Trump Will be Impeached

The ferret faces criminal activity to usurp democracy.

So let me get this straight.. saying thing about Trump that were true was usurping democracy?

You see, I thought that usurping democracy is putting someone in office after 54% of the population said "NO!!!!"
We have a Constitution that left election of POTUS up to the citizens of the various states. So you thought wrong. He said nothing that was true. He injected his political opinion into an FBI probe...of Hillary Clinton...and his other Democratic Party operatives turned the investigation into the Trump campaign, and now constitutional questions are being raised daily on how they collected the evidence. It would not hold up under the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 8th Amendments.
{The DMV said about 1,500 people may have been incorrectly registered between April 23 and Sept. 25 because of a “processing error.” That includes legal residents who are not citizens, although the DMV says none of the people mistakenly registered are people living in the country illegally.}

1500 MAY have?

Again, you guys are trying to claim Millions of people voted in CA, not a mere 1500 who MAY have been incorrectly registered and MAY have voted and then MAY have voted Democratic.

You guys have problems with math, don't you?

Again traitor, California refused to allow an investigation (which should be done be federal authority, leading Newsome and other criminals away in handcuffs) - this is just a bubble that the fascist press couldn't hide fast enough.

Even with the massive coverup by the state and the lying fuck press, 1500 were irrefutable.

They can decline to hear the bill at all.
Sorry, I didn't consider that. Yes, the Senate can refuse to hold a trial. However, whether they would get away with it politically is another matter. What would happen is Trump would be tried in the media.

Here's the thing, the Stalinists in the house trying to pursue this coup are engaged in a severely unpopular act. They still are attempting to undo the 2016 election because they simply refuse to accept the results.

If Pelosi and her Bolsheviks were to impeach in January, the Senate would GAIN stature by refusing to entertain the farce.

This coup the Stalinists are attempting is playing to the most radical left fringes. It is a huge gamble making an assumption that the nation as a whole wants to go full Venezuela.
You are neglecting the possibility that there might well be damn good cause for impeachment. Obstruction of Justice, Election Law Violations, and accepting any type of campaign contribution from a foreign national is a violation of the law. These are not as Trump said, peanuts. They are serious crimes and are often associated with even more serious crimes. The president's primary legal responsibility is to uphold and execute the law.

Trump seems to believe as do many of his followers that the end justifies the means. Break a law here, violate the constitution there, lie, cheat, and mislead the public. It's ok, as long as you accomplish your goal. There is no excuse for this, not what previous presidents have done, what congress has done, nor how important the goal may be.
After all this time and $$$$ all we have is hearsay and abuse of people’s civil liberties by an overzealous investigation led by people like the disgraced agent Strok who made disparaging comments about people in Wal Mart. Typical liberal elitist.

Strzok did far more than that. He engaged in treason, waging war against the President of the United States on behalf of the former president,
Exactly. Now try to explain that to Joe B. I believe the “B” stands for buttface.
Your version of "the people" is American citizens, PLUS every living human on the earth, capable of casting a vote in a US election, however legal or illegal.

My version of a proper/legitimate US election is one with only AMERICANS voting. The will of them was that Trump be president, and Republicans control congress.

Only Americans voted in the election. Sorry. You lose again.

Hey, how did that big investigation to prove widespread voter fraud turn out? Oh, yeah, it didn't.
They seemed to have ignored the 9th district congressional race in North Carolina where it appears rampart election fraud occurred at the hands of a republican operative.

The republican candidate won more than 61 percent of Bladen County’s mail-in ballots, a puzzling margin considering just 19 percent of accepted mail-in ballots belonged to registered Republican voters.

Man at the center of North Carolina election fraud allegations has complicated past

Let's play the waddabout game. If this puzzle is evidence of malfeasance, we can also make the case that the preponderance of democrats overcoming narrow losses by recounts and additional ballots being discovered and counted after deadlines have passed is also evidence. It's extremely unlikely that so many recounts would benefit democrats, especially when it results in narrow losses becoming victories.
Oh, so now the founding fathers get bashed too, huh ?

