Trump Won't Allow Other Countries and Organizations to Aid Puerto Rico...

The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

The Jones act was suspended within hours of Texas and Florida's need. Puerto Rico was 8 days. Real Americans should be pissed.

Trump supporters are attacking me because they can't defend his actions. They call me a liar and a hack, yet they haven't, and can't, refute that the words came directly from his mouth. Even John McCain wrote about his disagreement on the decision.

DHS advised the President that it was not necessary to give the waiver at that point in time. He listened to his advisors. DHS made a reassessment with input from all aid agencies and reversed the original decision.

What is your problem?

What is my problem? He waived it for Houston and Florida within hours. I'm not sure what you don't understand. So why do you think he changed his position in one day's period of time following all the public outcry yesterday? Did the conditions in Puerto Rico dramatically change? No... they didn't. What changed is, the public let him know how big of an utter asshole to put money ahead of the lives of American citizens.
DHS made the call.

Who works at the pleasure of the President.
As usual, republicans claim a republican president is merely a potted plant

But the fact remains there are more white people in Texas and Florida than Puerto Rico.

75% white. Whats the issue?

Unbeknownst to Russian trolls like you, Puerto Ricans are Americans.
So how are the US agencies fucking up? I don't think they are based on facts.

Since Maria pummeled the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, FEMA and its federal partners have provided more than 4 million meals, 6 million liters of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting.

An additional 7 million meals and 4 million liters of water are en route to the islands by barge.

What you need to know about the federal response to the crisis in Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico's aid is trapped in thousands of shipping containers - CNN

And? Would the waiver have affected the difficulties in distribution?

The waiver would have brought the needed supplies in a more timely manner. Appalling that this Traitor-in-chief Donald J. Trump can't get his shit together.
If you've never seen a worthless human being, just view Trump's photo.

Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina only this time he is intentionally creating it. "Maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know." What a bitch it must be for the orange-turd to have to watch billions go to help all these people while his fake wall is not funded. One would assume that now every single US territory that is not part of the continental states understands they can expect nothing from the US for their territory.

I have to hand it to you Trump supporters, you squatted over the White House and shat out an orange doozy.

You are really one sicko Snowflake. Make you sleep well at night?
So how are the US agencies fucking up? I don't think they are based on facts.

Since Maria pummeled the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, FEMA and its federal partners have provided more than 4 million meals, 6 million liters of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting.

An additional 7 million meals and 4 million liters of water are en route to the islands by barge.

What you need to know about the federal response to the crisis in Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico's aid is trapped in thousands of shipping containers - CNN

And? Would the waiver have affected the difficulties in distribution?

The waiver would have brought the needed supplies in a more timely manner. Appalling that this Traitor-in-chief Donald J. Trump can't get his shit together.

Are you brain dead? The ports are in ruin so, even if aid came on foreign ships, THE CAN'T UNLOAD THEM! The same holds true with the airports.

Your hatred must let your ulcers get better every day.
If you've never seen a worthless human being, just view Trump's photo.

Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina only this time he is intentionally creating it. "Maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know." What a bitch it must be for the orange-turd to have to watch billions go to help all these people while his fake wall is not funded. One would assume that now every single US territory that is not part of the continental states understands they can expect nothing from the US for their territory.

I have to hand it to you Trump supporters, you squatted over the White House and shat out an orange doozy.

You are really one sicko Snowflake. Make you sleep well at night?

Your opinion is duly comical. Do you ever address the OP in a thread or are you consumed with vomiting on other USMB members?
If you've never seen a worthless human being, just view Trump's photo.

Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina only this time he is intentionally creating it. "Maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know." What a bitch it must be for the orange-turd to have to watch billions go to help all these people while his fake wall is not funded. One would assume that now every single US territory that is not part of the continental states understands they can expect nothing from the US for their territory.

I have to hand it to you Trump supporters, you squatted over the White House and shat out an orange doozy.

You are really one sicko Snowflake. Make you sleep well at night?

Your opinion is duly comical. Do you ever address the OP in a thread or are you consumed with vomiting on other USMB members?

No, he only worries about making his quota of creating 10 threads per day based on Conservative puke.
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So how are the US agencies fucking up? I don't think they are based on facts.

Since Maria pummeled the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, FEMA and its federal partners have provided more than 4 million meals, 6 million liters of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting.

An additional 7 million meals and 4 million liters of water are en route to the islands by barge.

What you need to know about the federal response to the crisis in Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico's aid is trapped in thousands of shipping containers - CNN

And? Would the waiver have affected the difficulties in distribution?

The waiver would have brought the needed supplies in a more timely manner. Appalling that this Traitor-in-chief Donald J. Trump can't get his shit together.

FEMA and other US agencies were there immediately. I've been following the progress right at the FEMA website.

Now if you want to keep slagging the effort that these good people who have been working 24/7 to rescue and aid those in need, go ahead. Just makes you a scumbucket of epic proportions you partisan hack.
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

The Jones act was suspended within hours of Texas and Florida's need. Puerto Rico was 8 days. Real Americans should be pissed.

