Trump will be Making a Major Mistake if he Blocks Comey's Testimony this week.

Trump will be Making a Major Mistake if he Blocks Comey's Testimony this week.

Has he ever said he was even thinking about blocking Comey's testimony?

Or is it all another fake story made up by the media to bash Trump?

If it doesn't work, I can see the next media headline now:

"Trump will be Making a Major Mistake if he Robs the Bank on 13th St. and Constitution Ave!!!"

With major controversies, Congressional investigations, testimony from sobbing mothers who have all their savings in that bank, and weeks of stories on the history of bank robbing and the damage it has done.
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In classic Nixon style, Trump has now set himself up to be investigated for two separate crimes, instead of being investigated for one.

The first is whether or not there was collusion between Trump or his team and the Russians. That's what the FBI was looking into. There is strong circumstantial evidence that at least Roger Stone colluded with the Russians and their leaking of DNC emails before the election, and that General Flynn colluded with the Russians on sanctions during the transition period.

Trump has raised the stakes by subsequently acting in a manner which suggests he is trying to obstruct the investigations.

This is what makes him like Nixon. Nixon was not brought down by the Watergate break-in. He was brought down by his subsequent obstruction of justice as the FBI investigated the break-in.

You fascists think you can Nixon Trump.

What you crooked fucks can't seem to grasp is that when you threw all the rules you used on Nixon out the window with Clinton, you closed that door forever.

Go ahead and keep masturbating to the fantasy that you will "GET TRUMP" Guno, but no one sane thinks you have any chance.

This is all Kabuki Theater that you fascists think will damage the Republicans in 2018. Zero chance of anything other than vicious slander from CNN and the other Soros hate sites ever coming from it, and every rational person knows it.
Here is how and why the unmasking occurred:

ROONEY: And just to be clear, the section of the FISA that is expiring later this year, that's 702, which will be talking about a little bit, cannot be used to target U.S. persons or persons in the United States, is that correct?

ROGERS: Yes sir.

ROONEY: Section 702 focuses on non-U.S. persons outside the United States, primarily correct?

ROGERS: Yes sir.

ROONEY: Do you believe that the section 702 is important and valuable for U.S. national security?

ROGERS: Yes sir.

ROONEY: So it's safe to say that without having this tool, it would be a threat to our national security?

ROGERS: It would significantly impact my ability to generate the insights that I believe this nation needs.

ROONEY: In the media, there's a lot of reporting about something called incidental collection. Can you talk about what incidental collection is?

ROGERS: Yes sir. Incidental collection is when we are targeting a valid foreign target, for example, in the course of that targeting we either get a reference to a U.S. person or suddenly a U.S. person appears as part of the conversation. That's what we call incidental collecting.

Rogers then explains what is done in such a case that the U.S. person appears to be engaged in criminal activity with the foreign target.

ROGERS: In our reporting then we will mask the identity of the individual. We use a phrase like U.S. person one or U.S. person two. And I would remind everyone that for our purposes, U.S. person is defined very broadly. That is not just a U.S. citizen, that is a U.S. corporation, that is a ship or aircraft that is registered in the United States, that is an Internet protocol address, for example.

A lot of discussion follows about the protocols for unmasking such a person.

Then Trey Gowdy has a swing at Rogers. Instead of focusing on the fact that General Flynn was colluding with the Russians about the sanctions during the transition, Gowdy gets his panties in a wad that this treasonous activity was made known to the public!

GOWDY: In January of this year, the Washington Post reported, according to a senior U.S. government official, a named U.S. citizen -- and I will not use the name -- a named U.S. citizen phoned the Russian ambassador several times on December 29.

In February of this year, the Washington Post reported nine, nine current and former officials who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the call, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters and that officials began pouring over intelligence reports, intercepted communications, and diplomatic cables.

In February of this year, the New York Times reported a U.S. citizen, whose name I will not use, discusses sanctions with the Russian ambassador in a phone call according to officials who have seen a transcript of the wiretapped conversation. And again in February of this year, the New York Times reported on a phone call involving a U.S. citizen including significant discussions of phone records, intercepted calls, intercepted communications, and reported the NSA captured calls and then asked the FBI to collect as much information as possible.

My time is up so I will say this for this round. I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

COMEY: Yes, sir. It's a serious crime. I'm not going to comment on those particular articles because I don't want to, in any circumstance, compound a criminal act by confirming that it was classified information but in general, yes, it's a serious crime and it should be for the reasons you said.

You know what's amusing, Ed? That you snowflakes think Comey's testimony is going to hurt Donald Trump!

Here's the problem. If Comey really DID think Trump was demanding that he stop the "Russia" investigation then he was required to report that to the Justice Department! Comey didn't do that.
You sure he didn't??

According to Comey's sworn testimony that he's already given...YES...I'm sure he didn't!

