Trump will take the blame!

The fool literally said "I will take the blame for the government shutdown...I WANT a government shutdown."

#RepublicanLogic #LOLGOP

You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"

No he said, and I quote.

"I will be PROUD TO OWN The Government Shutdown".

He owns it. He wants it.

He claims he "Has The Votes" to fund his goddman Wall. Which if true means he does not need Democrats in first damn place. As it is, that Orange Faced Lying Shit Stain walked into Pelosi's Trap.

I cannot wait until he tries walk back those words. It will not work. The Video will play on an endless loop, a testament to the outright stupidity of Man who is so dumb that he does not know when he is being played.

If Trump had truly walked into Pelosi's trap , you wouldn't be here shitting your pants over what he said. You would just be "ha it will never happen" but you're not, you're here shitting your pants because Nancy Pelosi couldn't outsmart Maxine Waters, let alone Donald Trump. And Chuck Schumer, lol he looked like a little kid that the adults were humoring by letting him stay in the room , every once in awhile Donald would be all "oh Chuck that's cute, do you want a cookie dearie?"

Oh Please.

That Man ain't got the sense god gave dried up dog turd.

He got played by Pelosi and you are dumb enough think what he says ain't true.

If 45 told you Shit tasted like Chocolate you would eat it.

The hilarious thing is if Trump had ran as a Democrat that would be exactly true for you. As for me, when Trump gets played, I'll call him out.

Personally I thought both sides looked like morons in that meeting, with it being obvious that the Dems will NEVER EVER work with Trump. Trump could say "Nancy I will spend $1B of my own money to fight cancer if you will spend $500K of your own" and that bitch would "derrrrrr fighting cancer doesn't solve cancer we have to get cancer to know what is in it derrrrrrrrrr" and you think she owned anyone ? LOL
Nancy Pelsoi Says House Democrats To Begin Process To Obtain Orange Shit Gibbons Tax Returns.

Subpoena Power...if 45 ain't got nothing to hide...he will not fight it.
If Deficit Donald had not run out of other people's money, the Democrats would have no leverage. Trump spent more than the government took in. He runs this country like one of his bankrupt casinos.

Now Trump needs Congress to borrow some more money for him to spend.

Because of his massive overspending, Trump has put the country's security in danger. He has made himself hostage to the Democrats.

So fuck yeah the shutdown would be his fault. You bet your ass it would.

Donnie Dumb Dumb walked into Pelosi's Trap and fell for it. Now he owns it.

According 45 he has "The Votes", which if true means he does not need the Democrats at all.

But with his useless and loudmouth Grandstanding, he has owned something that will in the end blowup in his face.

Pelosi was Three Dimensional Chess and the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward 45 was playing one handed tiddlywinks.

He said he has the votes in the House--not the Senate.
Trump stuns Pelosi and Schumer in contentious debate over the border wall

Trump had a meeting with Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in front of the press the other day and Trump said he would close down government if they did not fund his border wall

That's right everyone! Trump said he will take the blame!

What great news for the Dims. In fact, I suggest they do this as soon as possible.
That was then and this is now. Did you really think that the lying scum would stick to his word? He doesn't even know what he is going to say until he says it and does not remember what he said before. He's truly pathetic as are those who defend him

Trump backtracks blaming Dems for possible shutdown -- after saying 'I am proud to shut down the government'
The fool literally said "I will take the blame for the government shutdown...I WANT a government shutdown."

#RepublicanLogic #LOLGOP

You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"

No he said, and I quote.

"I will be PROUD TO OWN The Government Shutdown".

He owns it. He wants it.

He claims he "Has The Votes" to fund his goddman Wall. Which if true means he does not need Democrats in first damn place. As it is, that Orange Faced Lying Shit Stain walked into Pelosi's Trap.

I cannot wait until he tries walk back those words. It will not work. The Video will play on an endless loop, a testament to the outright stupidity of Man who is so dumb that he does not know when he is being played.

If Trump had truly walked into Pelosi's trap , you wouldn't be here shitting your pants over what he said. You would just be "ha it will never happen" but you're not, you're here shitting your pants because Nancy Pelosi couldn't outsmart Maxine Waters, let alone Donald Trump. And Chuck Schumer, lol he looked like a little kid that the adults were humoring by letting him stay in the room , every once in awhile Donald would be all "oh Chuck that's cute, do you want a cookie dearie?"

Oh Please.

That Man ain't got the sense god gave dried up dog turd.

He got played by Pelosi and you are dumb enough think what he says ain't true.

If 45 told you Shit tasted like Chocolate you would eat it.

The hilarious thing is if Trump had ran as a Democrat that would be exactly true for you. As for me, when Trump gets played, I'll call him out.

Personally I thought both sides looked like morons in that meeting, with it being obvious that the Dems will NEVER EVER work with Trump. Trump could say "Nancy I will spend $1B of my own money to fight cancer if you will spend $500K of your own" and that bitch would "derrrrrr fighting cancer doesn't solve cancer we have to get cancer to know what is in it derrrrrrrrrr" and you think she owned anyone ? LOL

Damn Right. Why should they. For 8-Years RePuBlKans were nothing but Obstructionist. Now you expect to work with a Traitor?

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