Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....

"how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good....."""

That's the wrong question.
The right question is, How many other COUNTRIES had a virus problem like we have?
India has far fewer cases than we do. Let that fucking sink in, moron.
The economy cratered because Donald did virtually NOTHING compared to other developed, industrialized countries.
He tossed Obama's pandemic playbook and then woke up around May 15 and initiated Operation Warpspeed, which should have been started in January.

Go inject some bleach into your arm, Nostra.
Like Trump suggested at one task force presser.
Are you back to spewing that long ago debunked lie?

Ask your handlers to feed you some new material, Dope.


It was on live television when he asked Dr. Birx about injecting disinfectant you stupid piece of shit.
President Trump claims injecting people with disinfectant could treat coronavirus
•Apr 24, 2020

Yep. A lie.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....

"how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good....."""

That's the wrong question.
The right question is, How many other COUNTRIES had a virus problem like we have?
India has far fewer cases than we do. Let that fucking sink in, moron.
The economy cratered because Donald did virtually NOTHING compared to other developed, industrialized countries.
He tossed Obama's pandemic playbook and then woke up around May 15 and initiated Operation Warpspeed, which should have been started in January.

Go inject some bleach into your arm, Nostra.
Like Trump suggested at one task force presser.
Are you back to spewing that long ago debunked lie?

Ask your handlers to feed you some new material, Dope.

You come on here 24/7 and spread lies.
You're a filthy traitor to this country.
Your handlers must be paying you well.
What do you get? Fifty cents per post?
You mad? :auiqs.jpg:
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....

"how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good....."""

That's the wrong question.
The right question is, How many other COUNTRIES had a virus problem like we have?
India has far fewer cases than we do. Let that fucking sink in, moron.
The economy cratered because Donald did virtually NOTHING compared to other developed, industrialized countries.
He tossed Obama's pandemic playbook and then woke up around May 15 and initiated Operation Warpspeed, which should have been started in January.
that still didnt answer my question did it?....a moron as smart as you think you are should have been able to answer that...
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
to what?...
Goalposts already fixed as Standards for our Union by Government?
cant you ever answer a question?.....or does someone else have to do your talking?.....
Fiscally? How about a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility regarding the general warfare the right wing prefers over the general welfare.
answer my said raise the minimum wage...i asked to what?...
purchasing power parity for our first world economy. Labor needs to be able to afford our economy.
danny if you dont know the answers to the questions people ask you....why post what you post?....
I told you to where. Not my fault you appeal to ignorance of economics.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
it won't raise any additional revenue.

all it will do is raise the poverty line to 31200 a year
not at all. raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour will generate around nine times more in federal income tax revenue than our current minimum wage does now.

Do you care to prove that with some actual data?
I used California for State information.

you do realize you have to show your work don't you?

This is the real world
Taxes are progressive.

The current minimum wage rate generates around 194 dollars in federal income tax revenue. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage generates around 1852 dollars in federal income tax revenue; around nine times more in federal income tax revenue.

no it doesn't.

People making Federal MW pay no income tax

People making 15 an hour pay 58 dollars in federal income tax

The tax paid by anyone making 15 or more an hour now does not change so there is no way in hell you get a 900% revenue increase
What information are you using? Show your work. I gave you a website that calculates tax information based on wage rate.
and you didn't show how you got a 900% revenue increase

punch in 31200 annual salary claiming 1 dependent and the federal income tax for that person is 58 dollars a year
I used it for 30k with no dependents and got this amount:

Estimated federal taxes $1,914

Claim 1 dependent because you will get a refund if you don't.

You didn't figure that in did you?
I am keeping it simple. I use individual metrics. Means testing is more expensive.

you still have to account for the refund.

a person making 31200 annually ( $15 an hour) has a federal income tax liability of $58 if more is taken out of his paycheck in a year then he gets a refund
Someone making less gets even more refund and costs more in social services.

not really.
Yes, really. The earned income credit and the cost of social services, costs more and generates less of a multiplier than increasing the minimum wage.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
You know better than this, you've been taught.
Employers won't cut employees more than nine to one. Anything less than that still generates more federal income tax revenue than more people working at the current minimum wage rate.

In fact it is the people working low wage jobs that lose their jobs not the people already making 15 an hour.

