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Trump warns North Korea will be "met with fire and fury". HAHA Today's Orange Spew!

I for one would love to see how fast those A-10's we have stationed in S. Korea can destroy the NORK's artillery along the border.


two B1Bs from here in South Dakota are there today ready and willing
Trump warns North Korea will be "met with fire and fury"

"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening ... and I said they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before," Trump told reporters during what he calls a "working vacation" at his New Jersey golf club.
Trump warns North Korea threats 'will be met with fire and fury'

Donald J. Trump
After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

7:17 AM - Aug 8, 2017


The Great Orange Douche.... So Orders!

You leftist are the dumbest things since down syndrome


Bill Clinton Paved The Way For A Nuclear North Korea – InvestmentWatch
President Trump's claims on nuclear modernization crumble under scrutiny https://t.co/XFMvlir2F7

As exercises in fact-checking go, this one’s surprisingly easy:

1. Trump’s “first order” as president dealt with health care, not the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

2. It was actually Barack Obama, not Donald Trump, who launched a massive, multi-year effort to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

3. For Trump to say, the arsenal “is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before,” suggests he believes the modernization process is done. That’s bonkers: the process has barely started and will take decades to complete.

Can you call this LIES? One is. The other is HOPING!

btw. I wanted our nukes used.
You said they were all modernized, ready to go.

So We can't use all them modernized nukes! YOU LIED!
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Trump warns North Korea will be "met with fire and fury"

"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening ... and I said they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before," Trump told reporters during what he calls a "working vacation" at his New Jersey golf club.
Trump warns North Korea threats 'will be met with fire and fury'

Donald J. Trump
After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

7:17 AM - Aug 8, 2017


The Great Orange Douche.... So Orders!

I heard that he has an armada...very powerful...heading for Australia right now.

No "fleet". Why send an armada when all you need is the USS Carl Vinson carrier, accompanied by several Japanese naval destroyers?

Japanese warships to join US fleet near North Korea as tensions rise

Trump warns North Korea will be "met with fire and fury"

"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening ... and I said they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before," Trump told reporters during what he calls a "working vacation" at his New Jersey golf club.
Trump warns North Korea threats 'will be met with fire and fury'

Donald J. Trump
After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

7:17 AM - Aug 8, 2017


The Great Orange Douche.... So Orders!

I heard that he has an armada...very powerful...heading for Australia right now.

No "fleet". Why send an armada when all you need is the USS Carl Vinson carrier, accompanied by several Japanese naval destroyers?

Japanese warships to join US fleet near North Korea as tensions rise

NoKo Has Palsy, Not Halsey

Little Kimmy ought to know what kind of Asian seamen he is dealing with here. This war, between Russia and Japan in 1905, was fought over who would colonize Korea:


Russian dead: 4,380
Japanese dead: 117
Russian naval losses: 38 major ships
Japanese naval losses: 3 PT boats
Poor Fucx NEWS.. Incomplete news.


I'm more concern with Pakistan less with Inda. NK HAHAHA!


Btw.. NK got many, many subs. I would think packing them with one nuke each.
Could take out much more American sites. Just driving them right in, set the
timer and swim away. Or remote detonate with cell phone call. 'Can you hear my BOOM'?
Or if are true devotees go out in Un-Style take one for the Dong Home TEAM!

Sang-O II / K-300 Got about 40. Only needs 20.

KIM Jong un wants to go BOOM over there....

Offered list from a concerned America.
You hit the best sites first. They voted for this.

1) Houston, TX
2) Galveston TX
3) Charleston SC
4) Savannah GA
5) Mobile AL
6) New Orleans LA
7) Savannah MS
8) Corpus Christi TX
9) Panama City FL
10) Washington DC. This would be hardest. But give it a go!

With 5 more still, TBD?
To try again on the above TOP 10 sites. If needed.

So suggest the optional 5 possible others sites, to hit first? Folks!
Let's all help Jong-un out here.
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Okay. Seem possible targets are coming clear.


The lines appear to leading towards San Diego in California, Austin in Texas, Washington DC, and the islands of Hawaii.

Death tolls were simulated assuming use of North Korea most powerful warhead, believed to be 40 kilotons.

This weapon is more than twice the strength of the Hiroshima bomb.

So we have this ASSHOLE AS CIC!

Yes, but trump’s not just any old asshole, he’s an All American Orange ASSHOLE (All-American according to him, that is...). And, that makes all the difference to his supporters.

They’re so desperate for attention, they’ll follow this Draft-Dodging fraud anywhere he leads them.
So we have this ASSHOLE AS CIC!

Wrong. The assholes are people who sit in front of a computer all day, bitching about how "evil" Trump is, and being general wankers because they lost the election.Get over it. There's nothing you can say or do that's going to change anything.

Try again. Let see the Orange Douche take actions.

To Arms!... To Arms!


So butt released. So ordered!

Quit being such a communist shill. It isn't becoming of a fellow American.

So said the DrumpFster supporter. Others can tell the difference here.
SOooooo.... Great........WOW! Great , another accomplishment!

"President has renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal"

How did The Great Orange Douche do it in 200 days?
Trump Claims He’s Made Nuclear Arsenal Stronger
August 9, 2017 at 8:24 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard82 Comments

President Trump tweets this morning:

My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before… Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!

