Trump would be the first incombent President to lose despite high marks on economy

Apparently republicans think the economy important, while supposedly, democrats think the Covid-19 the most pressing issue. Funny thing is that the virus shouldn't be an election issue at all. It isn't like Trump, Biden or any president can make a virus just go away! Electing Biden won't change a thing.

If Trump loses, he'll be voted out of office:
  1. With best economy ever.
  2. Warp Speed vaccine around the corner.
  3. Law and order president.
  4. Improved trade.
  5. Numerous world issues handled or resolved.
Republicans are lap dog losers who cower at the imperative tone of Democrat urban machine theives.

They have since FDR.

The Box 13 scandal was an event which occurred in Alice, Texas during the Senate election of 1948.[1] Lyndon B. Johnson was on the verge of losing the election to Coke Stevenson. Six days after polls had closed, 202 additional ballots were discovered in Precinct 13, which were in Johnson's favor. Stevenson was about 854 votes ahead of Johnson during the run-off. Stevenson was still ahead by midday, but after the discovery of the additional ballots, 200 additional votes for Johnson were discovered, leading to his victory by 87 votes out of 1 million voters.

Thanks, Jim! Not sure if I ever heard that story before!
This is not over.


  • In Wisconsin, Trump's early lead fizzled as Milwaukee absentee ballots were counted, leading to a Democratic lead, and with 95% of the vote counted, Biden now has a razer-thin 21,000 vote lead.
  • The race in Michigan was razor thin as well, with Trump fractionally in the lead at 49.4%, vs 48.9% for Biden according to Edison Research, although Michigan's Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said "hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots remain to be tabulated" and they will have a "much more complete picture" of Michigan’s results by end of the day.
  • Georgia saw Trump up by 102,000 with 94% of the vote counted by more votes expected to be counter from the Democratic stronghold of Atlanta.
  • North Carolina similarly saw Trump up by just under 80,000 votes with 94% of the vote counted, although like in Georgia much of the mailed-in ballots were outstanding
  • Pennsylvania, a critical state for both candidates, saw Trump lead by 55.7% to 43.1%, but here too most of the metropolitan mailed-in votes were yet to be counted. Pennsylvania officials said they expect all votes to be counted by Friday.
  • Nevada had Biden up by only 8,000 with 67% of the vote tallied; Edison has reported that counting will not resume until noon ET on Thursday with outlets reports the candidates both on 49% with ~85% of votes tabulated.
Apparently republicans think the economy important, while supposedly, democrats think the Covid-19 the most pressing issue. Funny thing is that the virus shouldn't be an election issue at all. It isn't like Trump, Biden or any president can make a virus just go away! Electing Biden won't change a thing.

If Trump loses, he'll be voted out of office:
  1. With best economy ever.
  2. Warp Speed vaccine around the corner.
  3. Law and order president.
  4. Improved trade.
  5. Numerous world issues handled or resolved.
Republicans are lap dog losers who cower at the imperative tone of Democrat urban machine theives.

They have since FDR.

The Box 13 scandal was an event which occurred in Alice, Texas during the Senate election of 1948.[1] Lyndon B. Johnson was on the verge of losing the election to Coke Stevenson. Six days after polls had closed, 202 additional ballots were discovered in Precinct 13, which were in Johnson's favor. Stevenson was about 854 votes ahead of Johnson during the run-off. Stevenson was still ahead by midday, but after the discovery of the additional ballots, 200 additional votes for Johnson were discovered, leading to his victory by 87 votes out of 1 million voters.

Thanks, Jim! Not sure if I ever heard that story before!
Yea, being from Texas and my GRandfather a Union leader, people have heard all kinds of things about LBJ behind the scenes. He likely had two opponents murdered and jacked off on JFK's corpse as they flew them back to DC after the assassination, or at least that is the rumor. It would be typical LBJ crudity had he done so.
Trump needs to get his lawyers into high gear and do recounts and open those boxes of ballots to verify the physical count, and not let these bastards steal the election.

The worst outcome is in the future of the GOP. They are basically not ever going to win the W.H for some time. They don't have anyone like Trump who can drag in these former Dem voters, so, they will all go back to the Dems, not wanting to back a loser Party who can't offer them anything anymore. The GOP has been extinguished by the very Neo-Cons who used to run it. I'm sure they will do ok through the dreadful Paris Accord.

Black and Latino voter gains, all for naught. Trump Jr. won't fill a void, nor Rubio. It's a full sharp left turn and GOP can't compete with all the free stuff and Big Tech media control.

The U.S will definitely be making a sharp turn left. The GOP as a Party won't recover. The will be relegated to the House and Senate. This election result is a sign that this is Chinas Century.
The entire concept of a fair election is over. Fraud rules the day. This isn't going to change. The USA is over. Dead.
Poor baby. :itsok:
You too. All of us.

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