Trump warns Newsom: If California homeless crisis persists, feds 'will get involved!'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
President Trump issued a warning to California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, threatening federal intervention if Newsom is unable to solve his state's homeless crisis.

"Governor Gavin N has done a really bad job on taking care of the homeless population in California. If he can’t fix the problem, the Federal Govt. will get involved!" Trump tweeted.

The Golden State has led the nation in the number of homeless people with an estimated total of over 129,972 in January 2018, according to a Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] report. Just over 68 percent of the homeless population in California, the most populous U.S. state, is also categorized as unsheltered.

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The endemic diseases, and terrorist-brought
infections, which will now grow in California...the FIRST SANCTUARY STATE will become epidemic! Eventually.THIS DemonRAT caused DISEASE will SPOLL OVER into the rest of our nation...if not taken care of soon, DemonRATS will cause us to be a BIGGER and much more problematic country like Venezuela!....Thank you DemonRATS!!!
Yes, NO!

Make California clean up it's own mess!

Cali gets millions of dollars every year for one crisis after another.
The PROBLEM with Cali is it's not held accountable, by the Fed Gov, on how it spends, or doesn't, emergency money received by the Fed Gov.

Question: Has Oroville Dam been rebuilt since it's evacuation in Feb, 2017?

Answer: No.

Question: Where in the heck is all that Fed Gov $$ going?
What's Trump going to do issue an executive order for California to stop being stupid liberal morons?
Governor Gavin Newsom and Local Leaders Call on Trump Administration to Do More to Address Homelessness and Housing Insecurity | California Governor

California is in essence demanding money from all taxpayers to cure a self inflicted wound. It is there regulations and high taxations that has killed the supply of housing there. That is what needs to be addressed there if they want a long term solution to the problem.

Trump threatens San Francisco with EPA violation because of city's homeless

Trump is prepared to use EPA violations to force California to address the growing problem.
Do the homeless illegals still show up in census giving more control of the government to California through illegal means?

As we know, a democrat is willing to do anything for a vote and nothing for the country.
HUD Grants the Nation $2 Billion to Address Homelessness - Los Angeles Sentinel

Last Thursday, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it awarded a record $2 billion to homeless assistance programs across the nation.

Los Angeles County — which has the nation’s second-highest number of homeless people of any region at more than 55,000 — received about $122 million.

Almost 109.4 million dollars was granted to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which manages homeless services and programs in the county, LAHSA Communications Director Tom Waldman confirmed. Long Beach received about $8.19 million, Pasadena just over $3.25 million and Glendale slightly above $2.41 million.

That equals $2218 per homeless person in Los Angeles County
The Democrats from California are too fucking busy trying to harass Trump instead of doing their congressional duties. Dumbasses. Schitthead, Swalwell, Waters , Pelosi? There have to be more.
Do the homeless illegals still show up in census giving more control of the government to California through illegal means?

As we know, a democrat is willing to do anything for a vote and nothing for the country.
Good News

Trump should use his wall money to feed the homeless
HUD Grants the Nation $2 Billion to Address Homelessness - Los Angeles Sentinel

Last Thursday, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it awarded a record $2 billion to homeless assistance programs across the nation.

Los Angeles County — which has the nation’s second-highest number of homeless people of any region at more than 55,000 — received about $122 million.

Almost 109.4 million dollars was granted to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which manages homeless services and programs in the county, LAHSA Communications Director Tom Waldman confirmed. Long Beach received about $8.19 million, Pasadena just over $3.25 million and Glendale slightly above $2.41 million.

That equals $2218 per homeless person in Los Angeles County
The economy is booming why are these bums homeless? Because their sorry asses are drug addicted, lazy gimme gimmick people .
HUD Grants the Nation $2 Billion to Address Homelessness - Los Angeles Sentinel

Last Thursday, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it awarded a record $2 billion to homeless assistance programs across the nation.

Los Angeles County — which has the nation’s second-highest number of homeless people of any region at more than 55,000 — received about $122 million.

Almost 109.4 million dollars was granted to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which manages homeless services and programs in the county, LAHSA Communications Director Tom Waldman confirmed. Long Beach received about $8.19 million, Pasadena just over $3.25 million and Glendale slightly above $2.41 million.

