Trump Was a Mistake

Let's see here:

Trump's net worth before taking office 3 billion. After leaving office 2.1 billion.

Bill Clinton before 1.3 million, after 241.5 million

Barak Obama before 1.3 million. After 70 million.

Meh, they ( Obama and Billy )became rich with book deals, speaking engagements and pay to play, so does anyone truly care?
Haha, nice dodge
Not a dodge at all. Any party promoting female candy will not get my support, now or ever. The fact tgat MTG and Collins can be considered supportable candidates in the same party indicates there’s no ideology behind the party. Those two individuals are NOT ideologically compatible.
The only difference between Trump and the rest of the GOP field was that he was willing to be more open in his racism. That has nothing to do with "conservatism".
That was definitely NOT the only difference; but it was definitely a positive for him in my mind. Trump at least paid lip service to many Conservative ideals and actually did attempt to put some into place. He wasn’t very successful due to the RINOs and Never-Trumpers but he did make several attempts.
So Trump ran for President in order to enrich himself? That is about the stupidest thing I have ever read.

Trump had been rich as hell for decades before ever becoming president.

He could never be Elon musk wealthy but trump will always be rich because he is one of those few people even if you took every dime he had he will make it back.

Becoming president didn't suddenly double or triple his money. He became president to feed his need to be in the spotlight but for that negative reason he also counter balanced it by doing on the theme of making America great again which is a even bigger positive. Which he did, despite what you think of his personality he had great stats.

Trump Was a Mistake

The success of Donald Trump’s presidency dealt establishment politicians a heavy blow. A second Trump term might kill them—and they know it.
19 Dec 2022 ~~ By Dan Gelernter

You’ll notice a striking difference between election news coverage now and the leadup to the 2016 presidential primaries: The mainstream media have hardly breathed a word about Donald Trump (except to say that he’s not doing well in their “polls” and so obviously voters must want him out of the race). Back when Trump was making his run for the nomination in 2015, the newspapers couldn’t keep him off their front pages. He got hours of coverage on every news network every day.
But that was back when most Republicans (myself included) didn’t consider Trump a serious candidate. The media decided he would be a wonderful candidate from the Democrats’ perspective and selected him as most likely to lose to Hillary Clinton. So they gave him all the free coverage he could handle. Once the establishment realized that Trump was connecting with and inspiring millions of Americans (myself included), it was too late to stop him.
But the papers and TV shows and social sites have learned their lesson this time around: People love hearing about Trump, and he loves talking. Media attention is his oxygen. So now they won’t give him any. Prepare yourselves to hear hardly a whisper about Trump for the next year or two—except for portentous statements offered by pompous talking heads who will say he needs to drop out now “for the good of the party.” Whose party do you suppose they mean?
Trump was a huge mistake: He was the biggest mistake machine politicians had made in over a century. The success of Trump’s presidency dealt establishment politicians a heavy blow. A second Trump term might kill them, and they know it.
So, be prepared to hear nothing about Trump’s candidacy, nothing about his massive rallies, nothing about the unwavering enthusiasm of his supporters. Be prepared to hear only one thing: That the “people” don’t want him. But don’t believe it. Remember which people are doing the talking.

Indeed, the GOP never meant for Trump to win the 2016 election.
All you have to do is to look at the two previous picks to compete against Obama. McCain and Romney. Both candidates were dipped RINO politicians.
Trump takes his job seriously and that is why those in political power fear him.
What previous president as ever accepted te job and came away lesser the richer.
The only other president that comes to mind is Ulysses S. Grant.
He wasn’t serious. He filled his administration with swamp creatures.

Trump Was a Mistake

The success of Donald Trump’s presidency dealt establishment politicians a heavy blow. A second Trump term might kill them—and they know it.
19 Dec 2022 ~~ By Dan Gelernter

You’ll notice a striking difference between election news coverage now and the leadup to the 2016 presidential primaries: The mainstream media have hardly breathed a word about Donald Trump (except to say that he’s not doing well in their “polls” and so obviously voters must want him out of the race). Back when Trump was making his run for the nomination in 2015, the newspapers couldn’t keep him off their front pages. He got hours of coverage on every news network every day.
But that was back when most Republicans (myself included) didn’t consider Trump a serious candidate. The media decided he would be a wonderful candidate from the Democrats’ perspective and selected him as most likely to lose to Hillary Clinton. So they gave him all the free coverage he could handle. Once the establishment realized that Trump was connecting with and inspiring millions of Americans (myself included), it was too late to stop him.
But the papers and TV shows and social sites have learned their lesson this time around: People love hearing about Trump, and he loves talking. Media attention is his oxygen. So now they won’t give him any. Prepare yourselves to hear hardly a whisper about Trump for the next year or two—except for portentous statements offered by pompous talking heads who will say he needs to drop out now “for the good of the party.” Whose party do you suppose they mean?
Trump was a huge mistake: He was the biggest mistake machine politicians had made in over a century. The success of Trump’s presidency dealt establishment politicians a heavy blow. A second Trump term might kill them, and they know it.
So, be prepared to hear nothing about Trump’s candidacy, nothing about his massive rallies, nothing about the unwavering enthusiasm of his supporters. Be prepared to hear only one thing: That the “people” don’t want him. But don’t believe it. Remember which people are doing the talking.

