Trump won. Now look what is happening.

I predict the scam job Democrats are trying to pull, will be contested by the Trump team, and taken to the SCOTUS if necessary. Justice will prevail, and Trump will have 4 MORE YEARS.

Remember all those "Sobbing" Memes you Rumpers posted? Now, they are you, each and every one. Irony can be a bitch, can't it.
I predict the scam job Democrats are trying to pull, will be contested by the Trump team, and taken to the SCOTUS if necessary. Justice will prevail, and Trump will have 4 MORE YEARS.

What scam job?

Remember, you guys have cried wolf on voter fraud again and again. And it always amounted to nothing.
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
Where are the riots you guys said would be happening?
Proud Boys still standing by.

And have to be escorted by the Police so they don't get beat up like in Portland. That was one hell of a retreat, wasn't it.
I'll stick to my opinion
Trump will be the last republican president
It's that it may occur 4 years earlier than I thought
For what its worth, you will be able to say..."I told you so" when these fools see the way we all will live under Prog rule.

I'm already saying, "I told you so" to anyone who thought mail-in ballots were a spiffy idea and is now bitching about the tension and uncertainty. Actually, what I'm saying is, "Hey, asshole, this is what you wanted, so shut up and enjoy!"

Based on what? Your accusations of fraud?

Remember, accusations aren't evidence. We learned that in 2016 when Trump cried 'FRAUD' and none was found. And in 2018 when he cried 'FRAUD' and none was found.

And now you're recycling the exact same conspiracy with the exact same evidence: none.

Good luck with that.

What the actual fuck are you blathering about? Are you just so eager to insist that the Democrats are pure as the driven snow and couldn't POSSIBLY have done anything wrong that now you have to shout it in response to posts that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH FRAUD?! Can you be a bigger illiterate fucktard without elective surgery?!

I normally don't do this in regards to political discussions, but SHUT THE FUCK UP, you driveling moron. Do not presume to speak to me again unless and until you have something to say which actually relates to my post.
Fuck you, bitch. No one has to prove they didn't commit fraud just because you're too batshit insane to carelessly throw out mindless accusations of fraud with no proof because you have no proof to show.


'Prove my imagination didn't happen' is the stage we're in with conservatives and this 'voter fraud' fantasy.

The next stage is to expand the conspiracy to envelope any source that contradicts them.
It's amazing how they pull this same shit in every election and then they get pissed at us for not blindly accepting their baseless accusations as though they're not just crying "wolf" again.

They need a new playbook.
Everyone's Mail in vote or absentee ballot deserves to be counted. Counting after election day is normal and has happened in every election in U.S. history. Many military personal from overseas have not had their ballots counted yet. My own ballot was not counted until today, because the county I live in, in Pennsylvania, was not allowed to start counted mail in ballots until Wednesday!
Counting ballots after election day, is oddball enough. Deliberately FALSIFYING election results is something entirely different - known as FRAUD.

No, it really isn't. In fact, military ballots are typically counted days after election day. As are many absentee ballots.

The only thing atypical is the quantity. Not the occurrence. Counting votes after election day happens virtually every election.
Biden wins Michigan!

1 more to go!

Arizona is only 84% counted. There might be some wiggle room there. But otherwise, its over.
Still needs Nevada

Nope. With Nevada, Biden has 281. Without he has 275. The presidency happens at 270.

Don't get me wrong, I hope he wins Nevada. He doesn't need to.

Arizona is where my eyes still are. There are still about 400k votes uncounted and Biden leads by 100k. Most of the votes are coming out of urban areas which typically break left, but I'll be happier when the margin of victory is larger than the uncounted votes.

For the record, Maricopa County in Arizona usually tends to be a rather conservative area. You want left-leaning, you need Pima County.

Of course, things do change.

According to NBC News this morning, here's the rough breakdown by county of the uncounted votes in Arizona:

Gila: ~2300

Graham: ~1100

Greenlee 652

La Paz: 880

Maricopa: At least 250k

Pima: ~92k

Pinal: ~62k

Santa Cruz: ~3k

Yavapai: ~10k

Yuma: ~19k
I'll stick to my opinion
Trump will be the last republican president
It's that it may occur 4 years earlier than I thought
For what its worth, you will be able to say..."I told you so" when these fools see the way we all will live under Prog rule.

