Trump will take the blame!

Trump stuns Pelosi and Schumer in contentious debate over the border wall

Trump had a meeting with Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in front of the press the other day and Trump said he would close down government if they did not fund his border wall

That's right everyone! Trump said he will take the blame!

What great news for the Dims. In fact, I suggest they do this as soon as possible.

For at least 15-Minutes, in what has become a well worn and often used Photo-Op, 45 proved what a total ass he is. He acually and honestly said that "I'm Proud To Shut Down The Government".

Trump: "I'm proud to shut down the government" over border wall.

In a meeting, with the Press in the Room 45 got into war of words with Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Orange Shit Gibbon openly boasted that he would "Shutdown The Government" if he did not get funding for his border wall.

A Wall that during the 2016 Campaign 45 said Mexico would pay for.

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer tried to talk the White House Idiot down, but 45 jumped in with both feet saying he would proud to own shutting down the Government.

45, in true RePuBliKlan Style tried to blame Senator Schumer for last Shutdown and Schumer denied it...and 45 kept pushing it over Mr. Schumer's objections.

But now, with the Press Corps in the Room 45 has openly decided that he will own a Shutdown....which will in the end blow up in his face.

Now, I know all the Dumber Than Dirt, Dead From The Neck Up, Goose Stepping GroppenFuhrer Seig Heil Shouting Followers will at first blush think this the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Then when the shutdown blows up 45's face, he will of course deny he ever said that he would "Proud To Own The Shutdown".

Then that video clip will play on an endless loop every single news cycle.

Fuck That Lying Lowlife, Scum Sucking, Shit Eating, 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward and Russian Dictator he gives blowjobs to.
If Deficit Donald had not run out of other people's money, the Democrats would have no leverage. Trump spent more than the government took in. He runs this country like one of his bankrupt casinos.

Now Trump needs Congress to borrow some more money for him to spend.

Because of his massive overspending, Trump has put the country's security in danger. He has made himself hostage to the Democrats.

So fuck yeah the shutdown would be his fault. You bet your ass it would.
it's just as ugly when trump says ILLEGALS and that term is tossed to the wayside and/or made to be a modern version of the "N" word. i've never heard trump talk about "legal" immigration from mexico being an issue, just illegal.

It's been a platform of Republicans for 40 years! Screaming about illegals is what gets them elected. 40 years of bad ideas, failed policies and sabre rattling tends to make voters that actually care about the issue wary, especially when the efforts from Republicans have about the same effect as doing nothing. More taxpayer money wasted and the cycle continues. The Orange Virus' solutions are just as stupid and counterproductive as his predecessors. Perhaps even more, as we now have illegals in internment camps. Now what? Say you're doing something, throw money at it, blame the opposition party for not doing enough/obstructing and then pass the issue on down the road to the next sucker that wants to 'take the mantle'. It's mostly political posturing bullshit.

you're a racist if you favor it now cause that's how the left defines things they can't defend - with a horrible social connotation hoping that will make people stop arguing with them. but they ignore the term ILLEGAL to suit their benefits so the whole "all coming from trump" i can't buy into cause the left is far from being fair about it either as they knowingly bitch at trump for using tear gas and ignore obama doing it even more. they bitch at trump for caging kids OF WHICH he never did OF WHICH obama's camp did.

The left isn't being fair, the right isn't being fair. Boo hoo. The left has gone bat shit with bleeding heart identity politics so much that it's difficult for them to follow through with the rest of their agendas. The right wants to be 'anti-PC/women/immigrant/etc.' so much so they've taken on using the same tactics as the left to broadcast this agenda, wearing their disdain on their sleeves. Besides that, it's the same shit, different decade. Our dumb-as-rocks population treats politics like a sporting event, anyway.

so when they can apply rage evenly to situations, not people, things will start to get better.

You'd have better luck herding cats, IMHO
Trump stuns Pelosi and Schumer in contentious debate over the border wall

Trump had a meeting with Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in front of the press the other day and Trump said he would close down government if they did not fund his border wall

That's right everyone! Trump said he will take the blame!

What great news for the Dims. In fact, I suggest they do this as soon as possible.

For at least 15-Minutes, in what has become a well worn and often used Photo-Op, 45 proved what a total ass he is. He acually and honestly said that "I'm Proud To Shut Down The Government".

Trump: "I'm proud to shut down the government" over border wall.

In a meeting, with the Press in the Room 45 got into war of words with Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Orange Shit Gibbon openly boasted that he would "Shutdown The Government" if he did not get funding for his border wall.

A Wall that during the 2016 Campaign 45 said Mexico would pay for.

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer tried to talk the White House Idiot down, but 45 jumped in with both feet saying he would proud to own shutting down the Government.

45, in true RePuBliKlan Style tried to blame Senator Schumer for last Shutdown and Schumer denied it...and 45 kept pushing it over Mr. Schumer's objections.

But now, with the Press Corps in the Room 45 has openly decided that he will own a Shutdown....which will in the end blow up in his face.