A reality check: Business Insider notes Trump’s first executive order was on the Affordable Care Act and that none of his orders in his first 100 days were on the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

And as the New York Times reports, the trillion dollar modernization of nuclear forces started under President Obama.
Hmmm...I don't see this on his list;

A look at 10 of the key promises Trump made for his first day as president:

Introduce a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits.

Freeze hiring for the federal government to reduce payrolls, although the military, public safety and public health agencies would be exempt.

Ban White House and congressional officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave the government.

Announce plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico or withdraw from the deal.

Formally withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Lift restrictions on mining coal and drilling for oil and natural gas.

Remove any Obama-era roadblocks to energy projects such as the Keystone XL pipeline.

Cancel U.S. payments to U.N. climate change programs and redirect the money to U.S. water and environmental infrastructure.

Stop all federal funding to "sanctuary cities," places where local officials don't arrest or detain immigrants living in the country illegally for federal authorities.

Suspend immigration from regions associated with terrorism where vetting is difficult.

Trump promised to do these 10 things on his first day as president
SOooooo.... Great........WOW! Great , another accomplishment!

"President has renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal"

How did The Great Orange Douche do it in 200 days?
Trump Claims He’s Made Nuclear Arsenal Stronger
August 9, 2017 at 8:24 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard82 Comments

President Trump tweets this morning:

My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before… Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!

A reality check: Business Insider notes Trump’s first executive order was on the Affordable Care Act and that none of his orders in his first 100 days were on the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

And as the New York Times reports, the trillion dollar modernization of nuclear forces started under President Obama.
Hmmm...I don't see this on his list;

A look at 10 of the key promises Trump made for his first day as president:

Introduce a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits.

Freeze hiring for the federal government to reduce payrolls, although the military, public safety and public health agencies would be exempt.

Ban White House and congressional officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave the government.

Announce plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico or withdraw from the deal.

Formally withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Lift restrictions on mining coal and drilling for oil and natural gas.

Remove any Obama-era roadblocks to energy projects such as the Keystone XL pipeline.

Cancel U.S. payments to U.N. climate change programs and redirect the money to U.S. water and environmental infrastructure.

Stop all federal funding to "sanctuary cities," places where local officials don't arrest or detain immigrants living in the country illegally for federal authorities.

Suspend immigration from regions associated with terrorism where vetting is difficult.

Trump promised to do these 10 things on his first day as president

That's all done already...Fake News. See...
The Fact Checker’s guide to 60 promises by Donald Trump

What's funny, The Great Orange Douche never has broken a promise.
Their all Fake News reports of lies. LIES FAKE NEWS LIES!
Only Obama and dems break promises.
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Worry not

trump's got this covered

Sadly, this is getting real. Congress needs to invoke the 25th Amendment before it's too late.

Sadly the Douche in backing down. As Dong Kim un already threaten the USA again.
I see no nuke booms or crappy old style bombs dropping.
Hmm? I think our nukes are very old themselves, sorry old style bombs!
Please boom on!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
After 200 days, rarely has any Administration achieved what we have achieved..not even close! Don't believe the Fake News Suppression Polls!

:2up:I think this fire. flames and FURY will put a damper on growth! :ahole-1:
Since Trump can't pay Russia back for the election by dropping sanctions and giving them the arctic's oil... looks like he's opting to get us stuck in endless war with North Korea. Russia benefited immensely from the U.S.'s adventures in Iraq, and I suspect Trump is hoping they make big gains while the U.S. traps itself in another 3rd world mistake.

He should just tell NK we're sorry and give them pallets of cash and the world will be safe again, is that how you want him to handle Nk.
You do understand that we don't have protection if NK fires a nuke at us, Obable cut funding to our missel defense system, so if he fires a nuke at us we just wait to see who gets hit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Explain the Korean war. here?
Truman "police action" Nothing was done NK.
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Won WWII. Nothing was done NK. Had nukes here btw.
John F. Kennedy on to Vietnam. Nothing was done NK..
Lyndon B. Johnson Vietnam. Nothing was done NK. NK who? Nothing was done NK.
Richard Nixon Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Gerald Ford Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Jimmy Carter Nothing was done NK.
Ronnie raygoon Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
George H. W. Bush Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Bill Clinton Got a treaty, Nothing was done NK.
Dubya. Axes of Evil Had Nukes. Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Barack Obama. Meet The Great Orange Douche new foreign policy adviser Barack Obama

Gee 5 GOP POTUS, and none have nuked NK Why? Now a #6, the plan is what?
We invaded North Korea during the war. Ike told the fuckers that he is not Truman and will use nukes. They came to peace table.
I for one would love to see how fast those A-10's we have stationed in S. Korea can destroy the NORK's artillery along the border.

The problem is they have thousands of hidden artillery in bunkers deep inside a mountain range near the SK border. We probably know where some of those bunkers are, but we dont know about all of them, which means Seoul pays a heavy price. Its a real shitty situation.
Fire from them even once and we'll know where they are too and take them out.
Its not that easy. They can flatten Seoul within minutes. It'll take us much longer than that to find and destroy them all.
So. Better Seoul than Seattle.
Clinton's gave North Korea the $$$$ to build a nuke program back in the 1990's.

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