Indeed, the GOP never meant for Trump to win the 2016 election.
All you have to do is to look at the two previous picks to compete against Obama. McCain and Romney. Both candidates were dipped RINO politicians.
Trump takes his job seriously and that is why those in political power fear him.
What previous president as ever accepted te job and came away lesser the richer.
The only other president that comes to mind is Ulysses S. Grant.
So, be prepared to hear nothing about Trump’s candidacy,

I read this tripe in the hope I might learn what made Grifty's term a "success"..

I wasn't quite prepared to hear nothing about it.
Let's see here:

Trump's net worth before taking office 3 billion. After leaving office 2.1 billion.

Bill Clinton before 1.3 million, after 241.5 million

Barak Obama before 1.3 million. After 70 million.


Trump presidency:

Trump made 2.4 billion dollars from his properties and businesses during his presidency (650 million a year the first 3 years, less when the pandemic hit).

Obama made roughly 20 million from the time he started in the senate 2005 to when he ended his presidency, from salary, book deals and royalties, and investments. That is a lot less in 9 years than Trump made in 4.

If he ended up worth less, maybe it is because he is not a good businessman.

Trump made 2.4 billion dollars from his properties and businesses during his presidency (650 million a year the first 3 years, less when the pandemic hit).
$650 million a year on $6 billion is just over 10%. Are you trying to make a point? If so, try harder.
Trump's net worth before taking office 3 billion. After leaving office 2.1 billion.

It's hilarious that you believe that.

Plus, you might want to consider reading your own link, there, professor. Those weren't the net worths of the Clintons and Obamas right when they left office. For one, they wrote books after leaving office. They got paid to speak. Trump doesn't write books and his supporters don't read books.

(When was the last time a Trumper read his own link?)

About those Trump tax returns​

About those Trump tax returns

I never cared much about Donald Trump’s tax returns. Why should I? Why should anybody? So I pretty much ignored all the hoopla surrounding the release when they were dumped out into the public....
23 Dec 2022 ~~ By David Strom

I never cared much about Donald Trump’s tax returns. Why should I? Why should anybody?
So I pretty much ignored all the hoopla surrounding the release when they were dumped out into the public. Of all the presidents we have had in the past few decades, Trump was the one least likely to use his office to get rich.
He is already rich. So rich that he donated his salary every year that he was president.
All the ridiculous talk of emoluments, schemes to use the office to enrich himself seemed beside the point. Trump loves himself some money and will do ridiculous things to make it, but even if he did use his office to enrich himself he wouldn’t be stupid enough to have it show up on his tax returns.
And sure enough, his returns tell us little except that Trump seems to be the only human being on the planet who didn’t get richer while he was president. He lost over a billion dollars of net worth.
As with most Trump controversies, it was much ado about nothing. Nothing bad was done by Trump, and while lots of commentators are cherry picking years when Trump paid little in taxes due to business losses, they ignore the fact that over his presidency he paid a million dollars in taxes.
One of the things that is easy to notice is that every accusation that is hurled by the Left at a Republican is a projection of their own greed and malfeasance. Elites often get where they are through some grift or another, they use their own experience to hurl invective at their opponent. It’s a rare Leftist who gets rich through starting and running a business, so perhaps they genuinely cannot comprehend making money legitimately.
I am not that interested in seeing their tax returns. I am sure their accountants are as good at manipulating numbers as well as Trump’s. What I would really like to see is somebody doing a correlation between the investments of politicians and the legislation they write and have access to.
That would be a great project for a forensic accountant.

Even while mildly criticizing the Maoist Elitist left, the Never-Trumpers have to get their “orangemanbad” sentences into anything they say on the subject.
Trump was fine before he announced his campaign in 2015. Democrats wanted him at their parties. They wanted to play at his golf courses. They wanted to stay at his hotels. They gave him awards for his work with the minority community. It was only when he bucked and they realized he had no bridle or reins to allow them to control him did they become unglued. THEN Trump became “controversial”, “divisive” and persona non grata. The democrats and the media piled all the baggage they could onto Trump, and then exclaimed, “You can’t elect him! He has all that baggage!”.
They have done the same to every GOP candidate since as far back as I can remember, and they will do it again in the future. Many conservatives fall for it every damn time!
Democrats deny that Trump gave his presidential salary to charity each year.
Since Maoist/DSA Democrats have focused on Trump's tax returns, perhaps the tax returns of every member of Congress as well as the president and vice president should be easily accessible on a website.
It is something that is foreign to the LEFT...IT’S THE TRUTH!!!!
Transparency/Sunlight I am told is the best disinfectant.
Biden needs to go back into the Obama years when he was using his son to fraud for the Ukraine and reveal his Corporate tax returns too.
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Not a dodge at all. Any party promoting female candy will not get my support, now or ever. The fact tgat MTG and Collins can be considered supportable candidates in the same party indicates there’s no ideology behind the party. Those two individuals are NOT ideologically compatible.
It was still a dodge.

Well his approval rating was higher on day one but currently is about even with Trump. But you know I can guess Biden will have a better 4th year than Trump.
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