Trump Will Beat DeSantis By A Wide Margin In 2024, New Poll Shows

Check what facts? The popular vote doesn't elect the president. Dumbass. That IS THE FACT.
I did mention the electoral college in the post you quoted.
but seems you ignored that comment and focus on the other comments in order to score brownie points.

well it not directly but the popular vote does play a factor in the selection of the next president. It is a process that includes the election process.

The popular vote does contribute to the selection of the electors who should be duty bound to cast the elector vote based on the popular vote by state for a particular candidate.
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I did mention the electoral college in the post you quoted.
but seems you ignored that comment and focus on the other comments in order to score brownie points.

well it not directly but the popular vote does play a factor in the selection of the next president. It is a process that includes the election process.

The popular vote does contribute to the selection of the electors who should be duty bound to cast the elector vote based on the popular vote by state for a particular candidate.

The popular vote does nothing for the president. Just ask Hillary! LOL
The popular vote does nothing for the president. Just ask Hillary! LOL
Yet of all the presidential election in the history of the US only about 4 or 5 times has the loser of the popular vote actually became the president. The remaining presidents did receive the most votes and went on to become the president.
Get ready for a series of phony polls directed at republicans regarding 2024 and virtually nothing about the question of whether the current president's physical and mental condition would be a factor for democrats.
DeSantis should wait until 2028 and not embarrass himself in 2024.
One aspect about DeSantis that many people overlook is that he is very, very young. He's 44, the same age as Ashton Kutcher. He could wait for thirty years and still not reach Biden or Trump's age.
I know this will be a major shock to some but polls about what might happen in 2024 in December of 2022 mean nothing.
Worthless early poll.

Former President Donald Trump has wide name recognition. Gov. DeSantis does not. That will come.

A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be very hard to beat though.

Personally, I think Trump is as or more effective with his rallies and throwing bombs into the far-left tent and watching the little Liberals set their hair on fire! :D

Insider reports are that Trump may revert back to Democrat and run as the Democrat Nominee in 2024.
He doesn't care how he gets his ego stroked, only that he does.
Trump says he has major dirt on DeSantis. Maybe he does.

---Is the GOP gossiping that Ron DeSantis is gay?---

NO. That's you MFers

Here we go again.......
The Rabid Left begins it's smear campaign on DeSantis.

Being an attorney, he really needs to sue the fuck out of some of these gossip sources to make examples of them early on.
I think it would show strength and God knows his base would understand completely.
This is amazing. I figured Trump would do well against just about anyone, but DeSantis? blow me away.

i thought if he beat DeS it would only be by .. say 5 points.

And libs still say there was no election steal in 2020.. a year when obviously Trump was more in the public eye than ever.. got more votes in 2020 than in 2016..

Those last few things are just some of the multitudinous factoids facing anyone who foolishly says there was no steal

amazing Trump would be THIS popular 2 years after he was KOd out of the WH by the criminals.

just totally amazing.. Even I never dreamed so many people would stick with him like this.. :)

Yay, America.. There are still intelligent people THERE!


Tax fraud is a crime. Didn't you know that? Remember when he got caught money laundering at his casinos?
“Former President Donald Trump will likely win against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by a wide margin in a hypothetical 2024 election for the Republican nomination, according to a new poll.

In a recent Emerson College poll, Trump received 55% support from Republican registered voters who participated in the survey. In comparison, only 25% said they favored DeSantis as the GOP's presidential nominee in a hypothetical 2024 election.

No other candidate for the Republican nomination reached double-digit support.

Trump and DeSantis were matched up against other potential Republican presidential candidates, including former Vice President Mike Pence, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney.”

More at the link.

Can Trump be president while in prison?
The electoral college elects all presidents, liar.

I did mention the electoral college in the post you quoted.
but seems you ignored that comment and focus on the other comments in order to score brownie points.

well it not directly but the popular vote does play a factor in the selection of the next president. It is a process that includes the election process.

The popular vote does contribute to the selection of the electors who should be duty bound to cast the elector vote based on the popular vote by state for a particular candidate.

No, he shouldn't wait. His window is opening wide and trump's is closing fast. I will support desantis but will not support trump

I don't think so. Neglecting his duties in Florida so he was kiss ugly babies and shake greasy hands in Iowa and New Hampshire during 2023 will make him easy pickings for Sleepy Joe.

I can't see an upside for DeSantis to primary President Trump.

Further, if nominated, the Democrat Party will be all over him like white on rice. Not good if he is also trying to do his job as the Governor of the Floridians.

If DeSantis really thinks he will vanquish Sleepy Joe in 2024, he should resign his current job and go all in with an effort. But it won't be easy at all- successfully pushing Trump out of the race will just whet the libs' appetite to personally destroy DeSantis as well.
Tax fraud is a crime. Didn't you know that? Remember when he got caught money laundering at his casinos?

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