Trump will be Making a Major Mistake if he Blocks Comey's Testimony this week.

I would block him at this point just to piss off my political and media enemies. Fuck em!

No matter what Comey the Clown says it will be twisted to make Trump look bad. Not look guilty because he is not. They don't care about his guilt or innocence they just want to make him look stupid and non presidential to the detriment of our nation.

What does that tell us? They are still so pissed at the result of the election that they would harm the nation to get their revenge. If Comey the showboat clown does speak I suggest we don't watch, it will just be another Comey clown act.
YEAH Ram Obstruction of justice ,,,,just walk on by??

You need to educate yourself on obstruction of justice.

‘Pressure’ Is Not Obstruction

You're welcome.
Trump said he was going to enact a Muslim ban, which is now being used against him in court.

Trump said Comey better hope their conversation wasn't recorded, thus opening up a true Nixon tapes scenario.

Trump tweeted about his conversation with Comey, thus blowing his executive privilege.

Trump allegedly asked Comey to back off on his investigation, thus opening the door to Nixonian obstruction of justice.

You Chumps have a real idiot amateur at the helm who can't control his childish impulses.

After London, you fascists are working double time to bring in as many people from terrorist states as you can - Allahu Akbar.

Treason is the reason for you democrats, the only reason.
Trump said he was going to enact a Muslim ban, which is now being used against him in court.

Trump said Comey better hope their conversation wasn't recorded, thus opening up a true Nixon tapes scenario.

Trump tweeted about his conversation with Comey, thus blowing his executive privilege.

Trump allegedly asked Comey to back off on his investigation, thus opening the door to Nixonian obstruction of justice.

You Chumps have a real idiot amateur at the helm who can't control his childish impulses.

If you want to charge Trump with obstruction of justice,'d best have an explanation for why Comey didn't report this alleged felony to the Justice Department as he's required by law to do!
Comey's investigation was not over. He does not have to report his conversation with Trump that very second. He would have to finish his investigation to discover what the President knows and when did he know it.

If the President of the United States just ordered you to stop an ongoing criminal investigation into him or people that work for him and you are the Director of the leave that meeting and you immediately go to the Justice Department and inform the Attorney General of what took place! You don't wait until the investigation is over! That's laughable.
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

When members of the Obama Administration leaked those private conversations to the media they were breaking the law. It's illegal to wire tap one individual via a court order without protecting the privacy of other individuals not included in the court order. Obama's people used our intelligence services against their political opponent. That's not some vague allegation made by anonymous sources...that actually happened!
You need to read the testimony to which I linked.

It is not illegal to wiretap the Russians and record the calls of people who call them if you have a FISA warrant, which they did. That's how Flynn got caught in the net.

Comey also goes into great detail how a U.S. person can be unmasked. There is a protocol for doing that is the U.S. person who contacted the foreign target is engaged in criminal activity with the foreign target, which it appears Flynn was.

Someone leaked to the press about Flynn's treason. The leaker did break the law by doing that, but why are the tards more angry at the leaker who revealed the treason than they are at the traitor?

Because they are partisan hacks.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

So you're allowed to leak personal information because it "appears" that someone might be engaged in criminal activity?
No, you are not allowed to leak it to the press. But there are 20 government officials who are allowed to unmask the person in order to commence a criminal investigation into that person.

And that's what was done. They began looking into Flynn.

Then Flynn was thrown under the buss. Then Trump supposedly asked Comey to back off Flynn.

All caught up now?

Like I said, read the link I provided.

Trump "supposedly" asked Comey to back off Flynn? Someone that you're claiming was engaged in criminal activity? Yet Comey didn't report this obvious obstruction of justice to the Attorney General? Instead he sat on his hands while others leaked the information about Flynn to the media?

The more you try to explain this, G5000...the less sense it makes!
Flynn was exposed. He was caught in surveillance of the Russians.

Was Flynn acting on Trump's orders? Could be. And that would be one explanation for why he was thrown under the bus and Comey was asked to stop looking any deeper.

Mueller will have to dig into all that.

Flynn did offer to testify in exchange for immunity. And what did Flynn say last year about people seeking immunity? "When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime."

Trump said last year, "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?"

Flynn then invoked the Fifth Amendment. What's Trump's position on that? "The mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

Amateur hour.
The foreign target being monitored by our intelligence service was the Russians. An American (Flynn) phoned the foreign target, and so his several conversations with them was captured. The American was committing treason against the US government.

Trump then claimed this vindicated his bogus claim that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, and the fucking tard Chumps bought it. :lol:

In his testimony, Comey makes clear several times that Trump's tweet about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was completely bogus.

