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Trump warns North Korea will be "met with fire and fury". HAHA Today's Orange Spew!

Trump will quickly realize he can't with an all volunteer military made up predominately of conservative voting service remember.

No, I suspect you will be conscripted. The U.S. Army needs latrine trench-diggers too.
Well Trump plans to kill as many conservative voting service members as possible.

Are you one of those idiots who still believes GW flew those planes into the World Trade Towers?

No, those were Radical Islamics.

Likewise, Trump isn't planning on "killing" any Americans. The North Koreans are.

How can you expect to win a war when you don't even know who the enemy is?
Congress will return from vacation early to stop Trump from starting WW3!!!

Well, IT can WAR all out for 100 days, is it?
We have the GREATEST SUPER Cowardly Warrior in the Orange House.
The Greatest Orange Dictator ever to live, EVER! He said so!
SO "General of the Armies" (6 stars) Grand Admiral Orange Orangutan Douche 'OIC' (Orangutan In Caca) of the world and universes.
So it will be over, no need to come in too vote. Or if the place is still there.

You should seriously go to work for the North Korean Ministry of Information. They could use a few good helpers like yourself.

Did I say a un-true thing? Other than other ways IT wants ranks/titles held?

Dig yourself. That just sounded more like something a pudgy North Korean would say...

"Well, IT can WAR all out for 100 days, is it?
We have the GREATEST SUPER Cowardly Warrior in the Orange House.
The Greatest Orange Dictator ever to live, EVER! He said so!
SO "General of the Armies" (6 stars) Grand Admiral Orange Orangutan Douche 'OIC' (Orangutan In Caca) of the world and universes.
So it will be over, no need to come in too vote. Or if the place is still there."
You know, there's something about what Trump said that really bothers me. He said that N. Korea would be met with fire and power, the like of which the world has never seen before.

Does he mean worse than the Dresden fire bombing?

Worse than Hiroshima? How about Nagasaki?

All three of those were pretty impressive, and they were the likes of which the world had never seen before.

Trump has got to realize he's now president and needs to reel back the hyperbolic rhetoric.

Are you young enough to remember how Reagan faced down the Soviet Union, causing them to collapse?

When someone pull a knife on you, do you willingly give them your wallet, or do you respond by unholstering your pistol and telling them to "fuck off"?

I served in the Navy under Reagan, and although he was stern and told them that the US would be unwavering in their stance, he never threatened them with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Trump has. Trump needs to realize he won the election and he is now president and start acting like it. Not rolling down in the mud with a 3rd world dictator.

But, Trump is desperate for a win, and apparently he thinks this is the only way to do it because Congress is blocking his ACA repeal.

Kinda nice raygoon was selling drugs to give free arms to the terrorist. EVERYWHERE! FFS, he armed isis grandparents.
Trump’s Handling of North Korea Is Going to Lead Us Straight Into Nuclear Disaster

The fear coming from the liberals is epic. So I assume you're not going to ride one of those bombs all the way down to Pyongyang? Helluva ride...

Conservatives are trying to cover their ideology with the failed logic "WE" were behind Trumps rush to war to stop the Russia investigation and in hopes his approval numbers will tick up wards!!!!

Oh. So you mean that the Russians hacking a US election isn't the most important problem we face now?

Well it didn't seem to be an issue back in the 1950's either, when Joe McCarthy tried to warn you. His idea that Russia was trying to influence out political system was a big joke then, wasn't it?

Say it: "I'm sorry Senator McCarthy. You were right."

You know, there's something about what Trump said that really bothers me. He said that N. Korea would be met with fire and power, the like of which the world has never seen before.

Does he mean worse than the Dresden fire bombing?

Worse than Hiroshima? How about Nagasaki?

All three of those were pretty impressive, and they were the likes of which the world had never seen before.

Trump has got to realize he's now president and needs to reel back the hyperbolic rhetoric.

Are you young enough to remember how Reagan faced down the Soviet Union, causing them to collapse?

When someone pull a knife on you, do you willingly give them your wallet, or do you respond by unholstering your pistol and telling them to "fuck off"?

I served in the Navy under Reagan, and although he was stern and told them that the US would be unwavering in their stance, he never threatened them with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Trump has. Trump needs to realize he won the election and he is now president and start acting like it. Not rolling down in the mud with a 3rd world dictator.

But, Trump is desperate for a win, and apparently he thinks this is the only way to do it because Congress is blocking his ACA repeal.

Kinda nice raygoon was selling drugs to give free arms to the terrorist. EVERYWHERE! FFS, he armed isis grandparents.

There were no "terrorists" then, only the ones Jimmy Carter created in Iran.

More pressing was the buildup of Communist insurgents in Central and South America, and those governments needed weapons to stop them before it spread into Mexico. They were more of a threat to us than some wacked-out Iranian Mullahs.
Trump has failed at diplomacy.

Wait a minute..................diplomacy is simply the art of political negotiation to get a good deal, and Trump has told us repeatedly that he's the best deal maker in the world, so which is it, is he a great deal maker or not?
You know, considering that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population of the US is even qualified to serve in the military, as well as the FACT that less than 1 percent of the population of the US is even interested in serving, we're gonna need a draft to keep the military machine populated and ready for war.
The territory of Guam. Do we need it?

It's ruled by the Federal Gobmint. I'm told all the time, by the DOPers, that's a bad very bad thang.
Aren't the DOPers into states rights'? ONLY RULE! Can't The Great Orange Douche set them FREE?