Not to mention that a 15 an hour MW will raise the cost of literally everything so take into account the people who will lose jobs or lose full time work and have to work part time and the fact that everything will cost more you don't really gain anything
It is a simple cost of living adjustment. And, prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. Some studies show an increase in the price of a "big mac" to be around thirty cents.
where did I say they would double? I said the price of everything would go up and they will.

So a Big Mac is going to go up 7.5% if we apply that increase to everything then your grocery bill will go up 7.5%, your clothing will go up 7.5%, and you will pay more sales tax on all those things that go up 7.5% now apply that 7.5% to everything you buy in a year and add in the additional sales taxes and tell me if you still come out ahead

So now it's just not the people making less than 15 an hour that get paid more but you have to give a "cost of living" raise to everyone else too?
It is a cost of living adjustment. This would not have been an issue if the minimum wage had kept up with inflation.

Why do you believe someone making the current minimum wage would be worse off with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?

Someone making the current minimum wage nets around $12,861 while someone making the fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will net around $24,775.

inflation has been very low for a long time

and don't forget only 2% of all hourly workers get paid federal MW and that includes service workers who get tips that put them way over the federal MW. Most state MW are higher than the federal.

So the vast majority of hourly workers will not see that much of an increase

Today, only 2% of workers do. The number of federal minimum wage workers has decreased from 7.7 million in 1980 to 1.7 million today. This is partly due to states establishing higher minimum wages than the federal level .
The minimum wage was not increased for around a decade and inflation still happened. Wages must meet or beat inflation because social services are more expensive and have a worse multiplier effect than actually raising wages.

most states pay more than the federal minimum wage so inflation adjustments to the federal MW isn't really an issue to 98% of hourly workers

The average inflation rate over the past 10 years in 1.77%

So if you want to adjust federal MW for inflation over the past 10 years then you raise it to 8.48 not 15
The problem is the lack of an institutional upward pressure on wages. Capitalism isn't doing it. And, Labor needs to be able to afford our first world economy. People providing labor input to the economy for the minimum wage should not need social services, ceteris paribus.

you kind of reap what you sow here.

We have technology that has advanced so much that any moron who can button his shirt can monitor a machine that can make in minutes what used to take a skilled craftsman hours. Which is why we can buy all kinds of things for such little money.

We have a lowering need for actual skilled labor

So it's up to the people who are selling their labor to make that labor worth more to the market. If you force higher wages on people then all those jobs that just require a warm body will be gone

Look less than 2 % of all hourly workers make the federal minimum wage.

so there's not going to be this huge number of people lifted into the upper lower class and don't forget that the cost of everything will go up and all that will do is sap the purchasing power of the people who already make 15 an hour or more and those people far outnumber the people making significantly less than 15 an hour
Then, why not simply increase the minimum wage to automate those jobs instead of paying less for those jobs and incurring the cost of social services as well. UC is much more cost effective.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
You know better than this, you've been taught.
Employers won't cut employees more than nine to one. Anything less than that still generates more federal income tax revenue than more people working at the current minimum wage rate.

In fact it is the people working low wage jobs that lose their jobs not the people already making 15 an hour.

Not to mention that a 15 an hour MW will raise the cost of literally everything so take into account the people who will lose jobs or lose full time work and have to work part time and the fact that everything will cost more you don't really gain anything
It is a simple cost of living adjustment. And, prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. Some studies show an increase in the price of a "big mac" to be around thirty cents.
where did I say they would double? I said the price of everything would go up and they will.

So a Big Mac is going to go up 7.5% if we apply that increase to everything then your grocery bill will go up 7.5%, your clothing will go up 7.5%, and you will pay more sales tax on all those things that go up 7.5% now apply that 7.5% to everything you buy in a year and add in the additional sales taxes and tell me if you still come out ahead

So now it's just not the people making less than 15 an hour that get paid more but you have to give a "cost of living" raise to everyone else too?
It is a cost of living adjustment. This would not have been an issue if the minimum wage had kept up with inflation.

Why do you believe someone making the current minimum wage would be worse off with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?

Someone making the current minimum wage nets around $12,861 while someone making the fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will net around $24,775.

inflation has been very low for a long time

and don't forget only 2% of all hourly workers get paid federal MW and that includes service workers who get tips that put them way over the federal MW. Most state MW are higher than the federal.