I'm already saying, "I told you so" to anyone who thought mail-in ballots were a spiffy idea and is now bitching about the tension and uncertainty. Actually, what I'm saying is, "Hey, asshole, this is what you wanted, so shut up and enjoy!"

Based on what? Your accusations of fraud?

Remember, accusations aren't evidence. We learned that in 2016 when Trump cried 'FRAUD' and none was found. And in 2018 when he cried 'FRAUD' and none was found.

And now you're recycling the exact same conspiracy with the exact same evidence: none.

Good luck with that.

What the actual fuck are you blathering about? Are you just so eager to insist that the Democrats are pure as the driven snow and couldn't POSSIBLY have done anything wrong that now you have to shout it in response to posts that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH FRAUD?! Can you be a bigger illiterate fucktard without elective surgery?!

I normally don't do this in regards to political discussions, but SHUT THE FUCK UP, you driveling moron. Do not presume to speak to me again unless and until you have something to say which actually relates to my post.
Fuck you, bitch. No one has to prove they didn't commit fraud just because you're too batshit insane to carelessly throw out mindless accusations of fraud with no proof because you have no proof to show.


'Prove my imagination didn't happen' is the stage we're in with conservatives and this 'voter fraud' fantasy.

The next stage is to expand the conspiracy to envelope any source that contradicts them.
It's amazing how they pull this same shit in every election and then they get pissed at us for not blindly accepting their baseless accusations as though they're not just crying "wolf" again.

They need a new playbook.

It depends on the audience. For their faithful, the current playbook is fine.

I mean, these are the same people that believe that Trump passed the VA Choice act in 2014, that China is paying our tariffs, and that Mexico paid for the wall.

You don't need a strong argument when you're trying to convince folks with poor critical thinking skills. Its the 71,000,000 and counting OTHER folks that you might have a problem with though.
Sorry, but the gimmick didn't work. The 3rd Red Scare just shot it's load.

Then watch and see. This is likely the beginning of the end of the great experiment. Our founders couldn't be more proud of you and yours.
Nah, 4 more years of Impeached Trump would have ended it. Biden & Harris will save us from that fate.
Last edited:
Fuck you, bitch. No one has to prove they didn't commit fraud just because you're too batshit insane to carelessly throw out mindless accusations of fraud with no proof because you have no proof to show.
HA HA HA. One of the looniest things about Dimocrats is how they claim you
"have no proof to show", when never has proof been more obvious. And this is so with a number of states, but just for brevity sake, I'll present one (Wisconsin).

At 4 AM, ABC News was reporting Trump waaay ahead in the vote counts of the remaining states (GA, PA, MI, WI, and with a tighter lead in NC) - all heading straight to a 294 electoral vote WIN.

Then, the Democrat FRAUD MACHINE, seeing that they were not going to be able to win legitimately, went into their plan B, and started concocting Biden votes. They weren't very good at it though. In ONE HOUR, Wisconsin went from Trump comfortably ahead 51% to Biden's 47% (1,529K votes to 1,420K), to Wisconsin suddenly reporting a slight lead for Biden.

So we are supposed to swallow it that Biden came up with a whopping 109,000 votes in ONE HOUR.

Democrats are insane if they think that Trump is going to let them get away with this absurd (and not even realistic-looking) FRAUD. The tamperings will all be examined, contested in court (SCOTUS if necessary), and corrected. :doubt: :biggrin:
Sorry, but the gimmick didn't work. The 3rd Red Scare just shot it's load.

Then watch and see. This is likely the beginning of the end of the great experiment. Our founders couldn't be more proud of you and yours.

Actually, I think they would be proud. We have the chance to rebuild America again from the rubble it has become. I have a lot of Faith in America. It's seen worse than Rump.

Democrats are insane if they think that Trump is going to let them get away with this absurd (and not even realistic-looking) FRAUD. The tamperings will all be examined, contested in court (SCOTUS if necessary), and corrected.
Agreed. Though, wtf happens in between this mess?
Biden wins Michigan!

1 more to go!

Arizona is only 84% counted. There might be some wiggle room there. But otherwise, its over.
Still needs Nevada

Nope. With Nevada, Biden has 281. Without he has 275. The presidency happens at 270.

Don't get me wrong, I hope he wins Nevada. He doesn't need to.

Arizona is where my eyes still are. There are still about 400k votes uncounted and Biden leads by 100k. Most of the votes are coming out of urban areas which typically break left, but I'll be happier when the margin of victory is larger than the uncounted votes.