Now, I know all the Dumber Than Dirt, Dead From The Neck Up, Goose Stepping GroppenFuhrer Seig Heil Shouting Followers will at first blush think this the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Then when the shutdown blows up 45's face, he will of course deny he ever said that he would "Proud To Own The Shutdown".

Then that video clip will play on an endless loop every single news cycle.

Fuck That Lying Lowlife, Scum Sucking, Shit Eating, 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward and Russian Dictator he gives blowjobs to.
why did he say he'd shut it down? do you even know or care?
I'm okay with a wall. I'm not okay will millions of illegal immigrants coming to stay every year. The wall will not fix all the illegal immigration problems. However, it will send a message to the rest of the world that illegal immigration into the USA is no longer acceptable. Also, it will make it more difficult (not impossible) to cross the southern border illegally.

Also, practically no one believed Mexico would be writing America a check to pay for the wall. That being said, solving the problems we have with illegal immigration will more than pay for the wall. Think of how much we will save for each anchor baby is prevented from being born in the USA.

Nancy And Chuck don't want the wall because they see the illegal immigrants as future Democrat voters.

$25+ Billion (approximately) to send a 'message'. Got it.
to send a message, and quite a bit more. A message was just one part. But I'm suspect you realize that.
I'm okay with a wall. I'm not okay will millions of illegal immigrants coming to stay every year. The wall will not fix all the illegal immigration problems. However, it will send a message to the rest of the world that illegal immigration into the USA is no longer acceptable. Also, it will make it more difficult (not impossible) to cross the southern border illegally.

Also, practically no one believed Mexico would be writing America a check to pay for the wall. That being said, solving the problems we have with illegal immigration will more than pay for the wall. Think of how much we will save for each anchor baby is prevented from being born in the USA.

Nancy And Chuck don't want the wall because they see the illegal immigrants as future Democrat voters.

$25+ Billion (approximately) to send a 'message'. Got it.
to send a message, and quite a bit more. A message was just one part. But I'm suspect you realize that.
what do you supposed that message was?
Trump stuns Pelosi and Schumer in contentious debate over the border wall

Trump had a meeting with Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in front of the press the other day and Trump said he would close down government if they did not fund his border wall

That's right everyone! Trump said he will take the blame!

What great news for the Dims. In fact, I suggest they do this as soon as possible.

For at least 15-Minutes, in what has become a well worn and often used Photo-Op, 45 proved what a total ass he is. He acually and honestly said that "I'm Proud To Shut Down The Government".

Trump: "I'm proud to shut down the government" over border wall.

In a meeting, with the Press in the Room 45 got into war of words with Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Orange Shit Gibbon openly boasted that he would "Shutdown The Government" if he did not get funding for his border wall.

A Wall that during the 2016 Campaign 45 said Mexico would pay for.

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer tried to talk the White House Idiot down, but 45 jumped in with both feet saying he would proud to own shutting down the Government.

45, in true RePuBliKlan Style tried to blame Senator Schumer for last Shutdown and Schumer denied it...and 45 kept pushing it over Mr. Schumer's objections.

But now, with the Press Corps in the Room 45 has openly decided that he will own a Shutdown....which will in the end blow up in his face.

Now, I know all the Dumber Than Dirt, Dead From The Neck Up, Goose Stepping GroppenFuhrer Seig Heil Shouting Followers will at first blush think this the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Then when the shutdown blows up 45's face, he will of course deny he ever said that he would "Proud To Own The Shutdown".

Then that video clip will play on an endless loop every single news cycle.

Fuck That Lying Lowlife, Scum Sucking, Shit Eating, 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward and Russian Dictator he gives blowjobs to.
why did he say he'd shut it down? do you even know or care?

Because he so dumb enough to played by Speaker Pelsoi into saying it.


Now, it will be up to the Republicans to either hang with 45 and walk off a cliff or walk away to salvage whatever is left of the party of the November General.
I'm okay with a wall. I'm not okay will millions of illegal immigrants coming to stay every year. The wall will not fix all the illegal immigration problems. However, it will send a message to the rest of the world that illegal immigration into the USA is no longer acceptable. Also, it will make it more difficult (not impossible) to cross the southern border illegally.

Also, practically no one believed Mexico would be writing America a check to pay for the wall. That being said, solving the problems we have with illegal immigration will more than pay for the wall. Think of how much we will save for each anchor baby is prevented from being born in the USA.

Nancy And Chuck don't want the wall because they see the illegal immigrants as future Democrat voters.

$25+ Billion (approximately) to send a 'message'. Got it.
to send a message, and quite a bit more. A message was just one part. But I'm suspect you realize that.
what do you supposed that message was?

That he is Misogynistic Lying POS, who got played by Nancy Pelosi.
Blame me.

Shit, If I shut the fuckin gov't down it would be complete. All essential functions would become state responsibility.

Then I'd go to the beach.

If Deficit Donald had not run out of other people's money, the Democrats would have no leverage. Trump spent more than the government took in. He runs this country like one of his bankrupt casinos.

