Trump wins again...if he can sell TruthSocial in time for $3b...stay tuned. (Poll)

Will you buy shares in the new DJT stock issue?

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    Votes: 7 17.1%
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    Votes: 34 82.9%

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1. Americans are much worse off than they were 4-years ago. Bidenflation took 20% of their income, everyone is poorer, except maybe Biden's wealthy donors. The 75% "wrong track" number says you're wrong.

2. According to the polls RFK gets 12% and Trump wins by more when RFK and Cornell and Marianne are included.

Well, no, that number has always been well over 60% for years.. so that doesn't say much, other than Americans are in kind of funk.

Americans are paying more but they are also making more. I talked to someone yesterday who was bitching he had to pay entry level people $19.00 an hour! And he still couldn't fill positions.

the fact you are hoping that third party candidates will save Trump tells me you know he is a loser. People aren't going to make the same mistake they made in 2016.
Well, no, that number has always been well over 60% for years.. so that doesn't say much, other than Americans are in kind of funk.

Americans are paying more but they are also making more. I talked to someone yesterday who was bitching he had to pay entry level people $19.00 an hour! And he still couldn't fill positions.

the fact you are hoping that third party candidates will save Trump tells me you know he is a loser. People aren't going to make the same mistake they made in 2016.
1. A 75% wrong track number says "throw the bums out".
2. As minimum wages go up, owners need to lay people off to stay open.
3. Not saying Trump is a loser, saying democrats cheat, and every vote helps.
Not sure why you say Trump was a mistake? People are saying Biden was a mistake.
Not sure why you say Trump was a mistake? People are saying Biden was a mistake.

Trump was a mistake. -->> I'm people and I'm saying it.

Biden - IMHO - was a place holder post mistake (Trump).

Neither Biden or Trump should be on the General. Biden because he's to old and not up to the job. Trump because he's a con man and grifter that just wants the fame and is only running for two reasons:

#1 Not to be known as a loser.


#2 Running to try to stay out of jail for his criminals activities.

Trump was a mistake. -->> I'm people and I'm saying it.
Biden - IMHO - was a place holder post mistake (Trump).
Neither Biden or Trump should be on the General. Biden because he's to old and not up to the job. Trump because he's a con man and grifter that just wants the fame and is only running for two reasons:
#1 Not to be known as a loser.....and
#2 Running to try to stay out of jail for his criminals activities.
1. Trump was a "NOT HILLARY" vote. I'm still proud of it.
2. "Always Wrong" Biden wasn't a mistake, he's a disaster.
3. Totally agree neither Trump nor Biden should be on the ballot. I was a Nikki Haley supporter.
4. I'm not sure why Trump is running, but your reasons are too partisan for me not to comment:
a) Not to be known as a "loser" is plausible, I imagine he likes the status and the ultimate power trip.
b) None of the 91 Banana Republic indictment counts are particularly scary, considering the legal contortions the prosecutors had to go thru. The most legit, at least according to AG Barr, is the mishandling of classified docs, but, as I recall Sandy Berger just lost his security clearance, so there doesn't seem to be much of a prison risk.
Just a reminder to the cult.

Because you banned Trump from Twitter, he started his own.

His share is worth roughly $4B currently.


Thanks so much.

Just a reminder to the cult.

Because you banned Trump from Twitter, he started his own.

His share is worth roughly $4B currently.


Thanks so much.

Except it's a meme stock he can't sell where the value is dropping like a rock now that people are seeing that it generates no revenue.

So much like Trump University, Trump Foundation, Trump Steaks, Trump Sneakers, Trump Bibles, it's just another Trump Scam.

And you suckers will be holding the bag.
Just a reminder to the cult.

Because you banned Trump from Twitter, he started his own.

His share is worth roughly $4B currently.

So the man lost about $1.5 BILLION in a week given that his share was valued at $5.5 Billion when it opened.

That takes some business genius right there.

I can now believe that the man bankrupted not one but two casinos where the business model is literally people walk in and hand you their money.

So the man lost about $1.5 BILLION in a week given that his share was valued at $5.5 Billion when it opened.

That takes some business genius right there.

I can now believe that the man bankrupted not one but two casinos where the business model is literally people walk in and hand you their money.


He also holds the record for the fastest bankruptcy of an airline.
He also holds the record for the fastest bankruptcy of an airline.
The Airline one was interesting. He insisted on having GOLD faucets in the bathrooms. But the problem there is gold is heavy, and the idea of an airliner is to keep everything as light as possible to reduce flight weight.

Same thing with his Casinos. He insisted on the most gaudy decorations, which cost money they didn't need to spend.
So the man lost about $1.5 BILLION in a week given that his share was valued at $5.5 Billion when it opened.

That takes some business genius right there.

I can now believe that the man bankrupted not one but two casinos where the business model is literally people walk in and hand you their money.


So he is a +4billion positon in a week.

Yea, what a dumb ass.
I really appreciate the cult forcing Trump to build his own Twitter.

You told him to.
He did.
He has made billions of dollars.

Thanks cult.
So he is a +4billion positon in a week.

Yea, what a dumb ass.

The Dumbasses are the ones who bought this stock without looking at the fundamentals.

How can a company with a 58 Billion dollar operating loss be worth billions?
I really appreciate the cult forcing Trump to build his own Twitter.

You told him to.
He did.
He has made billions of dollars.

Thanks cult.

Except those shares won't be worth the paper they are written on by Summer.
So he is ALREADY suing the cofounders. Wow.
  • The company that Donald Trump recently took public is suing its co-founders.
  • The lawsuit in Sarasota County, Florida, civil court seeks to bar Wesley Moss and Andrew Litinsky from appointing members to the company’s board — or owning any of its shares.
  • The suit was filed a month after Litinsky and Moss sued Trump Media & Technology Group in Delaware.
I thought Trump was in deep kimchi. Letitia James had him dead cold, cooked, legally toast...democrats were gloating and spiking the football, on the 1-yrd line.

....the desperation Hail Mary pass seems to be flying true, and straight to the goal line...

Trump is about to get $3 billion richer after deal is approved to take his company public. But it won’t solve his cash crunch​

Shareholders voted to approve Trump Media’s merger with a blank-check company, following years of legal and regulatory obstacles. Trump will own a dominant stake in a public company, with shares worth more than $3 billion at current market prices.

Trump is about to add another criminal charge to his resumee with this classic "pump and dump" operation on this stock.

The company is worthless, and losing money hand over fist. Trump has already asked the Board to let him out of his restriction on trading his shares for 6 months. If Trump sells his stock and the company collapses, he'll be looking at a MASSIVE fraud case.

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