Trump won. Now look what is happening.'ll see. Try to be open minded

All I need to see is the Biden platform for destroying this country. Would you like me to repeat it for you?
You can say whatever you want.

The proof is in the pudding
Jesus Ray. Figure it out. Judge Biden by what HAPPENS...not by what you think will happen
Stealing elections. Ain’t you proud?

impeachment didn’t work, COVID didn’t work, stealing elections now.

trump took on you demofks beat you and stealing is your only play! Trump’s the winner. You all went low!

you compromised your own morals. Evil fks
Last edited:
Jesus Ray. Figure it out. Judge Biden by what HAPPENS...not by what you think will happen

It's not what I think will happen, it's what's on his website and what he's already said.
Don't sweat it Ray. Without the Senate, the damage he can do is minimal. This is honestly a huge blessing for Republicans. They can shrug off the stigma of Trump without completely losing power. It's a best case scenario, and I think most Republicans in Congress understand this.'ll see. Try to be open minded

All I need to see is the Biden platform for destroying this country. Would you like me to repeat it for you?
You can say whatever you want.

The proof is in the pudding
Jesus Ray. Figure it out. Judge Biden by what HAPPENS...not by what you think will happen
Stealing elections. Ain’t you proud?

impeachment didn’t work, COVID didn’t work, stealing elections now
Steal what? Biden's winning.
Actually, I think they would be proud. We have the chance to rebuild America again from the rubble it has become. I have a lot of Faith in America. It's seen worse than Rump.

Yes, so much worse. The best economy in 50 years, record low unemployment for women and every minority group, a new high in median household income, greatly reduced the amount of illegals coming to this country, The least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries, and we regained our GDP lost at the onset of this virus, setting market records repeatedly.....

So tell me, how are we going to rebuild the party when the only way for them to win is do the things Democrats do?

Look around you. The country is in rubble right now. Forget about what party did what. Put the hate aside. The situations are driving things. Oh I can go back and place blame but it doesn't change where we are right now. I can claim that Rump took over a growing stable economy but it doesn't matter. It's been damaged by the situation where it's going to take years to recover. How about no more name calling and no more games.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even know what Communism is. Don't expect it to understand you.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even know what Communism is. Don't expect it to understand you.

There a lot of Idjits who are still trying to play the 3rd Red Scare. Obviously, it's going by the way of the 1st Red Scare (1918-1919) and the 2nd Red Scare (1953-1957).
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Their gift from God, Covid-19, allowed the democrats to manipulate the election in ways that have never been available before and they are making the most of it. Trump is significantly ahead in four key states and they will not call them. Yes, it was close, that was expected, but they set the system up hoping they could swing the election with phantom votes that would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Too early to call? The election was yesterday.

The hateful ignorance that put a corrupted stooge up against an incumbent president stinks to a level that makes the piles of human waste on liberal city sidewalks smell as sweet as the roses at a funeral. The fact that so many voters had such a dumb unawareness of what is actually happening is testament to the Orwellian, Marxist inspired US press that hid the criminal malpractice of its chosen candidate like a propaganda platform from the bowels of the former Soviet Union.

The manufactured, salivating hatred of a mind-controlled population is an ugly reminder that we as a democracy are never very far away from the socialist slavery of the People’s Republic of China, the primary cheerleaders of Biden’s support. Trump is such a threat to the statist machinery of elitist government that a biological component appeared as an insurance policy guarding against the liberties of the people with fear and a herd mentality of group compliance.

Trump won the election on the day of the election but like race officials in a marathon, the democrats keep extending the finish line to give their second-place runner a chance. They want days or weeks to pass so underhanded swindles can get a foothold and undermine the obvious victory with lawyers and judges raising technicality flags everywhere.

This was planned but planning often goes awry in unpredictable ways. There was a sleeping giant in America that was disturbed by Trump and that giant was mud in the eye of the government swamp. The government is going to lose this time just as did last time because not enough of the people were fooled.

Like Biden, the government wanted something so bad that betraying the people and stealing it was on the table. This is how the swamp operates. Trump has too much of a lead in too many important states. Any "lo and behold" votes will be fraud.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

What are you talking about?
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even know what Communism is. Don't expect it to understand you.

