Trump Will be Impeached

Actually, the Senate is free to reject the impeachment.
No, they can't reject a bill impeachment. They can only bring it to trial and vote for or against removal from office.


They can decline to hear the bill at all.
Sorry, I didn't consider that. Yes, the Senate can refuse to hold a trial. However, whether they would get away with it politically is another matter. What would happen is Trump would be tried in the media.

Here's the thing, the Stalinists in the house trying to pursue this coup are engaged in a severely unpopular act. They still are attempting to undo the 2016 election because they simply refuse to accept the results.

If Pelosi and her Bolsheviks were to impeach in January, the Senate would GAIN stature by refusing to entertain the farce.

This coup the Stalinists are attempting is playing to the most radical left fringes. It is a huge gamble making an assumption that the nation as a whole wants to go full Venezuela.
You are neglecting the possibility that there might well be damn good cause for impeachment. Obstruction of Justice, Election Law Violations, and accepting any type of campaign contribution from a foreign national is a violation of the law. These are not as Trump said, peanuts. They are serious crimes and are often associated with even more serious crimes. The president's primary legal responsibility is to uphold and execute the law.

Trump seems to believe as do many of his followers that the end justifies the means. Break a law here, violate the constitution there, lie, cheat, and mislead the public. It's ok, as long as you accomplish your goal. There is no excuse for this, not what previous presidents have done, what congress has done, nor how important the goal may be.
After all this time and $$$$ all we have is hearsay and abuse of people’s civil liberties by an overzealous investigation led by people like the disgraced agent Strok who made disparaging comments about people in Wal Mart. Typical liberal elitist.
Biting a hole into a woman's lip after raping her is trivial?

Really? Where's the medical report from Juanita the Liar that proved that happened. I mean, that sounds like it required medical attention.

Shaming accusers - until DNA on a blue dress proves that the accusers are right on the mark - is trivial?

Um, just because he had sex with one woman doesn't prove everyone who claimed he had sex with them did.

Serial hiring of very young paramours - on presidential orders - onto the payroll as interns and using them as sex slaves is trivial?

Uh, the whole purpose of getting an internship is to get a job. Not sure what your reasoning is here...
Oh...but you believed Kavanaugh accusations didn’t you? Hypocrite.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ?

Oh, at every opporunity... They weren't gods, they weren't saints. They were a bunch of slave owning assholes who didn't want to pay their taxes and got a lot of dumb people to fight for them... and then they cheated the guys who fought for them.

And they saved us from the absolute horror of being... Canadians!!! Oh, the horror.


And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.

You know what the problem with that is? YOu guys have been accusing Hillary of commiting every crime in the book since 1992... and you've come up with nothing.

Which means either...

1) She is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty all rolled into one.


2) You are a completely full of shit misogynist who gets upset at the thought of a woman in power.
EARTH TO JOEY: It's 2018 (almost 2019). Everybody knows that investigation didn't happen because governors (mostly Democrats) refused to participate in it. As for the investigations that DID HAPPEN, there's plenty of them, your liberal OMISSION media didn't report. :biggrin: >>>

Actually, Republicans weren't too keen on it, either. Probably because they would have found more voter suppression than voter fraud.

The reality is, there aren't enough illegals in the country to account for Hillary's 3 Million vote victory. There are only 11 million undocumented immigrants, and most of them stay off the grid.
After all this time and $$$$ all we have is hearsay and abuse of people’s civil liberties by an overzealous investigation led by people like the disgraced agent Strok who made disparaging comments about people in Wal Mart. Typical liberal elitist.

Who hasn't made disparaging comments about people in Walmart?

This is the best you got?

trump is a gangerous limb... the GOP is better off amputating him.
The Will of the people was that Hillary be president. The will of the people was democrats control congress.

The will of the people of Mexico, Comrade Stalin?

The will of the people of the majority of states in America was that Donald Trump lead the nation. California does not rule the entire nation, no matter how badly you want them to.

Look Joe, you're a lying scumbag and a traitor, but other than that you're a complete pile of shit.

Only Americans voted in the election. Sorry. You lose again.

