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Trump won over Hillary primarily because Americans are incredibly stupid

Trump won over Hillary primarily because Americans are incredibly stupid

A president with an unprecedented lack of qualification for the job.

How could ANYONE be less qualified for the Oval Office than petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama? Prior to taking office, the most complex thing he had ever run was an ACORN meeting.
You're right. I haven't dealt with the hellish nightmare of a Trump win. Of course it really isn't about me is it? It doesnt matter what i do. Nothing changes the fact that it was was god awful mistake to elect Trump. You thinking he is smart is all the more reason for me to conclude you're stupid.

Looks like it's about you. The Dow is soaring, jobs are being created, consumer confidence is way up. You think it was a mistake to elect Trump but I think many more people thought it was a mistake to elect Hillary.

And again, you can think what you will about Trump's intelligence, what he managed to do politically is quite impressive. Will he end up being one of the greatest presidents of all time? I don't know but he's going to be a memorable one for sure.

I don't really care what you think of me to be honest. Like I said, that's something that mattered a lot to people back in the 80s and 90s. It's never really mattered to me, I march to my own drummer and I'm quite used to people thinking I'm stupid. You wouldn't believe how much money I've made on ideas that others thought were stupid.
It seems the OP just hasn't learned. You can't win over voters by calling them names. It just doesn't work. Perhaps this worked in the 80s and 90s... people were proud and cared about how others thought of them. It doesn't work in the 21st century. The name calling just seems to galvanize their resolve... The Deplorables, for example. Hillary made the denigration and that group turned it into a badge of honor and wore it proudly.

You're just not going to win elections with identity politics anymore. But really, that's all you have because your party has become the party of special interests. You're not listening and responding to the general public, you have to pander to this group and that group. Younger generations are becoming less and less hive-minded and more independent in their thinking.

It is your failure to understand the changing landscape of politics which has landed you in this predicament. You've now lost all your political power. You don't control any branch of government at the federal level and on the state level, only four states have majority Democrat legislatures with Democrat governors. It's the weakest the party has been in over 100 years.... and it ain't because the Republicans are all that great.

And here you are.... continuing to try and denigrate and insult your way back to relevancy. Calling people stupid isn't going to work. But hey... please, don't listen to me, don't take my advice. I hope that you all remain clueless and continue to do what you've been doing.
Lol you're such a moron. Either that, or you intentionally ignored the first point I made in my thread. If that's the case, grow the fuck up. Nothing changes the fact that you helped elect a complete moron to office. A president with an unprecedented lack of qualification for the job. Yep, you're as stupid as he is.

I personally voted for Ted Cruz in the primary and Darrell Castle in the general, so I have no idea what you're talking about. I guess, because I am giving you my objective political opinion, you think I am a Trump cheerleader.

I don't think Trump is a moron. He's actually pretty smart to have navigated through the primaries and defeat 16 better-qualified candidates, then defy all odds to beat the powerful Clinton Machine in the general. What is unprecedented is the magnitude of that accomplishment by someone who never held a political office before.

What's happening is, you're still trying to come to grips with the unbelievable loss you suffered. For months, you thought there wasn't any possible chance Trump was going to win the election. In the aftermath, you just can't believe this has happened and you struggle with trying to explain it. So you've come up with this notion that people are just stupid.

I can't argue there aren't stupid people, after all, Hillary DID get some votes.
You're right. I haven't dealt with the hellish nightmare of a Trump win. Of course it really isn't about me is it? It doesnt matter what i do. Nothing changes the fact that it was was god awful mistake to elect Trump. You thinking he is smart is all the more reason for me to conclude you're stupid.

You don't explain why Trump was a worse choice. You just say people are stupid for voting for him. Be more specific. I voted for Trump because of the history of the clintons. Nafta, whitewater, eliminating glass steagal, WTO, MFN, clinton cash, and the list goes on forever including the clinton's email issues. Then there were issues like the ultra secret TPP trade deals obama was trying to backdoor on us. This was another trade giveaway, maybe worse than Nafa. The clintons were for that piece of demorat treachery to the working class also. I lump the two clintons together, as two horrible and corrupt people. You vote for one, you get the pair. Then there's the mass influx of third worlders coming here either illegally or by way of the refugee programs championed by the likes of obama and the clintons. We can't support the poor and needy, including many veteran needy in this country as it is. Why bring more here and give them head of welfare line treatment? There weren't very good choices for president, there usually aren't. But give a better reason for your choice instead of just insulting people.
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I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."
It's really very simple. Obama won because he has charisma. Hillary doesn't. Bill won because he has charisma. Hillary doesn't. Americans ARE stupid because they can't see the forest for the trees. They only see charisma instead of substance. Both Obama and Bill also had substance, but so does Hillary, far more than Trump has. The nimnos voted for Trump because they are dumb, no doubt about it.
I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."
Yes, they fell for Trump's lies.
A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them
Could you describe these scandals? And tell us which were true?

For example, the Haiti scandal. What do you think of that particular scandal? What parts of that are true and what parts are not true?

All of his corrupt bullshit
Could you describe this "corrupt bullshit"?
I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."


He won because folks were sick and tired of being left out of their own lives by the politicians in DC.

They didn't like the left direction they have been seeing for the last eight years.

He won because the Dems ran a stupid, careless and incompetent candidate.

He won because he got his message out there and people agreed with it.
I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."
Trump won the election because outside of California most voters were smart enough to understand that while Clinton babbled about her values - the values she claimed to have today, not the values she had claimed to have yesterday - and trash talked about Trump, she offered no affirmative agenda that addressed the concerns of most voters, and Trump did offer voters such an agenda.
The SCOTUS nominations won it for Trump in my opinion. Too important to give to someone like Hillary. Might as well roll the dice then shoot yourself in the foot.