Oh, at every opporunity... They weren't gods, they weren't saints. They were a bunch of slave owning assholes who didn't want to pay their taxes and got a lot of dumb people to fight for them... and then they cheated the guys who fought for them.

And they saved us from the absolute horror of being... Canadians!!! Oh, the horror.

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And when it was realized that Hillary Clinton had broken a whole long list of laws, her enterouge (Comey, Obama, Brennan, etc) came to her rescue and kept her from going to jail.

You know what the problem with that is? YOu guys have been accusing Hillary of commiting every crime in the book since 1992... and you've come up with nothing.

Which means either...

1) She is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty all rolled into one.


2) You are a completely full of shit misogynist who gets upset at the thought of a woman in power.
They were heroes for creating the United States of America and everything that goes with it’s impact on world history. The United Steal ended slavery, liberated death camps, found cures for diseases and had two guys that created Microsoft and Apple. The list goes on and on. Slavery was and still is a common practice in Africa. What has the left given the human race? Communism, socialism , and fascism that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people and the Holocaust. Also let’s not forget about the practice of legal baby murder.

Joe demonstrates that the Stalinist democrats are not the opposition with different ideas on how to apply our constitution; democrats are the ENEMY and are dedicated to the destruction of the United States Constitution and this grand experiment in self-rule.

There can be no peaceful resolution with scum like JoeB131 , they are the enemy of America. They are dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of individual liberty. They will win, or liberty under the United States Constitution will continue - one or the other.

We are embroiled in a bitter civil war, the democrats are the enemy who seek to put an end to liberty forever.
Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

So you think you can end the United States Constitution and the electoral college by your coup against Trump? How would that work? You Stalinists have 221 seats in the house, enough to pass a resolution of impeachment. But the Americans control the Senate. So how does your temper tantrum from the house end the EC?


You have two ways to end the EC traitor, pass a Constitutional Amendment, which means getting two thirds of states to give up their freedom to be ruled by California; OR you can pick up a rifle and continue this treasonous civil war that you filthy fucks have started.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.

The people had nothing to do with it. The democrat scum in the Senate refused to hold him to the laws that govern other people for witness tampering, destroying evidence, perjury, suborning perjury (which Torquemada is guilty of) and threatening witnesses.
You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.
You better have a good case if you’re going to get 100% of Senate Democrats to vote for removing Trump from office.

The Americans control the Senate. To remove Trump would require all of the Stalinists, plus 28 Americans joining them. The dream of traitors that they will succeed with their coup is laughable.
You have two ways of changing it scum, pass an amendment or pick up a rifle. I prefer you do the latter.

Or we can just impeach Trump... that will work, too.

Now that we have him dead to rights on breaking laws.

It should be pointed out that Bill Clinton won 39 states, but when it was found out that he had BROKEN THE LAWS, the fucking pig democrats and their fascist press circled the wagons and declared that democrats are not subject to laws.

No, the PEOPLE decided that lying about a blow job wasn't that big of a deal, because that's what most of us would do in that same situation.

The Republicans spent a year INSISTING this was a big deal, and the people said "Meh, so what?".

And at the end of the day, 10 Republicans voted against impeachment in the Senate.
What do they have on Trump? Nothing that would stand in a court of law.

Stalin is desperately trying to spin. He made the statement that the filthy traitor democrats would end the Electoral Collage. Impeaching Trump has no impact on that. The fool is just trying to distract from his open treason.
If they try to remove Trump and usurp the will of the people there will be bloodshed in this country.
Well, you're certainly hoping (but won't be attending, I promise that), but you're wrong.

No traitor, he is not.

You're in Indiana, you won't last long. The world will be a better place without you.
Of course he is, you fool. And one thing is certain: neither of you fat, lazy, stupid fools will be prying your dumb asses off of the trailer couch to do a damn thing. So I am not worried a bit. Go ahead and wag your little pussy chins all day.
Of course he is, you fool. And one thing is certain: neither of you fat, lazy, stupid fools will be prying your dumb asses off of the trailer couch to do a damn thing. So I am not worried a bit. Go ahead and wag your little pussy chins all day.

