Trump will be impeached

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face.

She lost her face 5 surgeries ago...….
She has had so much plastic surgery that her face will never decompose. The eco environmentalist people will rule her face a pollutant.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"

I disagree she would look weak if she started proceedings and didn’t follow through.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I don't think she wants to impeach, and she's pretty crafty. She could be playing some kind of game here.

Game of Thrones? Majority of her idiot party wants impeachment. She has little choice IMO.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

There is plenty other crimes instead of Bribery... Actually Bribery is not even contemplated as a crime at the moment.

The other thing, there is not crime needed for impeachment. Impeachment is a political process..

There must be a high crime. Are you on drugs?
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I don't think she wants to impeach, and she's pretty crafty. She could be playing some kind of game here.

It is a game. Of course it's a game.

They don't have the Senate votes, regardless of whether or not they can get enough in the House, so this is going nowhere.

She knows this. Anyone can count the Senate votes. They're not there. Now I guess if this turns into a flaming mess of obvious guilt and Trump is clearly going down, the votes might get there if the rats start deserting a clearly sinking ship, but I think that's extremely, extremely unlikely.

They can, however, create a scenario behind which they can hide in order to continue to sling mud, strengthen their demands for 'evidence' and put forward whatever story du jour they'd like, and do it all the way through the election. That's part of their game. Just more of the same old same old.

As others have said here, and I've said elsewhere, this also plays into the Trump fatigue factor by upping the volume and keeping it there through the election for those that are just sick of hearing this shit and want it to go away, so they'll vote for a ham sandwich if they think it means the chaos stops.

It's bread and circuses and nothing more. It plays to their party, some of which want this, and it may help them in the election. That's the math, IMO. It also will keep Trump wound up tighter than a piano string from now until the election and keep him off balance. El Presidente talks a good game but has a tendency to do some seriously stupid shit with his mouth when he's feeling cornered. They know that too.
Trump impeached? Really? too funny, only in your dreams.


No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I don't think she wants to impeach, and she's pretty crafty. She could be playing some kind of game here.

Game of Thrones? Majority of her idiot party wants impeachment. She has little choice IMO.

I doubt that the majority of Dems want impeachment, just the loudest fanatics and extremists do and IMHO they do not make up anywhere near the majority of the Dem Party. Frankly, I do not know why Pelosi caved; possibly to avoid a vote to replace her, maybe.

But as I said in another thread, if they do hold a vote to impeach, then just about every Dem from a Red or Purple state who votes for impeachment can kiss their seat in Congress goodbye. As can any Repub from any state who votes for it. It might pass in the House, but it WILL cost them the House next year.
his rhetoric has contributed to mass shootings and attacks on minorities. It is very reasonable to assume one of his deranged fans would try to kill the whistleblower, if his/her identity is revealed.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

There is plenty other crimes instead of Bribery... Actually Bribery is not even contemplated as a crime at the moment.

The other thing, there is not crime needed for impeachment. Impeachment is a political process..

There must be a high crime. Are you on drugs?
What is a "high crime"?
his rhetoric has contributed to mass shootings and attacks on minorities. It is very reasonable to assume one of his deranged fans would try to kill the whistleblower, if his/her identity is revealed.

Will you please check yourself into a mental institution? Thank you.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

There is plenty other crimes instead of Bribery... Actually Bribery is not even contemplated as a crime at the moment.

The other thing, there is not crime needed for impeachment. Impeachment is a political process..

There must be a high crime. Are you on drugs?
What is a "high crime"?

Google is your friend.
Could the Senate convict him but not remove him from office just to piss off the Democrats?
No. If 2/3 of the Senate votes to convict, the president is removed from office.
The Democrats are wasting time in Congress because McConnell sees through the Democrat BS and won't allow a coup.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"

This is a different time. These libs are radical extremists. They don't care if there is no evidence. Absolutely do not care.
I am not so sure. If Trump withheld aid to Ukraine in order to pressure the Ukrainian government into investigating Biden's intervention in the Burisma investigation, I think such an action would be inappropriate and wrong, though not necessarily an impeachable offense. It just looks very bad for any president to withhold aid, or threaten to withhold aid, to get a foreign government to investigate a political opponent and a potential general election opponent.

What if Obama had threatened Israel with suspension of aid unless Israel investigated a case in Israel that involved George W. Bush's son?
Funny how no one with firsthand knowledge of the call was a whistleblower but it was a Leftist with an agenda who heard things 2nd hand. This is idiotic.
Biden is done. Warren won’t be able to hang with Trump, people are soured on Bernie.

The Dems should just forfeit.

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

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