Trump Will be Impeached

The Will of the people was that Hillary be president. The will of the people was democrats control congress.
Your version of "the people" is American citizens, PLUS every living human on the earth, capable of casting a vote in a US election, however legal or illegal.

My version of a proper/legitimate US election is one with only AMERICANS voting. The will of them was that Trump be president, and Republicans control congress. :biggrin:

Who cares what the will of "the people" of the WORLD is ?
Your version of "the people" is American citizens, PLUS every living human on the earth, capable of casting a vote in a US election, however legal or illegal.

My version of a proper/legitimate US election is one with only AMERICANS voting. The will of them was that Trump be president, and Republicans control congress.

Only Americans voted in the election. Sorry. You lose again.

Hey, how did that big investigation to prove widespread voter fraud turn out? Oh, yeah, it didn't.
The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes, but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ? No limit to the irasible, vile venom of the hate-America left. And yeah, the fathers DID indeed say we should use this electoral college system, to protect us us from lowlife scammers like Hillary Clinton, stuffing ballot boxes with millions of illegal alien votes, so as to go around pretending that she "won by 3 million votes"

Lucky for us our founding fathers had the shrewd foresight to see hundreds of years into their future, to protect us from this trashy behavior.

And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.



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Only Americans voted in the election. Sorry. You lose again.

Hey, how did that big investigation to prove widespread voter fraud turn out? Oh, yeah, it didn't.
That's what you think you can put foward to pretend that millions of illegals didn't vote in 2016 ? LOL.

EARTH TO JOEY: It's 2018 (almost 2019). Everybody knows that investigation didn't happen because governors (mostly Democrats) refused to participate in it. As for the investigations that DID HAPPEN, there's plenty of them, your liberal OMISSION media didn't report. :biggrin: >>>

Yes, Illegal Aliens Are Voting

Texas Democrats Are Attempting to Register Aliens to Vote

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Alien Invasion: Thousands of Foreigners Registered to Vote (and Voting) in Virginia

Do Illegal Votes Decide Elections?
3 million illegal aliens in California do not remove the right of Nebraska or Arizona to vote for president.

Yes, you Communists believe that New York and California alone should have the right to vote. Our constitution, which you are waging war to end, ensures that all states have a voice.
Correct. Democrats will never admit that the voter fraud of millions of illegal aliens is the only reason why Hillary got as many popular votes as she did.

And thank you to the creators of the electoral college for having the foresight to not allow 2 states packed with illegal voters, to determine US elections.
If congress impeaches Trump with a statement that he gained the presidency via fraud, then Pence will resign.
If congress impeaches Trump with a statement that he gained the presidency via fraud, then Pence will resign.
The only candidate that campaigned on fraud (in numerous ways) was Hillary Clinton. Trump is to be congratulated for having won, despite all that fraud that was leveled against him.

As for Pence, did you talk to him yesterday ?
You are neglecting the possibility that there might well be damn good cause for impeachment.

The Stalinists have spent two years digging, leaking, and fabricating; yet the best they can come up with is allegations of campaign finance violations that pale in comparison to the gross violations of Obama.

Obstruction of Justice,

Laughable stupidity. Raw meat throw to the haters. Comey reported to Trump, he had every right and every reason to fire the incompetent and unethical dolt.

Election Law Violations,

IF, and it is a big IF, the payments to the prostitutes who moved to extort the president violated campaign finance laws, it is minute compared to the gross violations of the Obama regime. A bit difficult to support impeachment when far more egregious acts warrented only a fine a few years back.

While it's undeniable that there are different laws for democrats than there are for Americans, it isn't super popular to rub the nose of the public in the fact.

and accepting any type of campaign contribution from a foreign national is a violation of the law. These are not as Trump said, peanuts. They are serious crimes and are often associated with even more serious crimes. The president's primary legal responsibility is to uphold and execute the law.

Ah, making shit up out of whole cloth. :thup:

We know Bill Clinton took LITERAL bags of cash from Beijing as the fascist media covered for him.

The “Chinagate” fundraising scandal plagued the 1996 Bill Clinton-Al Gore campaign and Hillary was very much involved. Chinagate aka Commercegate is the most serious scandalin U.S. history. It involves the transfer of America’s most sensitive technology, including but not limited to nuclear missile and satellite technology, possibly in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort and the Democratic National Committee.

The Chinagate scandal of 1996 ended up in an award of 900,000 in attorney’s fees and costs to Judicial Watch ten years later.

The scandal was an apparent scheme by the Clinton administration to sell seats on taxpayer-funded trade missions in exchange for campaign contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign.