Well, go ahead and overthrow the legal and legitimate government then, you traitor fucks have nothing to fear... :eusa_whistle:

Hey traitor, WHY is it you Stalinist pigs are so desperate to disarm Americans again? :dunno:
And if the criminal president is exposed ((likely), I think something interesting will happen:

It will be the "out" that a lot of the Trump cult is secretly hoping for. Finally there will be a good a reason to justify leaving the cult and for eschewing Dearest Leader. They will be able to look each other in the eyes and agree that we don't need a criminal president, and Pence is acceptable.

And these,of course, will be the most reasonable and smartest members of the Trump cult. And what will that leave? The dumbest, most ignorant and intransigent fools. They will be a small minority with no allies. Revolution? Pffft...they wouldn't be a pimple on the ass of the history of this country. Bring out the fire hoses for an hour or two, and it's back to Duck Dynasty reruns and for them.
And if the criminal president is exposed ((likely), I think something interesting will happen:

It will be the "out" that a lot of the Trump cult is secretly hoping for. Finally there will be a good a reason to justify leaving the cult and for eschewing Dearest Leader. They will be able to look each other in the eyes and agree that we don't need a criminal president, and Pence is acceptable.

And these,of course, will be the most reasonable and smartest members of the Trump cult. And what will that leave? The dumbest, most ignorant and intransigent fools. They will be a small minority with no allies. Revolution? Pffft...they wouldn't be a pimple on the ass of the history of this country. Bring out the fire hoses for an hour or two, and it's back to Duck Dynasty reruns and for them.

You single digit IQ Stalinists will use your 221 members of the house to pass a resolution of impeachment, though it strongly goes against the will of the American people. But the Americans hold the Senate, so you have zero chance of removing the president. You seek to smear, slander, and discredit. It's all you impotent traitors can do. If you attempt anything more with your ANTIFA brown shirts or BLM thugs, you'll be put down hard by the American people you so bitterly hate.
We have a Constitution that left election of POTUS up to the citizens of the various states. So you thought wrong.

Except nobody really thinks that's a good idea and the only time we notice is once every few decades when the system shits the bed and puts someone in there the people didn't actually want.

Trump is the system shitting the bed.

The Americans control the Senate. To remove Trump would require all of the Stalinists, plus 28 Americans joining them. The dream of traitors that they will succeed with their coup is laughable.

Actually, if you asked most Republicans privately, they'd LOVE to be rid of Trump and just have to deal with Pence..

The only question is, when does Trump become so unpopular removing him doesn't cost them anything in future elections.

If the revelations of his criminal activity keep coming out and the markets keep tanking the way they are... you betcha those "Americans" will excercise self-preservation and vote to get rid of Trump.
You know what the problem with that is? YOu guys have been accusing Hillary of commiting every crime in the book since 1992... and you've come up with nothing.

Which means either...

1) She is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty all rolled into one.


2) You are a completely full of shit misogynist who gets upset at the thought of a woman in power.
Come up with nothing ? Here's what we came up with >>>



Actually, Republicans weren't too keen on it, either. Probably because they would have found more voter suppression than voter fraud.

The reality is, there aren't enough illegals in the country to account for Hillary's 3 Million vote victory. There are only 11 million undocumented immigrants, and most of them stay off the grid.
There's at least 30 million illegal aliens, and the number could be as high as 40 million. More liberal OMISSION media, but CIS has quoted the wrong number too.

BTW, to call an illegal alien, an "undocumented immigrant", is about equivalent to calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent" :rolleyes:
Except nobody really thinks that's a good idea and the only time we notice is once every few decades when the system shits the bed and puts someone in there the people didn't actually want.

Trump is the system shitting the bed.

Nobody in the terrorist cell you're in?

Decent people think the Constitution is a really GOOD idea.

Actually, if you asked most Republicans privately, they'd LOVE to be rid of Trump and just have to deal with Pence..

More amazing facts you just pulled out of your ass.

The only question is, when does Trump become so unpopular removing him doesn't cost them anything in future elections.

If the revelations of his criminal activity keep coming out and the markets keep tanking the way they are... you betcha those "Americans" will excercise self-preservation and vote to get rid of Trump.

As of yet you simply haven't been able to fabricate any criminal activity.

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