For the record, Maricopa County in Arizona usually tends to be a rather conservative area. You want left-leaning, you need Pima County.

Of course, things do change.

According to NBC News this morning, here's the rough breakdown by county of the uncounted votes in Arizona:

Gila: ~2300

Graham: ~1100

Greenlee 652

La Paz: 880

Maricopa: At least 250k

Pima: ~92k

Pinal: ~62k

Santa Cruz: ~3k

Yavapai: ~10k

Yuma: ~19k
Too bad your hallucinations can't erase the 2016 election where Impeached Trump beat Hillary in that county by a few percent points.

Biden wins Michigan!

1 more to go!

Arizona is only 84% counted. There might be some wiggle room there. But otherwise, its over.
Still needs Nevada

Nope. With Nevada, Biden has 281. Without he has 275. The presidency happens at 270.

Don't get me wrong, I hope he wins Nevada. He doesn't need to.

Arizona is where my eyes still are. There are still about 400k votes uncounted and Biden leads by 100k. Most of the votes are coming out of urban areas which typically break left, but I'll be happier when the margin of victory is larger than the uncounted votes.

For the record, Maricopa County in Arizona usually tends to be a rather conservative area. You want left-leaning, you need Pima County.

Of course, things do change.

According to NBC News this morning, here's the rough breakdown by county of the uncounted votes in Arizona:

Gila: ~2300

Graham: ~1100

Greenlee 652

La Paz: 880

Maricopa: At least 250k

Pima: ~92k

Pinal: ~62k

Santa Cruz: ~3k

Yavapai: ~10k

Yuma: ~19k

There's enough wiggle room that I'm keeping my eye on it. Maricopa however seems to be following the State proportions fairly closely, leaning 52% for Biden, 46% for Trump.

So far.

We'll see. I think its really unlikely that Trump is going to catch up. But there's a possibility high enough to be mindful
Fuck you, bitch. No one has to prove they didn't commit fraud just because you're too batshit insane to carelessly throw out mindless accusations of fraud with no proof because you have no proof to show.
HA HA HA. One of the looniest things about Dimocrats is how they claim you
"have no proof to show", when never has proof been more obvious. And this is so with a number of states, but just for brevity sake, I'll present one (Wisconsin).

At 4 AM, ABC News was reporting Trump waaay ahead in the vote counts of the remaining states (GA, PA, MI, WI, and with a tighter lead in NC) - all heading straight to a 294 electoral vote WIN.

Then, the Democrat FRAUD MACHINE, seeing that they were not going to be able to win legitimately, went into their plan B, and started concocting Biden votes. They weren't very good at it though. In ONE HOUR, Wisconsin went from Trump comfortably ahead 51% to Biden's 47% (1,529K votes to 1,420K), to Wisconsin suddenly reporting a slight lead for Biden.

So we are supposed to swallow it that Biden came up with a whopping 109,000 votes in ONE HOUR.

Democrats are insane if they think that Trump is going to let them get away with this absurd (and not even realistic-looking) FRAUD. The tamperings will all be examined, contested in court (SCOTUS if necessary), and corrected. :doubt: :biggrin:
Great, let's see your proof that Democrats snuck in additional fake ballots during the night....
Biden wins Michigan!

1 more to go!

Arizona is only 84% counted. There might be some wiggle room there. But otherwise, its over.
Still needs Nevada

Nope. With Nevada, Biden has 281. Without he has 275. The presidency happens at 270.

Don't get me wrong, I hope he wins Nevada. He doesn't need to.

Arizona is where my eyes still are. There are still about 400k votes uncounted and Biden leads by 100k. Most of the votes are coming out of urban areas which typically break left, but I'll be happier when the margin of victory is larger than the uncounted votes.

For the record, Maricopa County in Arizona usually tends to be a rather conservative area. You want left-leaning, you need Pima County.

Of course, things do change.

According to NBC News this morning, here's the rough breakdown by county of the uncounted votes in Arizona:

Gila: ~2300

Graham: ~1100

Greenlee 652

La Paz: 880

Maricopa: At least 250k

Pima: ~92k

Pinal: ~62k

Santa Cruz: ~3k

Yavapai: ~10k

Yuma: ~19k
Too bad your hallucinations can't erase the 2016 election where Impeached Trump beat Hillary in that county by a few percent points.