So the vast majority of hourly workers will not see that much of an increase

Today, only 2% of workers do. The number of federal minimum wage workers has decreased from 7.7 million in 1980 to 1.7 million today. This is partly due to states establishing higher minimum wages than the federal level .
The minimum wage was not increased for around a decade and inflation still happened. Wages must meet or beat inflation because social services are more expensive and have a worse multiplier effect than actually raising wages.

most states pay more than the federal minimum wage so inflation adjustments to the federal MW isn't really an issue to 98% of hourly workers

The average inflation rate over the past 10 years in 1.77%

So if you want to adjust federal MW for inflation over the past 10 years then you raise it to 8.48 not 15
The problem is the lack of an institutional upward pressure on wages. Capitalism isn't doing it. And, Labor needs to be able to afford our first world economy. People providing labor input to the economy for the minimum wage should not need social services, ceteris paribus.

you kind of reap what you sow here.

We have technology that has advanced so much that any moron who can button his shirt can monitor a machine that can make in minutes what used to take a skilled craftsman hours. Which is why we can buy all kinds of things for such little money.

We have a lowering need for actual skilled labor

So it's up to the people who are selling their labor to make that labor worth more to the market. If you force higher wages on people then all those jobs that just require a warm body will be gone

Look less than 2 % of all hourly workers make the federal minimum wage.

so there's not going to be this huge number of people lifted into the upper lower class and don't forget that the cost of everything will go up and all that will do is sap the purchasing power of the people who already make 15 an hour or more and those people far outnumber the people making significantly less than 15 an hour
Keep in mind that 42% of the workforce makes $15/hr or less, so there will be a massive wave through the entire job market if we double the MW overnight. It's not just the 2% currently at MW that will have their labor cost increase, and the ripple effect would eliminate a LOT of jobs.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
You know better than this, you've been taught.
Employers won't cut employees more than nine to one. Anything less than that still generates more federal income tax revenue than more people working at the current minimum wage rate.

In fact it is the people working low wage jobs that lose their jobs not the people already making 15 an hour.

Not to mention that a 15 an hour MW will raise the cost of literally everything so take into account the people who will lose jobs or lose full time work and have to work part time and the fact that everything will cost more you don't really gain anything
It is a simple cost of living adjustment. And, prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. Some studies show an increase in the price of a "big mac" to be around thirty cents.
where did I say they would double? I said the price of everything would go up and they will.

So a Big Mac is going to go up 7.5% if we apply that increase to everything then your grocery bill will go up 7.5%, your clothing will go up 7.5%, and you will pay more sales tax on all those things that go up 7.5% now apply that 7.5% to everything you buy in a year and add in the additional sales taxes and tell me if you still come out ahead

So now it's just not the people making less than 15 an hour that get paid more but you have to give a "cost of living" raise to everyone else too?
It is a cost of living adjustment. This would not have been an issue if the minimum wage had kept up with inflation.

Why do you believe someone making the current minimum wage would be worse off with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?

Someone making the current minimum wage nets around $12,861 while someone making the fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will net around $24,775.

inflation has been very low for a long time

and don't forget only 2% of all hourly workers get paid federal MW and that includes service workers who get tips that put them way over the federal MW. Most state MW are higher than the federal.

So the vast majority of hourly workers will not see that much of an increase

Today, only 2% of workers do. The number of federal minimum wage workers has decreased from 7.7 million in 1980 to 1.7 million today. This is partly due to states establishing higher minimum wages than the federal level .
The minimum wage was not increased for around a decade and inflation still happened. Wages must meet or beat inflation because social services are more expensive and have a worse multiplier effect than actually raising wages.

most states pay more than the federal minimum wage so inflation adjustments to the federal MW isn't really an issue to 98% of hourly workers

The average inflation rate over the past 10 years in 1.77%

So if you want to adjust federal MW for inflation over the past 10 years then you raise it to 8.48 not 15
The problem is the lack of an institutional upward pressure on wages. Capitalism isn't doing it. And, Labor needs to be able to afford our first world economy. People providing labor input to the economy for the minimum wage should not need social services, ceteris paribus.

you kind of reap what you sow here.

We have technology that has advanced so much that any moron who can button his shirt can monitor a machine that can make in minutes what used to take a skilled craftsman hours. Which is why we can buy all kinds of things for such little money.