That equals $2218 per homeless person in Los Angeles County
The economy is booming why are these bums homeless? Because their sorry asses are drug addicted, lazy gimme gimmick people .
Some are but that is not the real problem........Many are working there every day........but the cost of housing is so high they can't afford to rent.......Some make $55,0000 a year and live on the streets.

In Silicon valley........the make a lot of money but many workers by expensive RV's and live there because Housing is so high.

California's anti business, heavy regulation, and high taxes have caused this. Leading to Not nearly enough supply of housing there....Causing the prices to go thru the roof.

Which is why I said self inflicted wound........A Self Inflicted wound of TOO MUCH GOV'T.
HUD Grants the Nation $2 Billion to Address Homelessness - Los Angeles Sentinel

Last Thursday, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it awarded a record $2 billion to homeless assistance programs across the nation.

Los Angeles County — which has the nation’s second-highest number of homeless people of any region at more than 55,000 — received about $122 million.

Almost 109.4 million dollars was granted to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which manages homeless services and programs in the county, LAHSA Communications Director Tom Waldman confirmed. Long Beach received about $8.19 million, Pasadena just over $3.25 million and Glendale slightly above $2.41 million.

That equals $2218 per homeless person in Los Angeles County
The economy is booming why are these bums homeless? Because their sorry asses are drug addicted, lazy gimme gimmick people .
Some are but that is not the real problem........Many are working there every day........but the cost of housing is so high they can't afford to rent.......Some make $55,0000 a year and live on the streets.

In Silicon valley........the make a lot of money but many workers by expensive RV's and live there because Housing is so high.

California's anti business, heavy regulation, and high taxes have caused this. Leading to Not nearly enough supply of housing there....Causing the prices to go thru the roof.

Which is why I said self inflicted wound........A Self Inflicted wound of TOO MUCH GOV'T.
Then fucking Newsome needs to get the rent under control rather than whine to Trump!

1 Billion budget for the homeless from the State.

396 Million from the Federal Gov't.

So .....1.4 Billion to fight homelessness for TEMPORARY FIXES...

This is what Socialism and big go't does.

1. They cause the problem with policy.
2. They ignore the problem til it's an epidemic.
3. They then some in saying we are here to Save you.
4. Then Tax the people even more for Temporary fixes.

Kinda like an arsonist who burns down your house to come in and tell you how to build a fireproof home..........LOL

California needs to cut taxes, cut regulations, and encourage Private investment to increase the supply of housing PLAIN AND SIMPLE.....That is a LONG TERM SOLUTION.....but everyone knows once politicians get their hands on your wallets............they aren't ever going to let go.........

Wash, Rinse, Spin, dry and repeat.
Totally not the feds' job.

Let San Fransicko and LA wallow in their own sewage.

Good point, oddball.

But there is a free flow of people between the Shithole cities of LA and San Francisco and the civilized parts of America.

The President has a real concern about containing the plagues of typhus and bubonic plague and other ailments.

Maybe if we have any bricks and stones left over from the Border Wall, walls can be built around these failed cities too.
They need to elect better politicians!
But they have Hypnotized the youth there........with their their elected officials join the millionaires they drink the Kool aide.............and Yell at the Boogeyman that their PRAVDA tells them to yell at.

It's like the fires.............LOOK AT WHAT THE POWER COMPANY DID.........and they ignore the regulations on trees that wouldn't allow PG&E to clear more than 4 feet from power lines for RIGHT OF WAY....then when PG&E want 30 foot to trim........they File Lawsuits against them........

Then they sue them for hurricane force winds smacking Insulators of power poles that break them..........and the spark causes a fire and large areas of California burn.........because of their you can't cut down trees without a permit BS.......and you can't Log here.

PG&E have real abuses over time.........but in regards to the fires there.......They get beaten by a stick no matter what they do.........And in the end.......California will SAY......WE HAVE NO CHOICE but to SEIZE PG&E and take over power production and the grid......

This is just Socialism going on.......It's what they do......and Pravda.

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