Trump welcomes Sanders supporters with open arms

I think they call that a sneeze.




Sunglasses a scarf and demonstrations of being human. Can you explain that orange shit on Trump's face?
Crooked Hillary schlonged Crazy Bernie in an unethical manner. The remedy for the butthurtness is to support The Donald since he will schlong Crooked Hillary every which way possible. :p

That makes no sense at all. This ain't a fucking game where your "team" scores "points" and then when your "team" gets beat in the "playoffs" you jump to their opponent for "revenge".

What are you, seven years old? :rolleyes:

Do seven year olds even do that? :lol:
I thought Bernie supporters were disrupting Trump rallies and attacking Trump supporters.

A few words is not going to change their feelings about Trump policies.
I love Trumpe desperation .. praying that DEMOCRATS will come to their rescue from Trump's own party.

Sunglasses a scarf and demonstrations of being human. Can you explain that orange shit on Trump's face?

That's because he really really really likes Cheetos but because of the teeny weeny hands it's hard to find his own mouth which is too busy frothing anyway so he just uses it as a topical.

The hair is because he's a YUUGE fan of the flannel moth caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis


--- seems he thought the name was "Megalomaniacius Opulentisis"

It's worth nothing too that this thing is venomous. Quite the irritant. So it's easy to see the kinship.
Never happen. Rump and Sanders cannot possibly be more 180 different. Doesn't work like ice cream.

Anyone who supported one, then switches to the other, was not paying attention to either.
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".
Never happen. Rump and Sanders cannot possibly be more 180 different. Doesn't work like ice cream.

Anyone who supported one, then switches to the other, was not paying attention to either.
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".

Well for a starter --- Bernie's a child of a Polish Jew; Rump is the child of an orangutan.

How many opposites you want?

Rump: born rich and gaming the system to get richer. Bernie: none of the above.
Rump: embarrassed about Brooklyn roots. Bernie: proud of Brooklyn roots, still has the accent
Rump: massive egomaniaical narcissist. Bernie: none of the above
Rump: Greed centered, attention whore out for Numero Uno. Bernie: other-centered out for social justice
Rump: "black guys counting my money- I hate it", "recuse the judge because his parents were Mexican". Bernie: Marched with MLK, demonstrated for civil rights back to early '60s
Rump: changes his position quicker than the rest of us change socks. Bernie -- consistent throughout his life
Rump: colors his hair, colors his skin in pointless vanity. Bernie- WYSIWYG
Rump: openly despises First Amendment. Bernie: openly embraces First Amendment.
Rump: Lives on Ad Hom. Bernie: eschews Ad Hom.
Rump: appeals to lowest emotions, no intellect, all personal; Bernie: appeals to highest intellect, not emotions, all policy
Rump: embroiled in fraud and failed businesses, wallows in self-denial about it. Bernie: none of the above.
Rump: background of defrauding government to build cheap-ass housing that kept blacks out and kicking people off their own land to build golf courses. Bernie: background of building a nice public park for Burlington
Rump: fat gluttonous pig. Bernie: svelte.
Rump: fake wrestling. Bernie: track team.

There's a few to chew on. As a side dish I recommend Cheetos. Mashed up and rubbed into the cheeks.

Bottom line -- nobody in the world thinks "aw shit, the guy who believes in what I believe in didn't win, so obviously the thing to do now is gravitate to the guy who believes in everything I DON'T believe in" ---- which is the idiocy premise of this thread. That's a demonstration of the abject self-delusional Doublethink required to even entertain the thought of a petulant orange con artist in the first place.

Besides which, the only thing Donald Rump has ever welcomed with open arms has been either yet another bag of money or a camera. That's all he values.
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I wonder what his giant welcome mat for Sanders people means for when he goes to start choosing Justices for the Supreme Court?
Never happen. Rump and Sanders cannot possibly be more 180 different. Doesn't work like ice cream.

Anyone who supported one, then switches to the other, was not paying attention to either.
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".

Well for a starter --- Bernie's a child of a Polish Jew; Rump is the child of an orangutan.
Sanders, the self-hating atheist.

Now, back to "NOTHING in common".
Never happen. Rump and Sanders cannot possibly be more 180 different. Doesn't work like ice cream.

Anyone who supported one, then switches to the other, was not paying attention to either.
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".

Well for a starter --- Bernie's a child of a Polish Jew; Rump is the child of an orangutan.
Sanders, the self-hating atheist.

Now, back to "NOTHING in common".

Link? Even if you had a link --- what the fuck would it have to do with Presidenting?

Ready for more?

Rump: BIRFER. Bernie:

Rump: mocks disabled reporter because he called out Rump's bullshit for what it is and the reporter's parents are not Mexican. Bernie: none of the above
Rump: stays up all night tweeting diaper-rash when different reporter dares to ask him pointed question. Bernie: NOTA.
Rump: threatens Chicago Cubs for daring to oppose His Majesty. Bernie: NOTA
Rump: pisses off Mexicans/Latinos, Muslims, women, Asians, Native Americans etc etc etc. Bernie: NOTA
(see also the graphic in my sigine)
Rump: inspires the other element of my sigline (the quote). Bernie: does not
Rump: renounces David Duke, then claims not to know who he is. Bernie: NOTA, and consistent.
Rump: exhorts supporters to violence. Bernie: eschews violence.
Rump: "likes people who weren't captured", like he was trolling NY sex clubs and claiming "bone spurs" while playing squash :gay: Bernie: champion of veterans benefits
Rump: starts up fraudulent vitamin and real estate scam companies, then denies it. Bernie: never started up fraud in the first place.

