Trump Wins Over 51% of Delegates Up for Grabs


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Out of 358 delegates up for the winning, Trump has already won 159 delegates, not counting what he will get in Missouri (about 26), which will be more than 51% of delegates up for grabs.

The common wisdom is that Trump needs to win 50%+ to get the nomination,so he is well on the way, obviously.

Kasich has 136 delegates and only 1141 delegates remain. For Kasich to win the nomination without a contested convention, he has to win EVERY REMAINING DELEGATE EXCEPT ONE.

Not likely at all.

But at least he is splitting the anti-Trump vote.
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Can you idiots on the left say...PRESIDENT TRUMP?

Out of 358 delegates up for the winning, Trump has already won 159 delegates, not counting what he will get in Missouri (about 26), which will be more than 51% of delegates up for grabs.

The common wisdom is that Trump needs to win 50%+ to get the nomination,so he is well on the way, obviously.

Yeah, still waiting on Missouri. Looks like Trump's gonna win it though. But regardless, it's already been a YUGE night for him.
Out of 358 delegates up for the winning, Trump has already won 159 delegates, not counting what he will get in Missouri (about 26), which will be more than 51% of delegates up for grabs.

The common wisdom is that Trump needs to win 50%+ to get the nomination,so he is well on the way, obviously.

Yeah, still waiting on Missouri. Looks like Trump's gonna win it though. But regardless, it's already been a YUGE night for him.
I just posted the numbers..
Sanders Beating Hillary In Missouri
This is what Trump does to a Cruz voter:

Can you imagine how much he made for doing that stunt?....YYUUUUUGE!!!!
I mean probably not that much. But I bet he had a fucking blast! Wouldn't you do that if you had the chance? He's shaving a billionaire's head there!

THIS is why he will be president, he KNOWS how to play to a crowd, and he KNOWS what they want to hear.... BUT he's such an egomaniac, that whatever he promises to deliver to the public, he will deliver on, it's part of his genetic makeup, unlike your Lying Hildebeast that NEVER says anything that is true!

This is what Trump does to a Cruz voter:

Can you imagine how much he made for doing that stunt?....YYUUUUUGE!!!!
I mean probably not that much. But I bet he had a fucking blast! Wouldn't you do that if you had the chance? He's shaving a billionaire's head there!

THIS is why he will be president, he KNOWS how to play to a crowd, and he KNOWS what they want to hear.... BUT he's such an egomaniac, that whatever he promises to deliver to the public, he will deliver on, it's part of his genetic makeup, unlike your Lying Hildebeast that NEVER says anything that is true!

until it doesnt.....

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