We have a lowering need for actual skilled labor

So it's up to the people who are selling their labor to make that labor worth more to the market. If you force higher wages on people then all those jobs that just require a warm body will be gone

Look less than 2 % of all hourly workers make the federal minimum wage.

so there's not going to be this huge number of people lifted into the upper lower class and don't forget that the cost of everything will go up and all that will do is sap the purchasing power of the people who already make 15 an hour or more and those people far outnumber the people making significantly less than 15 an hour
Then, why not simply increase the minimum wage to automate those jobs instead of paying less for those jobs and incurring the cost of social services as well. UC is much more cost effective.
Because one job working with machines can replace hundreds or thousands of manual labor job. There will be fewer jobs in total and a lot more on welfare. Stop calling it UC, because it's something completely different, as you know by now.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
it won't raise any additional revenue.

all it will do is raise the poverty line to 31200 a year
not at all. raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour will generate around nine times more in federal income tax revenue than our current minimum wage does now.

Do you care to prove that with some actual data?
I used California for State information.

you do realize you have to show your work don't you?

This is the real world
Taxes are progressive.

The current minimum wage rate generates around 194 dollars in federal income tax revenue. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage generates around 1852 dollars in federal income tax revenue; around nine times more in federal income tax revenue.

no it doesn't.

People making Federal MW pay no income tax

People making 15 an hour pay 58 dollars in federal income tax

The tax paid by anyone making 15 or more an hour now does not change so there is no way in hell you get a 900% revenue increase
What information are you using? Show your work. I gave you a website that calculates tax information based on wage rate.
and you didn't show how you got a 900% revenue increase

punch in 31200 annual salary claiming 1 dependent and the federal income tax for that person is 58 dollars a year
I used it for 30k with no dependents and got this amount:

Estimated federal taxes $1,914

Claim 1 dependent because you will get a refund if you don't.

You didn't figure that in did you?
I am keeping it simple. I use individual metrics. Means testing is more expensive.

you still have to account for the refund.

a person making 31200 annually ( $15 an hour) has a federal income tax liability of $58 if more is taken out of his paycheck in a year then he gets a refund
Someone making less gets even more refund and costs more in social services.

not really.
Yes, really. The earned income credit and the cost of social services, costs more and generates less of a multiplier than increasing the minimum wage.
Which puts more people into social services. You keep forgetting that.
Anyone else get the feeling every one of Danny Boy’s posts are just a cut and paste from the Communist Manifesto, or some other claptrap by Marx?

Its as if he has a program on his computer that says ”If someone uses this word or phrase, cut and paste this claptrap”.
Pretty much, because the phrases are always the same and mean nothing. A bot is more flexible.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....

"how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good....."""

That's the wrong question.
The right question is, How many other COUNTRIES had a virus problem like we have?
India has far fewer cases than we do. Let that fucking sink in, moron.
The economy cratered because Donald did virtually NOTHING compared to other developed, industrialized countries.
He tossed Obama's pandemic playbook and then woke up around May 15 and initiated Operation Warpspeed, which should have been started in January.

Go inject some bleach into your arm, Nostra.
Like Trump suggested at one task force presser.
Are you back to spewing that long ago debunked lie?

Ask your handlers to feed you some new material, Dope.


It was on live television when he asked Dr. Birx about injecting disinfectant you stupid piece of shit.
President Trump claims injecting people with disinfectant could treat coronavirus
•Apr 24, 2020

I see a difference between asking someone about something and claiming that something is true. Maybe it's just some of us who see that difference.

IOW, your headline is fake, aka a lie.
Average Salary Information for U.S. Workers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the first quarter of 2020 was $957 per week or $49,764 per year (assuming 52 weeks of work per year). Wages were 5.7% higher than a year earlier.1
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....

"how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good....."""

That's the wrong question.
The right question is, How many other COUNTRIES had a virus problem like we have?
India has far fewer cases than we do. Let that fucking sink in, moron.
The economy cratered because Donald did virtually NOTHING compared to other developed, industrialized countries.
He tossed Obama's pandemic playbook and then woke up around May 15 and initiated Operation Warpspeed, which should have been started in January.
How many had a virus problem like we had?

Look at the death rates in all those woke Euro countries with Govt run healthcare.....they are 2-3 times what ours is, Dummy.

You lose again, Stupid.