I just wonder, do you think Americans stupid when they elected Obama twice?
I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."

The shrilary lost because she took the blue collar middle class workers that got screwed over by NAFTA for granted. She IGNORED them. And, she was an even worse candidate than the trumpster.
It ultimately shouldn't be about the propaganda techniques between the two parties. It should have been simple to realize ANY other candidate would have been better.
Then the Democrat Party should have ran a better candidate.

It was Hillary's turn. That is not a reason to vote for a candidate.

As a life long Democrat, I had a hard time accepting the insults and accusations.

And you still continue and some of us left because of people, just... Like... You!

The problem you face now is finding a viable candidate for 2020.

One that will bring back those of us who left.

Which I doubt will happen.

You will continue to insult, while failing to look at yourself and where the Democrat Party is going.

You will riot, destroy and burn.

You have Trump because you chose Hillary.

Now in 3,2,1...

Your pathetic rant of intolerance....
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I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he created in his own imagination. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."

Actually anyone was better than the bitch, including Trump.
No, that isn't anywhere near correct.
Then why is Trump President?
It's always fun to watch the left-wing.

They spend years on years talking about free speech, democracy, the rights of the people, and standing up for the working class!

Until..... the working people use their freedom of speech, voting rights, and democracy to elect someone they don't like....

Then magically "they are all stupid, and we should curtail those rights and freedoms".
Gee, who would have thought you wouldn't understand the basic premise of my thread?
Gee, who would have thought that you wouldn't understand that people don't have to agree with you, while understanding the basic premise of your thread.
Trump won over Hillary primarily because Americans are incredibly stupid

Trump won over Hillary, because Hillary and her pathetic sycophants have made it very clear that this is what they think of most Americans.

Letting people know that you think they are stupid is not a very effective way to win their support.
I don't understand how you people so easily misunderstand the basic premise of my thread. ANY other candidate in the 2016 race is far better than Trump.
We had 2, count them... 1,2 candidates to choose from.

Clinton or Trump.

Hillary was not an acceptable candidate for many of us.

You just can't accept this.
I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."

The shrilary lost because she took the blue collar middle class workers that got screwed over by NAFTA for granted. She IGNORED them. And, she was an even worse candidate than the trumpster.
It ultimately shouldn't be about the propaganda techniques between the two parties. It should have been simple to realize ANY other candidate would have been better.
Then the Democrat Party should have ran a better candidate.

It was Hillary's turn. That is not a reason to vote for a candidate.

As a life long Democrat, I had a hard time accepting the insults and accusations.

And you still continue and some of us left because of people, just... Like... You!

The problem you face now is finding a viable candidate for 2020.

One that will bring back those of us who left.

Which I doubt will happen.

You will continue to insult, while failing to look at yourself and where the Democrat Party is going.

You will riot, destroy and burn.

You have Trump because you chose Hillary.

Now in 3,2,1...

You pathetic rant of intolerance....

So you agree with me that Trump didn't win on his merits, he won on Hillary Clinton's deficits.
I say this with some caveats:

1) For the most part I did not like Hillary. She had a few strong qualities, but she was a terrible candidate. She was terrible at campaigning. It was incredibly embarrassing she lost to a degenerate like Donald Trump. A couple of her scandals had some degree to truth to them even if for the most part Faux News and republicans wildly exaggerated them.

2) It didn't help that the Russian puppets at Wikileaks targeted one political party to influence the election.

3) if Hillary had lost against a reasonable moderate like Romney or Huntsman, I could forgive the American people for making the still stupid mistake of electing a republican.

4) Lastly, I agree the DNC is corrupt and completely untrustworthy. They also majorly failed in explaining why the democrat party is better for average joe than the souless GOP who only cares about the profits of the richest among us. Can you imagine the troves of corruption we would find in the RNC emails? We didn't because Putin/Wikileaks knew helping a peon like Trump win was in the best interests of Russia.

However, despite all of that, Trump still should have easily lost. I think it is nothing short of a nightmare that ANY other republican in the 2016 race is not president instead. I wouldn't be happy in the least if Ted Cruz was currently president. I can't stand that creepy piece of shit, but at least I know he has some level of professionalism and intelligence when it would come to being president. At least Cruz would have understood the basics in designing public policy.

Hell, I would GLADLY take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT.

Trump on the other hand is no smarter or more emotionally mature than the degenerate sitting at the corner of the bar at 2AM spouting off conspiracy theories he saw on InfoWars. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics.

All of his corrupt bullshit should have been more than enough for the large majority of American voters to say "fine, I'll vote for Hillary. It sucks, but obviously anyone is better than Trump."

So, the incredibly stupid were also responsible for Obama's two terms? Or do you just pull that one out of the bag when Dems lose their asses?
Sometimes stupid people get things right. Damn, give them some credit. Even many of the developmentally disabled can toilet themselves.
So you can change your own "depends" and feed yourself with minimal assistance?
Trump won over Hillary primarily because Americans are incredibly stupid

Trump won over Hillary, because Hillary and her pathetic sycophants have made it very clear that this is what they think of most Americans.

Letting people know that you think they are stupid is not a very effective way to win their support.
I don't understand how you people so easily misunderstand the basic premise of my thread. ANY other candidate in the 2016 race is far better than Trump.
We had 2, count them... 1,2 candidates to choose from.

Clinton or Trump.

Hillary was not an acceptable candidate for many of us.

You just can't accept this.

The Republicans had 17 candidates to choose from.

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