Trump Will be Impeached

I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.

Mueller’s report won’t come out until and/or unless he finds something incriminating, OR until/unless one of these other bogus investigations yields something nefarious. I won’t believe differently until it actually happens.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Trump can be impeached but it's is not likely the Senate would convict, but that's based on what we know about Trump now. Who knows what will come out of the Mueller investigation or Trump's mouth. All we know about Trump today is he is a narcissist, pathological liar, adulterer, womanizer who has little respect for the constitution or much of anything else. His associates are crooks and a number of them will soon be behind bars. That's not enough to convict him. Trump is a smart guy. He has been slipping through the hands of the law for most of his life.

True, but the law hasn't been looking as close as they are now.

Huh. Now why would that be?
Trump can be impeached but it's is not likely the Senate would convict, but that's based on what we know about Trump now. Who knows what will come out of the Mueller investigation or Trump's mouth. All we know about Trump today is he is a narcissist, pathological liar, adulterer, womanizer who has little respect for the constitution or much of anything else. His associates are crooks and a number of them will soon be behind bars. That's not enough to convict him. Trump is a smart guy. He has been slipping through the hands of the law for most of his life.

Yeah, he's a bit of a narcissist (like Obama)...but as for the patho liar, adulterer, womanizer and lack of respect for the Constitution......that's just TDS taking shit.

let's see your proof. Put up or shut up.

He is an adulterer and womanizer. No reason to deny it. As far as the rest of those claims, Joe and Don go way back, don’t you know?
Bobby M will find him guilty of typical poor political behavior during an election
Meanwhile Hillary waves around her Russian papers to influence the election but no one wants to look.

THIS ALONE SHOULD have hundreds of thousands of angry right wing protesters in the streets.....
But as usual....not a damn PEEP.
This type of silence is deadly

It basically says.....

"Go ahead lyin or say whatever you want....we agree and consent through our silence"

And the left is crucifying the right and laughing the entire time because of it.

IF (BIG IF)...the collective Right EVER got off it's lazy pathetic ass and stopped accepting all this crap it WOULD STOP....PERIOD.

It just proves those with common sense have lives.
I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.

Pretty good post....but I expect they can fabricate all the crimes they want. We ALL break laws and rules. It's actually impossible NOT you know ALL the laws and every facet of those laws? I'd bet you your party affiliation you (like everyone else) breaks at least one or two laws every day. Even criminal. You just aren't aware of it and no one caught you (or cared).
We are indeed a "Regulation nation".

As far as "crimes"....never heard of an innocent man going to prison? Happens ALL the time.

Impeachment can't be for some tiny infraction. It is only for major crimes. It would take an unethical partisan idiot to impeach over something silly, like a blowjob or some other tiny thing like that.

Clinton didn’t get in trouble for getting a blow job. My God I didn’t think you were THAT ignorant.
Are you suggesting someone investigate Hillary? Heh heh
Her shields are gone. Heh heh.
Her shields? Republicans had the DOJ, congress, and even white house many times during the last 25 years. You reflexive, desperate Trumpkins have no defense except to change the subject to Hillary,as you do in every single thread on this board. It's embarrassing to watch.
Mueller’s report won’t come out until and/or unless he finds something incriminating, OR until/unless one of these other bogus investigations yields something nefarious.
Why would you say that? Please....if it exonerates Trump, republicans in government and his stooges in the DOJ will be tripping over each other to leak it. And tripping over each other to block it, if it demonstrates evidence of criminal activity on the part of trump.
Her shields? Republicans had the DOJ, congress, and even white house many times during the last 25 years. You reflexive, desperate Trumpkins have no defense except to change the subject to Hillary,as you do in every single thread on this board. It's embarrassing to watch.
The "subject" has never been off of Hillary. You think she's been exonerated ?

For real ? Please don't insult intelligence.
The "subject" has never been off of Hillary. You think she's been exonerated ?
Actually, it is, anytime the subject is not Hillary. And, in every such instance, you embarrass yourself by vomiting the most hilariously stupid wingnut blog you can find about Hillary.
The Great Obama had a scandal free administration for eight years

Yeah, no scandals for Obama... only I can think of three off the top of my head. Funny that.
Fort Hood. Bengahzi. IRS targeting. Culling of AP phone records. Monitored James Rosen. Fast & Furious. Eric Holder perjuries. Sebelius solicitations. Pigford scandal. GSA scandal. VA in Disney world. Solyndra. New Black Panthers. Libya attack. Muslim Brotherhood White House staffing. Catch & Release. 2011 troop pullout of Iraq. Collusion with ISIS.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Trump can be impeached but it's is not likely the Senate would convict, but that's based on what we know about Trump now. Who knows what will come out of the Mueller investigation or Trump's mouth. All we know about Trump today is he is a narcissist, pathological liar, adulterer, womanizer who has little respect for the constitution or much of anything else. His associates are crooks and a number of them will soon be behind bars. That's not enough to convict him. Trump is a smart guy. He has been slipping through the hands of the law for most of his life.

True, but the law hasn't been looking as close as they are now.

Huh. Now why would that be?

Because he's not just another unethical businessman now. He's the president.
I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.

Pretty good post....but I expect they can fabricate all the crimes they want. We ALL break laws and rules. It's actually impossible NOT you know ALL the laws and every facet of those laws? I'd bet you your party affiliation you (like everyone else) breaks at least one or two laws every day. Even criminal. You just aren't aware of it and no one caught you (or cared).
We are indeed a "Regulation nation".

As far as "crimes"....never heard of an innocent man going to prison? Happens ALL the time.

Impeachment can't be for some tiny infraction. It is only for major crimes. It would take an unethical partisan idiot to impeach over something silly, like a blowjob or some other tiny thing like that.

Clinton didn’t get in trouble for getting a blow job. My God I didn’t think you were THAT ignorant.

Sure he did. Whether he got a blowjob had nothing to do with his presidential responsibilities. Whether that happened was a dumb question, and should have never been asked.
Nobody thinks it’s a good idea? What planet are you on? We are governed under a system called “federalism.” National government and state governments share power. The people are represented through their state with the Electoral College.

Again, just because we have this bad system that clearly doesn't work, doesn't mean anyone thinks it's a good idea other than the Trump Cultists trying to rationalize their theft.

So change the law if you don't like it.

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