Give Guam FREEDOM! From Bad, Bad, very BAD federally Gobmint rule.

Btw. It's a territory, Not the U.S. Homeland!
yes, yes we have the treaty to protect it.

The Great Orange Douche said...
“North Korea had best not make any more threats to the United States. (insert here: see missing words below) They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,” ~Trump said

Notice the words missing here, 'and its Territories'.
Clearly words matter.
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You know, considering that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population of the US is even qualified to serve in the military, as well as the FACT that less than 1 percent of the population of the US is even interested in serving, we're gonna need a draft to keep the military machine populated and ready for war.

You think anyone really running to sign up after failed Iraq and Afghan wars, and still going.
Dying is for nothing, just serving as meat for the machine.

Guam Governor: “There’s fear” but also a sense of calm knowing this isn’t the first time we’ve been threatened by North Korea
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The territory of Guam. Do we need it?

It's ruled by the Federal Gobmint. I'm told all the time by the DOPers that's a bad very bad thang.
Aren't the DOPers into states rights'? ONLY RULE! Can't The Great Orange Douche set them FREE?

Give Guam FREEDOM! From Bad, Bad, very BAD federally Gobmint rule.

Btw. It's a territory, Not the U.S. Homeland!
yes, yes we have the treaty to protect it.

The Great Orange Douche said...
“North Korea had best not make any more threats to the United States. (insert here: see missing words below) They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,” ~Trump said

Notice the words missing here, 'and its Territories'.
Clearly words matter,
Do we need W. Virginia! I say sell it off to Russia.
The fuck with that is that there are a lot of shitheads in this world who hate our guts and want to kill us. They're not going to simply throw down their arms and sing a round of "Kumbaya" with us if we smile at them and offer them a Coca-Cola. The only way to achieve peace is to be ready for the kind of war that makes them not want to fight anymore.

Disagree. Peace comes through shared prosperity. You're not very likely to go to war with those whom you do business.
Are you one of those idiots who still believes GW flew those planes into the World Trade Towers?

No way did/does Bush have the competency to pull off 9/11. But he has just enough competency to let it happen. I believe that the Bush Administration knew 9/11 was happening but let it go forward in order to use it as an excuse to invade Iraq and enrich the military-industrial complex.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
After 200 days, rarely has any Administration achieved what we have achieved..not even close! Don't believe the Fake News Suppression Polls!

:2up:I think this fire. flames and FURY will put a damper on growth! :ahole-1:
Since Trump can't pay Russia back for the election by dropping sanctions and giving them the arctic's oil... looks like he's opting to get us stuck in endless war with North Korea. Russia benefited immensely from the U.S.'s adventures in Iraq, and I suspect Trump is hoping they make big gains while the U.S. traps itself in another 3rd world mistake.

He should just tell NK we're sorry and give them pallets of cash and the world will be safe again, is that how you want him to handle Nk.
You do understand that we don't have protection if NK fires a nuke at us, Obable cut funding to our missel defense system, so if he fires a nuke at us we just wait to see who gets hit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Explain the Korean war. here?
Truman "police action" Nothing was done NK.
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Won WWII. Nothing was done NK. Had nukes here btw.
John F. Kennedy on to Vietnam. Nothing was done NK..
Lyndon B. Johnson Vietnam. Nothing was done NK. NK who? Nothing was done NK.
Richard Nixon Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Gerald Ford Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Jimmy Carter Nothing was done NK.
Ronnie raygoon Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
George H. W. Bush Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Bill Clinton Got a treaty, Nothing was done NK.
Dubya. Axes of Evil Had Nukes. Had nukes here! Nothing was done NK.
Barack Obama. Meet The Great Orange Douche new foreign policy adviser Barack Obama

Gee 5 GOP POTUS, and none have nuked NK Why? Now a #6, the plan is what?
We invaded North Korea during the war. Ike told the fuckers that he is not Truman and will use nukes. They came to peace table.

Knowing what kind of fanatics the Maoist Mau Maus were and the carefully hidden fact that the Soviets had distrusted them for decades and wouldn't intervene to protect China, that sounds like the truth the Wise Men of the Least don't want us to figure out. Likewise, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran if the embassy hostages weren't released. He also let OPEC know that he would seize their oil if they didn't lower their prices. That shows how the military has a positive effect on economics and that "impersonal economic forces" don't exist.
You know, there's something about what Trump said that really bothers me. He said that N. Korea would be met with fire and power, the like of which the world has never seen before.

Does he mean worse than the Dresden fire bombing?

Worse than Hiroshima? How about Nagasaki?

All three of those were pretty impressive, and they were the likes of which the world had never seen before.

Trump has got to realize he's now president and needs to reel back the hyperbolic rhetoric.

Are you young enough to remember how Reagan faced down the Soviet Union, causing them to collapse?

When someone pull a knife on you, do you willingly give them your wallet, or do you respond by unholstering your pistol and telling them to "fuck off"?
Criminals Have No More Rights Than Cockroaches

You kill him in cold blood; you have no obligation to explain yourself to the thughuggers. Lie to the cops; tell them he grabbed for your gun. Ignore the Liberals' rules for victims. They enable repeat offenders.

I immediately noticed that your grammar is also influenced by that toxic clique. They have no right to their education and should be shunned, shamed, and silenced.

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