Trump won. Now look what is happening.

You seem confused. Tariffs aren't 'export business'. Tariffs are taxes and excises on goods coming in.

Trump insists that China paid our tariffs and that we didn't. But they didn't pay. The US consumer pays for the tariffs as the cost of goods FROM china were higher.

Trump doesn't understand how tariffs work. And by extension, neither do the conservatives who polish his rhetorical turds.
The money to make those small portions of the wall weren't paid by Mexico. They were paid by the US government.

Trump doesn't understand how his own policies are being paid for. And neither do his turd polishers.
YOU are who is confused.

1. It doesn't matter what Trump calls his MISSION ACT. Fact is, its a successful replacement of Obama's failed Choice Act.

Actually, it matters very much. As the VA Choice act, which Trump insists he passed.......was signed into law in 2014.

Yet Trump in his confused mental state, still thinks that's the one he signed. He says it over and over and again. Trump *brags* about something he never did.

And he wasn't in the White House when the VA Choice Act was passed. Biden was though.

2. Cost of goods from China were NOT higher. No business is able to raise prices, for any reason, without sustaining losses$$ from REDUCED SALES. Chin also lost #31 Billion in exports in first half of 2018 (some people have to be told twice)

So US businesses are paying the tariff by your reasoning. Not China.

Then why, pray tell, does the befuddled Trump keep insisting that China is paying that tariffs when by your own admission, they're paid here in the US?

This isn't a gaffe or a slip of the tongue on his part. This is a repeated claim he's made on numerous occasions.......undeniably demonstrating that Trump doesn't understand what tariffs are.

3. I already explained how Mexico has paid us for the wall. If you don't get it,.. not my problem.
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
Last edited:
It has become crystal clear that we can no longer trust the US election process. When the democrats were able to enlist the US Postal Service in their scheme it was over before it even started. With a government bloated failure like the USPS with a union that endorsed Joe Biden, only the most dimwitted of citizens has any faith in the integrity of this election. The Trump haters don’t care because they just wanted to get rid of him, but the corruption of this election is a major threat to our democracy. Putting this election in the hands of the post office was a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. It is so sad; never thought this could happen here.

It doesn't have to be a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. All that is needed is to abolish mail voting. You go vote in person, like we've always done, or you don't vote. Simple as that.

And there also needs to be an enormous number of Republican poll watchers. Newsmax showed a vote counting hall in Pennsylvania, with about 30 people counting votes. the were all young blacks (who tend to be Democrat) and not a single poll watcher in sight. No wonder they're able to pull off a fiasco like this.

Why would abolish mail in voting? The FBI director only 6 weeks ago confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Don't tell me.....Fox News AND Forbes AND the Trump's hand picked FBI Director, they're all in your conspiracy too?
Everyone's Mail in vote or absentee ballot deserves to be counted. Counting after election day is normal and has happened in every election in U.S. history. Many military personal from overseas have not had their ballots counted yet. My own ballot was not counted until today, because the county I live in, in Pennsylvania, was not allowed to start counted mail in ballots until Wednesday!
For decades, military ballots have been the only ballots counted after election day. They rarely have had any impact, an nothing like these phony scam jobs we're seeing here now. Oh yeah, Biden got 109,000 votes in one hour in Wisconsin. :right:

He miraculously got 138,000 in one hour in Michigan. Sure! You guys actually expected to pull off something as lamebrain as this ?
It has become crystal clear that we can no longer trust the US election process. When the democrats were able to enlist the US Postal Service in their scheme it was over before it even started. With a government bloated failure like the USPS with a union that endorsed Joe Biden, only the most dimwitted of citizens has any faith in the integrity of this election. The Trump haters don’t care because they just wanted to get rid of him, but the corruption of this election is a major threat to our democracy. Putting this election in the hands of the post office was a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. It is so sad; never thought this could happen here.

It doesn't have to be a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. All that is needed is to abolish mail voting. You go vote in person, like we've always done, or you don't vote. Simple as that.

And there also needs to be an enormous number of Republican poll watchers. Newsmax showed a vote counting hall in Pennsylvania, with about 30 people counting votes. the were all young blacks (who tend to be Democrat) and not a single poll watcher in sight. No wonder they're able to pull off a fiasco like this.

Why would abolish mail in voting? The FBI director only 6 weeks ago confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Don't tell me.....Fox News AND Forbes AND the Trump's hand picked FBI Director, they're all in your conspiracy too?
Wray is an anti-Trump fool, who should have been fired long ago, and will be now.

Why would abolish mail in voting? One example > Already deported illegal aliens could vote in US elections, from 1000 miles south of the US border in south Mexico.

Fox News was part of the anti-Trump attack with Chris Wallace in the 1st debate.
You seem confused. Tariffs aren't 'export business'. Tariffs are taxes and excises on goods coming in.

Trump insists that China paid our tariffs and that we didn't. But they didn't pay. The US consumer pays for the tariffs as the cost of goods FROM china were higher.

