Trump: “We” Eliminated Roe

What “power“ are you talking about? Roe limited the federal government as well as the state government.

Dobbs expands both in the exact same way.

What “power“ are you talking about?

The power to legalize murder of the unborn across the nation.
I've long had the sense that he's more than happy to pander to the socially conservative base of the GOP, but that he himself is not a social conservative. Some of you may really disagree.

Here is Trump bragging just the other day about how WE (his admin) eliminated Roe

And yet we’ve been told by him and others that he is not against abortion.

The man can’t tell the truth ever
He should brag... its a travesty of justice that the most unconstitutional law we had stood for so long... message to libs... you can't force your way onto the courts and make the entire nation do as you want... we vote for new laws in America... this is not a tyranny....
I can’t dumb it down any further.

Then you obviously have a problem expressing your thoughts in a rational, understandable manner.

I don't have a fucking clue where you're coming from or what you're trying to prove here. :laughing0301:
Hey, guess what, Bunky! Trump was right: We did eliminate Roe vs. Wade.

We elected Trump, and all he did was carry out the will of the people. We the people.

That "Democracy" is a real bitch when you're not the majority, ain't it? :laughing0301:
And it will be again in November.
Can an 18-year-old drink in your state?
Can a 16-year-old vote?
Can a 12-year-old sign a contract?
1. No, but they could pass a law to do so.
2. No, but they could pass a law to do so.
3. No, but they could pass a law to do so.

What does that have to do with anything?
There is no right to be able to drink alcohol. There is no right to vote below age 18. There is no right for children to sign contracts.

These aren’t rights.

There is no right to be able to drink alcohol.

Why not?

There is no right to vote below age 18.

Is there a right to vote at 18 and above?

There is no right for children to sign contracts.

Tell me why?

These aren’t rights.

What are they?
People celebrated the overturning of Roe because it means fewer clinical abortions. Now the goal is the illegalization of all abortions, and we won't rest until we get it. Personhood of the unborn is the route we're going to take.
The only people who celebrated the overturning of Roe were those on the authoritarian right who seek to increase the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty, to compel conformity, and to violate the right to reproductive autonomy with a Federal ban contrary to the will of the people.
The only people who celebrated the overturning of Roe were those on the authoritarian right who seek to increase the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty, to compel conformity, and to violate the right to reproductive autonomy with a Federal ban contrary to the will of the people.

If we don't have the right to kill babies, do we have any rights at all?

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