When members of the Obama Administration leaked those private conversations to the media they were breaking the law. It's illegal to wire tap one individual via a court order without protecting the privacy of other individuals not included in the court order. Obama's people used our intelligence services against their political opponent. That's not some vague allegation made by anonymous sources...that actually happened!
You need to read the testimony to which I linked.

It is not illegal to wiretap the Russians and record the calls of people who call them if you have a FISA warrant, which they did. That's how Flynn got caught in the net.

Comey also goes into great detail how a U.S. person can be unmasked. There is a protocol for doing that is the U.S. person who contacted the foreign target is engaged in criminal activity with the foreign target, which it appears Flynn was.

Someone leaked to the press about Flynn's treason. The leaker did break the law by doing that, but why are the tards more angry at the leaker who revealed the treason than they are at the traitor?

Because they are partisan hacks.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

So you're allowed to leak personal information because it "appears" that someone might be engaged in criminal activity?
No, you are not allowed to leak it to the press. But there are 20 government officials who are allowed to unmask the person in order to commence a criminal investigation into that person.

And that's what was done. They began looking into Flynn.

Then Flynn was thrown under the buss. Then Trump supposedly asked Comey to back off Flynn.

All caught up now?

Like I said, read the link I provided.

Trump "supposedly" asked Comey to back off Flynn? Someone that you're claiming was engaged in criminal activity? Yet Comey didn't report this obvious obstruction of justice to the Attorney General? Instead he sat on his hands while others leaked the information about Flynn to the media?

The more you try to explain this, G5000...the less sense it makes!
I say supposedly, because the memo has not yet been made public.

And as I said above, Comey would not have to report that exchange immediately. Not until he had ascertained just how complicit Trump was in Flynn's crimes. That would then determine to what degree Trump's obstruction had risen.

All caught up now?
Why would he block it? Comey has repeatedly said there is no evidence trump did anything wrong. He has testified under oath that there was no pressure to stop the investigation. If he says anything else he destroys whatever credibility he had and faces prosecution.

What exactly do you expect?

Why would his spokesperson go on TV and say he hasn't decided yet? Why is it even a question if there's "nothing to see here"?

What a sad little Stalinist you are...

{Asked on CNN Sunday whether he has seen any evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign, Warner said, "There is a lot of smoke," but "we have no smoking gun at this point.}

Warner calls reports about Trump 'very, very troubling'

What does that have to do with wether or not Drumph Will allow Comey To testify? Why would Kellyanne Conway say he's still not sure?
Trump will make 'final decision' on whether to block Comey's testimony

Monday that it's still not clear whether Trump will assert his executive privilege to prevent former FBI Director James Comey from testifying in the Senate on Thursday.
Kellyanne Conway: Trump will make 'final decision' on whether to block Comey's testimony

People on the fence will see that Trump does indeed have something to hide..

But then again I wouldn't be shocked to see the excuses

Now the Demonizing Democrats Have Become Birchers

Russophobe paranoiacs are trying to force this issue into prominence. Trump believes that the country has more important things to think about.
Let's say Flynn was acting on his own when he committed treason.

Then Trump tries to stop Comey from investigating that crime.

That's one kind of obstruction of justice, and that's bad enough.

But suppose Trump had ordered Flynn to commit the treasonous act. Then, when he asked Comey to stop the investigation, it was motivated out of a fear that he, Trump, would be caught.

And that's takes things to a whole new level.

For that reason, Comey would not immediately prosecute Trump for obstruction until he had ALL the facts of the case, and knew the WHOLE truth.
Why would he block it? Comey has repeatedly said there is no evidence trump did anything wrong. He has testified under oath that there was no pressure to stop the investigation. If he says anything else he destroys whatever credibility he had and faces prosecution.

What exactly do you expect?

Why would his spokesperson go on TV and say he hasn't decided yet? Why is it even a question if there's "nothing to see here"?

What a sad little Stalinist you are...

{Asked on CNN Sunday whether he has seen any evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign, Warner said, "There is a lot of smoke," but "we have no smoking gun at this point.}

Warner calls reports about Trump 'very, very troubling'

What does that have to do with wether or not Drumph Will allow Comey To testify? Why would Kellyanne Conway say he's still not sure?
Because KellyAnne is Trump's obsfucator and alternative fact disseminator.

It makes it look to the Chumps like Trump has some kind of control over events when he doesn't.
What does that have to do with wether or not Drumph Will allow Comey To testify? Why would Kellyanne Conway say he's still not sure?