Trump doesn't understand how tariffs work. And by extension, neither do the conservatives who polish his rhetorical turds.
The money to make those small portions of the wall weren't paid by Mexico. They were paid by the US government.

Trump doesn't understand how his own policies are being paid for. And neither do his turd polishers.
YOU are who is confused.

1. It doesn't matter what Trump calls his MISSION ACT. Fact is, its a successful replacement of Obama's failed Choice Act.

Actually, it matters very much. As the VA Choice act, which Trump insists he passed.......was signed into law in 2014.

Yet Trump in his confused mental state, still thinks that's the one he signed. He says it over and over and again. Trump *brags* about something he never did.

And he wasn't in the White House when the VA Choice Act was passed. Biden was though.

There never was a law. It was a time sensitive EO signed by Obama. It ran out after a time period. Rump didn't renew it. He let it lapse. Thousands of Vets ended up getting thrown to the wolves during that time period. I had to have a double catarac surgery. Under the old EO, it would have been done by the Dr. Gray Office for surgery. But it wasn't available. I used my Medicare and Tricare to have it done by the same out patient care. The week I got my surgery, I got a call from the VA saying they could schedule me for it. It takes the VA about 4 to 6 months to get it scheduled according the Dr. Grays office. I was already legally blond in one eye and well on my way (within a month) of being blind in the other eye. That means there was 6 months that there were no out patient care for Vets for things that the VA was unable to do. And then Rump finally, in his Magnaminous signs the same exact EO and then crows about how great he is. That means that hundreds of thousands of Vets didn't receive the health care they richly deserved.

And we are all supposed to be greatfull? Add another "Glad He's Gone" to the list.
Everyone's Mail in vote or absentee ballot deserves to be counted. Counting after election day is normal and has happened in every election in U.S. history. Many military personal from overseas have not had their ballots counted yet. My own ballot was not counted until today, because the county I live in, in Pennsylvania, was not allowed to start counted mail in ballots until Wednesday!
For decades, military ballots have been the only ballots counted after election day. They rarely have had any impact, an nothing like these phony scam jobs we're seeing here now. Oh yeah, Biden got 109,000 votes in one hour in Wisconsin. :right:

He miraculously got 138,000 in one hour in Michigan. Sure! You guys actually expected to pull off something as lamebrain as this ?

Says who?

You keep making these sweeping declarations backed by exactly jack shit. Nor does it make the slightest sense. First, absentee ballots and when they are processed are defined by State law. There is no universal federal requirement that absentee ballots be counted on election night.

Nor is there any reason to: not one state certifies its vote tallies on election night. Most don't certify until the latter half of November, some even waiting until December.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

So your claim makes absolutely no sense. Nor have you presented any evidence to back up the claim.
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
Where are the riots you guys said would be happening?
cities were boarding up their windows and doors. you didn't hear that? wow.
Did the riots start already?
Ask the mayors who boarded up their cities and get your answer.
It has become crystal clear that we can no longer trust the US election process. When the democrats were able to enlist the US Postal Service in their scheme it was over before it even started. With a government bloated failure like the USPS with a union that endorsed Joe Biden, only the most dimwitted of citizens has any faith in the integrity of this election. The Trump haters don’t care because they just wanted to get rid of him, but the corruption of this election is a major threat to our democracy. Putting this election in the hands of the post office was a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. It is so sad; never thought this could happen here.

It doesn't have to be a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. All that is needed is to abolish mail voting. You go vote in person, like we've always done, or you don't vote. Simple as that.

And there also needs to be an enormous number of Republican poll watchers. Newsmax showed a vote counting hall in Pennsylvania, with about 30 people counting votes. the were all young blacks (who tend to be Democrat) and not a single poll watcher in sight. No wonder they're able to pull off a fiasco like this.

Why would abolish mail in voting? The FBI director only 6 weeks ago confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Don't tell me.....Fox News AND Forbes AND the Trump's hand picked FBI Director, they're all in your conspiracy too?
Wray is an anti-Trump fool, who should have been fired long ago, and will be now.

Why would abolish mail in voting? One example > Already deported illegal aliens could vote in US elections, from 1000 miles south of the US border in south Mexico.

Fox News was part of the anti-Trump attack with Chris Wallace in the 1st debate.

So predictably.....your conspiracy batshit just keeps gobbling more people.

In the wasteland of your conspiracy addled imagination....the FBI Director is in on the 'voter fraud' conspiracy to elect Biden.

And Forbes is in on the 'voter fraud' conspiracy to elect Biden.

And Fox News is on the 'voter fraud' conspiracy to elect Biden.

I have a much simpler explanation: More people voted for Biden than Trump. It doesn't require your wildly complicated and absolutely voracious conspiracy. And matches the evidence.

Why would a rational person ignore the FBI Director on mail in voter fraud....and instead believe you?
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.

Run along. We'll be here when you muster the courage to come back.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done. Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

Except of course you skipped the part....where Mexico actually paid for the wall. The funds to pay for it didn't come from Mexico.

