Trump weighs military action against North Korea over nuclear program

The message should be first sent to China, get your nutty proxy in line. The rest of the world should grow a pair and stand for principle rather than leaving it to America to handle the heavy lifting once again, while the majority of NATO nations don't even pay their 2% as agreed.

President Trump is considering military action against North Korea in an effort to stop their nuclear-weapons program, a report says.

Sources told the Wall Street Journal that an internal White House review of strategy on the Hermit Kingdom includes the possibility of military force or regime change — an idea that US officials have reportedly emphasized during recent talks with American allies in the South Pacific.

The idea has ultimately left some leaders in the region on edge, according to insiders.

While Trump has promised to uphold the agreements in place in regards to US policy on Asia, some nations have been bracing for a drastic shift in American policy, the Journal reports.

During the discussions with the leaders, sources said White House officials had been highlighting the possible military dimensions of their proposed strateg

Trump is likely to start a war to deflect from his domestic scandals.
Why is it suddenly news about what a president "weighs"? Every president since Truman bungled the Korean Conflict so badly that we live with the reprocussions half a century later have "weighed" military action against N.K.

It was Roosevelt who bungled Korea.

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