Trump won Maricopa by 40k votes in 2016. He's much worse this year. Trump is behind 95k in the entire state......and so far, the county has been breaking for Biden in 2020 by about 6 points. So if this trend continues, Biden will only open his lead farther.

And if it doesn't continue.....Trump would have to do twice as good in 2020 as he did in 2016 to come even close to catching Biden. And that seems *really* unlikely
Democrats are insane if they think that Trump is going to let them get away with this absurd (and not even realistic-looking) FRAUD. The tamperings will all be examined, contested in court (SCOTUS if necessary), and corrected.

What fraud?

Remember, you guys have been crying wolf for a very long made the same claims in 2016, and 2018.

Nothing ever came of nothing backed the accusation.
Biden wins Michigan!

1 more to go!

Arizona is only 84% counted. There might be some wiggle room there. But otherwise, its over.
Still needs Nevada

Nope. With Nevada, Biden has 281. Without he has 275. The presidency happens at 270.

Don't get me wrong, I hope he wins Nevada. He doesn't need to.

Arizona is where my eyes still are. There are still about 400k votes uncounted and Biden leads by 100k. Most of the votes are coming out of urban areas which typically break left, but I'll be happier when the margin of victory is larger than the uncounted votes.

For the record, Maricopa County in Arizona usually tends to be a rather conservative area. You want left-leaning, you need Pima County.

Of course, things do change.

According to NBC News this morning, here's the rough breakdown by county of the uncounted votes in Arizona:

Gila: ~2300

Graham: ~1100

Greenlee 652

La Paz: 880

Maricopa: At least 250k

Pima: ~92k

Pinal: ~62k

Santa Cruz: ~3k

Yavapai: ~10k

Yuma: ~19k

There's enough wiggle room that I'm keeping my eye on it. Maricopa however seems to be following the State proportions fairly closely, leaning 52% for Biden, 46% for Trump.

So far.

We'll see. I think its really unlikely that Trump is going to catch up. But there's a possibility high enough to be mindful
Even worse for these yahoos... that Biden lead is from mostly in-person voting. The uncounted are from mail-in ballots which heavily favor Democrats this year.
Fuck you, bitch. No one has to prove they didn't commit fraud just because you're too batshit insane to carelessly throw out mindless accusations of fraud with no proof because you have no proof to show.
HA HA HA. One of the looniest things about Dimocrats is how they claim you
"have no proof to show", when never has proof been more obvious. And this is so with a number of states, but just for brevity sake, I'll present one (Wisconsin).

At 4 AM, ABC News was reporting Trump waaay ahead in the vote counts of the remaining states (GA, PA, MI, WI, and with a tighter lead in NC) - all heading straight to a 294 electoral vote WIN.

Then, the Democrat FRAUD MACHINE, seeing that they were not going to be able to win legitimately, went into their plan B, and started concocting Biden votes. They weren't very good at it though. In ONE HOUR, Wisconsin went from Trump comfortably ahead 51% to Biden's 47% (1,529K votes to 1,420K), to Wisconsin suddenly reporting a slight lead for Biden.

So we are supposed to swallow it that Biden came up with a whopping 109,000 votes in ONE HOUR.

Democrats are insane if they think that Trump is going to let them get away with this absurd (and not even realistic-looking) FRAUD. The tamperings will all be examined, contested in court (SCOTUS if necessary), and corrected. :doubt: :biggrin:

What fraud?

You have no evidence that the votes counted for Biden are illegitimate. You merely insist it must be so.....because you didn't like the outcome.

Even the Fox News analyst said that he'd rather be Joe Biden than Donald Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin.
I mean, these are the same people that believe that Trump passed the VA Choice act in 2014, that China is paying our tariffs, and that Mexico paid for the wall.

You don't need a strong argument when you're trying to convince folks with poor critical thinking skills. Its the 71,000,000 and counting OTHER folks that you might have a problem with though.
Obama's dismal failure Choice Act in 2014, was replaced by Trump's successful 2018 MISSION ACT.

China pays$$$ from the tariffs by losing export business. Their exports to the US declined $31 Billion, in just the first six months of 2019.

Mexico, like everyone else, pays for a job AFTER it is done, not before. But Mexico HAS paid for the wall, by numerous immigration enforcement actions undertaken by the Mexican government. These include deployment of Mexican National Guard units to the borderlands, the deportation of migrants apprehended in Mexico to their home countries, and participation in the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). All of these items are largely, if not fully funded, by the Mexican federal government and ultimately help to secure our southern border.

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