Hey, how did that big investigation to prove widespread voter fraud turn out? Oh, yeah, it didn't.

Oh look, the traitor is lying again...

How droll.

{The DMV said about 1,500 people may have been incorrectly registered between April 23 and Sept. 25 because of a “processing error.” That includes legal residents who are not citizens, although the DMV says none of the people mistakenly registered are people living in the country illegally.}

SHOCKING: California DMV Registering Thousands of Illegal Immigrants To Vote
{The DMV said about 1,500 people may have been incorrectly registered between April 23 and Sept. 25 because of a “processing error.” That includes legal residents who are not citizens, although the DMV says none of the people mistakenly registered are people living in the country illegally.}

1500 MAY have?

Again, you guys are trying to claim Millions of people voted in CA, not a mere 1500 who MAY have been incorrectly registered and MAY have voted and then MAY have voted Democratic.

You guys have problems with math, don't you?
The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes,


but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

Republicans of Nixon's era had honor - you filthy Marxist traitors have none.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ?

Oh, at every opporunity... They weren't gods, they weren't saints. They were a bunch of slave owning assholes who didn't want to pay their taxes and got a lot of dumb people to fight for them... and then they cheated the guys who fought for them.

And they saved us from the absolute horror of being... Canadians!!! Oh, the horror.

View attachment 234794

And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.

You know what the problem with that is? YOu guys have been accusing Hillary of commiting every crime in the book since 1992... and you've come up with nothing.

Which means either...

1) She is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty all rolled into one.


2) You are a completely full of shit misogynist who gets upset at the thought of a woman in power.
They were heroes for creating the United States of America and everything that goes with it’s impact on world history. The United Steal ended slavery, liberated death camps, found cures for diseases and had two guys that created Microsoft and Apple. The list goes on and on. Slavery was and still is a common practice in Africa. What has the left given the human race? Communism, socialism , and fascism that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people and the Holocaust. Also let’s not forget about the practice of legal baby murder.
After all this time and $$$$ all we have is hearsay and abuse of people’s civil liberties by an overzealous investigation led by people like the disgraced agent Strok who made disparaging comments about people in Wal Mart. Typical liberal elitist.

Who hasn't made disparaging comments about people in Walmart?

This is the best you got?

trump is a gangerous limb... the GOP is better off amputating him.
Assholes make disparaging comments about blue collar working class people. Also he did break the law.
After all this time and $$$$ all we have is hearsay and abuse of people’s civil liberties by an overzealous investigation led by people like the disgraced agent Strok who made disparaging comments about people in Wal Mart. Typical liberal elitist.

Who hasn't made disparaging comments about people in Walmart?

This is the best you got?

trump is a gangerous limb... the GOP is better off amputating him.
FBI's 'Leak Strategy': Was It Criminal Collusion To Damage Trump? | Investor's Business Daily
The ferret faces criminal activity to usurp democracy.
You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.
IF, and it is a big IF, that Obama seriously violated federal law, it does not justify what Trump has done.

What Trump has done? You mean defeating Hillary?

Such thinking is childish and wrong. Regardless of the bad conduct of the previous president, it does not excuse bad conduct of the current president.

Got it, the idea of equal justice under the law is "childish."

I mean, you HATE Donald Trump, he defeated Hillary and MUST PAY for that.

Violation of campaign finance laws are common. In fact, most presidential campaign audits reveals errors in reporting. Bush, Dole, and Obama have all been guilty. However, these campaign violations were due to bad reporting and sloppy paperwork. They were not ruled intentional and resulted only in fines. By contrast, Trump directed payments to women he had affairs with for the purpose of influencing the election. His payoff man, Cohen has already confessed to the crime, stated the purpose was to influence the election and that Trump was not only aware of the payments but ordered by them.

Torquemada offered Cohen a deal to confess to the indictment of a ham sandwich or face decades in prison for tax evasion.

Dershowitz: Cohen Doesn't Seem to Understand the Difference Between 'Wrong' and 'Illegal'

It was reported today, that Trump attended a meeting with Cohen and David Pecker, the chairman of American Media to discuss these payments in Aug. During the meeting, the group discussed a plan to shield Trump from potentially damaging stories and timing of the payments, clearly evidence that the purpose of the payments were to influence the election and that Trump was involved. Trump will be indicted, probably once he leaves office because he's just as guilty as Cohen.

