Trump Will be Impeached

There is nothing to deny, you little're entire "big!" point was a graphic you regurgitated from fox news, like a good little sheep. No prosecutions, no indictments....20 years of wasteful, fruitless investigations... you are embarrassing yourself....
Well, there's a REASON why the mass murdering and thieving Clintons have been getting away with everything they've been doing. They stayed in POWER for 30 years - from governor, to president, to senator, to sect of state, anything to keep themselves from being brought to justice.

This is why Hillary was so distraught when she lost in 2016. She knew for the first time, she no longer had power to protect her from the justice system. Now with Comey gone. Obama and Brennan gone. Clinton-friendly FBI agents gone. Mueller floundering like a fool, she is going down, slowly but surely.

But now their power has run out, and they're going to be investigated, and the American people, who have been hoodwinked by these 2 dirtbags, are going to be shocked when all the truth is exposed, and these 2 are finally locked up for good.

Clinton Foundation to be Investigated At Last | Armstrong Economics
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The President has never been elected by the people. The President has always been elected by the States, the way the founders wanted.
And they certainly didn't want or intend for the POTUS to be elected by illegal aliens. Too bad today's Democrats can't come face to face with the founding fathers. What an interesting encounter that would be.
Come up with nothing ? Here's what we came up with >>>

Really? Where are the indictments? I mean, I can accuse anyone of anything. "Protectionist really likes Mexican chicks! He totally wants them to take your jobs." See.

so 25 years of investigations, over $100 million spent by Ken Starr and others...

No indictments, no convictions, nothing against this woman other than poor taste in men.
Nobody thinks it’s a good idea? What planet are you on? We are governed under a system called “federalism.” National government and state governments share power. The people are represented through their state with the Electoral College.

Again, just because we have this bad system that clearly doesn't work, doesn't mean anyone thinks it's a good idea other than the Trump Cultists trying to rationalize their theft.
The President has never been elected by the people. The President has always been elected by the States, the way the founders wanted.

The Founding Slave Rapists only wanted property owning white men to advise congress on who the president should be...

They also shit in chamber pots and thought that bleeding people was a good way to treat strep throat.
Nobody thinks it’s a good idea? What planet are you on? We are governed under a system called “federalism.” National government and state governments share power. The people are represented through their state with the Electoral College.

Again, just because we have this bad system that clearly doesn't work, doesn't mean anyone thinks it's a good idea other than the Trump Cultists trying to rationalize their theft.
Hillary lost. Stop trying to usurp democracy.
The President has never been elected by the people. The President has always been elected by the States, the way the founders wanted.

The Founding Slave Rapists only wanted property owning white men to advise congress on who the president should be...

They also shit in chamber pots and thought that bleeding people was a good way to treat strep throat.
The Founders were great men who started the idea of a government “Of the people, by the people, and for the people “ could actually work. Your arguments fall short considering that James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights which allows your weak arguments to be posted in a public forum. You should be thankful.
Hillary lost. Stop trying to usurp democracy.

Democracy would be arresting Trump and putting HIllary in office, because that's what the people keep voting for.

What we have now is, "The System Completely Shit the Bed, but no one wants to admit it shit the bed."
The Founders were great men who started the idea of a government “Of the people, by the people, and for the people “ could actually work. Your arguments fall short considering that James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights which allows your weak arguments to be posted in a public forum. You should be thankful.

You know what, if the Founding Slave Rapists found themselves at the end of the Rope, America would be an extention of Canada...

We'd still have free speech and we'd have universal health care to boot.
The Founders were great men who started the idea of a government “Of the people, by the people, and for the people “ could actually work. Your arguments fall short considering that James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights which allows your weak arguments to be posted in a public forum. You should be thankful.

The left are ultimately monarchists. All of the evil shit they promote comes from the root of Hegel. The goal of the left is the reestablishment of an absolute ruling class which operates independent of the masses the left hates so deeply.

Hall monitor level retards like Joe B Stalin think they will be granted positions of power where they can inflict misery upon their betters.
The Founders were great men who started the idea of a government “Of the people, by the people, and for the people “ could actually work. Your arguments fall short considering that James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights which allows your weak arguments to be posted in a public forum. You should be thankful.

You know what, if the Founding Slave Rapists found themselves at the end of the Rope, America would be an extention of Canada...

We'd still have free speech and we'd have universal health care to boot.

Fuck off traitor.

If you found yourself in the iron sights of a patriot across a field, this would quickly become a better world.
Fuck off traitor.

If you found yourself in the iron sights of a patriot across a field, this would quickly become a better world.

Again, buddy, only one of us has a DD214...

Doesn't change that you are a traitor waging war on the republic you claim to have taken an oath to defend.

You have no honor, you are the lowest form of scum on the planet - an oath breaker.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Trump will be impeached for his actions


What actions do you speak of?
The Founders were great men who started the idea of a government “Of the people, by the people, and for the people “ could actually work. Your arguments fall short considering that James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights which allows your weak arguments to be posted in a public forum. You should be thankful.

You know what, if the Founding Slave Rapists found themselves at the end of the Rope, America would be an extention of Canada...

We'd still have free speech and we'd have universal health care to boot.

Yup, but it's only a matter of time, thanks to dumb fucks like yourself.
California Senator Offers a Bill To Do Away With Free Speech - David Harris Jr

Cali Senator Just Introduced Bill to QUASH Free Speech

UC-Berkeley Student Senator Says Free Speech Violates University Rules
Doesn't change that you are a traitor waging war on the republic you claim to have taken an oath to defend.

You have no honor, you are the lowest form of scum on the planet - an oath breaker.

My oath was to the country, not to some assclown from reality TV the people didn't want.

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