The funds to pay for the wall came from US tax payers.

Which neither Trump nor his turd polishers are capable of admitting.
Last edited:
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.

Run along. We'll be here when you muster the courage to come back.

Now it's time to put the Republican Party back where it was when America really WAS great again. Of course, we are going to need lots of heavy equipment like Front End Loaders, Belly Dumps and Railroad Cars to haul off the carnage left by the Party of the Rumpers.

Just think, in two more months, I can take down my Dump Rump and Dumb Rump sites.
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.

Run along. We'll be here when you muster the courage to come back.

Now it's time to put the Republican Party back where it was when America really WAS great again. Of course, we are going to need lots of heavy equipment like Front End Loaders, Belly Dumps and Railroad Cars to haul off the carnage left by the Party of the Rumpers.

Just think, in two more months, I can take down my Dump Rump and Dumb Rump sites.

Trump is a symptom of people like Protectionist. Its the conspiracy addled constituency that's still going to be conspiracy addled after Biden is president.

Conservatives have been trained to be the ultimate snowflake....where even reality itself has to be customized to match what they want to believe. Anything that makes them uncomfortable, any data that contradicts what they believe, anything that they don't like.....must be 'fake'.

That shit isn't going way either. We'll still be dealing with a sizable portion of the population that is hopelessly convinced that reality must confirm to whatever makes them comfortable.

You can't fix that.
Biden called Beto and asked when he could start as Gun Confiscation Czar......

He really doesn't need to. Under Slow Joe's plan, he is going to rescind the lawsuit protection gun manufacturers and sellers now have. That means cities and citizens will be able to sue them all out of business. Also in his plan, we won't be able to buy guns, ammo, or parts off the internet. That would leave us with virtually no place to purchase firearms.

So what we're looking at in the future is armed criminals and disarmed law abiding citizens.
Now it's time to put the Republican Party back where it was when America really WAS great again. Of course, we are going to need lots of heavy equipment like Front End Loaders, Belly Dumps and Railroad Cars to haul off the carnage left by the Party of the Rumpers.

Just think, in two more months, I can take down my Dump Rump and Dumb Rump sites.

Sorry, but it may very well be the Republicans are a thing of the past. Now that the Democrats have figured out a way to make sure we lose every election, the only way the RNC can go is left. Just think, the party of RINO's, and you helped create it.
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.

Run along. We'll be here when you muster the courage to come back.

Now it's time to put the Republican Party back where it was when America really WAS great again. Of course, we are going to need lots of heavy equipment like Front End Loaders, Belly Dumps and Railroad Cars to haul off the carnage left by the Party of the Rumpers.

Just think, in two more months, I can take down my Dump Rump and Dumb Rump sites.

Trump is a symptom of people like Protectionist. Its the conspiracy addled constituency that's still going to be conspiracy addled after Biden is president.

Conservatives have been trained to be the ultimate snowflake....where even reality itself has to be customized to match what they want to believe. Anything that makes them uncomfortable, any data that contradicts what they believe, anything that they don't like.....must be 'fake'.

That shit isn't going way either. We'll still be dealing with a sizable portion of the population that is hopelessly convinced that reality must confirm to whatever makes them comfortable.

You can't fix that.

I think we can. But it's going to take time. And another leader to come along. Not one as fruitcaky as Rump. But a good leader. I am sure that there is at least one out there that can lead the new Republican Party and a lot can happen in 4 years. And I want to be part of that. It will be my last Hurrah so let's make it good.
Trump already won the election and will have to go to court to validate his rights. Our rights, actually.
So be it. The democrats have used massive voter fraud to try and steal the election and we will never again see one of those posts where brain dead leftists claim no one has ever been found to have used mail in ballots to commit fraud.

I can't believe the hateful left has flipped out to the point they actually think they can get away with this
massive scheme. Hate has rendered them insane and they've forced this crisis. Now let's get it over with
once and for all.
Trump already won the election and will have to go to court to validate his rights. Our rights, actually.
So be it. The democrats have used massive voter fraud to try and steal the election and we will never again see one of those posts where brain dead leftists claim no one has ever been found to have used mail in ballots to commit fraud.

I can't believe the hateful left has flipped out to the point they actually think they can get away with this
massive scheme. Hate has rendered them insane and they've forced this crisis. Now let's get it over with
once and for all.
It will take time for the wound to heal for most Trumpers. Some (like the above) will NOT heal.

Get over it. Act like adults
Actually, I think they would be proud. We have the chance to rebuild America again from the rubble it has become. I have a lot of Faith in America. It's seen worse than Rump.

Yes, so much worse. The best economy in 50 years, record low unemployment for women and every minority group, a new high in median household income, greatly reduced the amount of illegals coming to this country, The least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries, and we regained our GDP lost at the onset of this virus, setting market records repeatedly.....

So tell me, how are we going to rebuild the party when the only way for them to win is do the things Democrats do?

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