Trump will have to make loyalty pledge to join RNC debate stage, Ronna McDaniel says


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
And if Trump doesn't vow to support the GOP nominee, then he can't be on the debate stage. Good. I'd have more respect for Trump if he dumped the GOP all together.
The RNC is their own party with their own rules. If Trump doesn't like it, he can start his own party or run 3rd party.

Trump will have to make loyalty pledge to join RNC debate stage, Ronna McDaniel says

Republican Presidential candidates will have to pledge support for the eventual nominee in order to be included on the Republican National Committee's debate stage, RNC chair Ronna McDaniel said Sunday.

McDaniel says candidates will have to sign the pledge prior to the first primary debate, which will be held in Milwaukee. Former President Trump has expressed opposition to the pledge, however, echoing his hesitancy to make the same pledge in 2016.

"We’re saying you’re not going to get on the debate stage unless you make this pledge," McDaniel said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "Anyone getting on the Republican national committee debate stage should be able to say, 'I will support the will of the voters and the eventual nominee of our party."
And if Trump doesn't vow to support the GOP nominee, then he can't be on the debate stage. Good. I'd have more respect for Trump if he dumped the GOP all together.
The RNC is their own party with their own rules. If Trump doesn't like it, he can start his own party or run 3rd party.

Trump will have to make loyalty pledge to join RNC debate stage, Ronna McDaniel says

Republican Presidential candidates will have to pledge support for the eventual nominee in order to be included on the Republican National Committee's debate stage, RNC chair Ronna McDaniel said Sunday.

McDaniel says candidates will have to sign the pledge prior to the first primary debate, which will be held in Milwaukee. Former President Trump has expressed opposition to the pledge, however, echoing his hesitancy to make the same pledge in 2016.

"We’re saying you’re not going to get on the debate stage unless you make this pledge," McDaniel said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "Anyone getting on the Republican national committee debate stage should be able to say, 'I will support the will of the voters and the eventual nominee of our party."
Doesn't matter. He never took an oath or a pledge or a vow before God and man, he couldn't walk away from, without batting an eye, as the thought struck him for his personal benefit. His lack of character is a known quantity.
Im just waiting for the betting lines to come out once the choose a candidate. I think the Dems are going to win fairly easily.
And if Trump doesn't vow to support the GOP nominee, then he can't be on the debate stage.

That's extortion. Will every GOP candidate sign that? If I were Trump, I'd tell the GOP to go F themselves, it is they who should be begging for Trump to stay with their party otherwise, without him, the rest of the GOP could slip and fall through an air hole in a street manhole cover.
That's extortion. Will every GOP candidate sign that? If I were Trump, I'd tell the GOP to go F themselves, it is they who should be begging for Trump to stay with their party otherwise, without him, the rest of the GOP could slip and fall through an air hole in a street manhole cover.

Trump can't win without the RNC.
Trump's word is as good as dog shit. He also gave his word with his hand on the Bible to protect and defend the Constitution and we saw how much his oath meant to him - nothing.

He'll just claim later that the situation has changed so he's not going to keep his word. He doesn't have an honest bone in his fat, bloated body.
The RNC is their own party with their own rules. If Trump doesn't like it, he can start his own party or run 3rd party.
LMAO, that will present a quandry for that fence straddler, Golfing Gator. He'll be forced to vote for Trump and the third party or admit that he actually is a democrat and vote for Biden. He knows he can't win. Even if he is forced to vote republican--he will have to admit to voting for the duopoly. Whatever is he to do?
It's a gentle reminder, no one expects Trump to endorse or support anyone who opposes him. You can't criticize Trump and I doubt any opponent will. Trump still might lose. Or not. Some silly pledge is borderline LOL.

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