There a lot of Idjits who are still trying to play the 3rd Red Scare. Obviously, it's going by the way of the 1st Red Scare (1918-1919) and the 2nd Red Scare (1953-1957).

Democrats are revising history and censoring people. What do you call that?
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even know what Communism is. Don't expect it to understand you.

There a lot of Idjits who are still trying to play the 3rd Red Scare. Obviously, it's going by the way of the 1st Red Scare (1918-1919) and the 2nd Red Scare (1953-1957).

Democrats are revising history and censoring people. What do you call that?

Who's censoring people?
When the demofks lost all dignity here’s what a nation gets!

trump is the overall winner
Last edited:
Look around you. The country is in rubble right now. Forget about what party did what. Put the hate aside. The situations are driving things. Oh I can go back and place blame but it doesn't change where we are right now. I can claim that Rump took over a growing stable economy but it doesn't matter. It's been damaged by the situation where it's going to take years to recover. How about no more name calling and no more games.

You can vote on no more games and name calling like every other liberal, but I voted for what's best for my country.

Our country is in shambles like most around the globe. But President Trump is not responsible for that, Biden's business partner China is. And don't worry about recovering. Trump is doing a great job of that in spite of the worst pandemic in over 100 years. We recovered most of the GDP we lost because of the Wuhan flu. We had the least GDP damage of all the other G7 countries. Our stock market rebounded, even amid the second serious wave. From our Wuhan unemployment high, it was cut in half in only one month. New housing starts in July were up 21.7%. These are indisputable facts.

I harbor no hate on my side--you do. It's hate that caused you to vote against the best President this country has had in several past administrations. Like every other liberal, you cast your vote on personality instead of accomplishments and our future. You assured Democrats that pushing for this mail in voting is a sure win for them in every future election. I didn't do that--you did.

You can't rebuild the party by voting like a Socialist Liberal.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even know what Communism is. Don't expect it to understand you.

There a lot of Idjits who are still trying to play the 3rd Red Scare. Obviously, it's going by the way of the 1st Red Scare (1918-1919) and the 2nd Red Scare (1953-1957).

Democrats are revising history and censoring people. What do you call that?

Because you say so? Or is it that Facebook and others are doing what the mainstream media should have done and have identified lies as lies. Or at least unfounded claims. And since most of what you are peddling fits into that category, it's a bit rough on getting the Social Media Sites to repeat it for you. Try telling the truth for a change and see how well that works out.
Look around you. The country is in rubble right now. Forget about what party did what. Put the hate aside. The situations are driving things. Oh I can go back and place blame but it doesn't change where we are right now. I can claim that Rump took over a growing stable economy but it doesn't matter. It's been damaged by the situation where it's going to take years to recover. How about no more name calling and no more games.

You can vote on no more games and name calling like every other liberal, but I voted for what's best for my country.

Our country is in shambles like most around the globe. But President Trump is not responsible for that, Biden's business partner China is. And don't worry about recovering. Trump is doing a great job of that in spite of the worst pandemic in over 100 years. We recovered most of the GDP we lost because of the Wuhan flu. We had the least GDP damage of all the other G7 countries. Our stock market rebounded, even amid the second serious wave. From our Wuhan unemployment high, it was cut in half in only one month. New housing starts in July were up 21.7%. These are indisputable facts.

I harbor no hate on my side--you do. It's hate that caused you to vote against the best President this country has had in several past administrations. Like every other liberal, you cast your vote on personality instead of accomplishments and our future. You assured Democrats that pushing for this mail in voting is a sure win for them in every future election. I didn't do that--you did.

You can't rebuild the party by voting like a Socialist Liberal.

I can see the hurt is just too much right now. Maybe in a year or two the pain will go down. Try Butthurt Sauve for the Party of the Rumpers. It's a special blend for you Party of the Rumpers to be used when you all of a sudden realize that you don't have the comfort of Rumps Rump wrapping around your head and need to slowly transition. But, it does get better.