Which leads me to believe that Comey's testimony now is going to be about as anti-climatic as everything else you snowflakes have come up with! So the question long are you on the left going to continue to make allegations without a shred of proof?
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

You know what's amusing, Ed? That you snowflakes think Comey's testimony is going to hurt Donald Trump!

Here's the problem. If Comey really DID think Trump was demanding that he stop the "Russia" investigation then he was required to report that to the Justice Department! Comey didn't do that.

Why would Comey confide in Sessions? That would be foolish, Sessions is a tool and that is the only reason he was nominated by Trump.

Comey was collecting evidence, there is no statute of limitations on an investigation, taking notes and investigating have two mutually exclusive goals: Exculpate or Incriminate.

Echoing the meme Comey was required to report on this investigation is ridiculous. Prove me wrong!

Mission & Priorities

Because he's required by law? Sessions may have chosen to do nothing about it but it's still Comey's duty to report to the Attorney General if he thinks the President ordered him to cease investigating the Russian investigation! Explain why that didn't happen!

You know what's amusing, Ed? That you snowflakes think Comey's testimony is going to hurt Donald Trump!

Here's the problem. If Comey really DID think Trump was demanding that he stop the "Russia" investigation then he was required to report that to the Justice Department! Comey didn't do that.
You sure he didn't??

According to Comey's sworn testimony that he's already given...YES...I'm sure he didn't!

Which leads me to believe that Comey's testimony now is going to be about as anti-climatic as everything else you snowflakes have come up with! So the question long are you on the left going to continue to make allegations without a shred of proof?

Guno and the other fascist democrats don't actually expect anything from Comey. Their job is to hype up the slander in the crooked press to pervert the 2018 midterms. Guno5000 wants to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. Removing Trump isn't even the goal of the fascists, they seek only to smear and slime so that they can use it in the midterms as a means of regaining power.

This is all just theater carefully staged by the DNC press.
Trump can't block Comey's testimony. He has already publicly tweeted about his conversation with Comey, and thus waived his executive privilege.

Trump is a real dumb fuck who keeps making a beginner's idiot mistakes.

This is what happens when you hire an amateur, tards! :lol:
Trump said he was going to enact a Muslim ban, which is now being used against him in court.

Trump said Comey better hope their conversation wasn't recorded, thus opening up a true Nixon tapes scenario.

Trump tweeted about his conversation with Comey, thus blowing his executive privilege.

Trump allegedly asked Comey to back off on his investigation, thus opening the door to Nixonian obstruction of justice.

You Chumps have a real idiot amateur at the helm who can't control his childish impulses.
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

When members of the Obama Administration leaked those private conversations to the media they were breaking the law. It's illegal to wire tap one individual via a court order without protecting the privacy of other individuals not included in the court order. Obama's people used our intelligence services against their political opponent. That's not some vague allegation made by anonymous sources...that actually happened!
Trump will make 'final decision' on whether to block Comey's testimony

Monday that it's still not clear whether Trump will assert his executive privilege to prevent former FBI Director James Comey from testifying in the Senate on Thursday.
Kellyanne Conway: Trump will make 'final decision' on whether to block Comey's testimony

People on the fence will see that Trump does indeed have something to hide..

But then again I wouldn't be shocked to see the excuses

Where does this keep coming from? The only people speculating about this is the press and as usual when it comes to Trump, it is based on nothing. Just an agenda driven narrative.

From Kellyanne's Mouth this morning..during an interview..

In response to a questions from the media who keeps pushing their agendas narrative. Thanks for confirming my statement.
Trump can't block Comey's testimony. He has already publicly tweeted about his conversation with Comey, and thus waived his executive privilege.

Trump is a real dumb fuck who keeps making a beginner's idiot mistakes.

This is what happens when you hire an amateur, tards! :lol:

Trump has no reason to block Comey's testimony! What you snowflakes can't seem to grasp is that Trump and his people didn't collude with the Russians so they don't CARE who testifies!
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

When members of the Obama Administration leaked those private conversations to the media they were breaking the law. It's illegal to wire tap one individual via a court order without protecting the privacy of other individuals not included in the court order. Obama's people used our intelligence services against their political opponent. That's not some vague allegation made by anonymous sources...that actually happened!
You need to read the testimony to which I linked.

It is not illegal to wiretap the Russians and record the calls of people who call them if you have a FISA warrant, which they did. That's how Flynn got caught in the net.

Comey also goes into great detail how a U.S. person can be unmasked. There is a protocol for doing that if the U.S. person who contacted the foreign target is engaged in criminal activity with the foreign target, which it appears Flynn was. Common sense dictates there needs to be a process to discover the name of a traitor.

Someone leaked to the press about Flynn's treason. The leaker did break the law by doing that, but why are the tards more angry at the leaker who revealed the treason than they are at the traitor?

Because they are partisan hacks.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Trump said he was going to enact a Muslim ban, which is now being used against him in court.

Trump said Comey better hope their conversation wasn't recorded, thus opening up a true Nixon tapes scenario.

Trump tweeted about his conversation with Comey, thus blowing his executive privilege.