Trump supporters are attacking me because they can't defend his actions. They call me a liar and a hack, yet they haven't, and can't, refute that the words came directly from his mouth. Even John McCain wrote about his disagreement on the decision.

DHS advised the President that it was not necessary to give the waiver at that point in time. He listened to his advisors. DHS made a reassessment with input from all aid agencies and reversed the original decision.

What is your problem?

What is my problem? He waived it for Houston and Florida within hours. I'm not sure what you don't understand. So why do you think he changed his position in one day's period of time following all the public outcry yesterday? Did the conditions in Puerto Rico dramatically change? No... they didn't. What changed is, the public let him know how big of an utter asshole to put money ahead of the lives of American citizens.

When you put up your thread yesterday I had already posted in it a piece in the Business Insider that said he was still keeping the option open of the waiver following the DHS's reassessment of the conditions.

It wasn't your opinion or anyone else's other than DHS and other agencies agreeing it was time to implement the waiver. By the way the Jones Act has had no effect either way on the rescue/aid progress by the US agencies.

To say otherwise would be a bald face lie.
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

The Jones act was suspended within hours of Texas and Florida's need. Puerto Rico was 8 days. Real Americans should be pissed.

Trump supporters are attacking me because they can't defend his actions. They call me a liar and a hack, yet they haven't, and can't, refute that the words came directly from his mouth. Even John McCain wrote about his disagreement on the decision.

DHS advised the President that it was not necessary to give the waiver at that point in time. He listened to his advisors. DHS made a reassessment with input from all aid agencies and reversed the original decision.

What is your problem?

What is my problem? He waived it for Houston and Florida within hours. I'm not sure what you don't understand. So why do you think he changed his position in one day's period of time following all the public outcry yesterday? Did the conditions in Puerto Rico dramatically change? No... they didn't. What changed is, the public let him know how big of an utter asshole to put money ahead of the lives of American citizens.

When you put up your thread yesterday I had already posted in it a piece in the Business Insider that said he was still keeping the option open of the waiver following the DHS's reassessment of the conditions.

It wasn't your opinion or anyone else's other than DHS and other agencies agreeing it was time to implement the waiver. By the way the Jones Act has had no effect either way on the rescue/aid progress by the US agencies.

To say otherwise would be a bald face lie.

...and you continue to ignore the point being repeated to you several times now. Trump waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida within hours of the hurricanes there. He didn't do that for Puerto Rico DESPITE the fact they are a fucking island that needs the help more than the other two.
So how are the US agencies fucking up? I don't think they are based on facts.

Since Maria pummeled the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, FEMA and its federal partners have provided more than 4 million meals, 6 million liters of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting.

An additional 7 million meals and 4 million liters of water are en route to the islands by barge.

What you need to know about the federal response to the crisis in Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico's aid is trapped in thousands of shipping containers - CNN

And? Would the waiver have affected the difficulties in distribution?

The waiver would have brought the needed supplies in a more timely manner. Appalling that this Traitor-in-chief Donald J. Trump can't get his shit together.

Are you brain dead? The ports are in ruin so, even if aid came on foreign ships, THE CAN'T UNLOAD THEM! The same holds true with the airports.

Your hatred must let your ulcers get better every day.

The ports and airports in Puerto Rico have been open for days. Transportation to the inland parts of the territory have been an issue. The military and private companies have the means to make that happen, and the Traitor-In-Chief has been busy with the NFL to do his job.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Despite the fact that the United States is CONSTANTLY sending aid and helping other countries when disaster strikes, Trump will not allow other countries and outside agencies to send aid to Puerto Rico... all because an act from 1920 that is all about business and NOT disaster relief. So a guy that points to money for all his decisions, is refusing to allow other countries to reciprocate aid for Americans in need... over a nearly century old law. All while it is being reported that between a third to a half of the residents of the island have no clean drinking water.

"Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States."

Trump refuses to send more aid to Puerto Rico, citing business interests
I think you should stop believing everything you read.

Notice the attempt in the story to prop up that lying despicable backstabbing asshole John McCain. A dead giveaway.
This is government red tape already in place before Trump took office. Oh, Trump waived the Jones Act last Thursday.

Puerto Rico is going to get the help it needs.

Maybe you should let the media and people do their job, as it was the pressure created from this criticism that got Trump to change course.
That's right you asshole! Until Rachael Madcow started screaming President Trump didn't have any intention of helping Porto Rico.
GOD you're a fucking POS!!!!!!!
So how are the US agencies fucking up? I don't think they are based on facts.

Since Maria pummeled the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, FEMA and its federal partners have provided more than 4 million meals, 6 million liters of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting.

An additional 7 million meals and 4 million liters of water are en route to the islands by barge.

What you need to know about the federal response to the crisis in Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico's aid is trapped in thousands of shipping containers - CNN

And? Would the waiver have affected the difficulties in distribution?