I don't see a bill of impeachment until Mueller's report is delivered and that doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon. Look for charges of obstruction of justice, lying to a federal agent, and violation of election law. There may be charges about Russian involvement but those will be minor legal charges. However, congressmen are likely to see collusion with Russia to win the presidency as very bad conduct.

Oh my Allah, more slander from the fascist press?

The Stalinists will push for impeachment because like you, they are driven by hatred of Trump for defeating Hillary and are desperately trying to backfill to justify their treason.
You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.
They have nothing and Senate will not throw hm out of office.
You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.
You better have a good case if you’re going to get 100% of Senate Democrats to vote for removing Trump from office.
The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes, but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ? No limit to the irasible, vile venom of the hate-America left. And yeah, the fathers DID indeed say we should use this electoral college system, to protect us us from lowlife scammers like Hillary Clinton, stuffing ballot boxes with millions of illegal alien votes, so as to go around pretending that she "won by 3 million votes"

Lucky for us our founding fathers had the shrewd foresight to see hundreds of years into their future, to protect us from this trashy behavior.

And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.



The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes, but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ? No limit to the irasible, vile venom of the hate-America left. And yeah, the fathers DID indeed say we should use this electoral college system, to protect us us from lowlife scammers like Hillary Clinton, stuffing ballot boxes with millions of illegal alien votes, so as to go around pretending that she "won by 3 million votes"

Lucky for us our founding fathers had the shrewd foresight to see hundreds of years into their future, to protect us from this trashy behavior.

And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.



Voting is probably the least likely activity of illegal immigrants. Most immigrants both legal and illegal do not understand the American political system and have little interest it. The turnout among legal Latino voters is traditional low. Only half are registered to vote and less than half of those turn out to vote in national elections. Claiming 3 million illegal immigrants vote is absurd. For that to happen most adult illegal immigrant would have to vote including those that don't speak English and those that have no identification other than an expired work permit.


California actively encourages illegal aliens to vote and runs massive campaigns in Spanish to ensure high turnouts of illegal alien voters.
You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.
What do they have on Trump? Nothing that would stand in a court of law.
The ferret faces criminal activity to usurp democracy.

So let me get this straight.. saying thing about Trump that were true was usurping democracy?

You see, I thought that usurping democracy is putting someone in office after 54% of the population said "NO!!!!"
No, they can't reject a bill impeachment. They can only bring it to trial and vote for or against removal from office.


They can decline to hear the bill at all.
Sorry, I didn't consider that. Yes, the Senate can refuse to hold a trial. However, whether they would get away with it politically is another matter. What would happen is Trump would be tried in the media.

Here's the thing, the Stalinists in the house trying to pursue this coup are engaged in a severely unpopular act. They still are attempting to undo the 2016 election because they simply refuse to accept the results.

If Pelosi and her Bolsheviks were to impeach in January, the Senate would GAIN stature by refusing to entertain the farce.

This coup the Stalinists are attempting is playing to the most radical left fringes. It is a huge gamble making an assumption that the nation as a whole wants to go full Venezuela.
You are neglecting the possibility that there might well be damn good cause for impeachment. Obstruction of Justice, Election Law Violations, and accepting any type of campaign contribution from a foreign national is a violation of the law. These are not as Trump said, peanuts. They are serious crimes and are often associated with even more serious crimes. The president's primary legal responsibility is to uphold and execute the law.

Trump seems to believe as do many of his followers that the end justifies the means. Break a law here, violate the constitution there, lie, cheat, and mislead the public. It's ok, as long as you accomplish your goal. There is no excuse for this, not what previous presidents have done, what congress has done, nor how important the goal may be.
After all this time and $$$$ all we have is hearsay and abuse of people’s civil liberties by an overzealous investigation led by people like the disgraced agent Strok who made disparaging comments about people in Wal Mart. Typical liberal elitist.

Strzok did far more than that. He engaged in treason, waging war against the President of the United States on behalf of the former president,

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