Judicial Watch began an investigation and Clinton administration officials deliberately concealed and destroyed records regarding the trade mission and testimony was falsified.

Nolanda Hill, a business partner and confidante of the Clinton then-Commerce Secretary Ron Brown testified in a court hearing during the litigation that the Clinton White House told Brown to “delay the [Judicial Watch] case by withholding the production of documents prior to the 1996 elections and to devise a way not to comply with the court’s orders.”}

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Trump though? Not a hint of foreign money.

Trump seems to believe as do many of his followers that the end justifies the means. Break a law here, violate the constitution there, lie, cheat, and mislead the public. It's ok, as long as you accomplish your goal. There is no excuse for this, not what previous presidents have done, what congress has done, nor how important the goal may be.

Yet you Stalinists just can't ever come up with any violations by Trump.

Meanwhile we see Hillary and Queer Barry getting dossiers from Russia to use as the basis to illegally spy on the opposition campaign, then the president elect, then the president - a clear act of treason.

You refuse to abide by the results of the election, so you are engaging in treason. What is really odd is that you seem to think we will let you get away with it.
IF, and it is a big IF, that Obama seriously violated federal law, it does not justify what Trump has done. Such thinking is childish and wrong. Regardless of the bad conduct of the previous president, it does not excuse bad conduct of the current president.

Violation of campaign finance laws are common. In fact, most presidential campaign audits reveals errors in reporting. Bush, Dole, and Obama have all been guilty. However, these campaign violations were due to bad reporting and sloppy paperwork. They were not ruled intentional and resulted only in fines. By contrast, Trump directed payments to women he had affairs with for the purpose of influencing the election. His payoff man, Cohen has already confessed to the crime, stated the purpose was to influence the election and that Trump was not only aware of the payments but ordered by them.

It was reported today, that Trump attended a meeting with Cohen and David Pecker, the chairman of American Media to discuss these payments in Aug. During the meeting, the group discussed a plan to shield Trump from potentially damaging stories and timing of the payments, clearly evidence that the purpose of the payments were to influence the election and that Trump was involved. Trump will be indicted, probably once he leaves office because he's just as guilty as Cohen.

I don't see a bill of impeachment until Mueller's report is delivered and that doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon. Look for charges of obstruction of justice, lying to a federal agent, and violation of election law. There may be charges about Russian involvement but those will be minor legal charges. However, congressmen are likely to see collusion with Russia to win the presidency as very bad conduct.
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Your version of "the people" is American citizens, PLUS every living human on the earth, capable of casting a vote in a US election, however legal or illegal.

My version of a proper/legitimate US election is one with only AMERICANS voting. The will of them was that Trump be president, and Republicans control congress.

Only Americans voted in the election. Sorry. You lose again.

Hey, how did that big investigation to prove widespread voter fraud turn out? Oh, yeah, it didn't.
They seemed to have ignored the 9th district congressional race in North Carolina where it appears rampart election fraud occurred at the hands of a republican operative.

The republican candidate won more than 61 percent of Bladen County’s mail-in ballots, a puzzling margin considering just 19 percent of accepted mail-in ballots belonged to registered Republican voters.

Man at the center of North Carolina election fraud allegations has complicated past
The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes, but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ? No limit to the irasible, vile venom of the hate-America left. And yeah, the fathers DID indeed say we should use this electoral college system, to protect us us from lowlife scammers like Hillary Clinton, stuffing ballot boxes with millions of illegal alien votes, so as to go around pretending that she "won by 3 million votes"

Lucky for us our founding fathers had the shrewd foresight to see hundreds of years into their future, to protect us from this trashy behavior.

And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.



The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes, but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ? No limit to the irasible, vile venom of the hate-America left. And yeah, the fathers DID indeed say we should use this electoral college system, to protect us us from lowlife scammers like Hillary Clinton, stuffing ballot boxes with millions of illegal alien votes, so as to go around pretending that she "won by 3 million votes"

Lucky for us our founding fathers had the shrewd foresight to see hundreds of years into their future, to protect us from this trashy behavior.

And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.



Voting is probably the least likely activity of illegal immigrants. Most immigrants both legal and illegal do not understand the American political system and have little interest it. The turnout among legal Latino voters is traditional low. Only half are registered to vote and less than half of those turn out to vote in national elections. Claiming 3 million illegal immigrants vote is absurd. For that to happen most adult illegal immigrant would have to vote including those that don't speak English and those that have no identification other than an expired work permit.
IF, and it is a big IF, that Obama seriously violated federal law, it does not justify what Trump has done. Such thinking is childish and wrong. Regardless of the bad conduct of the previous president, it does not excuse bad conduct of the current president.

