the former Superpowers on complex issues will probably not be achieved in my lifetime. And certainly, the Honorable Members of Congress do not have the whit to invest in the defense and protection of the internet and key cyber community infrastructure on the same level as other national security efforts. And they probably won't see the need until the lack of such focus actually impacts them in a damaging and personal nature (that is when they will stop and take notice).

Most Respectfully,
I can't think of a more ridiculous accusation than this garbage.
Despite the fact that our FBI and CIA are less trustworthy than Russia.....I'm sure that Trump has no intention of sharing national security secrets the way Obama, Bill, and Hillary did with Russia and China.....who then shared it with Iran and N. Korea.

But go ahead and try to convince us of this.
It's not going to work, because you've been caught in too many lies for this shit to fly anymore.
Maybe if you fabricate enough of these lies and repeat them enough, there will be enough idiots out there that think these fakes justify impeachment. Then you can get somebody in the White House willing to play ball with the establishment.

Yes, your examples of Iran and North Korea are extreme, but even then, when involved in serious negotiations, National Security Information (classified) might be released to demonstrate some level of proof that the US knows that the negotiators were less than truthful.

I did not, and could not accuse The President of anything, least of all, the unauthorized release of classified information. It's impossible! Why, because The President is the "ultimate" classification authority in the US Government. All the people that classify things derive their authority from The President. And, that means that The President can declassify anything, anytime he wants.

Just as there are cybercriminals here in the US (ie unaffiliated with the government), there are the very same types of such cybercriminals all over the world (in every industrialized nation in the world). These cybercriminals exploit nearly every aspect of society. Yes they can be Russian and yes their mischief can extend into the electronic voting and political process of systems and parties. Just because a system or process was exploited from foreign points of origin, does not mean that the country of origin had anything to do with it.

One final point. The purpose of the exploitation may not necessarily have anything to do with the result. It may just be a means of throwing turmoil into the process and crippling the abilities of the personalities concerned.

Most Respectfully,
link on official policy..........or it doesn't exist
So your hysteria is about discussions and not an actual government stance!
link on official policy..........or it doesn't exist
your hysteria is laughable.

LMAO Yep Everything she post is a laugh in fact that's all she's good for. A laugh.
U.S. and Russian officials indicated Friday that the two countries would work together in a number of areas, including cybersecurity.

Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old on how gullible and pathetic you are and someday, he's gonna write a tell all on how easy you were to manipulate and control, with the backing of white ingrates like yourself in this country. Asking Putin, a murdering thug who violated our elections to partner on cyber security with a man who lies 25 hours fuckin day, is a nightmare for the planet, let alone the US
/-----/ "Donald I wish you was smart enough to see, Putin inside his gut, is laughing like a giddy 2 year old "
And I wish you knew proper grammar. It should be, Donald I wish you were smart... not "Donald, I wish you was smart..."
Secondly, how the hell do you know what Puting is or isn't doing inside his gut? X-Ray glasses?
View attachment 207463
I'm just loving you nuts, you traitors to this country, you Putin loving ass ho's constantly defending Putin and his man- bitch......when we all know, if this was Obama, you maggots would be peeing on your lap tops with a noose around your fat red necks

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