Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

You notice how the Democrat party has thrown the black people on the back burner, and now their favorites are Hispanics . Black folks NEED TO WAKE up. they believe they OWN YOU AND YOUR VOTES. how offensive is that?

they pulled this with Hispanics in the last two Presidential elections, WHY?

BECAUSE they have nothing to offer but class Warfare and promises and lies just like Obama gave you all

Awww, most Blacks will still vote for Democrap 'Free Shit Army' candidates, cause the majority of them are into groupthink. It's just the way it is.
the last person I'd take advice for the gop is from the NYSLIMES. That's like taking a gun and shooting themselves


Seriously, why not just ask the moonbat messiah and the hildabeast what they think would be a winning strategy for the republicrats to win big, so that they can roll back the insane libtard policies they've enacted.
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Bush won almost half of them in 2004

Uhh..... no, don't think so, not even close.

Nixon and the Southern Strategy (and Reagan) were certainly opportunistic in going after the racist vote abandoned by the DP, but black shift to the DP started back with FDR (as far as electoral count) and reached a denouement with LBJ (as far as party membership).

We did this in another thread recently. I'll look it up.

Bush won 44% of Hispanics in 2004. I wasn't talking about blacks.
Trump was the joke candidate for the last 20+ years. No one ever took his talk of running seriously. Fast foreward to today, he is a double digit frontrunner. I believe that says a lot about the state of the Republican party and their internal struggles. They are forced into the corner of choosing between popularity and electability. neither is going to work. Their numbers are up only because the spotlight is on them. When the field shrinks and the debate is more pointed, Trump won't look so good, especially on policy.

The media kept claiming that Hillary is anointed, and Jeb would be a faux opponent to bash as she was coronated. Trump is the reaction to the concept that Hillary or Bush should be president.

Now Jeb was never a serious contender, he was pimped by the DNC press to promote Hillary - but I literally have not met a single Republican that ever supported him. Yes, every leftist on the board shrieks that Jeb must be the GOP pick, just as I now demand that Hillary be the dumbfuckocrat nominee - and for the same reason.

With Hillary destroyed (far too early, dammit) and Jeb exposed as a media hoax, the fortunes of Trump will wane.
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.

Eisenhower got 39 % of the black vote in 1956, which is roughly 4 times what the whities in the GOP get nowadays.
You can't let the Progressives dictate the terms of the debate
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

There was a Democrat, the guy right before Nixon who promised he was going to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

Who knew then that LBJ was a prophet?
Awww, most Blacks will still vote for Democrap 'Free Shit Army' candidates, cause the majority of them are into groupthink. It's just the way it is.

Plenty of blacks are comming around, their voices are muffled by the ones dedicated to slavery.

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Awww, most Blacks will still vote for Democrap 'Free Shit Army' candidates, cause the majority of them are into groupthink. It's just the way it is.

Plenty of blacks are comming around, their voices are muffled by the ones dedicated to slavery.

They still aren't voting for you, are they
from all I've seen. the majority of the LEGAL Hispanics who did things the RIGHT WAY to become a citizen in this country. is against giving any FAVORS to the Illegal INVADERS coming into our country. no matter what race or nationality they are

You are making the assumption all Illegal immigrants are Hispanics.

The vast majority are. In fact, the vast majority are Mexican. DTMB does assume that all people who speak Spanish should bow to the Mexicans, though an Argentine has nothing at all in common with Mexicans. Guatemalans are openly discriminated against by Mexico, but in the mind of the left, they will be offended should we not keep the boarder open for invasion by Mexico.

You have to remember that the argument of the left is ultimately stupid - and highly destructive.

Let's not quibble over the ethnicity of the invading Brown hordes.

Of the 11 million or so illegals in this country 40% are people who overstayed their visas and didn't cross any border to enter.

John Carter claim that 40 percent of nation's illegal residents came by plane and overstayed visas draws on 2006 estimate
from all I've seen. the majority of the LEGAL Hispanics who did things the RIGHT WAY to become a citizen in this country. is against giving any FAVORS to the Illegal INVADERS coming into our country. no matter what race or nationality they are

You are making the assumption all Illegal immigrants are Hispanics.

The vast majority are. In fact, the vast majority are Mexican. DTMB does assume that all people who speak Spanish should bow to the Mexicans, though an Argentine has nothing at all in common with Mexicans. Guatemalans are openly discriminated against by Mexico, but in the mind of the left, they will be offended should we not keep the boarder open for invasion by Mexico.

You have to remember that the argument of the left is ultimately stupid - and highly destructive.

Let's not quibble over the ethnicity of the invading Brown hordes.

Of the 11 million or so illegals in this country 40% are people who overstayed their visas and didn't cross any border to enter.

You stand by the 11 million number, eh? Tells me most of what I need to know 'bout you........
That's when it started. You will notice I said "That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party"

Blacks were irrelevant to the GOP under Nixon precisely because only single digits of black voters supported Republicans anyway.

