If Trump gets probation, will he be able to comply?

Trump was unable to comply with a simple gag order.

How is he going to meet the terms of Probation?
He will have to meet regularly in NY with his Probation Officer, pee in a cup when demanded, stay out of trouble

Will a Probation Officer put up with his abuse and insults without revoking probation?

Put his probation officer in Queens then make him appear once a week for a drug test and all the fun and games.
Imagine Trump in a crowded probation office with a dozen or so fellow CONVICTS waiting his turn to piss in the bottle.

I would pay large to see that!

His probation officers

I think I need some clean tighty-whiteys!
Ummmm…It is like this Skippy

Trump will go for sentencing on July 11
Options available to the judge are….

Community Service

I doubt the judge will choose prison for a first time nonviolent offender of advanced years

The last three are likely
so skippy

YOU don't, AS USUAL, have a clue, so you're making up shit.

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