Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Actually, I think they would be proud. We have the chance to rebuild America again from the rubble it has become. I have a lot of Faith in America. It's seen worse than Rump.

Yes, so much worse. The best economy in 50 years, record low unemployment for women and every minority group, a new high in median household income, greatly reduced the amount of illegals coming to this country, The least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries, and we regained our GDP lost at the onset of this virus, setting market records repeatedly.....

So tell me, how are we going to rebuild the party when the only way for them to win is do the things Democrats do?'ll see. Try to be open minded
It will take time for the wound to heal for most Trumpers. Some (like the above) will NOT heal.

Get over it. Act like adults
Massive voter fraud. See you in court. I'll "get over it" when this massive fraudulent scheme has been
remedied in court and people responsible for true systemic corruption are in jail.

Ironically of the two of us I am the true adult here.
Yes, so much worse. The best economy in 50 years, record low unemployment for women and every minority group, a new high in median household income, greatly reduced the amount of illegals coming to this country, The least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries, and we regained our GDP lost at the onset of this virus, setting market records repeatedly.....

So tell me, how are we going to rebuild the party when the only way for them to win is do the things Democrats do?
Yes. Trump truly is Hitler, like all the mentally unbalanced scream in the streets. A prosperous nation at
peace with a populace that is truly free and doing better than ever.

Wasn't that Hitler's wish for the Germans and the real "deplorables" in Deutschland?
Yes, so much worse. The best economy in 50 years, record low unemployment for women and every minority group, a new high in median household income, greatly reduced the amount of illegals coming to this country, The least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries, and we regained our GDP lost at the onset of this virus, setting market records repeatedly.....

So tell me, how are we going to rebuild the party when the only way for them to win is do the things Democrats do?
Yes. Trump truly is Hitler, like all the mentally unbalanced scream in the streets. A prosperous nation at
peace with a populace that is truly free and doing better than ever.

Wasn't that Hitler's wish for the Germans and the real "deplorables" in Deutschland?

There is an old saying that perhaps a lot of younger people here never heard before: If it's not broke--don't fix it.
Even worse for these yahoos... that Biden lead is from mostly in-person voting. The uncounted are from mail-in ballots which heavily favor Democrats this year.
Spin it however you like. The courts will rectify it. 4 MORE YEARS.

There's nothing to spin. Biden is 6 electoral votes from winning. No court is going to change that. And if Biden picks up one more state, no court will reverse that either.

3 more months of this malfeasance.
It has become crystal clear that we can no longer trust the US election process. When the democrats were able to enlist the US Postal Service in their scheme it was over before it even started. With a government bloated failure like the USPS with a union that endorsed Joe Biden, only the most dimwitted of citizens has any faith in the integrity of this election. The Trump haters don’t care because they just wanted to get rid of him, but the corruption of this election is a major threat to our democracy. Putting this election in the hands of the post office was a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. It is so sad; never thought this could happen here.

How can we trust someone that tries to keep America from voting and just wants to declare himself the winner?

That's the rough part. When Trump insisted that counting should stop there were 10s of millions of votes uncounted. All of which he wanted thrown out.

That's not how democracy works. Trump may have confused COUNTING a ballot with CASTING a ballot. But no rational person ever would
Impeached Trump is trying to get into an office he lost and is now preparing to use the people he put into power to help him achieve that. Last person to lose an election but still become that country's leader was Hitler.
It has become crystal clear that we can no longer trust the US election process. When the democrats were able to enlist the US Postal Service in their scheme it was over before it even started. With a government bloated failure like the USPS with a union that endorsed Joe Biden, only the most dimwitted of citizens has any faith in the integrity of this election. The Trump haters don’t care because they just wanted to get rid of him, but the corruption of this election is a major threat to our democracy. Putting this election in the hands of the post office was a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. It is so sad; never thought this could happen here.

It doesn't have to be a blow against freedom that will have repercussions for many years to come. All that is needed is to abolish mail voting. You go vote in person, like we've always done, or you don't vote. Simple as that.

