Trump worst modern President, Obama moves to top ten

Because even you idiots know going full retard is never a good idea.
If you voted for the Orange Buffoon because you thought he would be a good president or was intelligent or was a nice guy (as opposed to voting for him because you're a Republican or hated Hillary/Biden), you have no right calling anybody an idiot, or a retard. Voting for that moronic piece of scummy shit for those first three reasons I mentioned are literally the dictionary definition of being a retard and an idiot. And usually white trailer trash, too.
rightwinger I agree, its hard to find any communist/college professor that liked trump

How do you explain those same “communist/college professors” having Reagan at number nine?
They can’t. You know why? Because they are poor little snowflakes who can’t hand the fact that Trump was a piss poor president.
For who? Journalists? The rest of us were enjoying a pretty good economy. What you thought of it wasn’t and still isn’t even relevant.
I am doing much better under the Biden economy. Trump’s handling of the Covid crisis was so stupendously inept, he cost this nation incalculable losses in both treasure and lives.
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Let’s see…

LBJ led the nation from JFKs assassination, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Medicare, Medicaid

He led us into Vietnam but made the same decision JFK, Nixon, Goldwater would have made.

Trump provided inept leadership during COVID, destroyed international alliances, was impeached twice
Trump also twice failed to win the popular vote and was voted out of office the consequence of his incompetence and failure; Trump was denied a second term by the people who did not want him to remain as president, and appropriately so.
Oh no. It’s the popular vote thing again. Have you ever considered how a republic works? Trump supposedly “lost” by less than 50k in fraudulent votes.
You just lost all credibility.
Trump is fourth worst in history (tied for third worst) and the worst in 150 years
Historians look at his presidency as a disaster.

The historians rate Trump as the worst president in history on two of 10 qualities, "moral authority" and "administrative skills." His strongest standing is on "public persuasion," on which he was ranked No. 32.

How much empirical and objective data was used by historians? As a profession, their subjectivity is accepted more so than other professions.
rightwinger I agree, its hard to find any communist/college professor that liked trump

How do you explain those same “communist/college professors” having Reagan at number nine?
They can’t. You know why? Because they are poor little snowflakes who can’t hand the fact that Trump was a piss poor president.
For who? Journalists? The rest of us were enjoying a pretty good economy. What you thought of it wasn’t and still isn’t even relevant.
I am doing much bette under the Biden economy. Trump’s handling of the Covid crisis was so stupendously inept, he cost this nation uncountable losses in both treasure and lives.
You must live in a red state. Trump didn’t fuck your year. Democrats did that.
Trump is fourth worst in history (tied for third worst) and the worst in 150 years
Historians look at his presidency as a disaster.

The historians rate Trump as the worst president in history on two of 10 qualities, "moral authority" and "administrative skills." His strongest standing is on "public persuasion," on which he was ranked No. 32.
OMG!!!...It takes at least 20 yrs after an admin to evaluate an admins ranking......................LOLOL.We're on Bush One The Ass Grabber.
For who? Journalists? The rest of us were enjoying a pretty good economy. What you thought of it wasn’t and still isn’t even relevant.
Who gives a fuck about the economy when people are dying because the loon thinks COVID will just 'disappear' one day. It'll be a 'miracle'. Or that is so narcissistic, he doesn't care who he hurts, gets locked up (and they are just those that supported him), vicariously - if not directly - calls for an insurrection, belittles gold star families, war heroes, those with disabilities. This is your guy? This is your hero? Pfffftt.....
I sometimes wonder, who is/are more scummier. The Orange piece of shit or those that voted for it.
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Let’s see…

LBJ led the nation from JFKs assassination, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Medicare, Medicaid

He led us into Vietnam but made the same decision JFK, Nixon, Goldwater would have made.

Trump provided inept leadership during COVID, destroyed international alliances, was impeached twice
Trump also twice failed to win the popular vote and was voted out of office the consequence of his incompetence and failure; Trump was denied a second term by the people who did not want him to remain as president, and appropriately so.
Oh no. It’s the popular vote thing again. Have you ever considered how a republic works? Trump supposedly “lost” by less than 50k in fraudulent votes.
You just lost all credibility.
I’m apparently not the one who doesn’t know how this republic works. Go look up the electoral college and get back to me.
For who? Journalists? The rest of us were enjoying a pretty good economy. What you thought of it wasn’t and still isn’t even relevant.
Who gives a fuck about the economy when people are dying because the loon thinks COVID with just 'disappear' one day. It'll be a 'miracle'. Or that is so narcissistic, he doesn't care who he hurts, gets locked up (and they are just those that supported him), vicariously - if not directly - calls for an insurrection, belittles gold star families, war heroes, those with disabilities. This is your guy? This is your hero? Pfffftt.....
I sometimes wonder, who is/are more scummier. The Orange piece of shit or those that voted for it.
Your complaint was the economy. Did you lose track of that?
Trump is fourth worst in history (tied for third worst) and the worst in 150 years
Historians look at his presidency as a disaster.

The historians rate Trump as the worst president in history on two of 10 qualities, "moral authority" and "administrative skills." His strongest standing is on "public persuasion," on which he was ranked No. 32.
Good or bad is subjective. Historians are just people like myself and you. Well except I am educated. These lists are stupid. There are those who believe Brett Favre should be rated higher on the all time list than Tom Brady
For who? Journalists? The rest of us were enjoying a pretty good economy. What you thought of it wasn’t and still isn’t even relevant.
The objective, documented evidence is compelling and overwhelming: Trump was unfit to be president.

Trump had no understanding of, or experience with, sound, responsible governance.

Unprepared, ignorant of the law and public policy, Trump had no business holding any elected office.

Indeed, Trump’s ‘presidency’ was a dreadful mistake – a mistake thankfully corrected by the people last year.
In 2000, C-SPAN's original team of academic advisers devised a survey in which participants used a 1 ("not effective") to 10 ("very effective") scale to rate each president on 10 qualities of presidential leadership: Public Persuasion, Crisis Leadership, Economic Management, Moral Authority, International Relations, Administrative Skills, Relations with Congress, Vision/Setting an Agenda, Pursued Equal Justice for All and Performance Within the Context of the Times. In 2009, 2017 and 2021, following a change in administrations, subsequent surveys have been conducted using these same 10 characteristics.
Trump is fourth worst in history and the worst in 150 years
Historians look at his presidency as a disaster.

The historians rate Trump as the worst president in history on two of 10 qualities, "moral authority" and "administrative skills." His strongest standing is on "public persuasion," on which he was ranked No. 32.

Who gives a shit what a bunch of commie academics have to say. Maobama is the reason Trump was elected in the first place. Well and everyone hated the bitch.

"Everyone hated the bitch"? Guess what? He served two terms, fuckwad. Then there's your boy Trump........

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