This is kinda fun.
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Never happen. Rump and Sanders cannot possibly be more 180 different. Doesn't work like ice cream.

Anyone who supported one, then switches to the other, was not paying attention to either.
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".

Well for a starter --- Bernie's a child of a Polish Jew; Rump is the child of an orangutan.
Sanders, the self-hating atheist.

Now, back to "NOTHING in common".

Link? Even if you had a link --- what the fuck would it have to do with Presidenting?

Ready for more?

Rump: BIRFER. Bernie:

Rump: mocks disabled reporter because he called out Rump's bullshit for what it is and the reporter's parents are not Mexican. Bernie: none of the above
Rump: stays up all night tweeting diaper-rash when different reporter dares to ask him pointed question. Bernie: NOTA.
Rump: threatens Chicago Cubs for daring to oppose His Majesty. Bernie: NOTA
Rump: pisses off Mexicans/Latinos, Muslims, women, Asians, Native Americans etc etc etc. Bernie: NOTA
(see also the graphic in my sigine)
Rump: inspires the other element of my sigline (the quote). Bernie: does not
Rump: renounces David Duke, then claims not to know who he is. Bernie: NOTA, and consistent.
Rump: starts up fraudulent vitamin and real estate scam companies, then denies it. Bernie: never started up fraud in the first place.

This is kinda fun.
Link? What kind of an idiot are you?
He's an atheist who hates religion.
Never happen. Rump and Sanders cannot possibly be more 180 different. Doesn't work like ice cream.

Anyone who supported one, then switches to the other, was not paying attention to either.
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".

Well for a starter --- Bernie's a child of a Polish Jew; Rump is the child of an orangutan.
Sanders, the self-hating atheist.

Now, back to "NOTHING in common".

Link? Even if you had a link --- what the fuck would it have to do with Presidenting?

Ready for more?

Rump: BIRFER. Bernie:

Rump: mocks disabled reporter because he called out Rump's bullshit for what it is and the reporter's parents are not Mexican. Bernie: none of the above
Rump: stays up all night tweeting diaper-rash when different reporter dares to ask him pointed question. Bernie: NOTA.
Rump: threatens Chicago Cubs for daring to oppose His Majesty. Bernie: NOTA
Rump: pisses off Mexicans/Latinos, Muslims, women, Asians, Native Americans etc etc etc. Bernie: NOTA
(see also the graphic in my sigine)
Rump: inspires the other element of my sigline (the quote). Bernie: does not
Rump: renounces David Duke, then claims not to know who he is. Bernie: NOTA, and consistent.
Rump: exhorts supporters to violence. Bernie: eschews violence.
Rump: "likes people who weren't captured", like he was trolling NY sex clubs and claiming "bone spurs" while playing squash :gay: Bernie: champion of veterans benefits
Rump: starts up fraudulent vitamin and real estate scam companies, then denies it. Bernie: never started up fraud in the first place.

This is kinda fun.

Link? What kind of an idiot are you?
He's an atheist who hates religion.

Umm.. what kind of an idiot are YOU? This is about electing a President, not a fucking Rabbi. I really don't give a fuck if Rump hates religion. It ain't part of the job. I'm far more concerned that he hates the First Amendment which protects religion and other things.

Look Gummo, you asked and it was answered. You don't like the answers, go and boil your bottom. Why don't you issue an endless barrage of whiny tweets like your man-crush?
Prove your contention that they have NOTHING in common.
With the emphasis on "NOTHING".

Well for a starter --- Bernie's a child of a Polish Jew; Rump is the child of an orangutan.
Sanders, the self-hating atheist.

Now, back to "NOTHING in common".

Link? Even if you had a link --- what the fuck would it have to do with Presidenting?

Ready for more?

Rump: BIRFER. Bernie:

Rump: mocks disabled reporter because he called out Rump's bullshit for what it is and the reporter's parents are not Mexican. Bernie: none of the above
Rump: stays up all night tweeting diaper-rash when different reporter dares to ask him pointed question. Bernie: NOTA.
Rump: threatens Chicago Cubs for daring to oppose His Majesty. Bernie: NOTA
Rump: pisses off Mexicans/Latinos, Muslims, women, Asians, Native Americans etc etc etc. Bernie: NOTA
(see also the graphic in my sigine)
Rump: inspires the other element of my sigline (the quote). Bernie: does not
Rump: renounces David Duke, then claims not to know who he is. Bernie: NOTA, and consistent.
Rump: exhorts supporters to violence. Bernie: eschews violence.
Rump: "likes people who weren't captured", like he was trolling NY sex clubs and claiming "bone spurs" while playing squash :gay: Bernie: champion of veterans benefits
Rump: starts up fraudulent vitamin and real estate scam companies, then denies it. Bernie: never started up fraud in the first place.

This is kinda fun.

Link? What kind of an idiot are you?
He's an atheist who hates religion.

Umm.. what kind of an idiot are YOU? This is about electing a President, not a fucking Rabbi. I really don't give a fuck if Rump hates religion. It ain't part of the job. I'm far more concerned that he hates the First Amendment which protects religion and other things.

Look Gummo, you asked and it was answered. You don't like the answers, go and boil your bottom. Why don't you issue an endless barrage of whiny tweets like your man-crush?
YOU introduced religion into the thread.
you guys got robbed , man

No way it will happen...

Those voting for Trump and nothing like those voting for Sanders... Sanders voters are Green Party types and will vote Green or stay home and not for someone like Trump that they despise more than Clinton...

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