There is nothing from Trump stating he would not, the entire specter is another fraud by the DNC fake news trolls at CNN and WaPo.

Conway stating that she doesn't know isn't an affirmative. Why did the demagogue press bring it up in the first place?
Trump said he was going to enact a Muslim ban, which is now being used against him in court.

Trump said Comey better hope their conversation wasn't recorded, thus opening up a true Nixon tapes scenario.

Trump tweeted about his conversation with Comey, thus blowing his executive privilege.

Trump allegedly asked Comey to back off on his investigation, thus opening the door to Nixonian obstruction of justice.

You Chumps have a real idiot amateur at the helm who can't control his childish impulses.

If you want to charge Trump with obstruction of justice,'d best have an explanation for why Comey didn't report this alleged felony to the Justice Department as he's required by law to do!
Comey's investigation was not over. He does not have to report his conversation with Trump that very second. He would have to finish his investigation to discover what the President knows and when did he know it.

If the President of the United States just ordered you to stop an ongoing criminal investigation into him or people that work for him and you are the Director of the leave that meeting and you immediately go to the Justice Department and inform the Attorney General of what took place! You don't wait until the investigation is over! That's laughable.
No, what is laughable is your ignorance.
I bet not one single pseudocon will watch or read Comey's testimony, and will instead get their opinions formed for them by their favorite alternative fact propagandists.

Just as they have had them formed for them up to this point.
Comey will do fine so long as he remembers about traps like false testimony and perjury.
Trump will make 'final decision' on whether to block Comey's testimony

Monday that it's still not clear whether Trump will assert his executive privilege to prevent former FBI Director James Comey from testifying in the Senate on Thursday.
Kellyanne Conway: Trump will make 'final decision' on whether to block Comey's testimony

People on the fence will see that Trump does indeed have something to hide..

But then again I wouldn't be shocked to see the excuses
Now the Demonizing Democrats Have Become Birchers

Russophobe paranoiacs are trying to force this issue into prominence. Trump believes that the country has more important things to think about.
I guess Trump is a "Russophobe paranoiac".

“As far as hacking, I think it was Russia,” Mr. Trump said, his first comments accepting the conclusions of United States intelligence officials that Moscow had interfered in the election to help him win.
I bet not one single pseudocon will watch or read Comey's testimony, and will instead get their opinions formed for them by their favorite alternative fact propagandists.

Just as they have had them formed for them up to this point.

Au contraire, it will be on the telescreen for the duration. Like a hockey game, waiting for the high-stick.

You know what's amusing, Ed? That you snowflakes think Comey's testimony is going to hurt Donald Trump!

Here's the problem. If Comey really DID think Trump was demanding that he stop the "Russia" investigation then he was required to report that to the Justice Department! Comey didn't do that.

Why would Comey confide in Sessions? That would be foolish, Sessions is a tool and that is the only reason he was nominated by Trump.

Comey was collecting evidence, there is no statute of limitations on an investigation, taking notes and investigating have two mutually exclusive goals: Exculpate or Incriminate.

Echoing the meme Comey was required to report on this investigation is ridiculous. Prove me wrong!

Mission & Priorities
I was so looking forward for the Russian agent to invoke executive privilege against Congress for Comey's testimony. I was looking forward to a crushing defeat by the courts in his attempt to silence a private citizen's right to redress the rants of a tyrant wannabe

You know what's amusing, Ed? That you snowflakes think Comey's testimony is going to hurt Donald Trump!

Here's the problem. If Comey really DID think Trump was demanding that he stop the "Russia" investigation then he was required to report that to the Justice Department! Comey didn't do that.

Why would Comey confide in Sessions? That would be foolish, Sessions is a tool and that is the only reason he was nominated by Trump.

Comey was collecting evidence, there is no statute of limitations on an investigation, taking notes and investigating have two mutually exclusive goals: Exculpate or Incriminate.

Echoing the meme Comey was required to report on this investigation is ridiculous. Prove me wrong!

Mission & Priorities

Because he's required by law? Sessions may have chosen to do nothing about it but it's still Comey's duty to report to the Attorney General if he thinks the President ordered him to cease investigating the Russian investigation! Explain why that didn't happen!

Even if there is such a law or even a policy exists, do you really believe the AG is briefed on every investigation conducted by the FBI? No investigator will broadcast what s/he has discovered and where the scope of the investigation will then go as long as they only have a person(s) of interest; once a subject(s) is identified, it's time to brief the prosecutor's office.

I don't have a time line as to when Sessions decided under duress to recuse himself from the Russian Question, but knowing that a conflict of interests may be afoot, Comey's judgment seems sound.
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