Violation of campaign finance laws are common. In fact, most presidential campaign audits reveals errors in reporting. Bush, Dole, and Obama have all been guilty. However, these campaign violations were due to bad reporting and sloppy paperwork. They were not ruled intentional and resulted only in fines. By contrast, Trump directed payments to women he had affairs with for the purpose of influencing the election. His payoff man, Cohen has already confessed to the crime, stated the purpose was to influence the election and that Trump was not only aware of the payments but ordered by them.

It was reported today, that Trump attended a meeting with Cohen and David Pecker, the chairman of American Media to discuss these payments in Aug. During the meeting, the group discussed a plan to shield Trump from potentially damaging stories and timing of the payments, clearly evidence that the purpose of the payments were to influence the election and that Trump was involved. Trump will be indicted, probably once he leaves office because he's just as guilty as Cohen.

I don't see a bill of impeachment until Mueller's report is delivered and that doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon. Look for charges of obstruction of justice, lying to a federal agent, and violation of election law. There may be charges about Russian involvement but those will be minor legal charges. However, congressmen are likely to see collusion with Russia to win the presidency as very bad conduct.
ANYTHING that a candidate does that improves him can be seen as "to influence the election", if one WANTS to see it that way. Trump may have only wanted to spare himself, and his wife and family some personal hardship.

Everything candidates do is to influence an election in their favor. That's why they have campaign committees. That's why they advertise. That's why they hold rallies. This whole newest attack on Trump is even more ludicrous than the last one (Russia hoax).

Is a candidate supposed to do nothing to influence the election ? Remain silent ? Uninvolved ?

I suspect that even if these charges were to be laughed out of a courtroom, the Democrats may see it all as a success, if it diminishes Trump publicly, and he loses some 2020 votes from it, which is really at the heart of their game here.
They seemed to have ignored the 9th district congressional race in North Carolina where it appears rampart election fraud occurred at the hands of a republican operative.

The republican candidate won more than 61 percent of Bladen County’s mail-in ballots, a puzzling margin considering just 19 percent of accepted mail-in ballots belonged to registered Republican voters.
Man at the center of North Carolina election fraud allegations has complicated past
Looking at voter fraud nationally, I'd say if/whenever there is a voter fraud by a Republican, this is a drop in the bucket of national voter fraud, almost all of which is from Democrats.

Just their actions to attract illegal aliens into the country offering birthright citizenship, lots of welfare goodies$$, amnesty, and sanctuary cities, is probably connected to 90% of voter fraud.
Voting is probably the least likely activity of illegal immigrants. Most immigrants both legal and illegal do not understand the American political system and have little interest it. The turnout among legal Latino voters is traditional low. Only half are registered to vote and less than half of those turn out to vote in national elections. Claiming 3 million illegal immigrants vote is absurd. For that to happen most adult illegal immigrant would have to vote including those that don't speak English and those that have no identification other than an expired work permit.
Spoken like a true information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media.

1. Voting is the MOST likely activity of illegal aliens.

2. Most immigrants understand the American political system quite well, and I have spoken to many illegals (in Spanish) about it (in 4 states), who sometimes tell me things even I didn't know about it. Sure because they have bigger stake in it than anyone else.

3. Did I claim 3 million illegals voted ? Sorry, It's more like about 10 million did (about 1/3 of the US illegal population). Might even be more than that.

4. Turnout among legal Latino voters is irrelevant with respect to turnout of illegal voters. That's because legal voters don't have the incentive to vote that illegals have. They are trying to avoid deportation from a guy (Trump), who has campaigned on deporting them, and who now has stepped up ICE activity immensely.

5. Not speaking English is no problem for illegal aliens. Voting ballots are printed in 63 languages, and Spanish speaking translators are common at the voting halls. Telephone voie mails are in Spanish. TV, radio, and newspapers are too.

6. What an odd idea that illegal aliens have no identification. They have the same amount of identification as anyone else except for not having citizenship ID, which not one state in the US requires.
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No it won’t. You want to overturn the will of the people. You are a leftist. You don’t want the people to have a voice or an opinion that differs from yours. That makes a threat to democracy and a constitutional republic.

The Will of the people was that Hillary be president. The will of the people was democrats control congress.
No. The will of the people of the respective states constitutionally was the Donald J. Trump be POTUS. It was the will of the California State Legislature that Democrats should control the House. Stop trying to steal my vote.
1. The Republican Senate is highly unlikely to vote for impeachment of Trump.

