Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win

Amanda Marcotte’s article in‭ “‬Salon‭” ‬opens with a paragraph stating what all Americans already know:

‭“‬With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a‭ — ‬well,‭ ‬I won't insult toddlers with the comparison‭ — ‬and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser.‭ ‬He's already made clear that he will refuse to concede,‭ ‬no matter what,‭ ‬and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election.‭”

Despite his endless lies touting his many successes,‭ ‬which only his devoted fanatics continue to believe,‭ ‬the vast majority of the U.S.‭ ‬population have learned during the past for years to expect only disastrous results from everything the impeached president trump touches.‭ ‬Just like Dubya,‭ ‬who once admitted,‭ “‬Anything I can’t fvck up,‭ ‬I’ll sh!t on,‭ ‬and I ain’t sh!t on nothin‭’ ‬yit,‭” ‬it’s been the same situation with the impeached president trump.

In a separate article,‭ ‬Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

Roughly two dozen current and former officials and aides in the impeached president trump’s administration,‭ ‬are also concerned‭ "'‬the president could use the power of the government‭’ ‬to lash out at enemies,‭ ‬try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation.‭”

So,‭ ‬there are many Americans who believe the impeached president trump is,‭ ‬and has been during his entire presidency,‭ ‬an extreme danger the nation and its people.‭ ‬From psychological professionals to personnel working closely with him to average Americans and others,‭ ‬no one will be surprised when the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics go apesh!t after the election is decided,‭ ‬win or lose.

Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win

Amanda Marcotte’s article in‭ “‬Salon‭” ‬opens with a paragraph stating what all Americans already know:

‭“‬With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a‭ — ‬well,‭ ‬I won't insult toddlers with the comparison‭ — ‬and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser.‭ ‬He's already made clear that he will refuse to concede,‭ ‬no matter what,‭ ‬and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election.‭”

Despite his endless lies touting his many successes,‭ ‬which only his devoted fanatics continue to believe,‭ ‬the vast majority of the U.S.‭ ‬population have learned during the past for years to expect only disastrous results from everything the impeached president trump touches.‭ ‬Just like Dubya,‭ ‬who once admitted,‭ “‬Anything I can’t fvck up,‭ ‬I’ll sh!t on,‭ ‬and I ain’t sh!t on nothin‭’ ‬yit,‭” ‬it’s been the same situation with the impeached president trump.

In a separate article,‭ ‬Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

Roughly two dozen current and former officials and aides in the impeached president trump’s administration,‭ ‬are also concerned‭ "'‬the president could use the power of the government‭’ ‬to lash out at enemies,‭ ‬try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation.‭”

So,‭ ‬there are many Americans who believe the impeached president trump is,‭ ‬and has been during his entire presidency,‭ ‬an extreme danger the nation and its people.‭ ‬From psychological professionals to personnel working closely with him to average Americans and others,‭ ‬no one will be surprised when the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics go apesh!t after the election is decided,‭ ‬win or lose.


Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war
~~~Marc Antony
Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

OMG. Where did you find that sniveling little shit? Is that one of your rehab buddies?

What a fucking crybaby.
Wow this coming from a democrat, whos fellow democrats have been rioting looting and attacking people for MONTHS, from a democrat whos party Politicians have provoked and enabled the violence...from a democrat whos Politicians like Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler and AOC and Ilmar Omar are the most vicious LOUDMOUTH lying asswipes in America

Give me a break republicans trump supporters have more common decency, more class and more Patriotism in a fingernail than the BLM ANTIFA run democrat party.
Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win

Amanda Marcotte’s article in‭ “‬Salon‭” ‬opens with a paragraph stating what all Americans already know:

‭“‬With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a‭ — ‬well,‭ ‬I won't insult toddlers with the comparison‭ — ‬and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser.‭ ‬He's already made clear that he will refuse to concede,‭ ‬no matter what,‭ ‬and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election.‭”

Despite his endless lies touting his many successes,‭ ‬which only his devoted fanatics continue to believe,‭ ‬the vast majority of the U.S.‭ ‬population have learned during the past for years to expect only disastrous results from everything the impeached president trump touches.‭ ‬Just like Dubya,‭ ‬who once admitted,‭ “‬Anything I can’t fvck up,‭ ‬I’ll sh!t on,‭ ‬and I ain’t sh!t on nothin‭’ ‬yit,‭” ‬it’s been the same situation with the impeached president trump.

In a separate article,‭ ‬Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

Roughly two dozen current and former officials and aides in the impeached president trump’s administration,‭ ‬are also concerned‭ "'‬the president could use the power of the government‭’ ‬to lash out at enemies,‭ ‬try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation.‭”

So,‭ ‬there are many Americans who believe the impeached president trump is,‭ ‬and has been during his entire presidency,‭ ‬an extreme danger the nation and its people.‭ ‬From psychological professionals to personnel working closely with him to average Americans and others,‭ ‬no one will be surprised when the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics go apesh!t after the election is decided,‭ ‬win or lose.


Thank you !!!

This is the classic textbook case of projection I was looking for.
Wow this coming from a democrat, whos fellow democrats have been rioting looting and attacking people for MONTHS, from a democrat whos party Politicians have provoked and enabled the violence...from a democrat whos Politicians like Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler and AOC and Ilmar Omar are the most vicious LOUDMOUTH lying asswipes in America

Give me a break republicans trump supporters have more common decency, more class and more Patriotism in a fingernail than the BLM ANTIFA run democrat party.

You forgot that their VP candidate helped raise money to bail out the rioters and looters, and in the process they bailed out child rapist and murders.



Classic lol
Wow this coming from a democrat, whos fellow democrats have been rioting looting and attacking people for MONTHS, from a democrat whos party Politicians have provoked and enabled the violence...from a democrat whos Politicians like Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler and AOC and Ilmar Omar are the most vicious LOUDMOUTH lying asswipes in America

Give me a break republicans trump supporters have more common decency, more class and more Patriotism in a fingernail than the BLM ANTIFA run democrat party.

You forgot that their VP candidate helped raise money to bail out the rioters and looters, and in the process they bailed out child rapist and murders.

Yes, people that alledgedly murdered and raped again after being let out of prison due to a virus going around ?? Unbelievable, but not really, because Obama was doing some hurrendous stuff by letting very dangerous prisoners at guantanamo bay go, and worrying about the Ft.Hood shooter being allowed to practice his religious beliefs in prison after killing many Americans in a single event, and him standing up for that awall soldier that got American's killed looking for him, and then getting him a sex change courtesy of the American taxpayer's ?? Then loading up pallots with billion's to send back to Iran over a failed nuclear deal that had to many cracks in the floor in Iran's favor or punishing tax payers by making them pay fines and penalties on an illegal tax created that would give free healthcare to the Democrat dependents off of the working classes dime. Meanwhile the working class gets screwed over and over and over by these Demoncrat tyrant's to the tune of billions of working claas taxpayers wasted on failed policies.

Don't forget Benghazi either.. Unbelievable.
With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
How is it conceivable this guy is behind in the polls, and the other guy can’t fill a telephone booth at a rally?

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
58,000 showed up for President Trump in Butler, PA. Those are rock star numbers. Biden literally can’t fill a minivan.

Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) Tweeted:
Same day

Biden rally Trump rally
with Obama in Butler,
in Flint, Michigan Pennsylvania

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
So pathetic. One clown waiting on another, who most assuredly doesn’t know where he is.

Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win

Amanda Marcotte’s article in‭ “‬Salon‭” ‬opens with a paragraph stating what all Americans already know:

‭“‬With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a‭ — ‬well,‭ ‬I won't insult toddlers with the comparison‭ — ‬and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser.‭ ‬He's already made clear that he will refuse to concede,‭ ‬no matter what,‭ ‬and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election.‭”

Despite his endless lies touting his many successes,‭ ‬which only his devoted fanatics continue to believe,‭ ‬the vast majority of the U.S.‭ ‬population have learned during the past for years to expect only disastrous results from everything the impeached president trump touches.‭ ‬Just like Dubya,‭ ‬who once admitted,‭ “‬Anything I can’t fvck up,‭ ‬I’ll sh!t on,‭ ‬and I ain’t sh!t on nothin‭’ ‬yit,‭” ‬it’s been the same situation with the impeached president trump.

In a separate article,‭ ‬Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

Roughly two dozen current and former officials and aides in the impeached president trump’s administration,‭ ‬are also concerned‭ "'‬the president could use the power of the government‭’ ‬to lash out at enemies,‭ ‬try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation.‭”