And there also needs to be an enormous number of Republican poll watchers. Newsmax showed a vote counting hall in Pennsylvania, with about 30 people counting votes. the were all young blacks (who tend to be Democrat) and not a single poll watcher in sight. No wonder they're able to pull off a fiasco like this.

Why would abolish mail in voting? The FBI director only 6 weeks ago confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Don't tell me.....Fox News AND Forbes AND the Trump's hand picked FBI Director, they're all in your conspiracy too?
Wray is an anti-Trump fool, who should have been fired long ago, and will be now.

Why would abolish mail in voting? One example > Already deported illegal aliens could vote in US elections, from 1000 miles south of the US border in south Mexico.

Fox News was part of the anti-Trump attack with Chris Wallace in the 1st debate.

I like how anyone who's not in on your brain-dead conspiracy nonsense is conveniently anti-trump.
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.

Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:
Except of course, at no point in your explanation did Mexico actually pay for the wall.

We did.

And yet Trump, in another demonstration of his confusion and disorientation.......insist that Mexico paid for the wall. Alas, the US tax payer did.
You dumbass, is this what your lying leftist media duped you into thinking ? That Trump claims he is responsible for a FAILED junk law of Obama in 2014 ?

God, you must be stupid. For the 3rd time, He passed the MISSION ACT in 2018. The leftist fake news media is twisting your brain, and you don't even know it.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done.
Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

I'm off the computer. You're not a worthy enough debate opponent anyway.

Run along. We'll be here when you muster the courage to come back.

I explained how Mexico has much more than paid for the wall, and they shouldn't be paying a dime until the job is done. Do you pay you plumber or auto mechanic up front ? If you do, you're an idiot.

Except of course you skipped the part....where Mexico actually paid for the wall. The funds to pay for it didn't come from Mexico.

The funds to pay for the wall came from US tax payers.

Which neither Trump nor his turd polishers are capable of admitting.
Even worse than being paid for by U.S. tax payers -- Impeached Trump stole the money from our military.
There's nothing to spin. Biden is 6 electoral votes from winning. No court is going to change that. And if Biden picks up one more state, no court will reverse that either.
Trump was winning in Wisconsin and Michigan until ballots appeared out of nowhere.
Trump already won the election and will have to go to court to validate his rights. Our rights, actually.
So be it. The democrats have used massive voter fraud to try and steal the election and we will never again see one of those posts where brain dead leftists claim no one has ever been found to have used mail in ballots to commit fraud.

I can't believe the hateful left has flipped out to the point they actually think they can get away with this
massive scheme. Hate has rendered them insane and they've forced this crisis. Now let's get it over with
once and for all.

How the fuck did Impeached Trump win the election without getting the required minimum of 270 electoral votes?

You cons have complete lost what little you had remaining of your minds.
There's nothing to spin. Biden is 6 electoral votes from winning. No court is going to change that. And if Biden picks up one more state, no court will reverse that either.
Trump was winning in Wisconsin and Michigan until ballots appeared out of nowhere.
Prove they appeared out of nowhere and were not delivered by the U.S. postal service of dropped off at official receptacles....
I mean, these are the same people that believe that Trump passed the VA Choice act in 2014, that China is paying our tariffs, and that Mexico paid for the wall.

You don't need a strong argument when you're trying to convince folks with poor critical thinking skills. Its the 71,000,000 and counting OTHER folks that you might have a problem with though.
Obama's dismal failure Choice Act in 2014, was replaced by Trump's successful 2018 MISSION ACT.

China pays$$$ from the tariffs by losing export business. Their exports to the US declined $31 Billion, in just the first six months of 2019.

Mexico, like everyone else, pays for a job AFTER it is done, not before. But Mexico HAS paid for the wall, by numerous immigration enforcement actions undertaken by the Mexican government. These include deployment of Mexican National Guard units to the borderlands, the deportation of migrants apprehended in Mexico to their home countries, and participation in the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). All of these items are largely, if not fully funded, by the Mexican federal government and ultimately help to secure our southern border.

You are trying to explain higher level thinking to Bubblecultists.
Very hard to do.

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