Now Trump needs Congress to borrow some more money for him to spend.

Because of his massive overspending, Trump has put the country's security in danger. He has made himself hostage to the Democrats.

So fuck yeah the shutdown would be his fault. You bet your ass it would.

Donnie Dumb Dumb walked into Pelosi's Trap and fell for it. Now he owns it.

According 45 he has "The Votes", which if true means he does not need the Democrats at all.

But with his useless and loudmouth Grandstanding, he has owned something that will in the end blowup in his face.

Pelosi was Three Dimensional Chess and the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward 45 was playing one handed tiddlywinks.
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The fool literally said "I will take the blame for the government shutdown...I WANT a government shutdown."

#RepublicanLogic #LOLGOP

You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"
You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"
He also said that HE'D be the one to blame.

Watch the tape hack.
You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"
He also said that HE'D be the one to blame.

Watch the tape hack.

Of course that is what he said you fucking idiot, but that isn't the same thing as saying " I hope we have to do it"

Jesus Christ you people are just morons.
Of course that is what he said you fucking idiot, but that isn't the same thing as saying " I hope we have to do it"

Jesus Christ you people are just morons.
Hack, where did I say that he said "I hope we have to do it."

How dumb are you exactly?
Of course that is what he said you fucking idiot, but that isn't the same thing as saying " I hope we have to do it"

Jesus Christ you people are just morons.
Hack, where did I say that he said "I hope we have to do it."

How dumb are you exactly?

You can't be serious., there are at least 10 people just in this thread, including the one I originally quoted who said "Trump wants to shut down the government"
The fool literally said "I will take the blame for the government shutdown...I WANT a government shutdown."

#RepublicanLogic #LOLGOP

You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"

No he said, and I quote.

"I will be PROUD TO OWN The Government Shutdown".

He owns it. He wants it.

He claims he "Has The Votes" to fund his goddman Wall. Which if true means he does not need Democrats in first damn place. As it is, that Orange Faced Lying Shit Stain walked into Pelosi's Trap.

I cannot wait until he tries walk back those words. It will not work. The Video will play on an endless loop, a testament to the outright stupidity of Man who is so dumb that he does not know when he is being played.
Of course that is what he said you fucking idiot, but that isn't the same thing as saying " I hope we have to do it"

Jesus Christ you people are just morons.
Hack, where did I say that he said "I hope we have to do it."

How dumb are you exactly?

You do know your talking to Conservative right....we all know those people have a problem reading Dick, Jane and Sally.
The fool literally said "I will take the blame for the government shutdown...I WANT a government shutdown."

#RepublicanLogic #LOLGOP

You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"

No he said, and I quote.

"I will be PROUD TO OWN The Government Shutdown".

He owns it. He wants it.

He claims he "Has The Votes" to fund his goddman Wall. Which if true means he does not need Democrats in first damn place. As it is, that Orange Faced Lying Shit Stain walked into Pelosi's Trap.

I cannot wait until he tries walk back those words. It will not work. The Video will play on an endless loop, a testament to the outright stupidity of Man who is so dumb that he does not know when he is being played.

If Trump had truly walked into Pelosi's trap , you wouldn't be here shitting your pants over what he said. You would just be "ha it will never happen" but you're not, you're here shitting your pants because Nancy Pelosi couldn't outsmart Maxine Waters, let alone Donald Trump. And Chuck Schumer, lol he looked like a little kid that the adults were humoring by letting him stay in the room , every once in awhile Donald would be all "oh Chuck that's cute, do you want a cookie dearie?"
The fool literally said "I will take the blame for the government shutdown...I WANT a government shutdown."

#RepublicanLogic #LOLGOP

You people are stupid and barely literate

He did not say "I want a government shut down" He said " I would be proud to shut the government down over wall funding" which does not mean " I hope we shut down the government"

No he said, and I quote.

"I will be PROUD TO OWN The Government Shutdown".

He owns it. He wants it.

He claims he "Has The Votes" to fund his goddman Wall. Which if true means he does not need Democrats in first damn place. As it is, that Orange Faced Lying Shit Stain walked into Pelosi's Trap.

I cannot wait until he tries walk back those words. It will not work. The Video will play on an endless loop, a testament to the outright stupidity of Man who is so dumb that he does not know when he is being played.

If Trump had truly walked into Pelosi's trap , you wouldn't be here shitting your pants over what he said. You would just be "ha it will never happen" but you're not, you're here shitting your pants because Nancy Pelosi couldn't outsmart Maxine Waters, let alone Donald Trump. And Chuck Schumer, lol he looked like a little kid that the adults were humoring by letting him stay in the room , every once in awhile Donald would be all "oh Chuck that's cute, do you want a cookie dearie?"

Oh Please.

That Man ain't got the sense god gave dried up dog turd.

He got played by Pelosi and you are dumb enough think what he says ain't true.

If 45 told you Shit tasted like Chocolate you would eat it.

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