You throw shit out and then don't dare post the facts.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Death rate per infection Is the way you measure it, Simpleton.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths
CountryDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Total Case
Fatality Rate
TestsTests /
1M pop
Confirmed Cases /
1M pop
Western Sahara2-1010.00%---17-1
United Kingdom976-1,888,1163.44%-48,488,168729,26628,397+50664,908
Bosnia and Herzegovina1,040-102,3303.38%-469,745141,32230,786+663,457
Sierra Leone9-2,4513.06%---310-75
North Macedonia1,041-74,7322.90%-368,502176,91335,878+222,169
El Salvador187-42,1322.88%-587,06690,5106,496+71,212
South Africa406-866,1272.71%-5,884,227101,83914,990-23,451
South Sudan5-3,2061.93%-63,7534,989251-62
United States946-17,030,1071.82%-224,100,261684,97152,053+1,423309,520
Trinidad and Tobago90-6,8851.79%-38,69228,3675,048-123
The ultimate measure is deaths per capita. Deaths per confirmed infections is meaningless. Deaths per confirmed infections is influenced heavily by the number of tests given. The countries who administer more tests will have a lower death rate of confirmed infections. Another example of the stupidity of a Trump supporter
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
Trump will leave office an historically bad president.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
You know better than this, you've been taught.
Employers won't cut employees more than nine to one. Anything less than that still generates more federal income tax revenue than more people working at the current minimum wage rate.

In fact it is the people working low wage jobs that lose their jobs not the people already making 15 an hour.

Not to mention that a 15 an hour MW will raise the cost of literally everything so take into account the people who will lose jobs or lose full time work and have to work part time and the fact that everything will cost more you don't really gain anything
It is a simple cost of living adjustment. And, prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. Some studies show an increase in the price of a "big mac" to be around thirty cents.
where did I say they would double? I said the price of everything would go up and they will.

So a Big Mac is going to go up 7.5% if we apply that increase to everything then your grocery bill will go up 7.5%, your clothing will go up 7.5%, and you will pay more sales tax on all those things that go up 7.5% now apply that 7.5% to everything you buy in a year and add in the additional sales taxes and tell me if you still come out ahead

So now it's just not the people making less than 15 an hour that get paid more but you have to give a "cost of living" raise to everyone else too?
It is a cost of living adjustment. This would not have been an issue if the minimum wage had kept up with inflation.

Why do you believe someone making the current minimum wage would be worse off with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?

Someone making the current minimum wage nets around $12,861 while someone making the fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will net around $24,775.

inflation has been very low for a long time

and don't forget only 2% of all hourly workers get paid federal MW and that includes service workers who get tips that put them way over the federal MW. Most state MW are higher than the federal.

So the vast majority of hourly workers will not see that much of an increase

Today, only 2% of workers do. The number of federal minimum wage workers has decreased from 7.7 million in 1980 to 1.7 million today. This is partly due to states establishing higher minimum wages than the federal level .
The minimum wage was not increased for around a decade and inflation still happened. Wages must meet or beat inflation because social services are more expensive and have a worse multiplier effect than actually raising wages.

most states pay more than the federal minimum wage so inflation adjustments to the federal MW isn't really an issue to 98% of hourly workers

The average inflation rate over the past 10 years in 1.77%

So if you want to adjust federal MW for inflation over the past 10 years then you raise it to 8.48 not 15
The problem is the lack of an institutional upward pressure on wages. Capitalism isn't doing it. And, Labor needs to be able to afford our first world economy. People providing labor input to the economy for the minimum wage should not need social services, ceteris paribus.

you kind of reap what you sow here.

We have technology that has advanced so much that any moron who can button his shirt can monitor a machine that can make in minutes what used to take a skilled craftsman hours. Which is why we can buy all kinds of things for such little money.

We have a lowering need for actual skilled labor

So it's up to the people who are selling their labor to make that labor worth more to the market. If you force higher wages on people then all those jobs that just require a warm body will be gone

Look less than 2 % of all hourly workers make the federal minimum wage.

so there's not going to be this huge number of people lifted into the upper lower class and don't forget that the cost of everything will go up and all that will do is sap the purchasing power of the people who already make 15 an hour or more and those people far outnumber the people making significantly less than 15 an hour
Keep in mind that 42% of the workforce makes $15/hr or less, so there will be a massive wave through the entire job market if we double the MW overnight. It's not just the 2% currently at MW that will have their labor cost increase, and the ripple effect would eliminate a LOT of jobs.
New business happens all the time. And, business must optimize for the new equilibrium anyway. And, capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment.
Because one job working with machines can replace hundreds or thousands of manual labor job. There will be fewer jobs in total and a lot more on welfare. Stop calling it UC, because it's something completely different, as you know by now.
We don't need low wage service jobs and might as well automate them. Capitalism is about boom and bust; your job loss red herring is just that under free market Capitalism.
except they're still geared to soak the middle class
Indeed. And the trump/GOP tax bill is about to raise taxes every year for the middle class.for a.while, starting in 2021. We shall see which party wants to lower taxes for the middle class.
neither does neither will

oh sure they'll tell you that income taxes might be cut a little but they'll just broaden the tax base like Reagan did and people will really end up paying more
raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue!
it won't raise any additional revenue.