2. In the unlikely event that it did happen, Pence (more conservative than Trump) would take over.

3. Democrats are wasting valuable time and effort that could/should be spent to better the lives of the American people. That is what they are being paid for, not to engage in a petty, meaningless political war.

4. The American people should all be taking note of how they are being disregarded here.

The America people we disregarded when they said, "Yeah, we know Hillary won by 3 million votes, but the Founding Slave Rapists said we should use this awful system the Russians clearly hacked.

It should also be pointed out that Richard Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the vote, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS in Watergate, even Republicans realized he had to go.
Don’t even compare the Watergate investigation to the bullshit Mueller political witch hunt. Our Founding Fathers created the greatest government on earth.
If Socialist/ Democrats want to overturn millions of people’s votes and steal an election and thus silence the voice of the people, they will have a Constitutional crisis on their hands only comparable by the Civil War. You will have bloodshed in this country. I’m 100% serious for all you inner city liberals who are delusional. The people won’t stand for Trump impeachment. You leftist are fucking nuts.
The reaction of the people will be determined by the bill of impeachment. It's a good bill supported by evidence the people will support it. Of course there will be Trump supporters who not accept any impeachment regardless of the evidence. They have been trained to only listen the their master.
No it won’t. You want to overturn the will of the people. You are a leftist. You don’t want the people to have a voice or an opinion that differs from yours. That makes a threat to democracy and a constitutional republic.
If Socialist/ Democrats want to overturn millions of people’s votes and steal an election and thus silence the voice of the people, they will have a Constitutional crisis on their hands only comparable by the Civil War. You will have bloodshed in this country. I’m 100% serious for all you inner city liberals who are delusional. The people won’t stand for Trump impeachment. You leftist are fucking nuts.
The reaction of the people will be determined by the bill of impeachment. It's a good bill supported by evidence the people will support it. Of course there will be Trump supporters who not accept any impeachment regardless of the evidence. They have been trained to only listen the their master.
No it won’t. You want to overturn the will of the people. You are a leftist. You don’t want the people to have a voice or an opinion that differs from yours. That makes a threat to democracy and a constitutional republic.
It was the will of the Electoral College that put Trump in office. The will of the people was that Trump go back to selling real estate by over 2.8 million votes.

The only way Trump will be removed from office is if Senators from his own party vote him out. The democrats in the House can layout the charges for impeachment but it will take his own party to throw him out.

Another ignorant Stalinist with contempt for the rights of Americans to vote.

3 million illegal aliens in California do not remove the right of Nebraska or Arizona to vote for president.

Yes, you Communists believe that New York and California alone should have the right to vote. Our constitution, which you are waging war to end, ensures that all states have a voice.
19% of House pick-up for Democrats came from California. In half of those races the Republican candidate was ahead on election night when the polls closed and votes were counted.
Trump committed no crimes. Sure the establishment wants to get rid of him. Washington DC liberal establishment doesn’t want the working class to have a voice. Orwellian.

I'm working class, Trump doesn't speak for me.

Yes, paying someone hush money and not reporting it IS a crime. Cohen is going away for three years for that.
Yes he does...your too stupid and too Marxist to realize it.
As Trump said the election law violations are peanuts. Trump's real problem is he obstructed justice and Mueller can prove. Since the public is not seeing indictments and leaks about obstruction, plus it's old news, the public and the media are ignoring it. However, obstruction is likely to be one of Mueller strongest cases against Trump because the evidence is overwhelming.

First is Trump's request that Comey let Michael Flynn off the hook which Comey refused followed by the Comey's firing. Then there were Trump's attempts to force others to abandon the investigation. Second, there was Trump's efforts to stop Sessions from recusing himself which he certainly should have done. Then twice Trump ordered Mueller fired; dictated a false account for a key witness, his son Donald Trump Jr., of the June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting between the campaign and Russian representatives. Finally, he readily and publicly attacked Mueller and key witnesses over and over. Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I suspect that Mueller is going to turn the Obstruction case over to the House sometime next year while he continues the Russia investigation.

Perspective | Trump’s real problem is that he obstructed justice, and Mueller can prove it. Here’s how.
Sure. :290968001256257790-final:
The Democrats are demonstrating the worst that America can be right now. To embark on a 'Take Down Trump' campaign from day one based on nothing except their throbbing backsides is pathetic. So by all means do it! That's what's you and your leaders dream about every night so do it, impeach him.

The filthy Stalinist democrats are engaged in a soft civil war to end America. This coup they are attempting is simply a manifestation of their outrage that the people dared elect an outsider who is not under their control.
If they try to remove Trump and usurp the will of the people there will be bloodshed in this country. These fuckheads are letting CNN and MSNBC lead them down the wrong path.

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