Nixon took Southern voters who clung to "guns, god, and the constitution" away from the democrats, who had utter contempt for them then, as they do now. Blacks were irrelevant. Dumbfuckocrats like to create slander that Nixon wanted to purge the party of blacks - there were too few to make a difference. FDR wooed the blacks with Welfare and the New Deal half a century before that.
from all I've seen. the majority of the LEGAL Hispanics who did things the RIGHT WAY to become a citizen in this country. is against giving any FAVORS to the Illegal INVADERS coming into our country. no matter what race or nationality they are

You are making the assumption all Illegal immigrants are Hispanics.

The vast majority are. In fact, the vast majority are Mexican. DTMB does assume that all people who speak Spanish should bow to the Mexicans, though an Argentine has nothing at all in common with Mexicans. Guatemalans are openly discriminated against by Mexico, but in the mind of the left, they will be offended should we not keep the boarder open for invasion by Mexico.

You have to remember that the argument of the left is ultimately stupid - and highly destructive.

Let's not quibble over the ethnicity of the invading Brown hordes.

Of the 11 million or so illegals in this country 40% are people who overstayed their visas and didn't cross any border to enter.

John Carter claim that 40 percent of nation's illegal residents came by plane and overstayed visas draws on 2006 estimate
That's the unwarranted fear common to most on the frightened, hateful right: more 'brown people.'
Bush won almost half of them in 2004

Uhh..... no, don't think so, not even close.

Nixon and the Southern Strategy (and Reagan) were certainly opportunistic in going after the racist vote abandoned by the DP, but black shift to the DP started back with FDR (as far as electoral count) and reached a denouement with LBJ (as far as party membership).

We did this in another thread recently. I'll look it up.

Bush won 44% of Hispanics in 2004. I wasn't talking about blacks.

Oops -- sorry, my misread.

Here's that post I was looking for about the timeline:

The black vote started demonstrably going Democratic in FDR's first election (1932), and saw significant spikes in 1948 and 1964... 1932 of course was a huge vote for FDR as a quest for relief against the ravages of the Depression, appealing to the poor, the unemployed, the lower classes --- those most affected by the economic collapse. Add to this that the DP had taken on the Populist movement with the turn of the century while the RP had been shifting to the interests of corporations and the rich, and that the "Progressive" era policies both parties flirted with were largely embraced in Roosevelt's New Deal, and these are the seeds of the DP attracting minorities and the poor in general, including blacks, Jews, Catholics and immigrants.

While these may have been attractions to the DP for these constituencies, probably two factors acted as repulsion away from the RP: first, its association with the rich and hyper-rich around the turn of the century, and later, the association with the "Moral Majority". Both of these are polarizing dynamics that establish a meritocratic hierarchy. People don't go where they don't feel welcome.


It wasn't until 1948 though that most blacks self-identifed as "Democrats":


-- 1948 would be when Harry Truman had integrated the military and the DP convention made so much noise about "civil rights" including a stirring speech by Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey, that an entire contingent from the South walked out, started their own short-lived party, ran a candidate and very nearly cost Truman the election.

From the source of these charts:
Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960.

But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.​

Nixon appears in 1968; you'll notice the shift is well before that.

While I don't disagree with the thrust of the thread, the Southern Strategy was more about glomming on to the white conservative South as a political constituency than about dismissing blacks, actively or passively. Blacks had already left before that.
Trump was the joke candidate for the last 20+ years. No one ever took his talk of running seriously. Fast foreward to today, he is a double digit frontrunner. I believe that says a lot about the state of the Republican party and their internal struggles. They are forced into the corner of choosing between popularity and electability. neither is going to work. Their numbers are up only because the spotlight is on them. When the field shrinks and the debate is more pointed, Trump won't look so good, especially on policy.

The media kept claiming that Hillary is anointed, and Jeb would be a faux opponent to bash as she was coronated. Trump is the reaction to the concept that Hillary or Bush should be president.

Now Jeb was never a serious contender, he was pimped by the DNC press to promote Hillary - but I literally have not met a single Republican that ever supported him. Yes, every leftist on the board shrieks that Jeb must be the GOP pick, just as I now demand that Hillary be the dumbfuckocrat nominee - and for the same reason.

With Hillary destroyed (far too early, dammit) and Jeb exposed as a media hoax, the fortunes of Trump will wane.

I never said Jeb was the pick, but they always go with the establishment guy. Trump ain't it. He didn't do well in the first debate. He walked away on top only because it was a circus. In a more direct policy debate he will get eaten up.

You say that about Hillary but she won' have to work as hard as your boys will. It's their job to knock her off and not the opposite.
Romney lost by nearly six million votes. Not even close. Repubs will lose in every demo except white men, again. Who are you scolding?


They will take white women as well.

Run Hillary and they will take most demographics. Yes, you have 35 million illegals who will vote, still, the American people detest Hillary, so it won't be enough.

And you know it.

Sadly, it looks like the dims are going to dump the old crook before the election.

Still, do you REALLY think Biden can beat - well, anyone?

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