Try communicating without the hate. Who knows, life may become like a Country and Western Song played backwards where you Wife comes back to you, your Grandma gets out of Prison and your Dog comes back to life.
Don't sweat it Ray. Without the Senate, the damage he can do is minimal. This is honestly a huge blessing for Republicans. They can shrug off the stigma of Trump without completely losing power. It's a best case scenario, and I think most Republicans in Congress understand this.

You do touch on a point with the Senate, but remember the great accomplishments Trump made on the border can be reversed with similar EO's by Biden. Now if you are black, then you also realize that many blacks don't enter college which places them in blue collar labor. This is not an attempted insult. I'm blue collar labor myself. But my point is by Biden ushering in these foreigners legal or not takes jobs away from our minority Americans. Either that or it lowers their pay scale.

While the President has limited power, he does have power.
Don't sweat it Ray. Without the Senate, the damage he can do is minimal. This is honestly a huge blessing for Republicans. They can shrug off the stigma of Trump without completely losing power. It's a best case scenario, and I think most Republicans in Congress understand this.

You do touch on a point with the Senate, but remember the great accomplishments Trump made on the border can be reversed with similar EO's by Biden. Now if you are black, then you also realize that many blacks don't enter college which places them in blue collar labor. This is not an attempted insult. I'm blue collar labor myself. But my point is by Biden ushering in these foreigners legal or not takes jobs away from our minority Americans. Either that or it lowers their pay scale.

While the President has limited power, he does have power.

The ONLY time an EO or a Supreme Court Ruling has to happen is when Congress doesn't do their jobs. And Congress can correct an EO any time they want to by passing a bill to reign in a President that is Veto Proof. It appears that Congress has forgotten how to do this. I think they need to relearn it or we need to get others in there that can do the job.
I can see the hurt is just too much right now. Maybe in a year or two the pain will go down. Try Butthurt Sauve for the Party of the Rumpers. It's a special blend for you Party of the Rumpers to be used when you all of a sudden realize that you don't have the comfort of Rumps Rump wrapping around your head and need to slowly transition. But, it does get better.

Try communicating without the hate. Who knows, life may become like a Country and Western Song played backwards where you Wife comes back to you, your Grandma gets out of Prison and your Dog comes back to life.

Again, I don't have hate. In fact early on I stated that no matter who wins, we do too.

If Trump is pronounced the winner, we continue on our path to recovery. If Biden wins, then Americans get what they voted for: higher fuel prices, more jobs moving overseas because of a new national $15.00 per hour minimum wage, less hiring in the private sector, stock market stagnation or even reversal due to higher capital gains taxes, a destruction of suburbs by him placing lowlifes into these now safe communities which will cause drastic property value reduction, removal of liability protection of firearm manufacturers and sellers alike making it near impossible to purchase firearms in the future.

When America sees once again what Democrat leadership brings us, it's my hope they don't make the same mistake in the future.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
Just like the democrat Olympic basketball team vs the USA at the 1972 Olympics. Time was inexplicably put on the clock after the Americans had ostensibly won the game allowing the democrats to score another basket and officially win the game.
(Oh — I mean Soviets, sorry)
Additionally, the inbounds passer violated the boundary by stepping over the base line on his throw...

You lost. Get over it, Putin.

You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even know what Communism is. Don't expect it to understand you.

There a lot of Idjits who are still trying to play the 3rd Red Scare. Obviously, it's going by the way of the 1st Red Scare (1918-1919) and the 2nd Red Scare (1953-1957).

Democrats are revising history and censoring people. What do you call that?

Because you say so? Or is it that Facebook and others are doing what the mainstream media should have done and have identified lies as lies. Or at least unfounded claims. And since most of what you are peddling fits into that category, it's a bit rough on getting the Social Media Sites to repeat it for you. Try telling the truth for a change and see how well that works out.

People are being censored. Are you blind?
Public schools and institutions are rewriting and removing American history. These are among the most important steps involved in supplanting western culture in order to establish Marxism.
It’s denial and ignorance and bias like yours that is allowing Marxism to take hold via the democrat party.

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