Trump allegedly asked Comey to back off on his investigation, thus opening the door to Nixonian obstruction of justice.

You Chumps have a real idiot amateur at the helm who can't control his childish impulses.

If you want to charge Trump with obstruction of justice,'d best have an explanation for why Comey didn't report this alleged felony to the Justice Department as he's required by law to do!
Trump can't block Comey's testimony. He has already publicly tweeted about his conversation with Comey, and thus waived his executive privilege.

Trump is a real dumb fuck who keeps making a beginner's idiot mistakes.

This is what happens when you hire an amateur, tards! :lol:

Trump has no reason to block Comey's testimony! What you snowflakes can't seem to grasp is that Trump and his people didn't collude with the Russians so they don't CARE who testifies!
The investigation is not over, so you cannot state unequivocally that there was no collusion. That's just wishful thinking on your part at this stage.

And if they didn't care who testifies, then why are Trump and his cohorts acting the way guilty people do?
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

When members of the Obama Administration leaked those private conversations to the media they were breaking the law. It's illegal to wire tap one individual via a court order without protecting the privacy of other individuals not included in the court order. Obama's people used our intelligence services against their political opponent. That's not some vague allegation made by anonymous sources...that actually happened!
You need to read the testimony to which I linked.

It is not illegal to wiretap the Russians and record the calls of people who call them if you have a FISA warrant, which they did. That's how Flynn got caught in the net.

Comey also goes into great detail how a U.S. person can be unmasked. There is a protocol for doing that is the U.S. person who contacted the foreign target is engaged in criminal activity with the foreign target, which it appears Flynn was.

Someone leaked to the press about Flynn's treason. The leaker did break the law by doing that, but why are the tards more angry at the leaker who revealed the treason than they are at the traitor?

Because they are partisan hacks.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

So you're allowed to leak personal information because it "appears" that someone might be engaged in criminal activity? That's absurd. Unless our laws have been changed without my knowledge, Americans still live under a presumption of innocence which protects them from acts like this until they are proven guilty.
Trump said he was going to enact a Muslim ban, which is now being used against him in court.

Trump said Comey better hope their conversation wasn't recorded, thus opening up a true Nixon tapes scenario.

Trump tweeted about his conversation with Comey, thus blowing his executive privilege.

Trump allegedly asked Comey to back off on his investigation, thus opening the door to Nixonian obstruction of justice.

You Chumps have a real idiot amateur at the helm who can't control his childish impulses.

If you want to charge Trump with obstruction of justice,'d best have an explanation for why Comey didn't report this alleged felony to the Justice Department as he's required by law to do!
Comey's investigation was not over. He does not have to report his conversation with Trump that very second. He would have to finish his investigation to discover what the President knows and when did he know it.
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

Say Guno, is it true that the primary target of the investigation by Robert Mueller is Susan Rice for her unmasking activities?

Is that what you of the Soros Reich had intended from the Witch Hunt? Is this working out the way you Brown Shirts wanted?
Trump can't block Comey's testimony. He has already publicly tweeted about his conversation with Comey, and thus waived his executive privilege.

Trump is a real dumb fuck who keeps making a beginner's idiot mistakes.

This is what happens when you hire an amateur, tards! :lol:

Trump has no reason to block Comey's testimony! What you snowflakes can't seem to grasp is that Trump and his people didn't collude with the Russians so they don't CARE who testifies!
The investigation is not over, so you cannot state unequivocally that there was no collusion. That's just wishful thinking on your part at this stage.

And if they didn't care who testifies, then why are Trump and his cohorts acting the way guilty people do?

Acting the way guilty people do? They've said all along that this whole Russian thing was a joke, G5000! How exactly SHOULD they have acted?
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

When members of the Obama Administration leaked those private conversations to the media they were breaking the law. It's illegal to wire tap one individual via a court order without protecting the privacy of other individuals not included in the court order. Obama's people used our intelligence services against their political opponent. That's not some vague allegation made by anonymous sources...that actually happened!
You need to read the testimony to which I linked.

It is not illegal to wiretap the Russians and record the calls of people who call them if you have a FISA warrant, which they did. That's how Flynn got caught in the net.

Comey also goes into great detail how a U.S. person can be unmasked. There is a protocol for doing that is the U.S. person who contacted the foreign target is engaged in criminal activity with the foreign target, which it appears Flynn was.

Someone leaked to the press about Flynn's treason. The leaker did break the law by doing that, but why are the tards more angry at the leaker who revealed the treason than they are at the traitor?

Because they are partisan hacks.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

So you're allowed to leak personal information because it "appears" that someone might be engaged in criminal activity?
No, you are not allowed to leak it to the press. But there are 20 government officials who are allowed to unmask the person in order to commence a criminal investigation into that person.

And that's what was done. They began looking into Flynn.

Then Flynn was thrown under the buss. Then Trump supposedly asked Comey to back off Flynn.

All caught up now?

Like I said, read the link I provided.

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