So,‭ ‬there are many Americans who believe the impeached president trump is,‭ ‬and has been during his entire presidency,‭ ‬an extreme danger the nation and its people.‭ ‬From psychological professionals to personnel working closely with him to average Americans and others,‭ ‬no one will be surprised when the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics go apesh!t after the election is decided,‭ ‬win or lose.

Couldn't you have just posted this garbage on one of the other Trump hate threads?
Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win

Amanda Marcotte’s article in‭ “‬Salon‭” ‬opens with a paragraph stating what all Americans already know:

‭“‬With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a‭ — ‬well,‭ ‬I won't insult toddlers with the comparison‭ — ‬and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser.‭ ‬He's already made clear that he will refuse to concede,‭ ‬no matter what,‭ ‬and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election.‭”

Despite his endless lies touting his many successes,‭ ‬which only his devoted fanatics continue to believe,‭ ‬the vast majority of the U.S.‭ ‬population have learned during the past for years to expect only disastrous results from everything the impeached president trump touches.‭ ‬Just like Dubya,‭ ‬who once admitted,‭ “‬Anything I can’t fvck up,‭ ‬I’ll sh!t on,‭ ‬and I ain’t sh!t on nothin‭’ ‬yit,‭” ‬it’s been the same situation with the impeached president trump.

In a separate article,‭ ‬Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

Roughly two dozen current and former officials and aides in the impeached president trump’s administration,‭ ‬are also concerned‭ "'‬the president could use the power of the government‭’ ‬to lash out at enemies,‭ ‬try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation.‭”

So,‭ ‬there are many Americans who believe the impeached president trump is,‭ ‬and has been during his entire presidency,‭ ‬an extreme danger the nation and its people.‭ ‬From psychological professionals to personnel working closely with him to average Americans and others,‭ ‬no one will be surprised when the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics go apesh!t after the election is decided,‭ ‬win or lose.

No you butthurt biden trolls will whine and whine on and on about it for another four more years is what will happen. Incredible how butthurt you all are over trumps election.i had to put up with mass murderer Obama for eight years but unlike you trump haters, I accepted it and moved on.i did not whine on and on about it,you trump haters have whined far more often in his 4 short years than I ever did when obomination was president for an entire 8 years. :auiqs.jpg:
With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
How is it conceivable this guy is behind in the polls, and the other guy can’t fill a telephone booth at a rally?

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
58,000 showed up for President Trump in Butler, PA. Those are rock star numbers. Biden literally can’t fill a minivan.

Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) Tweeted:
Same day

Biden rally Trump rally
with Obama in Butler,
in Flint, Michigan Pennsylvania

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
So pathetic. One clown waiting on another, who most assuredly doesn’t know where he is.

You posted a picture of Judge Judy?? She is a died in the wool Democrat!

i would hate to see her turned loose on Trump! That would make a number one TV show! LOL
With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
How is it conceivable this guy is behind in the polls, and the other guy can’t fill a telephone booth at a rally?

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
58,000 showed up for President Trump in Butler, PA. Those are rock star numbers. Biden literally can’t fill a minivan.

Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) Tweeted:
Same day

Biden rally Trump rally
with Obama in Butler,
in Flint, Michigan Pennsylvania

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
So pathetic. One clown waiting on another, who most assuredly doesn’t know where he is.

I know,you just can’t make this stuff up. :auiqs.jpg:thanks for posting those videos,the proof is in the pudding there is a huge awakening the virus is a hoax,I noticed a huge portion of the trump supporters were not wearing masks sense they know it’s a hoax. :thup: That other video is classic obozo waiting for biden to show
Last edited:
If Trump win the Electoral College while losing the Popular Vote again the reality is you and your ilk will burn the entire country to the ground, so pot meet kettle and you are both black!
And we all KNOW if voting elections were not rigged,trump would have won the popular vote as well only losing it cause hitlery and the dems stacked the ballots with votes from
Trump will lash out if he loses‭ — ‬but he and his fans will be bigger crybabies if they win

Amanda Marcotte’s article in‭ “‬Salon‭” ‬opens with a paragraph stating what all Americans already know:

‭“‬With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good‭ — ‬possibly by a decisive margin‭ — ‬there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a‭ — ‬well,‭ ‬I won't insult toddlers with the comparison‭ — ‬and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser.‭ ‬He's already made clear that he will refuse to concede,‭ ‬no matter what,‭ ‬and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election.‭”

Despite his endless lies touting his many successes,‭ ‬which only his devoted fanatics continue to believe,‭ ‬the vast majority of the U.S.‭ ‬population have learned during the past for years to expect only disastrous results from everything the impeached president trump touches.‭ ‬Just like Dubya,‭ ‬who once admitted,‭ “‬Anything I can’t fvck up,‭ ‬I’ll sh!t on,‭ ‬and I ain’t sh!t on nothin‭’ ‬yit,‭” ‬it’s been the same situation with the impeached president trump.

In a separate article,‭ ‬Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained,‭ “‬psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out‭ '‬in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to‭ '‬loser‭' ‬status.‭'"

Roughly two dozen current and former officials and aides in the impeached president trump’s administration,‭ ‬are also concerned‭ "'‬the president could use the power of the government‭’ ‬to lash out at enemies,‭ ‬try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation.‭”

So,‭ ‬there are many Americans who believe the impeached president trump is,‭ ‬and has been during his entire presidency,‭ ‬an extreme danger the nation and its people.‭ ‬From psychological professionals to personnel working closely with him to average Americans and others,‭ ‬no one will be surprised when the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics go apesh!t after the election is decided,‭ ‬win or lose.

dumb fuck the democrats have wreaked havoc on the nation since obama and have raised the havoc since they lost in 2016 but a TDS mentally handicap drone wouldn't see it mentally sick are incapable of seeing just how delusional they are.

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