Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

How is that a model showing he'll win? Rural areas make up a small portion of the overall vote. It's the suburban areas Trump needs to win and right now the Republican Party is faltering, hence the result of last year's midterms.
I think the data shows, or at least what I saw yesterday so maybe it's the same source data, that in places like Minn, Wisc and … PA he might have narrow wins … if the suburbs don't turn out with enthusiasm. If the dems run a candidate who can be branded "socialist" …. he might win.

I tend to think 2020 is two things. A referendum on the current president and a war of the bases. There simply is not that big of a so called moderate middle anymore.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
I think the data shows, or at least what I saw yesterday so maybe it's the same source data, that in places like Minn, Wisc and … PA he might have narrow wins … if the suburbs don't turn out with enthusiasm. If the dems run a candidate who can be branded "socialist" …. he might win.

I tend to think 2020 is two things. A referendum on the current president and a war of the bases. There simply is not that big of a so called moderate middle anymore.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality
the fake injun

^See, let the right get hung up on this, most people don't care.
At the rate trumps policies are working, there won’t be enough farmers left to matter.
A farmer without a farm is no longer called a farmer. He’s called a Trump Republican cult member.
I think the data shows, or at least what I saw yesterday so maybe it's the same source data, that in places like Minn, Wisc and … PA he might have narrow wins … if the suburbs don't turn out with enthusiasm. If the dems run a candidate who can be branded "socialist" …. he might win.

I tend to think 2020 is two things. A referendum on the current president and a war of the bases. There simply is not that big of a so called moderate middle anymore.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.
I tend to think 2020 is two things. A referendum on the current president and a war of the bases. There simply is not that big of a so called moderate middle anymore.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality
the fake injun

^See, let the right get hung up on this, most people don't care.
it was huge. you don't get it, go figure.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.

She doesn't have to be a good candidate (she's not). She just has to be perceived to be better than Trump. That's the bar the American people have set these days.
I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.

The Trump campaign would come back and nail her as a New England elitist, like was done with John Kerry. They'll bring up her $300k salary to teach one class at Harvard. And yes, they will bring up her Indian claim and while I agree it probably isn't a big factor at the end of the day, it is a negative against her credibility.

What I find sadly comedic is the idea of a billionaire and a millionaire trying to convince millions of middle class people they understand their daily struggles.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.

Don't you know? Liberals only demand tolerance from their opponents. But they are free to all the assholes they want to be.

At the rate trumps policies are working, there won’t be enough farmers left to matter..

More Bullshit from DeNARD.
I tend to think 2020 is two things. A referendum on the current president and a war of the bases. There simply is not that big of a so called moderate middle anymore.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.

They mostly seem OK with it. It's only white wingnuts who dabble in casual racism who seem to care much for the most part.
I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.

The Trump campaign would come back and nail her as a New England elitist, like was done with John Kerry. They'll bring up her $300k salary to teach one class at Harvard. And yes, they will bring up her Indian claim and while I agree it probably isn't a big factor at the end of the day, it is a negative against her credibility.

They called Obama an arugula eating elitist. I remember Hannity's fucking stupid rant about spicy mustard. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

What I find sadly comedic is the idea of a billionaire and a millionaire trying to convince millions of middle class people they understand their daily struggles.

I think how they earned their money is important. I don't begrudge anyone for being rich, I have respect for those that would raise their own tax rate for the betterment of the middle class and country.

Warren's income, who is going to have a problem with that? WInguts? Seriously, think about that.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.

They mostly seem OK with it. It's only white wingnuts who dabble in casual racism who seem to care much for the most part.
yeah, keep telling yourself that. you should go smoke with Pocahontas.
I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.

The Trump campaign would come back and nail her as a New England elitist, like was done with John Kerry. They'll bring up her $300k salary to teach one class at Harvard. And yes, they will bring up her Indian claim and while I agree it probably isn't a big factor at the end of the day, it is a negative against her credibility.

What I find sadly comedic is the idea of a billionaire and a millionaire trying to convince millions of middle class people they understand their daily struggles.
I understand what you're saying but she is not an elitist. Joey is right in that she is a died in the wool populist. At worst she is a William O Douglas to FDR, but while Douglas was the opposite of an elitist, he was pretty close to a socialist, or at least he viewed capital as needing a LOT of regulation.

What I don't know about her is whether she really has it in her to stand up to Trump. Joey is right that repeated explanations of her "Indian thing" are self-defeating. But she needs, imo, to have one public answer to Trump's attacks that is just about many families have their own family-narrative of where they came from. Her's has been that they are part of the Trail of Tears forced exodus. And she can say she's already discussed with native American groups if this was hurtful. And while she doesn't put Trump down for his own family history, the fact is that Trump himself claimed his family immigrated from Switzerland, and not Germany, and in fact the immigrant was a whore monger and his father a racist slum lord. But she won't put him down for that because people should be based on who they are, and not on their ancestors. And she's sorry if she ever gave an impression otherwise. And just refuse to comment further. and stick to her populist issues.
I tend to think 2020 is two things. A referendum on the current president and a war of the bases. There simply is not that big of a so called moderate middle anymore.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.
She insulted Indians by wanting to be one? That’s nonsense.

Even worse, Trump’s has insulted American Indians by taking one of their folk heroes and turning it into a slur.

Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas is like calling a white American George Washington and meaning it as a slur.

Republicans are so racist they don’t even know when they’re being racist. Because it’s just who they are.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.
She insulted Indians by wanting to be one? That’s nonsense.

Even worse, Trump’s has insulted American Indians by taking one of their folk heroes and turning it into a slur.

Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas is like calling a white American George Washington and meaning it as a slur.

Republicans are so racist they don’t even know when they’re being racist. Because it’s just who they are.
why are all the colleges having to change their names then? explain tonto.
I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.

The Trump campaign would come back and nail her as a New England elitist, like was done with John Kerry. They'll bring up her $300k salary to teach one class at Harvard. And yes, they will bring up her Indian claim and while I agree it probably isn't a big factor at the end of the day, it is a negative against her credibility.

What I find sadly comedic is the idea of a billionaire and a millionaire trying to convince millions of middle class people they understand their daily struggles.
I understand what you're saying but she is not an elitist. Joey is right in that she is a died in the wool populist. At worst she is a William O Douglas to FDR, but while Douglas was the opposite of an elitist, he was pretty close to a socialist, or at least he viewed capital as needing a LOT of regulation.

What I don't know about her is whether she really has it in her to stand up to Trump. Joey is right that repeated explanations of her "Indian thing" are self-defeating. But she needs, imo, to have one public answer to Trump's attacks that is just about many families have their own family-narrative of where they came from. Her's has been that they are part of the Trail of Tears forced exodus. And she can say she's already discussed with native American groups if this was hurtful. And while she doesn't put Trump down for his own family history, the fact is that Trump himself claimed his family immigrated from Switzerland, and not Germany, and in fact the immigrant was a whore monger and his father a racist slum lord. But she won't put him down for that because people should be based on who they are, and not on their ancestors. And she's sorry if she ever gave an impression otherwise. And just refuse to comment further. and stick to her populist issues.
what has been her sacrifice then? being injun? fk can't make up the apologists in here. wow.
Well, I'm still a right leaning social moderate/libertarian …. and I won't vote for Sanders, and Warren would have to convince me she acutally understands working class whites who are stuck, and will remain stuck, in service jobs and truck gardens.

I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.
She insulted Indians by wanting to be one? That’s nonsense.

Even worse, Trump’s has insulted American Indians by taking one of their folk heroes and turning it into a slur.

Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas is like calling a white American George Washington and meaning it as a slur.

Republicans are so racist they don’t even know when they’re being racist. Because it’s just who they are.

She insulted native americans by posing as if she shared what was done to their families. But that's something for them.
I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.

The Trump campaign would come back and nail her as a New England elitist, like was done with John Kerry. They'll bring up her $300k salary to teach one class at Harvard. And yes, they will bring up her Indian claim and while I agree it probably isn't a big factor at the end of the day, it is a negative against her credibility.

What I find sadly comedic is the idea of a billionaire and a millionaire trying to convince millions of middle class people they understand their daily struggles.
I understand what you're saying but she is not an elitist. Joey is right in that she is a died in the wool populist. At worst she is a William O Douglas to FDR, but while Douglas was the opposite of an elitist, he was pretty close to a socialist, or at least he viewed capital as needing a LOT of regulation.

What I don't know about her is whether she really has it in her to stand up to Trump. Joey is right that repeated explanations of her "Indian thing" are self-defeating. But she needs, imo, to have one public answer to Trump's attacks that is just about many families have their own family-narrative of where they came from. Her's has been that they are part of the Trail of Tears forced exodus. And she can say she's already discussed with native American groups if this was hurtful. And while she doesn't put Trump down for his own family history, the fact is that Trump himself claimed his family immigrated from Switzerland, and not Germany, and in fact the immigrant was a whore monger and his father a racist slum lord. But she won't put him down for that because people should be based on who they are, and not on their ancestors. And she's sorry if she ever gave an impression otherwise. And just refuse to comment further. and stick to her populist issues.
what has been her sacrifice then? being injun? fk can't make up the apologists in here. wow.

Fuck the indian thing, tonto. Warren grew up w/o Trump's silver spoon. Probably with less than Obama too, but that's not a real issue.
I think much of the word Warren has done has been to protect consumers and tax payers from fleecing corporations hiding behind fine print and shady business practices which is why she is responsible for starting up the CFPB, also pro union/worker and would like to redo our tax line up to help the middle class. But that's for another thread.

Ok, so you're a right leaning social moderate/libertarian. Then you are on the right and the Republican party just isn't doing it for you. I'm not sure who you voted for in 2008 and 2012 but probably not Obama if you're any sort of libertarian. You are a casualty of the war of the bases.
I think Warren could win if she could channel a populist, and if she were capable of skewing Trumps racial fears and absurd personality

I think she is a populist, a real one, not a demagogue like the douche in the White House now. I have to say when Warren first jumped in, while I agree with her policies I didn't like her as a candidate. I was concerned that she may be perceived as Clinton 2.0 or come off as some far left socialist (ignoring what the wingnuts say, they thought Clinton was a communist). She has made it a point to have a plan for damn near anything, which is the polar opposite of Trump who never seems to have a plan, at least not one he sticks to.

I think she can do it, I just hope she doesn't try to come up with "clever" comeback lines for Trump. Just call him an asshole, point out his many failings and for the love of god keep talking about the middle class.
she insulted a nation of indians, and you think she's a good candidate. wow.
She insulted Indians by wanting to be one? That’s nonsense.

Even worse, Trump’s has insulted American Indians by taking one of their folk heroes and turning it into a slur.

Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas is like calling a white American George Washington and meaning it as a slur.

Republicans are so racist they don’t even know when they’re being racist. Because it’s just who they are.

She insulted native americans by posing as if she shared what was done to their families. But that's something for them.
and anyone who knows what that means. It's called sacrifice, and I asked what it is she has? She escaped sacrifice by posing as an injun in college.

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