all it will do is raise the poverty line to 31200 a year
not at all. raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour will generate around nine times more in federal income tax revenue than our current minimum wage does now.

Do you care to prove that with some actual data?
I used California for State information.

you do realize you have to show your work don't you?

This is the real world
Taxes are progressive.

The current minimum wage rate generates around 194 dollars in federal income tax revenue. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage generates around 1852 dollars in federal income tax revenue; around nine times more in federal income tax revenue.

no it doesn't.

People making Federal MW pay no income tax

People making 15 an hour pay 58 dollars in federal income tax

The tax paid by anyone making 15 or more an hour now does not change so there is no way in hell you get a 900% revenue increase
What information are you using? Show your work. I gave you a website that calculates tax information based on wage rate.
and you didn't show how you got a 900% revenue increase

punch in 31200 annual salary claiming 1 dependent and the federal income tax for that person is 58 dollars a year
I used it for 30k with no dependents and got this amount:

Estimated federal taxes $1,914

Claim 1 dependent because you will get a refund if you don't.

You didn't figure that in did you?
I am keeping it simple. I use individual metrics. Means testing is more expensive.

you still have to account for the refund.

a person making 31200 annually ( $15 an hour) has a federal income tax liability of $58 if more is taken out of his paycheck in a year then he gets a refund
Someone making less gets even more refund and costs more in social services.

not really.
Yes, really. The earned income credit and the cost of social services, costs more and generates less of a multiplier than increasing the minimum wage.
Which puts more people into social services. You keep forgetting that.
Not with equal protection of the law for UC. A hypothetical fourteen dollar an hour equivalent for UC could mean market friendly participation for more people which directly affects the multiplier.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....

"how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good....."""

That's the wrong question.
The right question is, How many other COUNTRIES had a virus problem like we have?
India has far fewer cases than we do. Let that fucking sink in, moron.
The economy cratered because Donald did virtually NOTHING compared to other developed, industrialized countries.
He tossed Obama's pandemic playbook and then woke up around May 15 and initiated Operation Warpspeed, which should have been started in January.
How many had a virus problem like we had?

Look at the death rates in all those woke Euro countries with Govt run healthcare.....they are 2-3 times what ours is, Dummy.

You lose again, Stupid.

You throw shit out and then don't dare post the facts.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Death rate per infection Is the way you measure it, Simpleton.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths
CountryDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Total Case
Fatality Rate
TestsTests /
1M pop
Confirmed Cases /
1M pop
Western Sahara2-1010.00%---17-1
United Kingdom976-1,888,1163.44%-48,488,168729,26628,397+50664,908
Bosnia and Herzegovina1,040-102,3303.38%-469,745141,32230,786+663,457
Sierra Leone9-2,4513.06%---310-75
North Macedonia1,041-74,7322.90%-368,502176,91335,878+222,169
El Salvador187-42,1322.88%-587,06690,5106,496+71,212
South Africa406-866,1272.71%-5,884,227101,83914,990-23,451
South Sudan5-3,2061.93%-63,7534,989251-62
United States946-17,030,1071.82%-224,100,261684,97152,053+1,423309,520
Trinidad and Tobago90-6,8851.79%-38,69228,3675,048-123
The ultimate measure is deaths per capita. Deaths per confirmed infections is meaningless. Deaths per confirmed infections is influenced heavily by the number of tests given. The countries who administer more tests will have a lower death rate of confirmed infections. Another example of the stupidity of a Trump supporter
Deaths per confirmed infections is meaningless?

So all the deaths worldwide are meaningless.

Got it.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
Trump will leave office an historically bad president.
Only in your delusional mind.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
Trump supporters are blind to the damage done by the worst President in the history of the US.
Naw, we're just not swallowing your propaganda. We know what happened
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