The waiver would have brought the needed supplies in a more timely manner. Appalling that this Traitor-in-chief Donald J. Trump can't get his shit together.

Are you brain dead? The ports are in ruin so, even if aid came on foreign ships, THE CAN'T UNLOAD THEM! The same holds true with the airports.

Your hatred must let your ulcers get better every day.

The ports and airports in Puerto Rico have been open for days. Transportation to the inland parts of the territory have been an issue. The military and private companies have the means to make that happen, and the Traitor-In-Chief has been busy with the NFL to do his job.
Traitor In Chief? :disbelief:

Obama isn't president anymore!! :hmpf:
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Despite the fact that the United States is CONSTANTLY sending aid and helping other countries when disaster strikes, Trump will not allow other countries and outside agencies to send aid to Puerto Rico... all because an act from 1920 that is all about business and NOT disaster relief. So a guy that points to money for all his decisions, is refusing to allow other countries to reciprocate aid for Americans in need... over a nearly century old law. All while it is being reported that between a third to a half of the residents of the island have no clean drinking water.

"Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States."

Trump refuses to send more aid to Puerto Rico, citing business interests
I think you should stop believing everything you read.

Notice the attempt in the story to prop up that lying despicable backstabbing asshole John McCain. A dead giveaway.
This is government red tape already in place before Trump took office. Oh, Trump waived the Jones Act last Thursday.

Puerto Rico is going to get the help it needs.

Maybe you should let the media and people do their job, as it was the pressure created from this criticism that got Trump to change course.
That's right you asshole! Until Rachael Madcow started screaming President Trump didn't have any intention of helping Porto Rico.
GOD you're a fucking POS!!!!!!!


You focused in on a single individual as your argument despite the news being widespread and the initial decision coming straight from the orange horse's mouth.
The Jones act was suspended within hours of Texas and Florida's need. Puerto Rico was 8 days. Real Americans should be pissed.

Trump supporters are attacking me because they can't defend his actions. They call me a liar and a hack, yet they haven't, and can't, refute that the words came directly from his mouth. Even John McCain wrote about his disagreement on the decision.

DHS advised the President that it was not necessary to give the waiver at that point in time. He listened to his advisors. DHS made a reassessment with input from all aid agencies and reversed the original decision.

What is your problem?

What is my problem? He waived it for Houston and Florida within hours. I'm not sure what you don't understand. So why do you think he changed his position in one day's period of time following all the public outcry yesterday? Did the conditions in Puerto Rico dramatically change? No... they didn't. What changed is, the public let him know how big of an utter asshole to put money ahead of the lives of American citizens.

When you put up your thread yesterday I had already posted in it a piece in the Business Insider that said he was still keeping the option open of the waiver following the DHS's reassessment of the conditions.

It wasn't your opinion or anyone else's other than DHS and other agencies agreeing it was time to implement the waiver. By the way the Jones Act has had no effect either way on the rescue/aid progress by the US agencies.

To say otherwise would be a bald face lie.

...and you continue to ignore the point being repeated to you several times now. Trump waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida within hours of the hurricanes there. He didn't do that for Puerto Rico DESPITE the fact they are a fucking island that needs the help more than the other two.
The Jones Act was waived in Houston and Florida because of the damaged refineries and drilling platforms. No foreign country was bringing aid to either Houston or Florida.

Liberals, lying like the rugs they are.
Trump supporters are attacking me because they can't defend his actions. They call me a liar and a hack, yet they haven't, and can't, refute that the words came directly from his mouth. Even John McCain wrote about his disagreement on the decision.

DHS advised the President that it was not necessary to give the waiver at that point in time. He listened to his advisors. DHS made a reassessment with input from all aid agencies and reversed the original decision.

What is your problem?

What is my problem? He waived it for Houston and Florida within hours. I'm not sure what you don't understand. So why do you think he changed his position in one day's period of time following all the public outcry yesterday? Did the conditions in Puerto Rico dramatically change? No... they didn't. What changed is, the public let him know how big of an utter asshole to put money ahead of the lives of American citizens.

When you put up your thread yesterday I had already posted in it a piece in the Business Insider that said he was still keeping the option open of the waiver following the DHS's reassessment of the conditions.

It wasn't your opinion or anyone else's other than DHS and other agencies agreeing it was time to implement the waiver. By the way the Jones Act has had no effect either way on the rescue/aid progress by the US agencies.

To say otherwise would be a bald face lie.

...and you continue to ignore the point being repeated to you several times now. Trump waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida within hours of the hurricanes there. He didn't do that for Puerto Rico DESPITE the fact they are a fucking island that needs the help more than the other two.
The Jones Act was waived in Houston and Florida because of the damaged refineries and drilling platforms. No foreign country was bringing aid to either Houston or Florida.

Liberals, lying like the rugs they are.

It was waived within HOURS of the hurricanes, with no time to even think about the pros and cons of the results... and Houston and Florida aren't even islands that have to depend on ships for everything.

Even the post you just made is a symbol of the problem. You stated the decision was about oil not the people. :rolleyes:

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